' li, I FRANKLIN TIME* t F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manage 0X1 Ylax, ... tl.< 811 MONTHS, - - A THBX1 MONTHS. . - J SfUDAY. September 30 1910. " It remains to be seen bow AI Cooley will explain to the people h actions in serving two masters. The republicans are making i many claims that it is~a puzzle to i to see what a republican voter coul say he voted for, "Is the aoswei of the Eveuin -Times to Henry T. King, one coul almost see Butler collecting tbot carpet bag bonds. It looked like Hoosevelt had "cut and dried" in New York Tuei day. He was elected chairman t the Republican convention by a.bi majority. Theodore Roosevelt ia return i ng to Hamiltonism with his uiWi nationalism." He ia trying jo pu back the hands of the political cloc over a hundred years. Roosevelt declares "he'll sera with?trouble-seekers and reach fc the point of their jaws." It won't b long before Teddy will find sotu Republican who can reach ipute a far and hit just as hard as he can. Tii;\t pocketborough, Wyotnini has endorsed Ballinger. Evidentl Senators Warren and Clark an their friends having gobbled alt tli "good things" in sight don't war t"ftTTTT~pyTrpb t~fr?mnservv thrill ff the public. In the death of Stale Auditor I F. Dixon, which occurred on Mot day night at 11:30 o'clock at Re Hospital, Raleigh, North Carotin iuses one 01 ner oest ana notil.st en izens. It is a shock that will be fe all over the State. Evidently the Republican vt ters of Maine have no faith in th revision of the tariff by piecemei as proposed by President Taft. Th high cost of living has so "got o their nerves" that thef want tari: for revenue at the earliest possibl \moraent. Secretary Haliinlkr says th report is "all rot" that the cabin* will pass on "his case, and he will n< resign long as the President sustair him. Let's see. The old saw say "Republican office holders seldoi (lie, and never resign," and thei is some truth in it. Beware of that beautiful hobble blonde with whom the United Stat< service men lure thoBe whom the regard as robbers of Cncle Sam I tell their secrets. Why not try th "hiondg-beantv" on the sugar tro and beet trust officials as ordinal methods seem unavailing. *? It is difficult to believe that l'rei ident Taft is wailing because M Roosevelt has shown disloyalty i his old friendship, or' because Main is Democratic and Congress is los Keep a stiff upper lip Mr. l'resi dent, and don't place voo much fait in politicians of your party whoeve they may be. Since it was deoide4 that the it surgeots are to share the Federal ol fices, the Iowa Taft Club of De Moines is reported to have close its doors. With Senators Camming and Dolliver dispensing the pairc nage the club is discouraged. ? Hav Republicans no principles they wt fight for. What does the "new natioia isin" mean? Why, anything that M: Roosevelt likes to interpret' it t meaning. At present he tells us' th; U stands for "my policies"?consci vstion of natural resonroes, et Kelt year it may be interpreted b Mr. Roosevelt to stand for abolial ing the Supreme Court, or any < forth in the Osawatomie and Danvi Speeches. V \ a . * ' r '' * V -V ^ Tiik Virginia republicans can no' ? boast ot a negro chairman of one i j their conventions. )0 The Sultan of Sulu draws #12 it) i per month from Uncle Sam, or trot 16 the Philippine government, as a auk ? sidy for peace. He proposes to com to this country and show us how w could support?as he does?fourtee r- wives ou that income. Althoug 18 there is a high tariff in Sulu, the cu of living is evidently, much less tint here. Possibly smuggling rtourislu !0 j better there than herer >8| ??? | The Cortright Metal Shingle Ac ! vooate is out for September, brigli j breezy and full of usefal hints fo K i those intending to build, as well, u ^Jtbose who have to <lo the actus Work. There are thirty five thoue j and receiving this issue, and if yo J are not one of them it is your ow >t j fault, as the Advocate is free t ' ' anyone who asks for it. A postal t d ! the Cortright Metal Roofing Com B | pany, Philadelphia, Pa. will insur j yoar name being put on their mail | ing list. ? In Memoriam it ' ^ j It was with profound sadness ou 1 community reoeived the announce, i ment of the death of Miss Alar j Sherrod Harris. In her were blend ^ ed many of the very finest attribute ,r I * | of character. She was a woman o e | strong and unswerving principles ?! her fidelity to whatever was