F/. ? r"~::.% .. ;,.. ^ ' -gggg We Have Just Rece REXALL R * TO I LET V -- : ;. . . _1 ' :A 0F ALL This brand of goods is highly adverti teed in every ? CALL IN AISU^LP Our^Pfesoription Dopa^nient THE SCOQQ1N D I " OL Summer Sto In order that we may have n winter stock that is If You Will Com< Get the Bigge **-- -i* k of a life time in Clothing, Sh and ladies and genu THE PEOPLE'S /( LOUI9pUR # Aaron Lauteburs The Place to Tie I am now selling mj sunVi . . will almost take voiwhreatlV to get rid of thenif to make . stock. / Come to ; f ;/ ? AARON DEITZ,L jr You pay out your m the best. Take Iu pany that pays* ai It I THE mutu/ E olIFE IHSURAnj i Has passed th/b es ?SAMUELA PA We Have JustTh . 13 . ived a Bill; Ix)t of t EMEDIES ARTICLES sedAnd recommended aud guaranOK VHEM OVER is alwrya V?pt up to date. RUG COMPANY ifi<&wi5^5ii5wwwwwwwi&i&?y' PR ckMjistGo joA for our /arRc fu'l and i armihcflilT- 'b Now You Can sit Bargains. pea. Shirt Waists, Skirts furuishing goods. I0THING STORE G, N. C. \ <&&&&&&&&&&&<& dub tSdi Deitz i, iyc. (/Big Bargains ler lines for a price that Jn astonishment in order _ Voom for mv bier fall s\e Me oui^burg IN. C. oney, why not get isurance in a commiuahdividends a . IL BENEFIT nr nnMPAUY wwiiia nil I :penmental stage RHAM, Agent 1 e Balance m Onr 4 Braxton Bragg Killed. News reached here Monday morning of the killing of Braxton Bragg by Lawrence Davia at the home of Eliss Allen in the edge of Granville county about 8 miles west of here ( Sunday night about 12 o'clock. It aeema that Davis t nd Bragg had both gone to Aliens and were the : best of friends, but both had been j drinking very freely of Wine wittr i which they were well supplied, and a woman at Aliens of which Davia ' was very fond, wished Bragg to leave whioh Bragg did not see fit to do and Davia waa appealed to to run bim (BAgg) off by the woman, which Davis proceeded to do, this causing the trouble. Previous to , this both parties had fired some shots having a good time, and it seems | that Bragg did not wish . to have trouble with Davis, telling Davis to . "let's go out and make it up." They . left the house and Bragg was about to band the negro, who came with them, some wine, when he was shot through the' head-by Davis killing him instantly. Davis then proceeded to take a nap, laying down about 26 or 35 feet of Bragg's dead body and slept (aa did the balance of Allen's family) until the arrival of of Dr. Sykes. Davis tben laft,Teturning later when he was arrested by Bragg's two brothers. An inquest was held Monday and. Davis was held without bond to await the action of the next grand jury;-- Bragg is very well known here. Death of J. W. FullerIt was on last Wednesday ove, ning at six thirty o'clock when God saw fit to call from us our loved one after a long illness. He was taken .with paralysis on Monday evening at five o'clock. He was the father of twelve children?ten living and two dead; twenty-four grandchildren, twenty-one of thein living and three 1 dead. All of the children but one and all the grandchildren but two I were at home to pay their last re' finpAla , -r He was mariied the loth day of . September 1861 to Sarah Aome ' Wiggins, daughter of Howard Wiggin, he was a son of Rev. Solomon Fuller. He died September 7tl), 1910. He had been a member of Oak Revel Christian church about I 48 years and had been a member of | the Masonic Order 'a"bout 36 years and at the time of his death was a Master Mason. He lived to be the oldest member of his family and was a faithful husband and true father. 1 He was a friend and neighbor and was always ready to offer his service in sickness and every other way that would be any help. He leaves a wife, six girls and four bovs to grieve after him. His remains were interred in the family burying ground at his home near Louisburg Thursday evening at four o'clock, September 8th. Rev. F. B. Xoblitt conducting the funeral service at the house and then the MaBons took bis body in charge for burial. F: i Quaker Oats I is the Worldyfood Eaten \in/every countrytyfeaten by infantSjTathletes, youna/and old.?, Recognized* as the great strength / builder, j Delicious and economical. backed in regular size packages, and in hermetically sealed tins Ifr hot climates. 