FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Edttor and HUna|er Fbiday, September 16 1910. ???mx to sew Afvaaruanroe J.A.Turner?Which one do you belong to? *'* R Z Egerton?Cash Shoe Store Candler-Cspwell Co?Millinery opening Jfj ' Elnora Fdller?Notice ?? H C Pearoe?Auction aale of land W H RuflVt? Commissioners sale Box No. 1^-Wanted to sell TAR DROPST ^r f. -- _ ? r ?Pave your eidewslk. ?Are you having the sidewalk in front of your place of business paved? ?Read the change of ad of Geo. H. Cooper in this issue. It- will be of interest to you. ?R. Z. Egerton has a new adver, tisement in this issue to which we direct your attention; ?Read the change of advertisement of F. W. Wheless in this issue, if you want clothing.' ?W. B. Cooke says he haa^lot of drumtnere samples on hand be is selling at wholesale pricea. Read his ad. ?Let every property owner in the business part of town get, the "paving fever" and have toe sidewalk paved. it /-i. ?in i ?vauuior?vyruw?ii win nave their millinery opening next Monday and Tuesday. Read their advertisements in this issue. ?B. H. Meadows, who has been with Mr. J. J. Hayes in the livery business for the past several months, has taken a position with J. H. Southall & Co. ?The leading secret societies of our cmcty continue to iucrease in membership. There is something in a secret organization that strongly . appeals to a married man. ?B. G. Hicks is treating his store to a new coat of paint which is adding quite a good d-al to the appearance of it.' a habit it would do well for many, of our meichants to catch. ?With the sidewalks all over the business part of town paved Louisrburg would present a much better appearance and it would be worth the expense to the merchants to have them paved. ?Information was received here this week that Mr. R. P. Taylor, our townsman, had fallen heir to about $300,000.00. We understand that, s this was through the death of a wealthy relative in Texas. ?It has always been a mystery to us that a young lady should make some poor fellow believe that she is interested in his welfare when as a matter of fact she is interested only in his farewell. ?From a letter received from Mr. T. W. Watson, this week, wo learn that he has moved from Jacksonville, N., C., to Sumter S. C. In this move Mr. "Watson has received quite a nice promotion of which fiis many friends here will be glad to lean:'. A friend at our elbow so ages's ? that the best way to head off the mail order houses is for the local merchants to advertise liberally acd get the trade themselves. It does look reasonable; All of the suceBsfnl mail order houses are heavy advertisers and if they can make it pay why not thn local merchant? ?We have residing in the southern snrburbs of our town, a young man, whs, if reports are true, is wonderfully made. His doctor Baid he had an iron constitution: bis friends said be had nerves of steel- his uncle that he bad a wooden head; the girls said he had a heart of stone; his enemies declared that there was more ' brass to him than anything else; others declare? he had lots of sand; while his admirers declared that he was all wool and a yard wide. ?We heard a young man remark o last week that, "The world owes me a living." It is hoped,for that yonng man's good, that he'll get the nation ont of his head. It's a mistake,-a grave mistake. He never entertained a moreToofish idea nor ode which will bring him ? smaller measure of respect. The world owes the young man nothing; bnt instead he owes the world and society an aotive, noble manhood, a steady, honest energy A- - T : r.... : ; V t ^ 7? V ?'A'1 V which will enable him to associate with decent men and women in a true manliness of oharaoter that will moke hia frieuoship valuable and hia presenoe and oompamonship