true an( right was alwaj s steadfast. He i sympathies were broad and unpreju j diced, and she was quick to respom I to any cry of distress. She was , ^ | loyal hearted friend, and her unsel \ fishness Was almost without parallel 1 for her whole life was a beautifu ministry of love ami devotion. It is leaulved, therefore,-that?we the ladies of the Home Missionary , I Society, do endeavor to express ti ^ our fiiend and former President j Mrs, J. A. Turner, our appreciatioi 1 of and grief for the loss she has sua ! tained in the death of this devotei | aunt. Left motherless almost in in i fancy, still her life was blessed wit! i a love and watchfolness that was ev er constant and beautiful, and wt e J extend to her our ^ heart-felt sympa j thy in her sorrow. j Resolved, that a copy of thesi : resolutions he sent to Mrs. Turner n g' the Fkaxklis Times and the Italeigl I Christian Advocate. e . - -- 31BS. J. it. alaloxk, Mks. R. W. Bailey, Mks. L. P. Hicks, Jt Mks. W. E. White. J 18 Mr. 1> S. Hill, from Baltimore g: | will be at I.ooisbarg Hotel, Friday m Sept 30th, until Saturday 1 o'clock a. m. Oct 1st. Any oni wanting a tailor made suit at mod erate price will call on J. W. Kinj sj or D. S. Hill at Hotel. ?lN ' ? _ _ yj Hogs for Sale. i I have for sale 12 fine pigs 4 month le : old, half Birkehtre, and half Durocl jt | Jersey. - Come at once before they ar 'Bold. X y ? jrtkgbipto. Spring Hope, NNC. No. 2. Cedar Hock Township. X. J ? ?x r. nc,run I Uf n 1 TIIE CONDITIO* OK TilK 1 BANK OF YOUNGSVILLE i- mt h YOUNGSVILLE. N. C., at the fl?o? of btisineas Sept. 1. 191( RESOURCES. Loan* and discounts $ 31,393.(8 Overdraft* 4,454 91 ; Banking-house, furniture aud I- fixture*. 350.0( p Demand loan* ] ,510.7? Doe from banks and banners 489.01 ,K Gold coin 200.0( Silver coin 574 2.1 d National bank note* aad other U. B. note* H4O.0( Total. f~i?V,818."M LIABILITIES. ? Capital .took paid Id $ IS,000.01 ]| Surplus fond 5,000 0( Undivided profit# less current rxpenecs and tax*# paid 437.23 Dividend* unpaid H76.W Bills payable. 19.O00.0f I Time certificate# of deposit 3,205 Of Deposit# subject to check 13,748.41 f. Cashiers checks on tat and ins: 15191 'M * Total $ 39,818.<B Si ate ok North Carom* a,1 It CooDty of Franklin. J #a. r- I. W. G. Itiddick, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th? CT. above statement is true to the beat' of mj knowledge aad belief. y > W. G. RinnKnc, Cashier. 1- Subscribed and sworn to before me, tbfc - 23rd da? of Sep*.-1910 W 1. W. MrmtLL, N. P. , * CotiWT- Attrst: u * C, M-dHn >r J W. Duke. Irtn djif* 5 , 2 r*^??y"r_ Vftvfe -t~ . .V- ... 1 .? ; * > V:- - a*. J! . . " I Automobile Speed Limit Ordl,f j ' ** nance. i , The following ordinances were 5 passed by the Hoard of Town Cora uj missioners at a meeting held on j, Wednesday morning,September 7tb e 1010: ' e Ordinance: Be it ordained thai n ! no person shall operate a motor veil hide upon the streets in the town ol it! I.ouisburg at a rate of speed greatei n j than is reasonable and proper, hav s j ing regard to traffic and use ol I the highways, or so as to I endanger life or limb of any person 1- on the streets, between tfrauklin and it the River Bridge, and Spring St, and ir , Church Streets in Louisburg run at s I a higher rate of speed than six miles d | an hour, and in no other parts ot e | said town shall not, in any event run u at a rate of speed greater than n twelve miles an hour. Any person o 1 violating the provisions of this ordio | nance shall upon conviction be fined i- j Five Dollars for each offence, e Ordinance: Be it ordained that no person shall operate a motor ve| hide upon the streets of the town |ot Louisburg in the night time with! out displaying two white lights in r|the front of said vehicle, and one . red light in rear of Same. Any per. tf j son violating the provisions of this .; ordinance shall, upon conviction be g ' fined Five Dollars for each offence, f J Ordinance: Be it. ordained that ij I every person operating a motor ve 1 "hide upon the streets of the town of r Louisburg, shall sound a horn or sig. nal upon approaching a crossing in J said streets, and have said motor vea | hides under control. Any person - violating the provisions of this ordit nance shall, upon conviction, be lined 1 Five Dollars for each offence. O'liniM vsck: Be it ordaineit that ,t any person operating a motor vehicle f I upon the streets of the town of 0 ' Louisburg shall, before passing any j other vehicle upon said streets from j j the rear thereof sound a horn or oth. | er signal, and pass with due regard ] to the situation of said other vehicle . | Any person violating the provisions j j of this ordinance shall, upon convio. tion, be fined Five Dollars for each 5 offence. BARGAINS s! AT ; J. P. WINSTONS. 