wrjfPK;; * t > ' ' *' ^ v' fiylSFti PleasaniaEuBningjReu oatBd- to Tiffo Mc | the Horns CirclB CBTTBE THOUGHTS FRO: ^ WOMKX. j.i Wofffin wears the diadem and mysticTfevs of deep and inner knowledge. ^"Music represents material strengfjf, but not the aijffiaf human _ superiority. Wonian's fining powers raiiWher above nec< asity for the armor of physical corpo yity, the retinemem of her frame repealing the swift vitality of nerve. Her sceptre is empyreal, because it liSounded in the seetjnty of submitted authority. Upholcffig the masculine qualities in their tqnism, from the reign of her lofty itmlism, Wemnn'sUeign is the triurapVof humanity, in j the intuitional &andard_fli_htir Ittainmenta. and in Je mystery of supreme eial~ tation.X _ Her _&>ice is ^em: pire; ht3T wisdotn is comibaffa; and L? -Ye J : uer ngat in uuiumauju. Theieparture of summer leave* ns Bad,* hen notice me absence ot all the treasnred pla^^f. deDS and home*. "Blessings brighten as they take their light" andthg quencbrn o^OtuWcNeorl^S/ stwisn?W aDd sTOetuess that we have enjoyed throngfvthe fleeting months of summer, naturally brings a feeling of depression". We viajj the places Once filled with summer, splendor and find no m(We the brightness that was wont to gladden UsTis we watered by lbe'??il very stream, betjeaftr thp wide spreading booghs ot oaks that stretclffcd their emerald arms to support tltS tender (iioging vines noiy brown? id seer. The itr' is full Jf echoes? departed; joy. But to some the col? fresh days bring a renewal of bedith and happiness, while to others'? sense ot( something gone from m their linos. . Though Otic nest h?been rifled; and we mourn" over eWply shelly' so suggestive < f jays : hopes thrones ivete ours, there tiKist reman ; ill the I,tart as assuraIKe that tba sttminer will come again Ringing wi t| it all tile fresh gln<lu?4s that l.al left"*us. Ab? ho, not e?led, we jave e t r hone\?nd -listilldc tits deM^^jP' tiij song -%e fancied! i had m end :iv\ay,be ffut in tunc al a warflfer bri^liteHiay- a(Ao *S?f? cliaus^iHier nieloftes. She sines ir a ir.n j^ key-tor a time, hut the plain ttve tflftcs of 'he Wind as UieV rtutl? the d;Avg leaves bring if not a glad ness, dtill a soothing feeling, like spine tybbie psalm that is moiVele vating?ttshrfb*it4i ?ut ant iriH of tii? summer warblsr* ,? Hoi* much of sorrow this lift holds --lor e?en the brightest anc ?most toured' ol hnman kind; how k; * tl( its diet's, and weij life itsahadoWs; h^vi epfptv and un satisfactory *ro the nigbest goals tc whichlWe may climb in the worlds opinidW howj the favors for which we lalter sof hard, with a single torn of forjfbe'a wheel may be snatched from Apd we thought: is Heaven a sufficient recompense for all we miss ?f?Wlliit^ie heart that finds no restfuffeeape in fame or honor, or f- ' evun J^u l^iil a- peace beneatti the thron si that Will endure through an endlerfhcteraiy ? WeTfcad lUgun to donbt when quickljftarde the thought, "Look for the su?fhink''land with the though), the siaf bunt through the clouds, and sHHie ffirough the window upon thepXoIfhio^^oSl glass Mer w eight caught its rays and relfe'ied I hem in a halo of colors as wrly splendent ara jeweled crown.W Wf l eeted from our work and baked Its light. LooBor i aunsffinAsna|t wjp come. JPh? ouds , Ae..