' . ' p m w - -- 'S , , vv - - ? #* JProfe38ional Card jQRj ARTHUR.HYNES FLEMING, Surgeon Ueutiit, Oini. in Ford Building. Main and Na*h ?troet, Lou la fur*, N? C. / ? ?- Hu?*?: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 46. JjUffl. A. NEWELL, / '.PHYSICIAN />' ^ Louislurg. N. C. rfbope No. 166 pUANKLINTON HOTEL I I Fraoklintoo. NIT. ... . ^ I H. A. Speed, Proprietor. | Good Hrerv in coineciion ~ ^ DkT iH UANKS | % ^ . N 1 DENTAL SU0UEON 1 L':ui?barg, p. C. Olficlin Hick? BailditK, Muin Street. P H. fcoOKE I 1 ATTORNEY-M.TLAWI t Loulsbara, R. C." Over Coiper A Pleasqfcita Store. Prompt atteution riven all legn bu*ine?H entrusted to me .1 I A. jQR J. 1. MALON1 . v ^ I'HTSICIAN ajd SURGEON \ Louisbvfg, N. C\ Ota e in reaAof Ileaalfy-Alston Drug Store. ' T\R. S. P.\ BURT i PHYfActAN and SURGEON iLoulabirg, n/.c. Office over AyS. <fc K. K. Allen's Store JJR. R. F. ffAR^OROUGH PHYSlilANMnd SL KGEON, Lfcuisburg, N. C. Office in Tarbqroqirh & Bickett building. Night calls ansttardl from T. W. Bicketrs residence, phonetTij g B. MASSENOTRG attoMey at la Lonkbnrg, N. C. Will practice in allithe courts of tbe State Office in Bgerton Building "wm- haywoJd rcffin ATTORNEY AT LAW I Lool^inrg, N. C. Will practice in ajllcourts of Franklin and adjoining couutlei. also in tbe Supreme Court and in the sited States District and Circuit Court, (jffibe oyer First National Bank. j I m B. wilder 1 ATTORNHY AT LAW Ltmisbwg, N. C. I Office on Maiaetreec in Cooper building. I . QPRUILL A [HOLAEN ArTt>KNE13 AT LAW | Lfmisbuiw, N. C. Will attend tw courtJof Franklin, Vance, Granville. SYaArei. and! Wake counties, also the Supreme fComt lof North Carolina. Prompt attention givefe to collections Office 4n 8prnill bniuing. ?I < T. W. Bickitt. 1 R. B. White I Louisbnrg, N-'.C. I Franklinton, N. C. JJICKETT, A. WHITE1 i lawyers f Louiaburgl N C. The settlement otestate} for executors,|Adminl"*trators and Guardians is made, a specialty. an/* I sebonds itciitred by law can be secured in-, ne office. 1 Office in Yarboroughfc .Bickett bufldiug Mainretrest I T> w m- per8on I j ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonisburg.ift. C. Practice In all courts. O Ice on Main Street H* YARBOROUG [, Jr. | i ATTORNEY i T LAW ... t. Loulsbntg. f. C. . . "j A41 legal' business intrusti fFto m) "receive jvromnti attention. Ofl Egerton I h 4 /' ] i'ONTRABDILDER TradiOff agent fey all of building snp plies. Artistic M/nfcles and ^Tiles. Arphitec* -- - A_ ' turai pesigns admitted. I btf ford j f DENTIST. N. J - Franklinton. N. C., ^ I fp. Winston Has Move4 Back * ^ L *pruill\/Building Next to RiversideV Warehouse where Ned Ford keeps w Automobile and Buggy's and WagolsL Don't be afraid ? of Ned running o*r\vou as he runs his automobile very sVw. especially by Wihstons st< -e wnfcre you can get $9 suit for $7.5\suit for $4.75, $5 suit for $3, 1 58 500\Umbrellas 80 eta to $100. Cora a in bigVizes. Ladies shoes No. 31 ohei ), Nos. 7*o 8 cheaper Big lot sample hi la, few nwi of matting left, gone dc "v ,to 12 Vents per f yard. Pants che per than elar. Com | on and get a b< gain .in th\ Sprpill building. J P. WINSriwS, ' , r zj> .3* _ r-TT- -W- ?. .. ? .. r - ' 50 Per Cent *1 have used less than one be B Mrs. Gertrude Ward, ot Rushvllle, I fifty per cent better than when 1 be "Before taking Cardui, I had I trouble, for eight years. My greatj I larity. I