1.000 Umberrelas. *,'* 1.000 Shirts. 1 will sell Shirts for the next 00 days 00 ct. value for 25 cts. ? 81.00 ? ? 50 cte 81.50 ? ? 75 cts These Shikts Must Go!! j Ladies Skirts B!ack, Brown and white J Less Th ax Cost! . j Ladies Shoes No. 3 &- 3 1-2 20 per 11 cent, less than cost, Nos. 7 <fc 8 way b i bei.ow cost. Susuenders 50 ct. value I goiue at 35- cte. Mens Hats 82.50 ; | value 81.25 just l-*2. Box Paper tor the Ladies 25o.t. value 12 l-2cts. _ i per box. 1000 all color Buttons less " jthan 1-2 cost. NOW iiewe conies [ the .Mens Clothing just marked down from 80.75 A7,50t<> 8-4.50 85 00 j Come on Boys 500 Bants below cost : j I All selling GOODS XuW jl'st FOB e FPX ,and_at prices you have never ! heard ,,f before. J. P. WINSTON. I am agent for the above celebrate ed KABO (Jor.'.ete. Have jtiat received a full ?tock of every style - JLn_d price fro 50c to *3. m ? bav/t yn?- ,,r ;.|f I ' V ' ... .'T - MAKE ^Ijwpt!^ : 0UR BANK No one's education is complete if he has c life have you wished you had the money you kn# | like seed planted in the ground; thev grow. | iMake your Savings Deposits ^benefit of the quarterly THE FARMERS ' . C. B. Cheatham, Pres. F M. S 'under supervision of ;s ' UEvery be I ?5 ? Gy filQ s at farm M 0u?" opening sale on the 18th was I )Qt " on all grades of prir ij H Nowell?4, 7, 14; N Y Pen Denton-^6, 8, 10, 12, 15; S J P Remember experience counts in sel Meadov LOl H AT . FARME TO N. B. Our solicitors are Wil OF VALUABLE* ONE-HORSE *" FARM. Under and by virtue of the power of Bale contained In nlje last will and K . testiment of Alcy NelmSvdeeeaaed. as will appear in book "V. at page 375. of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court, of Franklin County, the undersigned will sell at the Court House door-Jn Louisburg, N. C , on the-Srd day ofOctober, 1910, it being the first Monday in said month, at about the hour of ,7\. i noon, to the highest bidder, for cash, ^ j the following described tract or parcel Overdra of land Bituate in Sandy Creek town- N. C. 4 sMd, Franklin county, and State of 'Jther y North Carolina, bounaed and described , . as follows, v?: Bounded on the North . ' by the lands of J W. Griffin and W. lasuran H. Allen, on the east by the lands of Cash on I. R. Gupton, on the south and west riant, by the lands or J. N. Nelms, and containing 46 acres More or leas. It being | the tract of land owned by Alcy Nelms T< 1 at the time of her rleett. "f .i .', :f,?r> .. ! ?.', 1311. , K_ -J. .T. riwitKit,, l_ E. V. UurroN. f T.ai'isJ \ ? IrT- V. \ *?v r : ' . .. . _ - - &? > j Wfli V # \ iot'learned to save hie hard earned dollars ?w you had thrown away foolishly. Dollai ? by October 3rd., so as 4 per cent interest whi AND MERCHAr LOUISBURG, N. C. OFFICERS . N. Egerton, Vice-Pres. ' , Clifton, Assistant Cashier. THE STATE ' OF r ma mmmm o >dy Ple< * -j [ERS -WAREHOUS the most satisfactory in several years. ninge. Below we quote you a few [ivii dleton-v6, 8 1-2, 11; F P Penrce?7, erry?7, 9, 10 3-1, 15; W I Sledlinling tobacco. Bring us your next It convince vou. r^i & U VS> OC I ic JISBURG, N. C. :RS WAREh liarn Williams, R. B. Harris and mm mmmm STATEME OF itizens HENDERSON, . SEPT. 1st 1910 RESOURCES nd Disconnts $522,117.98 Capital S 2,386 63 8urP1>'<' a per c&\tBonds 1950 25,000.00 Not,'a Re tocks amFftmide :30> l?l.25 Cashiers ( [ House and rNtures 10,732.73 Certified ce Department ^\.2.944.22 ^ue 10 bs hand and in other^\^ Deposits I 166,53>>M Accrued I vitors Dtal $722,877.32 r\yir. jsuTr, c yy ; r ' -y' iWE PAY , A LIBERAL INTEREST CONSISTS ENT OF * ? Safety? ? i. How many times In .your rs planted Jn the bauk are ? j to get the full oh we compound ? JTS BANK H. Y. McAden, Cashier. MORTH CAROLINA ised ? ;e ft ^ Prices were good XX 10, 14 1.2; Bud -8, 10, average 11. faS, a 1 and we will ??2 irris 1 IOUSE p 15enj. Venter. ST NT Bank N. C. liabilities tock paid in * 10,1 'iO-OO nd 1'rofits 70,5X4.46 -discounted 00,900.00 'Jhecks Outstanding . 2ik).8tl clieck 315.29 inks .",31.82 490,735.7? Interest due depos419.98 W22.xT7.35

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