ici r ? r Tr-* a - * , v ? ' * FRANKLIN TIMES ' i F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager uNH tUB, - - *1.00 SIX months, - - *56 ihbxk months, ... ,s6 Friday, September 2 1910. , BR. C00LEY FALLS INTO TEMPTATION. * All good men will sincerely regret that Mr. R. A. P. Cooley, of Nashville, has in a moment of weaknessl fallen into temptation. He has many friends in this county and toi a man they mourn hie fall. It la < simply a case of a good man gone [ wrong. A good friend ot Mr. Cool- I ey a man who has always supported | binj, was asked what he thought of ! Mr. Cooley's action in running for j Congress against the very Democrat j whose nomination he had called for j l>v a rising vote, said:, "I feel just like I would if I had read that in a tit of despondency Mr. Cooley had 1 attempted to take his own life." We think this is the way his friends all feel. His real friends mourn over him. His enemies rejoice that lie has plated himself in such an impos- | sible position. We are profoundly j convince J that ;t lie Cooler we all , know did not write a line of his caul. I An evil spirit took possession ot him. Let alt good men pray that; like tl\e ~ young man of old who I wandered away and found himself! among swine, Mr. Cooler may "come \ to himself" and return to the house j of his fathers. Let everybody get the habit, | "Hospital-tor Louisburg." The churches, secret orders and town ant county commissioners should all take tu active part in the "hospital for Louisburg." Ik you have any public spirit about you at atl; let it show itself in connection with the "hospital for Louisburg." ' . ' We lo not like to hear profanity but would like 'o bear Mr. Cannon express himself on the treatment he !, is receiving at the'hands of his own I - -i ? a '( party. i A Good many 'standpat congress- ' men are dropping out Of the tight .'for a reuomination, which shows 1 that that the trend is strongly to- 1 war ls Democracy. y ,1 Whe.x ? man runs for office and '' is defeated and he tarns "Indepena-!1 eut" it looks as if he is not satisfied J with the public telling him they do!1 not want him, only orce. The Important question that mustj; soon be decided by the Republicans , is whether the Insurgent lamh will I lie down with the stand-pat lion, or 1 whether the iaiub will be iuaide the | lion. The price of crude rubber has de-! clined 50 per cent, but the price ot j automobile tiret^has been advanced | 25 per cent bv the Rubber Trust, j How does Senator Aldrich explain I 'that? " "Susxv Jut" and the President x Rfinrpd tirat. blnml in t!i?ir tiohf with the-Colonel,_?liieh shows that the *?: administration'is hanging together. The Colonel will have to take his innings later?perhaps. SesatoU Mmoot at the raeeting"oF Governors at Salt Lake said "he did ? Dot believe that Eastern interests were trying to control the weBt" Then why does Senator Smoot always vote with Senator Aldricb. Cax the republicans afford not to ' . * renominate President Taft. To do otherwlae would be to acknowledge ~ l that his administration and policies have been a failure. That woald lie _ ?? equal to defeat in advance, even with the Colonel as a candidate. t/.. Tnl'Shelby Aurora, a strong re~ publkfn paper; in speakinv of tbe locaP wf government plank in the republican platform uses the ; following words: "Prohibition has just as many trne friandt in the republican party aa id^Rie democratic <ifoi I " " iTUXz , , \ Nick "Eosowobth is backing up father-in-law as well as he can by going back on Untie Joe, but Ihe Colonel should see that Nick renounces Cannonism. i Uncle Joe 1 may soon enter on the Aatral plane, hut aH the awful isms which he stands for must be discarded if the people are to gain. The republicans ot this county were unable to "seduce" a single Democrat to run on their ticket. The Democrats of Franklin county are not for sale, Mr. Butler. Keep [your filthy bond money for the purchase of cattle Who are for sale. Franklin County has no such cattle. la "Local self-government means "bug juiee" in "wet" territory, and the eleotion of County Superintendents of public instruction in dry territory, would it not be well to I have a joint discussion between i Hicks and Tom Settle to settle th> j question for the republicans? The nomination of T. T. Ilicks ast the head of the republican ticket is u j very "Dry" interpretation of the' "self government" plank in the platform typewritten by Butler and swallowed by the fellows at Greensboro, whose transportation and grub wa's paid f ir out of the "margin" I put up bytlie bond syndicate. HMMMnaanra \Vuex it comes jto the control of' committees the "Old Guard" is on , to the game, but how will U fare at the election? Does any one believe i that Jim Sherman, although he isj Vice-President, could beat Roosevelt fyr any position in the Kepub-! lican rauks in New York or elsewhere? insurgents and democrats Democrats should be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" as the ' good book teaches them, in their j ,1..