w. n x E . .: fr _E A. F.JOHNSON, EDITOR AND HA VOL. XL. A HOSPITAL IN SIGHT. T the people.of louisbu1g are interested "V .With $10,008^ Subscribed and a Promise of as Much More, It Looks Like We Will Soon Have a Place for Our Siok. The following article was handed us this week by Dr. H. A. Newell, which goas to show that I.ouisburg is in a good way of having an upto-date Hospital. It sounds good to us and has our hearty endorsement. The artiole follows: ' For several years we have been hearing plans of all kinds discussed for the organization of a hospital for Louishurg and Fianklin county. Business interests of all kinds are progressing in the South today at so fas^,n rate as to be astonishing when one takes an hour y two for reflection. I Few countries in the history oi me world have made such rapid progress in any period as ours has in the past twenty-five years and surprising as it may seem the South is growing prosperous faster than the North under its circumstances and opportunities. The three things which mark prosperity and progress most of* all are railroads, schools and places for the care of the sick. One of these and by no meansxleast of importanoe?a hospital?has not materialized in our community yet Most of the counties of our State have realized the need of such an institution and have organized or are planning some hind of a hospital. In the Last few dayB I have had $10,000 promised or subscribed to a fgnd for this purpose and have no doubt but that within the next week / this sum will be increased to $20.000 or more, and if so work will be begun immediately on the erection of a suitable building. The plan suggested by the physi cians of Louisburg?all of whom are > interested in the movement?is to give treatment free of cost to all who are not able to pay for it and to charge a reasonable rate to all who a. ir rtS van nuviu fcv pai. ?r e wouia suggent that all churches be allowed to maintaia one or more beds. Tbe occupants of which shall receive treatment without any cost. The county through its commissioners might also maintain one or more heds foi its indigent poor. There is no enterprise in which an investment should pay better from a financial standpoint and at the samo time the man who invests has the satisfaction of knowing that he ia doing good to bis community and especially its goffering ones. t reatment in all cases would be cheaper than at home besides having evei ylliing needed for any kind of tauergency, as v*e purpose to have an up-to-date place, fitted with everything that a hospital should have. Comparative tables for a person of average means would be about as xfollows for one week: At home.? Nurse'. -r $26.00 Nurse's board. 8.00 I'liysieian. 25.00 Medicine. 5.00 ? Laundry. 1.00 Total ' $59.00 At hospital? ltuoin, Doard, nurse and *OC A/l liiiiiiuij, Medical attention, 14.00 Total $89.00 There would, of course, be rooms at 1 .">.00 and $10.00 per week also ana probably for $5.00 per week. It can be seen at a ((lance that every case, of whatever nature can be cheaper in the hospital than in a private home and have every advantage of appliances and V " ? ' . KAN NAOER * ' ' . "" j r \ ft nursing. >\ [j3 Some of the beet business people [r of Lonieburg .and Franklin county have been talked to and all are in sympathy with the movement and \y believe that it will pay, This has been started.mainly by the physicians of Louisbnrgr?not by any one and in writing. this article I am ! tjying to speak for all of them and not- personal})-. . We do not propose to' ask for | donations but let every dollar invested buy stook'and the stockholders meet and organize for running and managing the whole affair. No one j is to give anything and every stock- ; holder shall have a vote in the man- j agement. , * - Low Rates The Seaboard will give very low round trip rates to. Norfolk, Va., on j Tuesday September 6th, on account j of the Confederate ^Veterans He- t union. These tickets will be on < sale thejjthy 5th and 6th of Septem- j; ber and will oe good for returning | any day up to September *14tli. Fall ,| information can be gotten from any " HCTAnf nr frnm IT fi T.i.n?/1 It D A ? ~ ? - v? .? ?