I -a** - ?-- -: .. . 'J. x p *' ?^-r}, JCrofessionat Card j % rvR. ARTHjba HYNSS FLEMING, S?r|i6o established at various social centers of the towns. There are communities, and towns whose capacities for social enjoyment iire limited, just as there are individuals whose capacities for self entertainment are limited. There are towns?dead little towns?where enthusiasm has been banished from the nhabltants* vocabularies, which seem to have been built only for people whose faces are turned toward the bediming of life, while they reluctantly dep backward toward the grave. Who is there that has not been in tome community where a puritanical uan is placed upon the Joy of living, where the itinw^nl enjoyment of the young people has been changed to fray and somber forms and the beat >f the community pulse bas been lowered to a faltering sixty-two? A HOfafnl n.ntnl. ?* ??. .Hiviui naiA-Ll U|SV11 llJCSe inilCCS cvould see them gradually empty themselves of their young- men. who are seeking wider and more responsive lelds than arc afforded by the conservative attitude of their elders in "heir home towns. In this way the ed blood goes out and the soul of the "own is shriveled, its vitality tapped, ts capacity for growth stunted. And aere is the best indication of the spirit )f a town?what the young people say ibont It. If thej* are suppressed in their natira1 and normal efforts to give thcrajelves wholesome pleasure they are jure to find little* attraction. If they jay the town is dead it is dead. They snow. But if they get enjoyment out )f living there the visitors are sure to ind it out, and it attracts other ]>eop!e -people who desire to share a pleasmt community life. Beware of that town where the roung people complain that there "is lothing to do." That town needs a nUnlcipal doctor to prescribe a social onlc. It needs a social magnet to lraw the people together. It needs illopathlc doses of the brotherhood of nun. We must remember, however, that vhen our young fellows go off to the titles and our daughters are taken by 'discerning" young men nway_to otb?r places we have conditions where he doctrine "Let well enough alone'* vill not apply. We have created u louble problem. First, we must re nerglze the languishing communities; econd, we All our cities and cause dlemmus. At present In the second roblem we are not interested. It-is yitii tlie languishing community, the tear source of the hntion's red blood, hat we must deal. These eommuuiies must generate, power and enlarge apacitles for social enjoyment and tellectual activities. Organizations should be organized u^tbese dead towns, and they should ret together and decide upon some Inn of interesting the whole populaion. Public spirited citizens could ake upon themselves the work of cocf* uitteemen and make provjslon for en* ertalnlng the people. In tbo spare oom-yf-the-buUding -aschool llhrur> . Hlylii 11ri inwtailrli mill the p^opV : night have access to it A reading oorn would be easy to provide in. i aaintaip. A small tax levy or a popular su'>criptlon could provide for equlp?ueui f u gymnasium and payment for s::ch ervicos as would be necessary. Bays" lubs. girls' clubs, iuen's clubs /ml rumen's clubs could be orguni'.vJ U neet on certain nights or iu after oons. Domestic science ineeti:r.*?. owing circles, civic Improvement lubs. debating soelctii . a ma! rut mnds and orchestras could l>e organced. On certain evenings wheu the peoile meet for general entertainment liere might be addresses by the in ayr. couiieilmeu, county officials.? 1!ik oalth officer, some physician or some titer citizen interested in and an nu* hority on some phase of municipal ommunity progress. On these evenlgs the people from the rural district# ould be invited and a simple enterlipment in the way of refrMth'fiiciiT* erred. At these gatherings the right of free peoch shouid be considered sacred. It j lust 'be everybody's meeting, and a halrmnn for each meeting should b? lected every evening. The reason for nmlng together should be the common , * ood. and such a reason will soon gen rate warmer community spirit and , Igher Ideals of civic righteousness. There's a Moral Attached to Thia. The merchant who is trying, to d.