.r .r, * TOI |.EJJ ' I ojSwq This brand c Moods is highJj'^advjrNisei v CALL ft ANDVpm ?: Our Jr ascription DepStttWriNg THE|3COGSiSlQf , I yrfj t/OuA oJ uiiii " . faj?)A . Sunimer Staw winter stock tMt is ly If You WU1 Cfime ^ of a life, Qfethigg, Shqe_< Tnii peop/e s ci 55? ' "louisburg, |\aronh || i Loiiisburg; Th^Placc tp\Ge)/ . w'^l I am now sollini; my apmmer Jf i will almost take vour lyehth in i y \ to eet rid of them iJma^c ro - ?j _Comte to\s ^/VRON^Mi YoU'Jpy SiP T&or the best. Take Itisi , hm THEJWWM LIFE INSURANC \ J of-NEWARK, ' ;!'.i Hfs-J. i ' I lil'rtiWCif- ' !' fW ll i'xl trtll "?.r?? J" -v- .iJ9_yiaii htit tuoy Has passed the exp = .mri W? Hrfvo JnstThe I , HnHManlM V ? / %> O lrarnce in a com? BENEFIT P( COMPANY 9 ft f O) i :w6 * H T< 'f A yi .Jfl\ l^)*! ?,i' t:io(ih Sv.frr.vri.] vlr.o .!-)c.[(,!e oxfiiiy.vi^ rur-'; uf\ uo/ ;:cit?rrr-". wj 1 eriraental stage Salanoe of Oar - - V rwr"? ' &k , . J snpnBHHHpHHHpHB W^Ry^^iRRRRRRRSy^jft RTHAHpR3M J> 3: /TQ .VI o^uaaiuoj Y *f!Cit>J'iHii % V, M f ,aar*cl-^aiV .aoni^.V: . I / 1'J 3n?J*i&*faf. ,(jgHP^?(Cr . :K Must Go 3SS53g8??&8?8 rLvihg daily. wow You Car tffe^gain^O^ I. Shir\ Waists, Skirts .othiHg store N. C." . Dfeitz C. :J I -A .:,.fc f ! V, ,.j :: /. . Big Bargains V o " > . < ' ' . lines ior a price that astonishment in order ?om for my biff fall >ee Me lev. 'Htffrv not; e*et ?: --r ' : . . ' ^''" iww'ii'iftM1 mm ^ ?j JT?d4e.wlio oppose improvement], jg TKqJe why prefer a quiet liatlee tiiie of-'push and imprevw^^ ^h?j>yyti\)_initty;i11e tliey own jft^ ' fiSc^oee who,think business fanjSL ' tfjpri|slyty Without advertising. Tone* wlm kick at public spiritid T rrtetSl' - -. "jS^V ' ]|| Tlioae wtu. oppose every md?t meut that (Jolef iot originate wljjh I ^^ ^8jj/a^gef' |tlkg of locating U ae every public J enleVCjaJVlJpliil'*eh not appear* peraoawl" ranent Jo them. .'ATilalf1 1\1/t 1Cik to injure di 'RfOCMfiPf"' ' h vtxl ju-yy atia fluo Jo it , ???vr a-vDaiseer Ahead. r. "7ftw nwo tf il ' i Owe can jherdfv'help vlfewing \ I il dismay the meeting of the Con i 1 T vtttToirCohgress at St. Paul i F I^W Balli^ partiaana from everywhere will there in force; anchlie stalwart lie publicans of ^ Minnesota headed, b; 8 tfle Governor, and the insurgents let! A dkjr^flenatDrtClaptnwptlitMk their rej } spective sides, so the C saigas aagtjg_ likiiy ha touehnkni, President Taft is tu be there and pat speaker and undoubtedly will suppou the PiDchot policy juuL not f piii\?^|iia ivgttts'in^oipn eg there ^pnt Mitliy fnil t<. he huimi dif1 TereWdS of^piniroMersav * tkw"*$east., As the stalwart Governor of MinBMottaml.ithe atalTOotrlfayDT of St. Panl control the police power of 1 the State, the Democrats should hold , themselves in reserve to compel taii^ play between the rival Republican factions. Let us have peace and fair k play, tf we have to tight for it. tj , GWat. _ Hundreds \ of LouuSburg ' ' Readers Find Daily/Toil irrf V- i'i !r. ill' ? A Burden. / Tjltu,hustle and worry /f business men, '' Y' l'lie liai'U -Wort ;iih? NtmlpHlg of j workmen, r.v t The woman's h ms/holl cares, t" Afb too great ti itjuity ofr the,''kidneys. I Backache, 1m id ijlie, sileache, Kidnev trouble / urinary troubles j follow. Read the following, aud lvarn the | cure. /1 J. L. Fuller, Afoulum Street, OxI ford, N. C-, saytl I can recommend | Doan's Kiduet Pills to anyone j afflicted with kjlne^ trouble, baring Qgaannem-wita ttiB test of: ..results, j I was botbereJ a grtfet ileal by backache and/paing acrosi ,ui. kkjibeys. 