-*. KS. J^oaiu, 1/i JL ? flij Raleigh, N. C. / S ./ ii Franklin Superior Court a The August terro^ of Franklin h Superior Court was completed on r last Friday morning and the Judge t and Solicitor left for their respeo- n tive homes. The following cases o were'disposed of since our report of last week closed: l State vs Sam Hargrove, resisting p officer, not guilty. a State vs A. S. and S. R. Johnson, a. d. w., guilty of simple assault as to both, fined $5.00 and costs each. Stat j vs J. B. Smith and J. II. 11 Southall, a. d. w? guilty, fined $2 50 " and ono half costs each. State vs Wiley Stokes, mistrial. " . After the docket had been completed Solicitor C. C. Daniels sub' mitted the following report to the court: , .. ' ' To Hon. R. B. Peeiii.es. Judge , wV? Presiding: t The undersigned Solicitor ot the ii 4th Judicial District respectfully re- f ports that he has examined the office ot the Clerk of this oourt and find the same in good condition, the records properly kept and indexed, 0 and the duties of the office satisfac- t, torily performed, in so far as he is p able to ascertain. d Respectfully submitted, jj ' C. C. Daniels, Solioitoi. (, The Louisburg Tobacco MarketIn another column wilt be found a letter written by "A Friend" from o Castalia, i.i regard to the Louisburg b tobacco market and the Riverside n Warehouse. In it be shows to Jhe g people the courtesies that arc al- b ways extended by our warehouse- 6 men and gives good s8uod reasons o why the farmers should sell their e tobacco on the Louisburg market. We fee' that this letter more fully expresses the working of the entire Louisburg market than any article we could.publish. ?? -J?! g Another Thing Mr. Meeklns b Forgot. - 81 The "^imes last week called attention to the fact that Mr. I. M. _/* _! _i at* ? ? tneu&mB, oinciai spell oinaer ot the JBatler brigade, forgot to tell the peo- ^ pie a lot of tilings in the high sounding speech that he made Louis- " burg, on the day of the Republican c convention. The fact is that the most remark- d able thing about Meekin'e speech was his ability to forget. * He even forgot himaelt. He wrapped himself and the republican party in i d mantle of glory and straightway for- ai got what manner of man he was. J He forgot that when his name was d sent to a republican Senate by a re- 01 paMican President for postmaster of __ Kliiabeth City, a Democratic lawyer p filed charges before the republican lb . I - - .~T * . A J * ' KLI THE COUNTY, THE t , J.. LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY TO OUR SI i ^ Since lastiall this paper with it was transferred the all aretyages. The manag it the best they coifhh underj are glad to say we~have-teci ing words of pjflieclft the! the paper.~j3ut our Took* our subscribers behind in/t1 which may possibly be incoi of you to come in and se/ us straight. This is very rnpo hold an account that if* not '< make all the colleotioM we had to work under serious d: owing to our collections Win each one of our subsgHbf/f, v get out of a hole fall. We sincerely ljS?wy a consideration this falaHK,^ Senate, setting forth that Mr- i ns was guilty of all aorta of fra^Bt nd corruption, and was not fit tH| lold any office. Whereupon tbfl epublican President made haate toV ake his name back, and Mr. Meek[i8; waa condemned as unfit by his wii President. This is the sort of man that opens . us mouth wide and talks to decent isople about principles. "Ye gods ud little fishes." j U. D C I The members of the U. D. C. are irged to be present at a meeting on lext Wednesday afternoon at 4:*0 , 1'clock, at the Masonic Hall. i Mas. R. II. Davis, Seo. , Old Soldiers We are requested to state that all he Old Soldiers who intend* going o Norfolk on Sept. 5th, will meet 11 the Court House at 9 o'clock on he morning of the 5th. It is very mportant that you meet there heore leaving, so don't forget it. Banks to Take Holiday. , We are requested to state that wing to Monday, September 5th, eing Labor Day, the Banks of ( .ouisburg will take holidav on that I_ ay and will not be open. Those | aving business with the bank will ear this in mind. Postofflce Closed. Monday, September 5th, will be bserved as a holiday by the Louisurg postoffioe. The carriers will take no trips and the stamp and eneral delivery windows will on]y e open from 7 to 10 a. m. and 5 to p. ra. * The registry uud money rder windows will be closed the ntire day. M. W. Yaiihorocgh, P. M. Baseball. | The small team of Oxford came } ver and played a series of three nines with the small boya of Louisurg the past week. The games renlted as follows: Thursday, 6 to 4 in favgr of Oxird. Friday, 7 to 2 in favor of Looisurg. Saturday, 3 to 3, game oalled after tli inning in order that the visitors onid catch train. me LiOUisburg team left yester-l^ ay for Oxford to-xeturn tbe games. ___________ .. i? ? .1 Fined $5 and Cost s C. (J. Cash, plead guilty to ajc barge for violating tbe Cattle quar- 1 atine, of Franklin county, before { ustice B. B. Massenburg, on Monay morning. He was fined $5 and t jets. . . c Owing to tbe fact that, tbe pee- jt le through the country are to *be n enefitted and that the work ia jbe- t <% k A * " * '""r rSi I I STATE, THE UNION. JBSCRIBERS j* -I ! g! J . tii Has changed hands -and jj si fubscription books with w fment has been running rc [the circumstances and we hl ived_82me_itery encouragmanner^and makeup