also suffered with, sever but now I am greatlY improved iw. r dui to ail my suffering! friends, y Take The rare medicinal herbsV>f C I the manufacturers dir/ct from \Euri I found In any other medicine. A These ingredientl are what gW< I as a female medicinl and tonic, \ I For over 50 ye/rs Cardui has 1 I an's medicine. Tip ladies like it, B to take, so gentle, feo safe, so relif B they have faith is its curative ton | the thousands of f>ther ladies it hat Writt to: LadlM' Adlsoo Dept. OuttUaoon i for Special Instructions, and 64-pftfe book. Home Tn BETTER .THAN We issue both Time tma Demand C< which when properlVmdorsed, may one person to anonerl These cer the place of mon^y, anMpwing to t venience, are uaH in bigness tran rata of interesins alioweh when the us a specfHemime. rifi/> 11 .t/i \ . i Stock of the Ramos Typewriter Gar, incoi North Carolina, is being offered u invest will be commenced as soon as\th/ entire FOR pJ^TICCT Address " J. S/ TAA "VI MO V x wm" I have moved W stoek the Carlyle building to t ing, next door tp the Fi Bank, where I will in and will be readyjto sten J-l. ??/ 1, ?X'?\. Lllclll' ever DtUUi^ GEO/ H. C A BIG LOT Newryrr -\tAND Sew'mgWa JUST_RECE And we can m&ke the pricps right. Come we hpve and be c\nvii We Are Setting thA\ niture for the Mon< Can /Buy in tn II also carry -a nice And eompleto line of on glad to servellhoae who may be in Heme J oalljwhen in town or in : j in my line, W. E. White Furniti . / * - f s *'"* \ .. : , .. "... uw ....... =?*r=?? j. Cr^.i '. - '.,?A?: " i * 5 ' - V\ Better I ittle of Cardui," writes I Neb., "and atjk-feeiing I :gan taking it suffered with female I ffet trouble was irregu- I e pains, every month, I 1 will recommend Car- I tDUI 'ardui are imported by I Dpe and are not to be I : Cardui its superiority, I er any other medicine. I teen tne favorite worn- I , V>ecause it is so easy H ibse in its results, and I ic Rowers, because, of H s helped. Try it today. I Medicine'Co., Chitt*mooj4, Tcu&m Atinent lowo??," sent inc. I MONEY irtittcates of deposit, be transferred from tificates often take heir safety and consactions. A liberal funds are leftjwith us or rue iyr or cnnpier xiu. which gatherer] of every kind, b there came.ji rime of separation' good and had. and so It will bo. O was found among the guests who h not on a wedding garment. Imply 1: that wedd&g garments were provkl for all the guests. bnt this one. re resenting many, thought his own oW Ing sufficient and had evidently i fuseddthe proffered garment Just Cain Refused the way of the Lot preferring his own way. and w refused by the Lord, so ail^ wl think their own righteousness st Sclent and refuse the rlghteoaane provided by God in Christ thall ! compelled to hear the aw fa I ~Depe from me" nud shall find thepaaelv forever cast out from His presence, i the many who are called only few a chosen simply because few are willli to be chosen. ** V- > v.- -V ' ' ' ' ' r v aw ? f * V " SUNDAY JCHOOl Lesson XI.?Third Quarter, F S^pt. 11, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIE ?-? < T#xt of th? Lesson, Matt, xxii, 1Memory Verses. 8. 