Ri^ ? 1 ; , > *' _ . Openi Thursday WWwWWWWWWWWW~ I THE \ I fruit Jan Youngsville Items J. B. Perry and wife are spending eome time at Jackson Springs. D. W. Spiiey and C. C. Winston have just returned from a ten days vacation at Norfolk. They report a fine trip. Claude Cheatham was taken to Kex Hospital last Saturday Tor treitment of the fever. He is getting on very nicely. Misses Leeie Pugb, of Morrisrille, Margie Macon, of Louisburg and Nellie Whitfield, of Franklinton, ate ? visiting at J. C. W'nstons this week. Miss Mamie Perkins, of Spencer, is visiting at Joe Winston. Miss Rubv Winston has inst turned from a visit to Mrs. Clifton, near Louisbnre. Squire Medlin has just finished his summer course at Wake Forest college and returned here for his - ' . fall work. J. W. Duke has his new brick building on Main street about completed, which adds very much to the appearance of Main street. S. E. Winston has about completed bis residence on Railroad street. ft. Patterson has commenced to build his nice residence and is pushing the work very rapidly. The little infant ot C. E. Longs died Sunday and Was hurried Monday. The services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Rose, of Franklinton. Rev. J. W Patton preached a very fine Masonic aermop to the public at the Baptist cbnrch last \ Sunday afternoon. Protracted services are in progress at Oak Level this week. Service* being conducted by the pastor, Rivr. Mr. Patton, assisted by Rev. Mr. Clements. il. E. Pearce, I). S., carried three prisoners to jail last Tuesday-T^j L - are to serve a thirty dajt* SlLleuoe oath. road. Our boya played a game of base ball here last Saturday against the },. strong team from Franklintoo and k**1 b* th* *??,e ^ 1(1 to 6 r, 7 -r . :7jm, V- *f *x.t* v - "r^ ' rside ll> j ing Sale , Aug. 25. WA P. A \A s, Jar Rubbc Everything the R( Our boys played good ball and showed up well against such a strong team. YVe can boast ot having the best borne team in the State. We learn that the tobacco market ] will epen here in full force next j week. Youngeville market sold more tobacco last season than it has j for several years and our warehouse- i | men are making preparations to | I handle their share again this season. The same firms will continue here again. And we are more than glad that Mr. Massenburg will be here again for the American Tobacco Co. as he adds great strength to our market. P. W. Red Bud Items. Aa I haven't seen anything in the I Times from Red Bud in ?o long 1 _;n i :? ?? n ,n ocutg iu a lew licms. The farmers I ave about finished laying by their crops, and are baping to have a little vacation. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell has been quite sick the past week. I Little Annie Lee Smith, of Cedar Rock, has been spending some lime with her brother, G. B. Smith. G. C. Lancaster, "of Greensboro, Ijincaster, of lied Bad. * M. D. Smith is having . his r?siI dence repainted. ' D. W- Gnpton and wife spent a i part of Saturday and Sunday with I their daughter, Mrs. Willis "Williams in Nash county. Our Sunday School is progressing fine. Superintendent Griffin requests us to extend a cordial invitation to all who will come Oft and join. , Misses Satlie and Eunice Mitchell spent- Saturday night with Miss Ophelia Thompson, of Centreville. Miss Dei die Lancaster his been , spending seme time with ber sister, . Mrs. Ntfe. Jenkins, of Nashville. Mm Mpf HqRiagaworth, who " Tias bMfl attending the summer i sohopTst Greenville, has retsrnsd ^Billie Shesrin avd family, of near \ e I ; * ' *' V. %*> " * ;" *" jT r^\ ? \ ? ?EPl r0ji i T: v. RE/ rHOLESAU LOUISBUl >rs, Tobacct itail Merchants News. Let as Figur Rocky Mount, visited relatives here 1 the past week. Wishing the Timks and its editor much success. Oh You Kii>. Boastful Patriots Republican newspapers and spellbinders have been caught in their own net through the prematura boasting of larger receipts from the tariff