of. show a good number of heir payments, some of ^ rect. We want everyone j and lets?get our accounts j rtant as we <kf jiot wish to correqt^.ahifrae want to I possibfe "can, . Vfe have.r, e isadvan^ftges M p,a?t year r*/i w g s^naU,abd. w?fepl that. I * rill l^glgta&tip ..assist as* '' i' n ii {i v "v3?yr",'u"c l)*in h >6 sj&gffijas the- bIit^ >. I -j r</ Ea^d the I ng done without any expense to Ehera they should co-operate with the ^ jjpVernment. This being done fit ^ Mild only take a short while to Bjjftiriate the cattle tick. St. Pul's Church ] . Pt&te will be services in St.Panl's < K jfttTohal church on Friday morn- t mJfSdftwmber 2nd at 11 o'clock. c there will be no service in St. ' Paul's Episcopal ohurck on Septem- 1 ber 4th, owing to the absence of the 1 Rector. f Serrio" in St. Paul's Episcopal ' church on the second Sunday, Sep- ' tember 11th, id the morning at 11 ! o'clock and the afternoon at 5. Sunday School in the Episcopal ' church on September 4th, at 10 a. ro. ^ From the College. The carpenters, tinners and paint- j are who have been employed for sev- , eral weeks at the College getting j things in readiness for the opening j on September 7tb, have about finish ^ sd their work and ail will be ready ^ when the girls return. a It has been a disappointment to ( the President and will be .to the school that the new building-has not aken shape this summer. Just jj rhat disposition will be made ot the overflow wo are unable to state, but 8 hat there will be more students en- 0 oiled than the present building will 1 iccommodnte seems certain. There will be four new _ teachers t ind a matron. Miss May Holmes tj vhc graduated here two years ago j vifi teach Bible and''History, Miss Elisabeth Allen, of Columbia Uuirers^tv, English; Miss Mary McCul- e en, of Trinity College, Science; and ' Hiss Hattie Ijrinsoo, ot Sdnthern Conservative of Music, Piano. - Mrs. j ivate Si Dunn will liave charge of d he infirmary. These, with the ex- v eption of Miss Br'u^son who is an n .,i j:.:? - - -i- - ixuiuuu iu me music apartment, f vill fill the places of Misses Grant t L'uttle and J)avis. The personnel f >f the faculty is strong and we beieve this will be tlfe best year in the , jistorv of the College. >, . We are handicapped by lack of J ooro, but the presence every year t >f girls whose sisters, aunts or moth- n irs were educated at Louishurg sug- t, rests that our girls find something e hat compensates for the inoonvien>es of an overcrowed building. We ip^reciate this loyalty but we also ^ vant the confidence and the patropige of the town. If you cannot give lirectly toward the much needed Memorial Building you may at Hast rush it forward by your patronage. v The opening exetciaes will take *! ilace at 10 o'clock Wednesday aorning, September, 7th, at which ^ ime addresses of Welcome will be 14 nade in behalf of the College, the u own and thej churches. Fcrmeri ' X ? - ? ' 1 . - * *. -<* ' ' ... _ ? ?"a udents, and all interested, are eor- T ally invited to be present. Miss May Jones, who has been en- >. iged in the Young 'Woman's Chris?n Association work in Baltimore oce she left the College in January, ill spend'a few days here soon en 1 lute to Columbia S. C., where she as been assigned the position of ity Secretary. Mrs. William. H. Burwell, of ^oodworth, and Mrs. James H. ^ est, of Fremont, are guests of Mrs. [. S. DaviB. , t j At Seven Paths. * On Thursday August nth, a grand jj ature for their school. We have secured as principal the veil known and estimable young ady, Mtss Annie Perry, daughter of ' Jr. A. W. Perry, of Mapleville. For he primary department, Miss Jen- , lie Long; of Cedar Rock, who comes o us highly recommended as a very ffioient and capable young lady. i We hope at the opening of the | ohool the children of Seven PathiLj istrict will be on hand promptly, ' a they have been so much in need | f this opportunity. ?We learn there is 84 registered 1 oters in this school district and that f n election for an additional local j ix will be held on September 6th, i nesday. l^et everybody go out I nd make the majority in its favor ' nanimous. Cor.HKSl'G SPENT. ? -$t : * ; ? " .|r v- ^ o."