1 ??< weak and lattfe and jtWag] sometime 1 before I coull get abiut with any j-degree of reednm. l After using | Brian's Kidnly I'ilU ti sltnrt- time, ij tbajraokacbti ami pains \n rioy, kid2 bo$i had ceWeil) I feelVjrateftil to Doan's Kidnly Pills fot\ the relief ' they brought! me." Y i . '' For sale byl all dealers. \Price 50 [cents. FosteiV\Iilburn Co.^Buffalo, Hecaember -tine?name Poan'a. and take 110 other;]y ryr d : i?:?L ? ? Follow riils advice/, Quaker Oats is (be best of ill foods; it is also the chcake st. When such men as Prof. FisherYf YalaVniversity and Sir Jsrne*' TWatisHBrowtHr, LLD.-F.R;S. of LdndOA spend the beat parta Otthefr Usstrhti studying > the great question of spe nourishing and strengthening (fualjlcs of different foods. At la certain tha/tieir advice is absolutely safe to foij^ " "''^rofessor 'TTtBer ,/wmB TrT'KTs"FS;~" periments for testing the strength and. / endurance of athlrfitt1 that > the meat eater* were ethawed long before the , men who wereJ*J on sifchlfoOg Mm Quaker Oats, r.^gtgpnatty ofendurance 01 fh*" hw?-inc? saanl .auu, , about eight thabartho? bit thk. Sims Till . [ . }}? ? Vititj* VlSai 1 Sir Jame* CWchton Bro4ne *ay?? eat ?HOf? oatn/eal, eat plenty of it and -eat it frequedBy. 1 St I ' Packed in tegular lite packages, and I hermeticall wealed tinsforhol climates. .wtwypnye-yc. :> * . S i '*.* * ' ' P^CO I.lSt ., Sirap ixon. anVktnd i ajreentir enslr or 30 cents in trade pmF topi pounds. Bones 25cStits period gBcfiiftf, Brass ? cents per pound; Croats; 8'cents per pound; Knbber 4 oenufj'er pound;Aead 2 cents per bound: Zm3u Mtt^pe'r pouricf; Beeswax iO centerpe% pound* ftireen Cow Hides 4 cent|fper, round; WooJ, 17 cents pet pdoriMntid up?"'' 1 ^ E. At ROGEftS : idfwfj jdyi^fy.' ,*isi. I?I 4 invyorWir nousburk/l.; C. < ' Will mate estimyftworn nnv ' job r Work Guaranleed^^cJUl or write ! when in jwed'af Wu?M < r in8, ttrne ycb tsnn Sill i '. ',,) '1 > 11 - I D. MILLER. itii<*yL||5MlFFVQl?isv?fi4 Oolite i v\ ~ ".ttftttiYi o* 9J.;* 5 Louisbui?* !Ny s^ : a?eiv*4??v ^niancta -j^ ,:; Ife FRUIT ' 2q if -IT l: If-.* I (I. o ?3 "< -v'"VA^k-f^-:r:}v Jtu .! ! IM : >-> -J: 11.1 ,-.11:! -,,-u | ' COME W ANP -j fcj Nash. Street I-,/] ??? < # ., rr^- ? ? HNMieiNM I Now We Are Kc 1 TIP . Carrying a full lin > ' i': # Come and Figui j^Ki v :?|ffl? * -U. *:+' n'* f-r- i-_ ? : A [J; HovraJjoutyour (riiana? We h : goiprls*'^ -J^Gne' belter for i Our " 1:/ v|? .'-'i'j': rv# I i n',i'v ti(l& nJfe. .11' ft ftis'fi.i }'/: I, i > V. &l,ahi $*U IB ?????-???? B ' 'j I _T ; 3iI/j blii; "it io i Vj 'frrjT^rb^} ? jfltf J* J&rTflitl d I . ".I'JJii'.iJj Sliiiyuni P. S. MewrB. J. H. dwt ai fri6nd? oome tp '*& 11 * >*<* B / I' ' ' 'H-Sr T'".. II fi ' 'j Si li'j | . f If.; .? I *.I.'