WH'E " N X jjajl & Just a few bushels of bo will the money yci interest we will pay y liberal interest consis -rule- rflcr Iivfc* i nil! C. B. Cheatham, Prea UNDER super; FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager CN* yxab, - - $1.00 "a MONTHS, .86 ! III! UK MONTHS. - .96 FslUiV, August 5 1910, Jt ' J,et the commissioners consider building a nefr court house at their next meeting. It's impossible for any man to make the good people of this country believe that the Republicans carry out their promises?or even attempt to. There is one thing that we must commend Mr. Hicks for and that is he openly endorsed either Mr. Adams or Mr. Duncan against Ma-1 rion Butler and Morehead. The thing most needed by Franklin county at present is a new conrt house, and we do not .feel that the commissioners would receive much criticism if they woull erect one. J.G. Careyi.e, ex-Secretary ot the U. S. Treasury daring Cleveland's administration, died at the Wolcott hotel in New York on Sunday night, at 11:05 o'clock of indigestion. If some of the more substantial citizens of Franklin county would give the County Commissioners a little encouragement we feel that the new court house would be a great deal nearer us. Tor Republicans mac attack Grover Cleveland's administration, bat, t when you reader, and everybody else understands the i enuine principles which they attach, there is not one of you but what will say that he ' "p>* was right. Senator Aldrtch's reported connection with the Knbber Trust and the favoritism shown that organization in the tariff revision brings the great Republican leader down into the mire of personal profit statesmanship.?National Magazine. Mr. T. T. Hicks, of Henderson, in his speech here Monday took par; ticular pains not to explain to the farmers why the Republican partv placed an additionol tax on tobacco. It's up to yon gentlemen whether or \ not you will believe that the tobacco X" trust will pay you two cents more a pound for your weed. It was not Mqossary for Mr. Hicks, who spoke here Monday, to refer to incidents as tar back aa 1860 and '68, or *72, or oven 111'. He could easily have referred to oonditiona existing in North Carolina and Franklin county in 1894 tr*98. If he had iHb&JiL'? . t - f ' 1 ;k lauVpHARvi YOUR^C wheat planted in the rround become ma i put in our bank fremiti me to time beco ou will help it srrow^ Make our bank toot with safety 4 per cdnt. _ 1 YIERS &. MERCHAN i L6UISBURG, M. C. OFFICERS F. X. Egerton. Vico-Pres. R. M. S. Clifton, Assistant Cashier. \ MSION OF THE STATE OF NO done this there would have been men present who understood the conditions then, but no, he knew this and knew they were not familiar with the times of which he spoke. Earth er it is hardly reasonable to suppose | that he would like to review those , times, a Dr. H. H. Gru'Pex aild Miss j Ethel Claire Leneve, were caught j and placed under arrest on board j the ship Montrose, by Inspector of I the Scotland Yards Dew, at Father i Point, Quebec, on Sunday last. The j girl wh^n arrested was dressed in! boys clothing and they were travel-1 ing under the name of "Rev. John Robinson and Son." They were taken back to England yesterday for trial. Wk do not see how a peison who j beard the speech of Mr. T. T. Hicks here Monday could, in justicfe to himself, vote the Republican ticket. This may be a little broad, but when you make the contrast that the Republican party has the public at | | heart and comuare it with the abs>>- | i lute fact that they have placed the | | additional tax of two cents a pound | I on tobacco, and have attempted to ] "bull-doze" the cotton exchange for ! the purpose of keeping cotton down. | Then again he says that it makes j laws for all the people, may-be so, but the Payne-Aldrich tariff law has j beeu charged with be ng the cause | | of the high c-. st of living which has | jbeen very successfully proven. What] I say you gentlemen ? tfc ? fx a recent issue of the t.reen ville Reflector contained this: "{The Republicans throughont the ' State are?getting ready to put up tickets just to see tbem knocked I ddftn. But they have to do something to make the government bos| ses think they are earning their I jobs." . ' * J The most charitable construction i we can place npon that assertion is that it ;was made from force of habit, and in the carelessness and recklessness that follows irom habit. The percentage of increase in the Republican' vote in North Carolina the past few years, the counties added to the i Republican column, the increase in I members of the general assembly, and the capture of sionai districte tn the last campaign, prove beyond a doubt that there is not a word of truth in the charge that the,Republican* are merely putting up tickets to "see them knocked down," Tte Democrats are trying awful hard to believe the Republicans are Tiot in earnest about t.he growth of their party in the Siate. The Reflector's charge that the Republicans have to do something think they are earning their jobs is a shot from a small-bore gun. It sounds like a retort from u "Smart \ " ' T" - '* ' * y >' \ j' . "* . . v r ested 11 | :oin | the v:: i ANK I |*f | *=* V ; i ny bushels olSgrain M me & big sum. The ] C your bank. We paVv^ ? ITS BANK \ | Y. McAden, Cashier. K RTH CAROLINAAleck" street urohin, who is growing B up without manners and without K parental training. Suoh ill-manner- fij ed performances are more objects of B pity than contempt. fy The foregoing Came to The Re- (9 dector in a letter, with nothing to in- B dicate who sent it, or what paper the clipping was taken. It is evp- OS dentlv taken from a Republican ps- B per that, like the oflice holders, is trying to "make a show for the n money." It is a truth that hits, and B what is tjuoted from The Reflector ^ aosve went straight to the mark. M Xo, oud, this writer is not in the street urchin class, but has been at fey, it long enough to grow gray headed in the business, it his hair had not B? been a kind that don't turn gray. Jy And we long ago learned to see ?3 through Republican tricks.?Gre$?