: . n 4 , ' i: ' y RIVERSIDE 9 . Try us With a L< Ned Fc I Farmers Union Meeting'. _ The next county meeting of the Farmers Union will be bebl at I Louis burg, on Thursday, th. Oth of October next. The Local Secretary will "please i j in send county dues, reports and cre-j p, dentials to the County Secretaries on | e' " < . V t . 1 , "INC We gufl oad P" p1 ' ? -? and we tm or before October the 1st. jri . Dr. J. .\I. Templeton, of Carey, ? K. C. has promised to speak for us j at 11 o'clock. Let all the members q come out to hear this able speaker.' si T. H. Si.bim.h, | ^ Co. Sec. Treas. ? sa ?tr EVER WATCHFUL. j f? I sii ! de A Little Care Wiil Save Many st Louisburg Headers Future tb Trouble. 20 Watch the kidney secretions. th See that they have, the amber hue ^ of health; 4 The dischatgee notf excessive or ^ infrequent; ! to Contain no "brick-dust like" sediment. i j of Doaus Kidney P|Us will do this ^ tor TOU. ./ KT They w(ttch 0\U kidneys and cure tbem when they're sick. to O. P. \Yortli?ni, Henderson, X. ^ C., says: "c*"roim personal experience S I know Doans Kidney Pill* to be an Jjj excellent kidnyv remedy and worthy. E of recommendation. For some time gS my kidneys *yere badly disordered ?r and I was caused much annoyance by too frequnnt passages of the kid- th ney secreti4tie>. I also suffered a ^ great deal from backache and sharp pains acroy i4y loins, but was at i ^ loss to kniw how to obtain relief nn- b? til Doan'a Kidney Pills were brought gj to pay attention. Procuring a box, as J'ose^ them and they qnickly corrected die difficulties. I have had n: - mi buelpcbe" nr^ other symptom of {J disordered ktdnsks since." a For/sale by ali i dealers. Price 50 al cents/ Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, 3 I T ' or New# York," aplet agents for the or Undid States. \ I 10 Remember the \natue?Doa&'s? and take no other. \ - I | hard, S( | GET YOU ^iMMlriyfiV ' lr "--r? L - r? ?- ?u 1_?. L .: " . _ >rd Kot Oscar Stegall 3 A R !B E: F LOUISBUK^A'. C. wish to announce \d my cusl ers. tl*t I ;>m still luisin. w iv?urt HTr?-et wb*? * will ii .civthiug ilean dnd u\ to da IVE ME A CALL/WILL PL^SE Y LAND SALE. By virtue of an order the Super mrt ofu'rankhn County, mad* in 1 >ecial proceeding, entitled, "Cni right. T. J. \\ right, et als vs. B e P.Wright," 1 will on Saturday, t nd day pf CVtooer, 1910 expose le at puelic auction in the town rankiintcm, North CarJljni.. the t acts or parcels ot' laud descni>ed How?: r , r. The .1. k\ Wright mifl Jite and pc :uit -d in ftatd County of Fraok'iu i tscrit>ed mfollows: Bfc^inning at ake on tmjrdge ??f thd () ?ri-i, acorr 8 No. 2 nd No. >in xff division e Wright UahcV; then?>* a-eund t >nd, N. 76Wlegrees W 12 pvles to ne ; thence as 85 degrt 5a W 14 pol links to a Itake and a pine stun ence N 76 w7 poles, 11 links to ake; thence $0 1-4 de* rees W 10 ro a stake; thence S 86 1-2 degrees poles. 