lyiCTr., *. . ' * ... , . ' THE HOME Cll Pleasant Evening Reve cated to Tired Mo* the Home Gircle CRUDE THOUGHTS FROI How many thing* we hope"(or, expect, yat do not attain. All paths are not smooth in this dear old world of ours. There-are thorns on many aides and rocky as well as slippery places ior our feet. Disappoint-ment will come to the best of us', but the brave point will taae new sT courage after each failure and press on to * otoryl God bless the weary hearts,they Wave grown weary in. well doing. Lot them take on fresh oourage and l ope,* for there is more good than evil in this old world of '.'Ure, A righteous life will be rewarded yr.d a just osnae car. never die. Soldiers may fall in battle, bul others tfc ore are to take their places. ? The tratb cannot be var-pushed. It mav he crus'ed to earth, bnt if will laissd again a thelisand-fold ""stronger and illuminate the world. Let us lend a loving, helping hand to the weary hearts. ? * WOMAN'S KXT^AVAliANeK. How much is said and written upon this subject. Now pause a moment, my dear masculine friend, and let us compare notes. We "''ill be very, brief and only enumerate a very: very few so as not to tax yonr patience in the least or weary you with many comparisons. To be sure our ribbons and laces .look like great propidious piles to your unfemiaine eyes, but could not the entire lot le bought with the money thrown away , in your cigar stumps? Our darling bonnets, though so Itllipution in this age, we admit cost a trifle, but so do all those luxuries over the way where we,~poor souls, never care nor dare to eater, and where even you for modesty's sake, have to go in at the back entrance. Our silks and satinR cost less than your broad cloth, while our boots?dear, dainty little things, are scarce a third of the price ofs your own. Now saying othing of your clubs,-and the secret associations to which- yon beloDg, but ignoring all the superfluities of our sex, I would ask, not overbal--, anced by those of your own? Where are they?_ ? ? COMPANIONSHIP. Much has been written on the subjects of truth, love and duty; suggestions to mothers, methods ef house-keeping and , home-making, and manv other subjecfi, helping inspiring all of them; bht ~iT is the - greatest hero of every-day life?the provider of the home, the protector of the tireside?the husband and father, we wish to say a word of ptaise aed for his benefit over a tew ?-?suggestions^aita.?With what unselfish devotion be labors to secure for you the comforts, luxuries and pleasures of life ! Whether it is in the shop, behind the counter, in the office, at the factory in the mill; or oa the farm, it is with one purpose in view?he works strives and slaves, patiently, uncomplainingly, year in, year out, for the comfort and happiness of j those he loyee?wife and children. ftw. ?. ..A- - * man n uu, lur meir saKes, laces a combination of discouraging circumstances, distressing financial difficulties, numberless failures, and keeps steadfastly at his post, defying them all, is a hero and nothing less. We meet thsjjiy every day. Such they are, and doubtless will continue to be as long ^as there is a home worthy of protection, a child worthy of care, and a woman worthy of love. . And now, little woman, a woid with yon. If some manly man has chosen -you to reign queen in his heart and home, know in that capacity yon fill the moat sacred, the most honorable position in which woman ?_i - l ean aspire. In it yon appear in your most stored and dignified character. "To be able to reinforce your husband in the work of life," and rear your children for positions of uaefff fulness is a work worthy of your ? I . / j RCLE COLUMN. 5ri68? A Column DsdiLhsrs as They Join at Evening Tide I THE EDITORIAL PEN most careful anil prayerful consider, ation. There are many ways in which you can lighten" Uu labor and strengthen his hands ahd gladden his hagrt (for yhis purpose were you created, the *fcelj>-meet," the oora| forcing mioisteurite guardian angel i of man,) but it^H way more effectively than by staffing to make your, self the intelligent, interested, sympathetic companion of your husband, The power and influence of the wife in beautifying and Viewing or blighting and cursing the life and prospects of the hnsband can hardly be estimated. One thing is certain; No man succeeds as well in life as be who has in life's partner a sharer }n all his purposes liTtd hopes, a OOUbSellot itl every difficulty, a sympathiser in every sorrow, 'l'hen see that nothing prevents you giving him yonr sweetest smiles, your kindest words. They are worth more to him?he cares mors for them?than all the gold be earns. Arrange yonr household a flairs so that you can spend the evenings in pleasant companionship with him, will be amplv compensated for any sacrifice j on may have to make. With all our hearts we believe that a proper nnderatanaing of the term companionship as applied to the wedded state would have sav^ed many a home from tui.i and kept the pnre and holy flame of love tiom dying out in many a heart and besides many hearthstones. Again we charge yon, be your husband's companion. ... That _yvas a wise remark of a wise woman who said she counted the battle of life won if, at fifteen her children preferred their home to any other place in the world?a remark nst tree without exceptions, bat to be trusted a great ways. D1I PC 3d ""mediate relief from r 1LC3 Dr Shoop's Ha^lc Ointment BINGHAM THE BIXQHAM SCHOOL. AsbevlTTkri crunnt ioe?Md on the Ash-vtn. fliitM, i SCHOOL CU5TR0L and rxftEltar Bon ex, 1793 1910 . ' Not Sisters Now and again you see two womert^r ing down the street who look like sist You are astonished to learn that they mother and daughter, and you realize a woman at forty or forty-five bught ti at her finest and fairest.