- I ? Tl? D E ftilLLER * Louisburg, N C , AQRust 30th, 1910.' NEW = Meaty- Market I have re-<\erJil my freeh meat market jA the rear of my reetauranf. where I will keep a full line of freeh meats and f>yters at all times.?WyaYin heed of same tall di ml and I will giee your Jrderdbrompt attention. i Will lellver all ' > orders inlown. \ 0 0 W {j .-iA^RIS e - > - , .......V \ kets,. anil several other things thai savor ot a revolt in the democratic ranks. And strange to say. t ie inde pendent spirit that is breaking loosi in Wake just now ie being felt in i | lot of other seotiona and oouuties it the State, and we see men coming oul and announcing themselves for Congress who had helped nominate th< regular democratic, nominee. Whai can be the meanjng of such thingi when the republicans are on the agree sive and threatening- to carry other districts in the State? Can it be thai the deiuoorates are diasatitied in the party, or is it the management of the party by the hoses? We cannon understand how a man can so lose sight of his hor.or and his sacred obligations as to go into a primary and then bolt and refuse to stand bv the nominees. A man who will do this is not tit to hold a democratic office, and if be is going to run, he should run ss a straight republican and get under the right colors. We have never believed that a true dein :n Ln .. ^ '* .'viae nouiu uuil lUti nominees 01 111** primary and that is ottr bpinioh now. If our friends had won ill tlie fight in this county, we would have expeeled tile minority or the other side to have supported our ticket, and now it is hut just, ami ~to-- say the least of jtvptily democratic, that the' defeated side help roil up a big democratic majority. We have no faith with this Ihdependontism and we wish it understood that this paper will pour ice water on the heads of every one who comes out under such a name to heat the regular democratic ticket. You may not like some of the nomineea personally, but they are the nominees of the majority and they are the demoratio nominees and it is your duty as democrats to support them. Any other course is not democratic. Independentism spells ruin. ?Kaleigh Evening Times. We thoroughly agree with you in the above and to ps it looks Hhat a man who is not willing to give way to the majority is really not a democrat ant way. NOTICE. The schodlNat >jfa/>levi!le Academy will begin Mdmhiy September dth. 1910. We urge all pueati to send children the day school opeU this is very helpful to both, the ntow. and teachers. Verv rcJeimtfulIy, iiiss? amj. Stalling-, Mus/ll. EXVilliams. Mis/ Emma IJuki:. \TEACHEKS. I WIDL PAY CASH? I t'or any kind oP^ld NoJtli Carolina | books, prior to 187oN*in(i Ame special works since that daSo .anything 'relating to* North Carolina. I I will buy Lir.d pay cash for. Lo-'kNx,rough your! Did books. I'll buy them khichare ot ' no service to you. Writefcir^all on J.jW. XjLLEN*. | At Times Office. Louislurg. N. C.t Announcement I will ek>s 3 up myj business,on Sept. 1st and roll leave 011 Septe nuer 12. All ttio*ie having h itches anV\>ther repair in my ihargc inimt call and get same not la er than tha 12tli September, as all /atch and f pa& work in my bands a ter that date will be carried away. I V I \ <?i?u iuv luouigeu a. i ' is i is. the more necessary because j the Insurgents are constantly <ie | elating that th?v believe in the poli cy of protection, and that is not | Democratic. ISeal tariff reform and I protection do not go hand in hand.i These insurgents are also making1 their tight for supremacy in their ' j? n party, and it they tvtn they wilt j be the opponents of the Democrats, j There are insurgents and near-In-, turgents and the tatter, it will he re-j iitembered, vetv constantly votyd ! aith the Republican machine ami ' 1 lor