52 CHICHESTER 3 PUIS DIAMOND BWOtD ' co" I A J LADIES f -A?n Aak jewr Nr,*cUt for CTl/tHES-TBR'S A DIAMOND BRAND riUjTIn RkO and/\ Gold metallic boxes, t^ei with B2uev%}) Ribbon. Takb no ornA. Ray of y#Ir\T/ Dr.nrM ?d Uk fb, /rir-fi. ArZiV V DIAMOND nit A N D MliI for twentx-flse wars regarded as Beat, fc feat lAl ways Reliable. SOLD BY ALl DRUGGISTS ^?R EVERYWHERE mixsmm^siAR 4wm (Ulalak Pre v#nt? PmhikhU ; ' } f ' "" * / l wwi*** Fodder twink 8 1/T per pound at LP Hick* \V^ y New lot Kayo/Vamps, Glass Lamps and candles ajrt, 1^ Hicks. Pface'List Hcrap Iron, any kind 25 cents cash or 30 cen.ta in trade pejJOO pounds. Bones 25 cent* per\oo pohnds, Brass 6 cents per pound; C\pper 8 cents per pound; Rubber 4 cedes per pound; Lead 2 cehts per pound tltunc 1 cent per pound; Beeswax 20 eeofe pkr pound; Green Cow Hides 4 canta penpound; Wool 17 rents per pound ant/tk>. . y \ SPIRE. E/A ROGERS ,:.rTlnwon(ef ouisbuce, N. C. _ Will make estimates on any job Work Guaranteed. \Call or write when in nee/ of anything in my line. /' \ MURPHY'S CAFE 1 wish to announce to the people ol Louisburg and (FranklinyC-ounty that I have opened ujAan up-^date* Cafe in the rear of my aiarkeyon Nash street, where you can tot wnat you want to eat at any time tou A/ant it and pay for what you gen L shall keep the ties! the market gffory at all times and in rite you to give June a call when in town. I shall /Pko keep my market open and will s/bphod with fresh meats every day from now through the winter, and shalwe glad to receive youi orderfwhlcl/wlll hare my personal and prompt attention. At trial will convince vou that n/ne iB theplace to trade, /t T W. E. MURPHV (Mm * ====== * C We are going to change w close out the stock we have. W Androscoggin bleaching- 9c, 39c worth 00c, undershirts C 0 .1 i 1000 >nrds of percale 9c worl ery, glassware, pictures, tin w r - one to mention. All must go j Sale commenc continues u 1 cash s^ J Nash Street f p j? I Now t We Are R I Carrying a full 1 { Come and Figi ^ How about your Guano? We ? goods. None better for J W. P. NE, B P. S. Sfesers. X. ri. .Best ft friends come to see them. - 1- . -CI ' . -i *= ; .r .. . ( MEN and LE Are Fir&Jfodged Appearan L ATTRACT ATTENTION?-riitli neat and you can inpei-yft a ir have written. Therw if a? m\ letters written on a new type written op an old mZshine as a gentleman well dfeWd and You Can't Get ^Res - Your Letters Loo THE VICTOnrTYlPEW RITMt ? to any buiness; it is the\ m the neatest work with the Wr ease. Suppose yo* writef f [ and general typewriter infer RAMOS TYPEWRITER I 115 Market Stree I Pone 1134 . ? ..... -- vYiL.miiNU'ruri, is. jJ ^ ' SACRIFICE our.bqeiness and take in a n&w partner aud it Therefore we offer every article in the store best yarX wide white clotjr 7c, Ginghams 4 3. Dc worth V 1.00, Calico 4r3-4c, $300 worth < A.t Your/6wn Price t 1*2, Shirtiny^l 1-3 worth 12 1-2, Trunks, valii are plow unetXsbells, hardware nod huudred 5000 pair Hh\es. es/Saturday Septembe ptil all good are sold. Le. Come\before the g are picked over THE ALSTON CO f* ifMMt 0 ItlHIM For Bus leady and Prepared I IMF ftl ISIIMFSS B- ws^rai i , I 7 ine of General Merchandise, Feed Stuffs, Gu Lire- Wi f Lis. We Knc Mak^it Interesting bundle the Wiedmont, Mt. Airy Co's.and Nava y^obaeoo, cotton and corn, in fact special am r Prices Arc Right & CO. ^ ; and J. N. Davis are with ug and wilt be pti : ' 1 : [ ' ' ' ' "-V ' T~"T ' f . ? . . . ' : XTERS V 1 r . " J < by lheir, ? 1?. i it letter that ia lan in what you ich difference in writer and those there is between . ' \ I a ragged tramp. ults Unless _ k. Good. s a valuable asset achine that does eatest speed and or the catalogue maiton. COMPANY t , . PC O. Box 54 C. * ' | ~~ SALE! A. ' . 7? in necessary for us to ^ at New York oost. 2 .4c, mens undershirts 9 >f lace and hamburg Jf * ' ies,- haiuburgs, crock- ^ of articles too numer- 2 r 10th and ;* Strictly 2 oods j# ?# - * ? J# ouisbure. N. C. f J# a.**.*.*.*.;*.*.'**' iiness! to do a | ano, Etc.. >w We Can # ssa Guano Company's >1 v sis for alt crops. sbui^f^C ^