9?Golden Te Matt, xxii, 14?Commentary Pt ' paisd by Rev. D.M. 8tearna. This lesson on the parable of 1 marriage feast Is found only here, t the parable of the great supper Luke xfr- traa "Similar teacbTi {hough thiTr seems to have been sj ken because one hud said. "Blessed he that ahull eat bread Id the kli iloru of God." ; Both of the parab tench us. among other things. the ter Indifference of men to the thii of God, whether It be to the klngd* or to the marriage of the king. 1 marriage of Adam, who Id Luke 38, is caljed-tbe son of God aud whi we are told in Epb. v.. 31. was typical of Christ and the chur has Id It many truths. The buildl of Eve from a purt of Adam tali from him as he slept her be! brought to him when completed, tb name being cal'ed Adam (Gen. v. the dominion given to them, pre suggestive of the building of [ church out of Christ by virtue of 1 death and resurrection* the rapture the church when she shall have b< completed, tbe marriage of the Lai according to Rev. xix and the kli dom and dominion over the wh earth, which is to be ours with Hi The other brides of Scripture, such Rebecca. Axeuath. Zlpj>orub and Ru are also typical of tnnny things wh will only be clearly and fully seen the kingdom after the marriage of 1 Lamb. How very suggestive* the story Abraham's servant intrusted with 1 care of all his master's wealth, wh be had given to his only son. go! forth to seek n.bride for that son. H prominent the question becomes we think of our lesson for tod "Wilt thou go with this man?" (G xxiv, 58.) Then think of Rebei becoming possessor of Isaac and all that be bad. but best of an inheritor with him of all i covenant promises of God. Th! what she would have missed she had not said "I will go." I Ruth rewarded for cleaving to Nac by becoming Jolftt possessor of i 0eld lo which she bad wearily gleai and also by becoming an ancestress David and of the Lord Jesus Chr Hove you anointed eyes to. see th things and many more? If not quickly to Him who has the eye sal that thou mayest see (Rev. lli, 18). The loving heart of the King Is i discouraged. He so longs to have thi -people know Hlra. that He may bl them, that He sends forth other se ants with a more pressiug Invltat: and with the assurance that all thii are ready. He has prepared eve thing. They have only to "come in the marriage." But they made Uj of It and went thelr-wnys to their o affairs (versee 4. 5). or. as in Mt ill, 12. "They left Him and w< their way/' or. as In Luke riv. "They all with one consent began make excuse." Put ail this Is m compared with verse 6 of our less where we read that they took His se ants, entreated them spitefully a slew them. Can we wonder that ! destroyed those murderers and burr up their city? (Verse 7.) This liters came to pass for those to whom was then speaking about (A. D. " but He who could look forward foi years cotlld as easily look forward the eud of this age and all the ag See In chapter xxv. 41. that wbl will Just as literally come to"\)ass i some dcsplsers. now groat Is t unbelief prevailing today concern I these things, but the day of the Lc will- come. As truly as the dclt came upon the world In the days Nonh and the Ore In the days of T upoD the cities of the plain. *?o sh all come upon the ungodly that t Scriptures have foretold. The **i worthy" of verse S must be rend the light of such a passage as At xll!. 40. "Ye Judge yourselves \ worthy of everlasting life." No c can be worthy of the .grace of Cod. Is for the ungodly, for sinners, a those who come ure never cast oi but those who refuse the invitation a said to count themselves unworthy It. When we have accepted the gi clous Invitation, then by His grace 1 should walk worthy of (led. who ha called us to His kingdom and gin (I Thess. 