*rao*cnt^ thing*? e h; the sun is always behirxAliei i and sometime* when _ ire Is Jsi i it it the gloiioug v.. \w ^ -J ' ' . **" V RCLE COLUMN. Dl4i itners -asThey Join' at Evening Tide -%' St tHE EDITORIAL PEN There's Dot a place in earth or in heaven, There's not a task to mankind given, | There's not a blessing or a woe, ! There's uot a whispered yes or no, There's not a life, or death or birth, That has a feather's weight or worth Without a woman in it.' ' r;i i Women of the world are usually the queens of the home. Let this light redact around this revolving world; woman's real work is on character, her surest weapon is influence. Every wife should be the mistress of her own home. But the grandshould be the igost welcome and the rnokt reape|t^j^^I^^^ta^_^-^ ^ good wry's in a busy household, and if in ouOonWiweufaP! It&xisMi t>U litness we offer our guests we shall !have norlll httih^ "coiq^iny "mk? ners." necessity, for Tove of her dependent <ff *o?e-beti&fif beneficent profession, for sweet tner cy and charity to the ignorant, tor horror of dependence upon those on wh?nwi' nfo? has no ciatm^soldom for business, ambition or material accumulation. TWilde a man admires wcmu^ilj beantv^et it*. tnarried life be ad\ mirea much more?a good square meal cooked by his loviug spotMt; and let a wife have little- of- no knowledge of the' nft oP'hti^silJessing, domestic eeonoray, or is a poor cook, be her husband rich as, Croesus i her lot will be miserable'. b-j ' Creation advanced from simple to. fife t*jpMlijE ex, foihi tktCLifcffi) the high. .Man is later and higher ' tbcu the iisli of the sea, the birds of the air and the bea?r-T>f the field; J^la^) ?nd oian?last and highest work of cruayssL?i ajrp.munztirzz&ascBt tile earth reaches its ultimate jo?siw^je^Brrt /*V W Y_ \ dcrd5itetTi\nts ot tr i IvA* distinctlyIkninli^. plctely upseWthe n< Or. Piercc'gN^^^ >r It is non-secret, non-alcoholic cpd Ai* Youe Nf.ighboes.. They prifegb If you want a book that tells All a1 them at hocne, send 21 one-centfstani ^ oa/f, and he will send you a firm cop Common Sense Medical Advisee?rev I In handsome cloth-binding, 31 slumps. i Q1NOHAI H. THE Bniaoui SCBOOtjLhffTtll*. S I X WILti F - a J Ac | Highest Md fllhTOHa ' ? * 2 1 4P"'*'? <?" ** b,Ti J" ? ' "? "*?n ?' ?'0 r lw)<i,/l |tfsi? 0 \i -\n.*,'. -.; L .sil '.ft:ii\o IvaAani ox! ?a . \ ^ ^ - ' ? v-.w: ?'?c<aq?,? iSM&in *>l!iiaiit "to*? j T .0-V ? ".>'! I ) x;lu:v*C? i*??o^ ^l*v- ililk /r?h V , * ^H| "liriAiJ 'nit Jii. ;i?r(j balOi -ta.'jfVl . tiii**?<jy?4 ..'rtyifi % \ a Cowq on boya and ride, vfyii.?e,?nrt ytito wiH WHe ? W tufiMayp here. W^etmellona, hard cider pnd on 4 bj?U& eet ?a^y; ior meeting **d it <?pU**a W ?Wta?iPF* wA^iW kowtow,a,(KKriWwa g,0 y iu)leae you have a bran new easy runnyijrrubl W and am thesonly man in Franklin county ba'inVng # ' buggTfX ,.. ?A.;y >an?