measures that the Democrats and , Lite real Insurgents felt compelled to oppose. In the strong Republican States l ih-rads, ot Course, a strong incen- j live for Democrats to join with the Insurgents to beat the regular Re-! publicans, who foil ows the fortunes | of Cannon and Aldrich. But if the 1 Republican factions are about equal- i ly divided there must be a first rate I chance to elect an honest and cap- ! able Democrat, who will oppose pro- ! tertinnism, frenrie.i tinaecialism. T trarrrgar.ee in poblic expenditures! and all the other isms and ills that j go to-make up modern Republicanism. , . independentism. For want of a better name to call I the spirit that is over this country and several other counties in this State I just now, we are going to say a few I wprds on the above subject and incidentally express our opinion of a certain kind of democracy. When the fight was on between the factions in j this countv before th* rl dmnpfnti/i I primary The Evening Times said j what it thought and said it very | plainly. We fought hard for the men' whom we honestly believed should be nominated and the only regret along that line is that we did not fight just a bit harder,'bat be thlt as it may, we, or rather our friends, got the worst of the fight and were beaten. We took off our hats to the men who j beat as and said that we would sup-1 port them like true democrats, and that is just what we are going to do and according- to oar oodeof democratic doctrine that is what every honest democrat should do who went into tbst primary. Bat unfortunately, that is not the case, as it aeems from ferine rumors that are coming from many sections of the oonnty. There is talk of C'l't n? iicV-i-, i -le irir.s, hint. 1W1 St 1>.; uoiica'.i ? hv ; - i* 1 ?L. " ' \ ' ? / , I ' # ? " t Fact and s THATNChrHI " LIKE SI ALL Busing BeginsIwi ? IN THE The sooner you cegin to sare rhdney tVe soon I - foolishly squander what you earn and also h* you will tin?i more pleasure in /aving t\an lr Make our bank your bank. We pay liobral i I THE FARMERS I / louisburV * ' / OFFICE C. 1>. Cheatham, Pres. / F. X. Egerton, t . . ? I ?" Clifton, ^sa' UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE J f^^ybody I AT FARMERS 1 Our opening sale on the 18th was tke nSost satisf on all grades of primings. Below J H Xowell?4, 7, 14; N Y PendlAn?0, 8 I Denton--'i, s, 10, 12, so; S J l'erry V"> a, 10 Wi Kemeiuber experience counts in selimg toneooo./ jgg . convnap ' I MeadoWs |S . LOJUISBUR jg AT FARMERS N. B. Our solicitors are William Williat 9? SALE OP VALUABLE OHC4IORSE - _ FARM, j W. Under and by virtue a* the power of sale contained in the /ast will and testiment 01 Aicy NelmM deceased, as wilt appear in'book V. ? page 875. office of the CleJk of thysuperior Court, . of Franklin Cownty, _**ie undersigned I-' will sell at the Vourf House door in Loulsburg, N. C\ 0/ the 3rd day of October, 1910, it %eiag the first Monday in told month, at njbat the hour of WlKXfc' ', Z A "fAR WS-O*. of land situate in/landy Creek town- h" not ?n'v advanced 1 sbio, Franklin dbcfctv, and State ef ment of our purchase t HplfS 43&S 1 - > by the Jen ds ofJ.Wl Griffin and W. H. Allen, on ?ebsdby the lands of v I. R. Gupton, in thd south and west ' v-'' * by the lands f J.N. webne, and eon- [ The above ?i. th* r'mn* w h?T Thiv tU alih dnv of A0sru?t, 1910. ! ^ ^ | iLv.'. uwl 1 lx' Skii .1 - V :i't* / - " ~ ^ ~ .7: ''" v. ; * JAat-fiaffiM gwett" ? lEf^irrc ? implyMEANS NG SUCCEED^ jccess! is Success th Money : BANK ier you will have money. You cannpt ive it. Begin banking yfiur money and i spending. f uterest consistent with salcfy I per cent ERCHANTS BANK ?, N. C. * /Ve-I'res. H. Y._McA?len. Cashier." stmnt Cashier. >T\TE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pleased J / i? WAREHOUSE S3 ' actory jn several years. Prices were good M we injote you a few frier s: Sj F P Pearee?7.10, 141.-J; Cud & Af-4, io; W I Medlin? *, I1!, average 11. Jtti Bring ua your next load and we. will' Pv V Harris | WAREHOUSE;!; ns, R. B. Harris and Benj. VoatAr , pjjr _ B. QOOKET v / 9 dui^bj/rg, n. c. to the gameiX makers strike In New York, the pricea ibout 25 n>r ceti\ but it 1? doubtful If we get a aingle ear hipped. fcherefoV the aample line* have been withrou my mraple*. \ Your yery truly, etc; i spmpieb ar\ oil sale at the d <orue to wee.them. 1

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