* Why isn't it The general health of woman is so timately associated with the local he of the essentially feminine organs there can be no red cheeks and rc form where there is female weaknes Women who have suffered froi ft*t ?hare .found?prom] relief and cure in the use of D Pierce's Favorite Prescription, organs of womanhood. It clet eyes and reddens the cheeks. No alcohol, 6r habit-forming drugs Any sick woman may consult Dr. I held as sacredly confidential, and an | World's Dispensary Medical Associati j | TTXJRj^ * MY LINE OB 1 COMPLETE A And I can nvi A what you bare in town call o> line, I will /a showing yoa w V " "* also eanY i 4 SEWING MA/TH Remennwr I w you joint on ei I j] D ] A Complete Line of t'ni V" ,1 ' y-*' .ffifr' <<* ' Lt-V V. ]?, ewi\ . ^? c VOK SALE. One huudred ?d seventy-five nice ewes i and lambs, thfsfc dollars and fifty cents ; each. Stryfly 11. H. iiakbi*. NOTICE TO CREDITORS llavipg qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Ciiro C- Edwards, late of Franklin courjty, thi&ds to notify all persons having claiufs against tnc estate of said dectedenjrto exhibit the | : same to the underaigjfied on or before I the 22nd day of U*ily? 1911, or this [ notice will be plead. in bar of their re- j . covery. All ik^iIc is indebted to said | estate will please n akc immediate pay-1 ment. This dfllv *, +ncT, 1910.W^Tri. I vffix. Executor. Photographs. 1 hue formed a nartnersh|6 with Mr. J. D. Brinkley, of Oxford, /J. C., and will be in a position tor woA Louisburg Franklintpn and YnunWswleregularly now All work will bA/nished in the verv latest styles in ounballery at Oxford. Will be in Louirfnrg July 21 to August 1; Franklintodt August 2 to 13; Youngsville August iCtOW. We will d" developing and fim.hina and carry a full line of hand /cameras, amateur supplies, sic. Bhlargenknts from original negatives it |1 ? W. f. WASHINGTON STEGALL & DRAKE LOUISBURG, N^rth Carolina. J We have recently Vprmed a copartnership in the Berber business in order that fte may more closely look after JiA interest of our customers. Wle wall continue business at the olfl Sfegall shop on Court street fxheri you will always find everything Clean, neat and up-t/elate. We will run three chars from\now on tliatyou may dot have to wait so long to be wated on. Give ns a call. . f STEGALiLa drake I ^ ^^mmmmm LOUISBURG COLEGE ! NorJfc Caroling \ / = A school for giWs aid young I women owned by e aorth CarI olina Conference! It offers healthful conditions J A hapnv | home. Christian influences. A j liberal culture, a thorough education at moderate colh Special care given to youngerkwla. Preparatory De arlment Collegiate Dep< rtmVnt, With Thirteen chools Normal Depai tmen^ J For full infermatic j, address \ Pres. M. D. I LI.EN, \ LOl'ISBURti, N. Carolina \ t?bM reparrol Boys to be Htm *--JVTTFi"\f Tilrsllj Oe^frojtn otiter'W.t It ^ivei vim>r and vitalHj to th* irs the complexion, brightfens tho is contained inl1'Favorite Prescription.'* Pierce by letKr, free. Every letter il swered in a pwin envelope. Address t on, Dr-R.V. Pnrce Pres., Buffal.. tE>; - ' _^m ttm"" ; and Boysj you wi\ ride easy. Blackberries have gone 'but good W d cider \nd one bundled fine Baltimore buggies, the very ; and it wll start on roe first, second, thud or fourth =e a good time, and give the girls a good time, you oau't A y running rubber tjye Baltimore Buggy. I have them, unty ha -dlrog tliyh, They are warranted 305 daye and A ish, on Time and Sometime Come and Take a Look. # x can F&ke the old lad\ and the orirla to tiio B ? "-""' 'S wto tlia advertisementV take th? paper down to the barn i ly a?urry, because yoi\ girls can use it to go to storm ? ctJTthem functums .tins fall. Come to see me when m >'s frop looks. He is tae man who owes me for the o fou, show yon my buqgies and give ydn* a drink of Af >. HIL-1_ j P. FSOUVED "hat a barrel isa nice :ool thin g to wea r- but vro wants to wear a 5arrel when we have apparel that |< JUST A_5 COOL amd , looks wuch Better. i buster brqwn/^^ ' ltOWN(Acaiu??| HAT IS SOU? FITS LITTLE BET- || CEL. WE AWE NOT ASHAMED |||| V . [ WE FIT oUllTO LOOK AT HIS a ,IGEE GARMENTS MIGHT JUST ERLY CUT, / l\ COST No MORE HANUFACTlMlERLS ARE CARENOT WI^I TG MAKE GOOD IS "JU.ST A.S " A - i niiHCi GOOD CAN/BE NO BETTER THAN rE DO NOT/CLAIM flHAT WHAT "JU.ST AC GOOD,"\BUT THAT rOULD YJU NOT RAWER HAVE I ' ?? CoMI TO A (Soap PLAGE. GOOD THING,?. \ 1e Wpen Vou arc in Mown vv 11 ? J \ - .r' v x*" * ' ( * ' . V, . y' * y, - ' - 'j"jkJfetiMMt' *