desired. This !' young man abould contribute to ao- j oiety'a happiness end wellfare the f grace whioh cornea through a(u_dy, toil and honest thought. r A Big Improvement. Mr. R. Z. Kgerton has converted the Carlile atore into a bower of neatness, A new coat of paint, white w ash, and a thorough oleanaing baa added very mush to its former appearance Removing the counters and altering the shelves has ^jiven-him a model shoe store which is indeed attractive and city-like in appaaranoe.Hnia now open and ready for business. Read lua advertisein nt COMMISSIONERS SALE By virtue ofan order of sale of the Superior Court of Franklin county made in the special proceedings, entitled Mrs. Kate^White,(C, T, CheaveS et al vs Julius Tant, Mrs. Rebecca Perry et al, the Undersigned commissioners wi)l, on Tuesday the 18th day of October, 1910,lit feeing the 2nd day of the October team/ it Franklin Superior oaiirt, at toe / noon recess of court, attne courtylpuse door in Loulsburg, offer for sue to the highest bidder, at public ajjtton, that tract of land known as the/lbiJt Rogers tract in Dunna township. Franklin county, adJoining the lands if J\ M. White and others, and bounied YA follows: On the north by the Binds YA J. M. White, on the east by tie lands\ot the estate of Amy Bell, onjthe South bv Crooked Creek and on th? west otYhe land of, White, \containing 64 actes more of less. Ter^is of sale This 16th dly of September, 1910. Wm:H. Ruffln, W. M. Person, Commissioners. YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING CLEAN \ I and up to date and ilso you will receive the politest attention possible Give me a call and fe "'ill satisfy you. ntrtn t / ctep ti i UJV/lll I. JILUrtLL WANTED TO *EL^L A good family horewqg trade for a colt ! 18 months old or ovqC Address R. F. D No. 1, Box 51, lA^i&Surg, N. C. Harts w, LOUISBU 4 Sends you the glad tidings this week of grades of tobacco. Wc knew that this a to our market and Harts Warehouse wil ness of this statement, Bring me a loac convinced that Harts Warehouse \ \ Sells it Higher a [ Treats Yd TRY THIS HOUSE ANp M : 7 J. R. COLLIE, I We sell every day except Monday, and c the sales at 10 t ' i Which ' 0i)( nr1 ? Belon DIED SUDDENLY The community was shocked yssterdav to learn that Mr. J S. Improvident, while sitting on the porch at his home, died suddenly. No one was with him when .he breathed' his last. Mr. Improvident was atv exemplary citizen, and will be sadly missed in this community where all who knew him admired him for hla many manly qualities, r Mr. Improvident leaves a wife and three small children. Unfortunately he had jost expressed his Intention or taking out a life insurance policy, but neglected it, and his estimable family will be left in almost destitute circumstances. His children are of tender age and the afflictions falls heavily up-1 on the widow who is universally es-.' framed, I fl. TURNE8 For Life, " * - tSSbisi x} * . . ... 4 " ' r*~ ' ^ - n - - < Automobile Speed Limit Ordi- 4 nance. )- A The .following ordinance* 'were J paused jy tlie Board of Town Com J miasioi era at a meeting held on ] Wedn sday morning, September Tth, J Okd Vance: Be it oMaioed that A no (tyi >n shall operate :j motor ve- A btple 0| on the streets in/tbe town of A Ijouiabing at a rate of speed greater A reasonable and/proper, hav- J ing regard?to?traffis/and use of 4 the ViAwava, or Ifso as to 4 endanger life or limli of any person 4 on the streets, between Franklin and 4 the River pTiffgSptrfm Spring St. and 4 Church Streets in lionisbnrg ran at 4 a higher rate of spaed than six miles 4 an hour, a&n in so other parts ot 4 said town ska\l nor, in any event ruo 4 at a rate Vf\ speed greater than 4 twelve miles nn\tour. Any person 4 violating the Yir/visions of this ordi- 4 nance shall oopnVonviction be fined 4 Five Dollars far each offence. 