... .'i' uucational rally and oasket picnic fia held at Seven Paths Academy, ^ rhich has just been completed, A irge crowd was present and all rent home well fed. Two speakers were present, lion, r. W. .Biokett, of Louisburg, and Ion. T. T. Thorne, of Rocky Mount, he latter represented the Junior )rder. At 10 o'clock^ a. mr, a memorial ervice of 15 minutes was held on iccount of the absence of our excelent county superintendent of Pubic Instructions, Hon. R. B. White, vhich was caused by the recent leatb of his wife. During this service short speeches were made by Ion. T. W. Bickett and II. D, Eg rton. Prayer by S. J. Alford, afar which at 11 o'clock Mr. Biokett lelivcred his address. He took for lis Bubject "Corn bread and Butternilk," which was delivered in Mr. Bickett'e usual pleasant manner; He ipoke about one hour and a half and leld the audience spell bound by lis eloquence and wit. After the speech we had dinner, and, dinner it was. Pork, mutton, beef, cake of jvery ueaoripuon ana everytuing to :empt the appetite, and enongb eft over to have fed the crowd igain. After an intermission of oue iour the Juniors inarched in processon to the academy where we,had a rery pleasant and instructive speech rom Mr. Thorne. He spoke at some engtb on the work being accomilished by the Juniors, and then iresented the school with a Bible nd Flag on behalf of the Junior )rder of Spring Hope. Rev. C. C. Williams in a very iretty speech in acceptance of the . Jible and Flag explained that our j choel was founded *cn the principles | ontained in that book, and referred o thejiag in some very well chosen j nd appropriate remarks, atler which be J uniors formed a circle around , he building and and raised the tiag. 'hey were dismissed by Rev. T. G. leans, of Middlesex. Everybody went home well picas i d with the day and the Seven 'aths Academy. The people of Seven Paths have ust finished a school building which 1 oes credit to the community and ' re sincerely hope that much good lay be accomplished, and all who avor good schools and upbuilding! he community, predict a glorious j / , r1 * V t * 4* 1 UBSCRIPTION $1.0p PER YEAH NUMBER 28 rHE MOVING PEOPLE HEIR MOVEMENTS IN ANB OUT OF TOWN. ' - 'hose.Who Have Visited Loulsburg the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure* J. W. Alien - visited Raleigh the last week. Miss. Annie Hight left Monday or Bessimer City. \V- B. Tucker visited AtlanticCily ;he past week. . Miss Maude Hicks visited friends it Iioxboro the past wees. ^ C. K. Cooke returned yesterday from Washington City. T. B. Jacocks, of Tarboro, visited M. S. Clifton the past week. Archie Odom, of Nashville, visited hie uncle E. Odom, last <veeK. Miss Margaret Hicks visited friends in N?sh Qouqty the past week, Miss Laura Mills left Tuesday for Baltimore and Philadelphia. D. F. McKinne left Friday to visit his people ir. Jonston county. Rev. W. F. Craven, ot Spring Hope, was in town the past week. F. B. McKinne and family return- ' ed the past week from their vaca- , , tion. W. H. Pleasants and wife, returned Friday from the northern markets. Mrs. Francis Lacv, of Raleigh, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Y. McAdpn. J. T. Mills and family, of Manson, are visiting bis sister, Mrs. J. H. Bobbitt. Miss. Annie Stallings^of Castalia &t>svisited Miss Minnie Strickland the ? past week. Mrs. J. A. Sanders and daughter, Miss Louise, of Raleigh, are-visiting \Y, E, White. Capt. Franc N. Cooke, of the U. S. A., of Fort Moultrie, S. C., is < visiting his people here. C. B. Cheatham and fnmilv Imva returned from Kittrell, where they have been spending the summer. Miss Girtie Hale, of Littleton, who has been visiting relatives in town, returned home-Monday! . H. S. Yates, who has a pdsrtion with the Coast Line Railway and is located at Rocky Mount, is at tioine on bis vacation. ' ~ - Mrs. Rosa Conn, of Areola, who lias been visiting lier' "brother, Mr. \V. J. Shearin, has returned ho.ne, accompanied by Ileitis M. Shearin. Mrs. I.udie Meadows aud granddaughter, Miss Francis Mitchell, who have been visiting relatives here returned to their home at Oxforff . the past week! ~ : -T' " ; Mrs. W. H. Pleasants and daughter, Mrs. Sallie, Sire. E. F. Early and Mrs. W.'C.?Scott, returned the past week from an extended visit to friends and relatives at Aberdeen, Durham and other places. Administration Pap Dispenser Sc Postmaster General Hitchcook is in Arizona and New Mexico, ac- , cording to 3 Chicago Associated Press report, "to start organizing the two new States with a view ot electing foiir new Republican United States Senators." Meanwhile he draws his salary and is supposed to be attending to his duties at the Postoffice Department where, in consequence of his prolonged absence, business of importance to the people will be hung up awaiting his V return. This is evidently not a Civil ierviee reform administration. How could if be, with Hitchcock as the ictive dispenser of pbtilicat pap? There is a report in Washington that > ilitohqock hankers after one of these enatorships from Arizona for hiniielf, and that he has been using tbs >atronage of the Postoffioe Depart nent f jr that end. It is hardlj vrobable, however, that even a . lielublioan boes-owned lettislaturt ro old dare to elect a nonresident md a stand-patter at that for Hotted itate? Senator.

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