^ yille Rellector. JUST LOOK. | ? We take the following fr^m the B Raleigh Evening Times, vjhic|h goes iSi to show what the manyfaituring Eg interests think of the situation. B Mr. Erwin is one of the lnrgc-stS?t- r> ton mil! men in the State and his OS statement will give the black-eye to B the Republican claim of prosperity. X The article is as follows : C* Mr. VT. A. Erwin, the cotton mill B man, says: ? 'They *alk about Cleveland pan-1 g ' ics, free soup and other things, 11B want somebody to name this one. I | jC am waiting for it. I do not see how |c? ' it could possibly be worse, and I see i B I no prospect of an early change." IK Mr. Erwin, with his cotton mills > G> standing idle or running on short IB time, evidently doesn't think mueh of the kind of prosperity thi t the ; John Mutley Morehead brand ot PO'lB litics is lmngiug to the South.? Jy Durham Evening Sun. Gs Marie Wood, Colored Dead. J* -Marie Eva Ridley Wood, colored Jg died at her borne in Lonisburg on <5 July 15tb, 1910. She wis a g daughter of Jobn and Millie Ridley | J? and wu born in Oxford February JS |-7th, 1872. She was thirty-nine fi | years old and leaves a husband and Q I four cbildretl^ * We thank onr white iS and colored friends for the beautiful Jj I flowers. Jjj 7-29-11. R. 8 D. E. MILIAR I JE^EIV/ I Louisburg,/N. C. | With a nice we* Xelecterf. Jjj stock of JewejA- I tm in A position tjt ?Ltisfy\most p any one desiang anything 5 in rav line. / : : \ : G I Also lo Repairing? - of WAT?IE.S and JF.U A g ELRInd will give yon \ < j the ver# beat of work \ I j l/Very truly ' n Dfk ?MiLL?R 1 ji Candler-Crow< I Wish To " I W 1 1 renovated and rqmode i _ .. . to the Northern mark! J | immediate and fall ate J' In\ the/ Meai the, Remain \[ Ege^ton St< S I x We, will be glad to ! | at all timep and exten |' / Vrv^i fC j vua o j! Candler-Crow< 5 .7 Louisbun IIL==L^=S= c I Friends & ( 3 ^ '> 5 As we stated last wee] g would open our hoi | the new ^rop c | Thursday, A A We feel like that we need no introduction to thj/toi a the business for twenty years and during all this tir 5 bition to serve our customers to the best adva/itriee, 3 experience in selling their tobacco. We flatter otari W we have been raising, selling and buying it lot all Hi O tory we know it. If you should think that dxperieni ft averages tor all the time we have been in hosiness. S A uotinnoor n innn wVin hoa nn tnnavin* in/ea1lin? *V St who was with us last season and who gavsfour custo; A honest and courteous treatment of each jtnd every < flf tor will he Mr. G. C: Bar lis, who will ye that ever X weighed. We have associated with us JSr. J. Edgar V floor and general manager and who will see that eve y placed on the floor and who will look out for your int V we would say that we have the most/modern and be lit also have nice and well ventilated Caltap rooms, also 4 of your baggage. We have plenty Water, in the wari ft stalls for them. We are in the biminess to serve an A ly for your patronage in the past, f We hope and beli J vor us with hard work and untirjpg efforts to bettei V day. Thursday, August 18th, 19l/. I Meadows | LOUISBUF I AT FARMERS N. JB. Our eolipitora are William Willia v^r s / ?CUtMCU1U >11 Co. I Announce | he coming week their store will be thoroughly 1 Hi led. A? soon as this is compieted? they will go I Jt8 and purchase their supply of dry goods for 1 ng a Time We are Showing '? der of the F. N. & K.~ Z; j? 3ck at Liberal Discounts. | g lee all the customers rind friends of the old tirm < SS ding a hearty welcome to new ones, we are i mC > Serve M >11 Company i l, N^C X:- !g m q )UR ^ I Customers I k in 7the TIMES we || ise ?6r the sale of gg )f tobacco on M ugust 18th I >accp growers of this section, having been in &aA nc it has been our highest aim anil greatest am- tSf , ttjereby giving them the benefit of, our. long W selves when we say that we know tobacco, aa TO ese years. Ave from the plant bed to the fac- Gu ce don't count come and let us show you our CM \Our force thiH season will be Mr. 11. T. Bailey, {o& its weed. Book-keeper?Mr. Walter Farribow', SX ntkra and ourselves perfect satisfaction by his ' >nV_ Oar assistant book-keeper and weigh mas- }K J wis ?f tobacco is carefully and correctly Jfttf. Harris who has had years of experience, as our CO iry pHe of your tobacco is properly and neatly ' 7W ' crest and comfort in every way In conclusion ( ? st lighted house in the whole tobacco belt. We CM a good baggage room so that we can take care "* fSA house fbr your team, also nice and well littered iV) d p ease yorr. Thank inc *' -~m ucoriiiy an.i kindeve that the short crop of this year will endea- fwj r please yoh in the future. Don't forget the :& Harris ? * 1G, N. C. \ ?1 ..WAREHOUSt1 22 jjj^ "V ;. ^ >.\ . "' *, . ' ' i-; '?' * ' ? - - ? ~v. >- *,v* - * *:'v- . v '. r: , \