4 OrdinsncbsX Be\it ordained that ^ no person shall opera\e a motor ve- ^ hide upon tin Areeu\ of the town * ot Loatsbargnn tnfe nigk; time with- ^ oat displaying two\ while lights, in v the front of Bald Vehicle, and one v red light in fear of same. \ Any per- 5 son violating the provisions of this 5 ordinance mi all, upon\ conviction be > v fined Five Xlollars fori each Xffenoo ! - Ordinance: Be it Yrdaineti that ^ every perS^n^ operating b motor ve- hide upoijthe street* the to tut of ^ Louisburg, BhalJ sound a horn oreig- . nal upon hpproacbing a grossing in ^ said strsei, and have said motor ye- . hiclefT Under control. Ant person ^ violating tpe provisions of this opH- 1 nance phajl, upon conviction, Be tinea ] Five Dollars for each offence! * \ ^ ORBisiNCE: Be it ordaindfl that ^ any p^rs^n operating a motor vehicle U upon Ithp streets of the; town of y LouiBbUTg shall, before passing any ^ other Vehicle upon said streets from ^ the rear thereof sound a hofn or oth- < or signal, and pass with djie regard y to the situation of said ottt^r vehicle y Any person violating the provisions y of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined Five Dollars for each offencB. ? -?r i : ' , V* AREHOUSE RG. N. C. ^ - / a marlfed and strong dvance on alia dyance was bound to come, and a visit 1 convince you of the absolute truthfulI of tohacco and follow the sales and be / < Lpd J. R. Collie ] (uy Better ] \ < :an aW he convinced Louisbjjrg, N. C. I iur sales committ^ are going to star ( o'clock sharp. | ( ( i BO - Yo/ii J To i r- / i 7 * / died suddenly ( I # y i Tlife community wis shocked yester- I | day to li'ftrr. that Mr. J. S. Provider t, < while sitting on the porch at his home, ' | died suddenly. No one was with him | I wlain h- breathed his last. Mr. Provi- |, j dent was an exemplary citizens, and |" | wBl be sadly mlased in this community i { wfiere all who know him admired him '< i far his many manlAqualities. J Mr. Provident leaws a wife and thioe | j small children. .Luckily a few years , ! ago he took a policy imrhe Blank Life ' j Insurance Company fon{6,000 and thia ( fieat snm will prov ide lpr tho grief , Lstricken widow and fatheiws children. ' I Funeral arrangements will\e anriounc- I ad later.. ^ ' Special fluent j Insurance < ? i RG, N. C. KI i \. . V * . rr- ^ : j Who Invests \ The money you earned last yearlbu t lei a dribs." Rest assured someone ass it it of its earning power. Keeping lour do vou and not someone else reaos the full t , start an account with ns and sava part < investments? This (lan has beenvprotit has other adoantages in addition ? the : FIRST / NATIC '* ' . LOUISBUF UNDER SUPERVISION OF fcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ^ T'T*'T ' " WV TWT " : k ? . Stone Churn ^ 2, 3, 4 and 6 gallon Churns, V 2 and 3 25 dozen large size jVly glai i chickenAf W Ice tea glasses and faueers $1 pen&et. 10 dc W Ui_ New line crockery. Come_to fee us when I I, rk : i ^ 0^ THE CORr^R PHONE I DOM IN | - The French Coach H # Season at 01 I MtKINNE BK< L LOUISBURG, \j> _ ^^^5S$$55553?5$55i5i|^B5555S555i55555S5i5i5 .. V '., ' .. . ./ .. / v/ II I Your Money | ijj : get away from you in "little ivested and i&4f?tting the benefit liars working for you means that X profit ofjmur labor. Why not if Toup^arnings? make your own ??? ?- - ?? abla/to others. It is safe .and fjplount you accumulate. ^ ^NAL BANK | KG, N.C U. S. GOVERNMENT X -- I is and Jars | gallon Jars, Extra top and rubbers. * ises at 30 cts per dozen. OUNTAINS f ken of tumblers at 40 and 00 cts per set ^ tou want anything in fancy groceries HOICKS, I .42 LOUISBURG, N. C. X iANT ! ||i brse will Spend the # iir Stables 3THERS CO. I lortn Carolina