> V v - - ' ' _ , * RIVERSIBI Try us With a j r [lieu r ' 1 p" Popes Items J. 11. Sledge addressed the Farmers Union here on the ISth,He - ?1 - made a line talk that was enjoyed by all. Miss Ida Fuller has leturned front Vance county" where she has been visiting friends and relatives. Miss Corrinne and Zelma Ilolme! attended the meeting at Flat Roc! last week. The good road force Will com tnence work on the Pocomoke road this week we are glad to state. We are glad to see J. ,VT. House out again. The[ people about Pope's have quit grumbling about theft- crops at they have materially improved. W'f think that we will make an average crop. Mrs. Charles Frazier, of Harris township, visited Mrs. G. H. Perget-SoU, last week. Come out to Sundav school. Don't let your chair be vacant. We need you. (i. H. P. Youngs ville Items. Rev. J. W. l'atton is" conducting a revival meeting at the Christian church this week. Miss Kookh Spivey is visiting at Merry Oaks this week. Sam Lumpkins has accepted a position as auctioneer with Cbeatliam Bros. Mrs. O. Blanks, the milliner o( the firm of Pearce, W illiams & Co.. is on the northern markets buying a complete line of milliner)' for the fat)-trade. Mrs. G. S. Earp has gone on a visit to relatives near Lonisburg. We are glad to learn that Claude Cheatham is able to return from the hospital this week. R. C. Hoekadj has resigned his position at the Bank and J. A. Wil. liams has been elected to fill hii ? place. C. C. Winston has gone on'a visit -to Tarboro. Our school opens next Monday. Among those leaving for schoo this week are:" M. E. Winston, R. E - Underwood and C. V. Timberlake L .i, |Coal= | Hard, ^ | .GET YOI jP. / V * ? . i UND Did 1 If you did - other opei Load ?lieui this setiSOl * e ed angel of death visited the home I of Mr. and Mrs R. 15. Wicker and j ! laid his icy hands npon the heart of! futile t'harles Daniel Wicker aged j j fourteen months and eighteen days I and forever stilled its fond and far- | j vid pulsation. But "Oh, grave | i whete is thy victory? "Oh, death, where is thy sting?" For has not the Savior said to "suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Then father, mother, brother and sisters why should vou weep when you know that he is "safe tu the arms of Jesus" . where I * ; there is no sorrow or care. His sof jotipi uj on this earth was of short , duration, but long enough to endear > htm to all that knew him. His : smiling face, his laughing blue eyes and chubby form is too indelltbly stamped upon our memory for eith- I er time or eternity to ever efface ( them. Conld we but look across ! the vista of time and see him and little sister that has gone on before j in their spotless and shining robes as ' 1 they welcome father and mother to, that celestial home or see them today with their shining wings and raptor >us faces as they gambol and ' play before that gTeat white thorne we wonld not recall them tor worlds. I know that his fond fathers heart | I is heavy and bleeding still but re-! member that your loss is the Mas. tei'sgain, and that sometime some- j ioft, Eurek JR SUPPLY re y... Kb./ EE . fou Sec Ou yon*know, but it yoy1 ling sales wer$ inrot/ti ng sale than the efttiv l, All other prygea w iivs, as shown lVHcnv\ 10 15: VI. C. Pruitt sA-2'i-40; Wikst ton yll-15: \V. G.1P e.vt load and be convinced that the lnlx n willia where you will again meet never to | J part. And to liis mother who has') entered the very valley ot the shad- if ow of death that he might live; I i I would say mother be of good cheer,IS for the sepiration from vonr babe !( will not be long, for you too will j J sometime reach the end of life's j [ journey, when you can again clajp j (| him to your bosom and claim him as ( j your own never to part again.!} While we always regret that it fell ( to his lot to blaize that 'dark and die- 1 mal trail for us; we would not call j J him hack to this vale of tears. ji So rest on little fcbatlee, ji For ws too are traveling there; jj !?_> e and bye we'll meet you be- j i yond the stars, * Hi In that beautiful golden eouie-j J where. j] Lovixgi.y Covstx. j? LAST GRAND, EXCURSION VIA j SOUTHEM, RAILWAY. \ RICHMOND VIRGINIA. j On Sept. 20th the Southern Railway will operate its last Annual Excursion j to Richmond. Val "from Goldghoro, Raleigh, Durham, ^wjfford, Henderson, 1 and intermedate staCons including Jeff- 1 reys, Va. I I DON'T MISS TH^ OPPORTUNITY ' TO VISIT fflt HISTORIC ! CAPITAL Of DIXIE. ( With its iiiatp,' plinta of interest while the weather is {delightful. Very 1 cheap rates wilfapplv as follows: 1 From Goldsbcfo, ? 1- SO j " Selma, J I 3 50 I " Raleigf, I 3 00 ' " Durban, I it 00 { " Oxfog, J 2 50 J fieyHiue, | - au | This trfn will leave Goldsboro at 1 6:45 a. ml Selma 7:4, Raleigh 8:35, I Durham X30, HenderAm 9:00. and Ox- i ford lO.ai, a, m., -arriving 4:10, p. m.. ( returning, leave Richmond on any regular tragi up to and including 10:45 a.' m., Sept. 22nd. A Fcr Ihedule. raje, Ac., from other points sail on any Southern Railway agent fr write 1 W. H. Parxell, I T. P. A., i Raleigh, X C ... - Publifc Stenographer j I have openeckan office over the First! J National Bank fv they purpose ?f do- IJ ing Stenographic \Wo? for the public. ! i Accuracy and neayie* is my aim and 4 I shall he glad to and wait on all j * who may need m| services. WorkjJ called for and delivered. Phone No. : I 55. Charges reasoAtVe. i J RceVT C. Baixey. J Louis bury, N. G.| a AAAAAj WWW.WWWWWWWWWW* - CO a Block, IN fBEFORE 1 * -/ * ' WIS, NDEN / ^Opening Sa 'didn't we will tell you that ons ,:s we sold more tobacco e Loiiisburg market had s ere also imitations as comj ead Stalling 6-9-11-1!*; H. M. Bell 5-9-12-20;* W. O. ruitt 11-15-20-31-1"' 50. " pendent warehouse is the place to sell your to' B?BPBWMKta?l !! Ill'II IW III ! MIC ,aniWIMH? tmson Ch | Candler-' H I g Agg Are at home to th< ^ They report a vei\: j|j Northern Markets \ you a complete line ?2 and Shoes. Miss C ^ er, is still in the Nl !g? that she might bepo S ed with the fall rta ing will be announc i COME 1 isa i ur^ I Candler-Cro H Louist Midway Lump, HEyfeoLD WE - ^ IT WAREHOUSE Ic ; all on ( !? Satisfaction Reigned Jell ^ Hin ... ? - bacco, if -i ' .. ? m-j M II ' '?Ml ias- Johnson ma Crowell Co. | nr friends and patrons. y successful. trip to the || an^f are ready to show || \of Dry Goods, Notions gg i^ira Aycocke, our Millin- ^ cithern Market in order me thoroughly acquaint- 2g shions. Millinery open- ?| :ed later. 'g "O S^EE US x 1 to Serve 1 well \Company 1 ?urg, IN. x a -Coal! /-* i nc.n OUIVIE.S 1 _?_J. . .OUISBURG, N. C. I ? ? ?? ^ ^r' vL" ~~~ : _