11. 12). By the dlligeqee <?of other eervar enough good and bad are gathered furnish the needed gueets. remind! Henderson, N. C. AL rporated underjthe laws of ors at par. Manufacturipg amount] of stock is sold. LARS [OS Box 54 f. C. =======^ EDI! ' .. a 8 .C * x .. * of goods from he Bailey buildirmers-Merchant crease my stock re you in a better i Give me a call. iOOPER ' 1 OF liture ichines :ived to see us and "look at Svhat iced that Tery Best Fur3y That You i6 State. itertakers supplies and. will be ed of mv services. Give need of anything v? * jre Company * . ? ? hiif ]iitfitllii[iifiiri'i,riii k . ?? ? -? RI^^WERWOOD he c?n bo laid without hut orJfother rlrht oAr the oW top of yoac bnfldinj: i ns t?<(ly from afire c Vic tier to will lot aa Ion* ?e th^/ldln* lUelf mid nJjw nee. IK- ?????^??^? Ie8 p e ip ?<- Special Sa ? AT THE I Racket \:eo \ n* \ elr ^ I all Now line of White^Goods.lGinfrhamp. Perrate^M the stock of If en Laces and IpmV 0g. We call especial attention Tme American fieaut: as . if i'cb ^'ia best on tbejmarket.'Call and|pe them.** San baby caps just received, fl will be to you the m msmeses* 5 MRS. A M ing as SPEND YOUR VA eo. AT - o \ / to Twr \/ii?riiM ink vs ? ? if yivii ix ? ' OCE^toI VIEW ie<j (Midwavjbetween JoffolK)nul Old P of . The most popular Summerii^fel on 1st HEADQUARTE F?fe FOR NOfcTH ese Surf Bathing, Pishing, Boating, Music, Dawn go Bowling)AUeys and OtheoAmusements. At^ re- For Rateafand Further Iftforml not " ? ? JNO. A. TUCKER, ess rv- 1 ;3 SALE AND I nto ;bt ? n ^ I have decided to run again a Safe; gLiver snt serve the public with ? V 18. \ / to \ / Ud x \ * ?n. First Class TearnV A rv- . ... nd / .\ He / \ ted / \ lly Will be glad to have a liberal share cA patronage a He teams and polite and accommodating drivers. \ 0), f - \ 1 RFFULLE ich [ for lie ????? ins ? SAVE THEgMIDDLE W .Ot \ nil \ he \ lot \7 In ' ' . \ ts If you will see me or let me see: pou before you ad in' save you money. Men are generrlly in Vjusinesaio ne is true I can save you money. Those \%hoarirkee It the money possible, so see me. I makeyualtresse: nd ing with a plenty of nice clean cotton atVKnusk. t." of felt or hair mattress you wish and yoifcan see ,re / \ of / \ ^ v ra- / \ we / I ith . / I t*j G.VL MORRIS nR / 1 \ Spor / 3i 2 IVTrYISTT "KlvrTpfr E - (is \. / '' ? TOMBSTONES, CURBI ho /y ? FENCING Write to | Suffolk Marble Works, /Watch Tms., .v y ( v Vv : , "1 -? k "v ''1 ' ","1. <[' k ' r " s SHMGUS n i wood thins lea. ch an grins the A FIREPROOF ROOF that . . . ds repairs. _ .Wiv ices, etc., apply to org, N.C. ? les * /Stor :adras, Souitincc and a pretty roideries Lto the X Corsets iple\line [ot Ladies hats >r intyest to see them. HALL a CATION " C . IA BAY , VA i>int Comfort, Va.) , the Virginia Coast CAROLINIANS KvJTheatres, Scenic Railways rican and European Plan, ition, Writer MGR. N. JVERY y > y/Stable and amfprepared to1' ( t All Times. na guarantee satisfaction. Safe V-7 ; ANS PROFIT . / . ' t your fall mattresses I can r what there \& in it. If that pips: house want to save all s of the best feather prrof tickYou can havp any grade of and know what v:>u get. , JR. L ^TS ' > NG and IROIT ; J Suffolk, Va.

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