<li '?n i ym t>r?u-? uf-daiw I .'i.l liim nji>\/( yM oinhT^y-ie tint; ,itnarit uti^l ^JL1 ?t ' '>>.ij vnaci a'aiil i...'iv ? lii/ Jkt # T SeU Them for Cash, cm* ".r-tijii/^nd vur.lo rfjtivp hxjt T Loan Them Out. "Come naaiioAHT cvr-aoiTOfc / ~~ , hasy Moaxn i *iUy*v7?H <o lon^b-i odT / ;(???* j.d-l kK> j . <(?! Utw -f icttawu rto 3'JViW* rtaiuiu# ,'?lT1 J .noefojil *99 .T. . sryfcs if long continued. rile Prescription is a positive cure for fS Es WEAK WOOEN STRONa. W wen.::. v.l .i.. . v j imatfon, heals ulceration arid sooihea'pani. nild?\p the nerves. It fits for wifehood )d. HMt-sr medicine dealers sell it, and td 'urgc\tp?n you as ;, just as good.0. ? has a rAprd of lottv ywfr of cores .j \ i [y know oilomisoi iu ntany cures,??out wornan'XdiSca&ea, and how to euro ; ) j 1 P? to Dr. piMa kit,til failing; ; 1 y of fcts great tfcousand-page "illustrated 'i ised, up-to date e\tron, in paper covers. Address Dr,.^y>Pierce, Buffalo, N.YV j j r. C.. hw pr?p?red Boy. to b? M.tftor 117 YXAjtfTIltoftUy I >1 % ,7 hi ir~'",^gnar^s^i I j COL. K. jl irl^/tPriccs | M \ * -** ?4MM r < * the-estate of 1'ivnus J ones V deceased, : late of FrvnklinVniuty ana I hereby n^til'v all persons hayW .elaihis . a|%iaiB said ' '3tgte tAU>sjh to ife djlfr verified at ott&PblYjVot >,pre feObWdf before Aujk lOftwJi tW? notice will be pleaded in bar oKjheir recovery. This 4th dav of AugtisjK I\10. J AS#S. JONES, * /Brodi\*J. C. .. T:.T. H eks. Atty/~~T~ ^V'~ NOTICE *) CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the estate Cairo C Ewfrards. lat^ j ? of Franklm^ounty, this/a to notify all persons having claimjf against tne estate of said deo^dent Ip: exhibit the same to the underslgnafl 'on or before the 22nd day of JiW, or this notice will be plead uPUr of their recovery. All person/ ino^btetfto said estate will please mike iqrtftediaje payment. This Jnly 2Md, 1S110?V Wm, EL KUFFisjj Exeh^tor STEGALy & DRAKE BAJRBEikS LOUISBURG,\ North Carolina. We have recent)/ foi?ed a C0-:~asgi^a>g3gqfc BarW-ggac" ness in order tli-A we may more closely look aftefVhe interest of I our customers. will contin^fcf business at thepkl ywyll shoo on Court streetf wlfc?fe%ou 'will always find Iveryfcing clean, , \ neat and up-f?-date\ v\"e will 1 ' Kin three chyrs fro^ now- on - mat you may ?ot navevo wait so ?$gj|gl^USred oanf^Mf) LOUISBURG COLEGE }' v A-?iwotr^^rWirfe-?nd yUjriK bvomen ownedey ?ie Nhrtn 1 Uarf filink CpnfVrifiifc If ilffers f healthful toiMnMxA hrippy . _ home Christian! influences. A | liberal culture, alttorciusfl.'education at modera Acost. Special i ..care given tjayoi iJer girls. I *'OOji iV-l ! Iji *" Preparatory Department Collegiate I cpaktme^ With Thirt en Schools ?Normal D 'partrrtent ; onSi ? t in |ii For full infornhtion, a<!difeps \ Pres. M. j. AL'.EN, jt | LOHISBURCi, N. Ca|dSna j fxrf^ n i'lj J, L? HI ? #& S i jgni * in Ulniuut^ 9 UP III J U wuh rtn^hiMtps Or 4, T~LJr " No Sxnitixm [no <usrtre^Wl sa-e u^d picking srrJB--LOcT|BBuggiatss v.i 'A HiJa^3 HT VIC.'?-Hi r and Despondency 1__y .yrSfJ-lte Ssry^l.ibr. swffieriol, the !?????: tiMftarry 7F. ar*? Pain because ox disorders and to dfi irate and importaur organs that are /lie torturw so bravely endured com* m uunagw ami aurry a tor JJad, so UeMcpiJtfke thp c . 