>1^1 3 t ' T'jf MEN anbE L. \ f 1| . !-> i!j>/ Ul. ,? <'t. ii u\ ;*K j? . li[-.??nift~rrlV . l!?; , *9'u\ ,lJ4*Iii:?'l>! fe riUon 1#1 J?qi'jfJKffi ;; l?j >.-?*?? fci Tt?(T^*iv7 <7' I* 'i J/ ?>rWfK.?Mw.?miW?l>< n? ,< A^TJiACT Ari'E^XIQN-r-Wi peattand you can interest a tidVe written. There is asi letters written on a new tj\ ,-diiv ii tiiv.- written ou an old maehiy 1 ! M' sWl ;8e? ?*ntUunan welj dye??/ a. Sii'l' mMltUm ? . .-*? -T" t * W YOu Can't Get /Re 7/ SKi't # im?i Your Letter? Lo r. |?i rjlij I>0#; 13 (y/Kjlri;) fu?T Jr s-PHB Victor TYPEWRIT^H ^>miA to aiyy busmeas; if/m '? ithe nea ?Bt Work frith the i ' <** 9*iM Juppwt, and neneral typewriter lnfi , .-ft*-- Uioili 7"1?[ KQKTO S&iTTl .TioT^eiql r: iwaili: i? <|u "? =?: WHJMINGTONV1 i L...1 -%111.hu I| ^lllll I JJ I ,/ill. in ! I tt li/ivt j ?7* ?B ^vn^{oij^i )o 'ftinl Reduction jJE. WILL 6EIXV V' , "... fer MMW-fj SLIPPERS / ' " MENS. LADHEsSwid CHILDREN ,AT $1.50 slippers A'iWi nn ALL OTHERS IN syfe\jrRaP0RTION "v'. a arAH tqiToTq fioiai w3vh ?";r30ODS, LAQEgg pf H A}I bV RGS, FA J AP(S A T \c ( I tS WE VRK < iOING 'TO HIVE $flUS&E I *v.v;jcs. ' rioS'r apvcu a ci:nK Y' f w.e.ii..: .. .A-' THE ALSTON CO T > .*-*> ;-T r: ri I' ! * '4i!l ':;,i ' ' ^ : n* . . -. v . . ; ' ? j -. '?:? . iFar Bus tady and Prepared HE BUSINESS re With uV/We Kn Vlakc it InterestingK andle the Piediqon/j Mt.Viry Co's.ond Na' tobacco, cotton yfd corn, ui fact special a: Prices Areytight j-ojf iiM\IU V. <-?"?t-. i<*f5;|! . . iL & CO \Lou rtlii -fj 'it.'t .I'uni'!, ~t: >< to ; ? ad $. H. Davis *ro with ua and, wilVb?t-p iy wot ?awi * jt.-ii ti-'vrt. .loJtaJ^a n:~ ' ^ .:' v-' / v.'r . TT^,,:'.' --- iit&duH v. .'.- / * , ? ,,, ?* on MIT HtjjglPiAfrt Fr^l F.R\R M ^.?9i .1 > eM.** ??'? I . SHTK'? >i 'i I; i K> 1' A W - li |ik .' ( ?1 I ; r " Jij'-af .iaaiT ' ' V / b. Us. i Ini M< " /' *bT . Jr ; io! Ivi! t U/Jmntuna Uku letter that. is . , Mo in whaf yoii ' 1;"" *A\ " muck difference b'9 woffoVoA jewYiter and?thow? ? ?a-taere is between ! j i >? 'iniaC . nda bagged tiwip. ;,i ?d ,>> jon -^finrrWi? f * '* * i. j ui> 4nujm*ift> ?.. ssultk Unless m/sjfnoni na) ok^Cjtotid" < "'l JiiT Ti iii.illnyiii fi -nil .>i; evaal R!e GOMRAftY ,!; M'vi ett'-Bunni'ti Vl Sari n?'i tarte P. O. Box 54.uisd? i'-wj.s ended M. C. ; _ \ _ 4?im' si elahihnsoYisEnj job a; eft ii ft OHUBi rttri K*r?ftwR'* tisi mi(^|j?iii /) i Sale 's ?Jtrtf;" > I i , ; <-t IVr . :? 'i': W * :.! i? *.- . IV" J# M?' './ 411 "?, !-i .- ' ' -.:jw NET COST , . .4 * ,. !j:|i? - : ill1!! . 'W ru.-iil-ii . >! . in in ! -?.. ! ' itt< : -:i;Ot JPl'JePJfin ill ii. -;?* . . ,ia i jf I -Jin .i -s . f '/. :iy??i. , iNS, Etc. ]#s *yiif' * # "NCrf <2$ I /' ? ' ' ! * i?!J; i-i!.1 * -: ? fit WFrVTUFT : r!- " "'U '-J# i-lUvHflY ?.|Ji .iff .tid;? : ! ;* . I M is I? ^ >VT ' V - " ; ' J# V . 1 ^ ^ ? r?i ,laH Loufcburg, N. ' C. | j ^ siness j , i "T to do a I; ;; uafto, Etc. ' "U '??>*. ow We Can 7; passa Guano Company's.? ?>) ?: only sis for1*}! crops; I JttS. aj /' in , ;ioU I. i'sf'l-i ? In ->?i t.lf i lloitfil/. -ioii.il -t^ '* t >A istorg, N. C. I m -?. leMfd>**ih<^iti>ad 1 ? y ;'i ? v7? > > > i?l-' '