10 link! to tl e centre of aneh on the north si le of a pal ence N 51 degrees E > poles, 21 lin a stake; thence N 1 degrees W les, N 22 1-2 degrees E 13 poles, ks t<> h persimmon tr ? near the he the pond; tbenc?9 1 4 degrees les, 10 linns to the ce ltreof a bran running water; thuic S 24 1-4 d ees E 221-2 poles~l4 a atAke; then 59 1-4 degrees E 4 . Vi les, 22 lini ence N* 74 degrees E\ poles, 18 lin the centre of a gur r at a smi nding cedar; thence bl 1-4 degrees x>les, 6 links to a pine printer, then 44 1-4 degrees E 6 pol?\ 11 links U ake; thence N 83 1-4 E. les to a stake ; thence B Yif> degre 8 poles to a stake iuit keyonn t m; thence S 7 1-4 deglee^E 9 pol? links to. a stake and wilovA pointc i. the south side of Jtbe Whann< ence S 23 1-2 degrees W 6 deles t ake and pine pointers bn tie hi ence N 85 1-4 degrees W lo\ pol links to the beginning conWmi ven and three-fourths (v 3-4; bcri The J K. Wright gin lot togetl ith all fixtures and aeperteaab( lereto belonging. The skid ?in\ ling situate just across tie FranR >untv line and in Cranvfle Coun ate of North Carolina, uid bounc i fellows: Beginning at the oentre e Tarboroand Hillsboro rkad mark r a stake on, the west side) in |51a< ill's line; tnence n 88 decrees Wilea, 9 inks to a stake in placknal .. kO OI )les to the centre of the r ctn. iorl *1.00 ? \ ? fio cte '.he j ?1.5(1 ? V/~? ct9 i?bi These ?HIBT^AIIST GO!! he I.adies Skirts B!nck/iyown and whiti less th/s cost! wo I .a. lies Shoes No/3 iCtt 1-2 20 pe as cent, less than coit, Nosn.7 ?fc 8 wai !ii i.ow cost. StwiendersM ct. valni [?j 1 g"iuu at 25 ots/Mens H\ts $2.5( value *1.25 jusj 1-2. Bint Papei ier I' r the Ladies kaet. value l'Al-2cts 't i*r box. 1000 all color Buttons less l>' than 1-2 cost I NOW heke comes es> the Mess Cjutfaixs just marked ip; down from *0.jo *7.50 to ?4.50 85.0C a | Come on Boys 1500 Pants below cosl i am semjn'i 4oops sow just foe aiFUX and at prices you haye novel th; | heard of before. *11 ; j. p. wixstox. ' 10l - ? g BEAUTIFUL | TROPICAL S FLORIDA B ,ee The Land ol Bhie Sky. Palms and 20 l'ilmettoe ? Vl4 ^SOUTHERN iul SEPT. 27th PR I jjg i Elegant Sleepers ana Coaches from Ka. ts. | leigh at 4 )4 p. m. es ROUND TR1 P \ RATES j?'. FROM RAtEdflH To SdijACK.SoNVILjLEX $7.00 .edyTAMPA \ 9.00 Ticket good leaving lither piece up t< 11 8 , add including Oct. < th. Separate cars ^: for Colored peo pie. ice W H PAI^NELL, T 1' A n8gj ! Raleigh, N. C. w m w ] Godir If its Shoes for the children we havfc /them 1 If its-Shoes for the bot e-and girls wl hare them ' If its shoes for the youog ladies we iiave them If its shoes for the middle aged or Jold ladies we have thi We have just received the mo: Shoes ever show^ in Louisburg / spection. / EVERY GrUARA i ' ' Absolutely solid in every detail i CANDLER-CF ;i WWWwWWWWWwWWW^WWWWW^WI A I > Midway Lump, K THE GOLDWEA" / X LP , jt-zS? r WAREHOUSE Satisfaction Reigned is Johnson f ??> riS " ? vi ' N . V. tan's hoes gooman's shoe| r~ I V godman'i . .v............ 0 . godmanv V godmaNv ??..v ? godmanv \ OF COUJsH \ +1.. - ' st complete line of GodmaoB and cheerfully invite your irfl am i NTEED fl or your money back -for aski I0WELL COI CoalB ' annawa Splint m FHER COMESB UISBURG, N7 C.M |