4m Now girtB call the old mans attention^ to/tug ""5 town and tell roe hciw^r.' So and lop,^' horse or mhle and I will talk gcod t^ypu, :$hft'w;yc A Water*. ^ __________ iV*) 'iriT ./ifBob j3riA0 <?'YH9?HUM ; 1 I tm Ik* *"i ?dw *-s*1 .'J W ,pitta A '-"la-'n '.%n <t ?? *;^o * ^1/^ ' ? iii -; .-vr>'i-? or Vid^ :.'d Iludr bocjpsi -Jt??rv ens . MUiyfcji 1.? > >':-?q Vii: ?TJM !(i?i JyMw iifiito ' iv\i-vil!i/' ! ' ^pr:rfi^;;a u;rf .1 . iriXJ - i t?:ira tfiif.*1 ito'B ''Ww* *">?>?'.a-* u*? vr><<^3 | NjSMttJa i M 3S ii.-; VACATION DA'^J ARE J A. I ONE-S WILL ?SOQN SKW jb.fr 1; WITH HEAVY (HEARTS IF 2 I "THEIR pLD CLOTHE SI WHl PLAYMATE CLAD I? NEW & I :9.'MAJ^JtBfc ftPARTS , PY. BRING THt-CHILpREN T< jra '-"I 'ub > 7n., i'rjVj tin -/Sli ffilu tin-fj "J ! | | THEY ARE ALWAY J WEJ^CC OF TH"E MANY.BAItdAmA'WI S i I ft fl9jfi>T 39011*1 OflB 9lq< 1 Xomc to See Mc When !." ? * t& 'ii ,1 :tl .? 'ft :?l .11 .M M.? ?a?^?.? ; ii /i.? fini ' .a .'A- ]M ,;T .?.? ?|ti< J i ?fij <o-inuijaM s?U? lb .mi I am v>t i?) 9tno'J ?|j^ iy^iydemol ,1TJ ^ -ri-V" '? ' V I -' ' ' 1 \ -, "j" . ' , ^j^gM .o) ho^>K -; Vjyblififr. linR i " ' J 1 ? nd Bop? fZl;:>:.T!:.c, i'qoHQ ajrf ~ iwy.'WackfcW&eB have goge but good . 'X e hundred1 Htie -Bhltimorolbuggie''!?,tM tbif' u: " : r* oqrthe i first, feecotid, ttiijd or fourth .Jjlii i?DyKive.dt?j.gir.ls n good tiiye, yon oao'f^ W, Baltimore Buggy. 1 have them, i ^ them. They are Warranted 3f>5 day* au<) '-? ' low toiioii ettiiT TK jii mU itdi in Jiio nounrit )l;.?.. t,, 9 .%& ~. ie.lt tauet ? eanw ,' !.eihi[.ii A|t.,.rMrf ^?mtrf8?n HT . ,, ; ?i tMVj ^ 3Pim? and Sometime,#, ,Tt,:,, >nd Take a Look. ,fc!'' -Wur ,,. r i..,u oit) ItXpKhuiio.j, ^iiladtasA ;thja git's td the medtfn^'. X " "' semeatt take, th? ,Dai)er down to the barn . Ati.h i? . . . ??*???-it.to go ?o ?torni i,;X 71.^uWa (iPf>w^ to see me whenJ;iN, W . ,JJ<e is. ttiro msp. i. who owea ine for .the^A lu.nvyj/pnAifia an4 gt^ J"0" a &*8j? WrjWLj' miri r:iw?<ri rjfi-i ,10 hh.^Y Iir ' ' '' : ,TH"\ IlivfeTinuoY V v'- ' '" " " ' oA ' io ,'tfllJoY "A. ?' ? -e ' '!.?: H-J-a: 1' ioiP.aiW .11 H j?: v : t \ ui Y jJrtHM' -\H ' ;n^L fKl'f : r.' * ' 1 1 ' '' ^ hriiWitirV. baa at l-MiiKio1// a'^i' Y-u' **S I . 'I II. ; ' * ,u;^r " ' , <' ' ' I ' I IJ 1 , ' baivwtfws*wNeHv;*1 1 < - > *,{;:; "ihi w't? tf<?-.i^ : /,rj' i ' - ni "11'' i t hmp ' ,;'" 'k.v , njio^'vik mttle "; i ~7"; : 4 :hw, or will they i y^'y-gbr^heartj i '" tm^TKVDGE * i, the,j\mi/?5t wear ' i '; "1" :n thevjee their i z'%"? attirea we can 'lllil'" i wsm\zs?a*~:* i rz^'r, 0 ol/r ^torl wherv "" : i "'''"' 'i,; ' >'c?l'i >mf amd r\r i "lit *7 ' vjffi ?somb',,,i i n h i - \ prrcn. v 10 V 1- 111 1 ?yi 1 ** wollo( r^>?CT ^ rr*Q 1 \" '" I "lillDtWl luijllgil ' A "* "' I , 'tyiU'd' n. i .'Jr'j I ll(#9Tj <) ( M/eij 'Viu<n<? V ''"'V'1 " I I9?d aniv*rf ?no 'c Troii 3rc to 1 own '?r t>un>.'> o<( i?> ?indr.?p?H^?X ?l, r), ? o> ?J*nl ? / 01 ' ^>AIUI1 Hi donlw ' .Imaoi " w?i a j?uttend' ;!i -^ l? hitiataiow >rfi .tytoh^wlt ^.ui otiiiuy1 >r( HX ? iA ,ilw?. vj .irx?^ [?'h :

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