duties. That carefully concocted declaration of the Republican Ohio says that the Payne tariff lSw~ ! has justified tbe expectation of itj. friends by turning a national defic- ' it into a surplus. Now for the facts: For the fiscal \ year ending June 30, 1910, there was a deficit over all receipts of *25,88#,000, that included *34,000,000 expenditures on the Panama Canal, which if excluded from the lisicat year of *9,402,000. But if the | new corporation tax receipts of *17,- | 302,000 are deducted, and it is vir- I tuallv being held in escrow nntil the I Supreme Court decides on its constitutionality, the deficit would be that much increased. Since the new fiscal year began on July 1st .to the end of that month umv ntv unen oenctt of 89,593,756.58, and there is ? farther delict on account of the Panama Canal of $4, 440,241.26, and a total deficit of all disbursements over all receipta of 14,033,997.84. It ia a fact that the month of July generally ahowa a deficit, because the appropriations for the new fiscal jear become available; but the deficit would be much larger if'it were not for the revenue from the corporation ^ti*, and the Taft administration would be facing a bond issue of a resort to certificates of indebtneaa. It ia no secret in Washington that the condition of the Rational finances is a sooroe of worry to the tryasfh-y officials, and it ia expected that the receipta from the tariff duties will not fulfill the Ohio platform. t i i Ml PC P* uunejiate relief hM T11X3 Br. Sfcovn't OUtaeat ?????????. !lfoEI> -r __ eja;s sf WIS e^ocer rg, n\c. ) TwineNLai , \ ? With You on Delivered Prices, We A Card of Thanks. We take this delayed opportunity of thanking oar neighbors and friendB for their much appreciated kindness toward as daring the illness of our babies, both of whom were tenderly nursed by them till death claimed them. May God sustain you as He has us, should you be called ou to drink such cups of bitterness. ' ^ Yours most sincerely, Mr. and Mrv. W. H. Fui.ler. plnesni -ve AC 3 "st * ruuLTicr r, v. J muvn ui LarhOitkwd 'OKU .* mm .iihb Facte"^ \zz/r you yfX \ money ye^^when you iloulany of your S stock or poultrw to! remain sick They give you lesMsults in beef, ' pork, work, or eggs, ?hen they are not in perfect health. A Take a little interest in your owr socket book and doctor them up rith Black-Dr up Stock and Pwltrv I' Medicine \ I It will pay you'to lo this. It has paid thoi sands of obier I successful farmers and stock ud I poultry raisers. A This famous re ledy is notVi food, but a genutni scientific mcA I icine prepared fron medicinal her bat I and roots, acting c i the liver, kid-* I neys, bowels and < igestive organs. I Sold by all dru gists, price 25 I cents 50 cents am $1. per can. I ? hoc*: ' PILES ESSsISS CROMPRfeS IMS' tty?s^pto?las?Trnp-?orDTMSi?fc ; . . + i' , . J I J .UIIH!.l fyipi' II - T * s w ' . II Varchousc J -N. ' ; >, 'ACE 'x ' '.xCj . : 1 1 ./lAAAAAAA AAA AAAAAA WWWWWWWWWW?fv?V?VVTTVfWWwww COMPANY | " A I items and Seed Rye J Saro the Freight. ^ # ### ^ BKINti fiS YOUR Country Produce t v We pay the highest prises tftr Butter. Eggs, Chickens Hams. Shoulders, middlings/and other country pro Sh^es ^ For the next fifteen days wkwill sell you men and ladie shoes at cost so as ts make room for our immense A line of fall shoes. We hpndls the celebrated Peters ^ W Snoes. Fruit Jars, Jar rabbets, Tops, I'rcserving ket- w ties, Tobaeco Twine andfLant?ns. ^ ' 1 Brantley G. \ Hicks-l Louisburg, IN. C._ ~T~i " r I STOCK - \ UST MOYE 1 I r / 1 A Owing to the fact that Vir biAer is now UH A on the northern marl^ts tfiivimr tint ? ;... 4A large fall stock of goods ior /his store, we tP - have got to get rid of whm we have to " V make room for It. Now isiiyour time to A r get a bargain. jComc to sob us and we *9 /p -will put a lasting smile on nrbur face.' " W ]| The Peoples Clpthing Store # A Louisburg, N. C \ ' W "/ , P > x. . ". \ *' ' \ ' . J\ . .v : \ t 7