* aslness without advertising is wink- I ic nt I)nnu> Pfirtnno fhrAii i?li Kln?? jectncles. Ho knows he's winking. at she doesn't.?Judicious Advortis18 jj* *' " - - ;> / ? * < , * * tThe stomach is a larger factor in suit of happiness" than moat people can withstand hunger but hot dyspeps peptic "is fit for treason, stratagems who goes to the front for his counti will be a weak soldier and a fault fine A sound stomach makes for good c health and happiness. Diseases of the stomach and other nutrition are promptly and permanex Dr. PIE RISE'S G OLDER MEL it btullds up the body wltl solid muscle. The dealer who offers a substitute only seeking to make the little mor ale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi on receipt of stamps to pay expense 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covi for the cloth bound. Address Worl Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., P J^wooo s CORTIHGH' can be laid without fuss or bother rUrht over thjp old wo< top of your bulldlnjr instantly from a fire catcher to A F will last as lona: as the buildlnt? Itself and never needs re For further detailed information, prices, M. F. HOUCK, Louisburs " I i-TiAAA0> ToTn?. R. Z. EGER' I . . . m 1 o i ^asn onoe Everything in SI I am glad to inform my old friends and customers tin Oarlile building, opposite the Scoggin Drug Co. EVERY ARTICLI Which will he sold for cash at the smallest possible make a specialty of good sho I WILL ALSO CARRY AN UP TO DATE LINE O DRESS GOODS, LADIES SUITS, COATS J 1 am agent for Godmans Shoes, enequaled for the pri ladies, men and boys. In ladies fine shoes I am still i dorf and Dittman. For men I have never yet found t and Deans tine line. I am the sole agent for the Kat corsets manufactured in the United States. I have I the market for misses, boys, ladies and men. Every glad to show you an up-to-date line of lace, embroide collars, neckwear, searfs, belts, purses and hand bat friends I extend a cordial welcome and invite you to you will find every possible convenience for your com SALE AND L I have decided to run again a Sale J Li very S serve the public with First Class Teams At Will be glad to havo a liberal share of patronage and g teams and polite and accommodating drivers. -v R F FULLER r SAVE THE MIDDLE MA ?> If you will see me or let me s6e pou before you get y< save you money. Men are generrlly in business for wl is true I can save you money. Those whoare keeping the money possible, so see me.' I make mattresses of ing with a plenty of nice clean cotton and husk. You of felt or hair mattress yoti wish and you can see and G. E. MORRIS, v MONT I M FTTS TOMBSTONES, CURBIN< FENCING Write to Suffolk Marble Works, Watch This Ad ' - ' > ttriotisni h'ff, liberty apd tlr purpura ?wirti Patriotism ia. The oonflfmed dysand spoilt.'9' ' Thb man * -y with a weak stomach ; ler. ?. *-w ..mti - t l _ itizenship as well as for organs of digestiot^and | itly cured by the use of >ICRL DISCOVERY. I ; ... I sound flesh nod ' for the "Discovery" 1? c profit realized on the col Adviser is sent free t of mailing only. Send f ered book, or 31 stamps Id's Dispensary Medical J resident, Buffalo, N. Y. HIN6LK r METAL ISHINGLES kd shingles. changing the 1REPROOF ROOF that pairs. etc., apply to N.C.-\ j TON ? Store hoes . at I have opened op in the a new stock cf goods i NEW margin of profit. I will es. F NOTIONS, HOSIERY, kND SWEATERS ce All sizes (or children, agent for Ziegler, Krippenhe equal of Leonard. Snaw 10 Corset, the most popular the best 25 cts stock ings on pair warranted. I will be ries, ladies handkerchiefs, rs. To mv out of town drive to my store where tort. 1 . : I VERY, ibible and amfprepared to All Times. uarantee satisfaction. Safe e JfS PROFIT y.-q 3ur fall mattresses I oaa nat there is in it. If that f house want to save all the best feather prrof ticki can have any grade of know what y >u -get. JR. '/ . H J and IRON f "_r: f Suffolk, Va. I ;-v /^ ' ' '' J-. *