. .V . . . RIVERSIDE v \ ? ?- - - ' Try us With a Li : ^ s.>' - " | Ned Fc Governor at Faankllnton. Quite a Urge crowd was out to bear Governor W. W. Kitchen speak here last Tuesday evening. The Governor was at his beet and delivered one of the best speeches evei heard here. He was introduced by Supt. R. B. White in a short speechi The Governor first paid hie compliments to the character of the Republican party in North Carolina, stating that lie was making a very broad assertion, but that if any member of that party were put 'on the witness stand he would be bound to admit that the party was not respectable. lie next attacked the record ot the party. He said that a Republican seeking office would never boast of the record the Republican party had made in North Carolina, but always promised to do better than his predecessors. The Governor said that the Republican party was made up ot dissatisfied Democrats in North Carolina and Federal office holders; that Marion Butler and Morebcad were Democrats just a few years back and that t hjs old friend and college mate Cooley, who claimed to be an independent Democrat, was the only man in North Carolina who believed it today, saying that two years hence he would be a full fledged Republican. ' He next shovyed the public institutions of the State had flourished under the Democratic administration and gone backward under Republican. Hie attack on the tariff was excellent, lie then asked whv this insurcrent movement inifae-North and?Wast ? Tbis, he said, meant that they were waking up and would not be fooled again by the waving of the bloody ehirt and the question "if they would let this old Southern Democratic party who tried tc break the .Union again come into power." This, he said did not put anything into their pockets. Governor Kitchen said that he believed with Butler and Mdrehead, that there should he two parties in North Carolina?the Democratic for the good and the Repttbli-' can for the bad. The Governor was followed in a short speech by State Treasurer Ben Lacy. They left on 43 for Raleigh.1 ! Coal? # | Hard, _ Sc | GET YOU I P. A. v WwwWWW^WWWWWW^ v?"/ . . . ' - - * &&K / - ' v IN PI . a _ VVe guaran Dad - Try and we will and >rd Ber Your money bifl/ if Thomas' Chill Pills don't "do thruj*iM, Raleigh, N. C. ( Don't take any acbsfitute. The more you eat Quaker O ats j; the better y VUr health \ will be. Y Practical \experi- \ ments witti athletes |? show Qufekerv Oats ]< to, be the greatest |{ strength maker. j' Packed in reffularwixo packages, and iu her- ? meticallr sealed tins for hot climates. 56 * Facts,/1 \Xj0n Y0Ul > Jdrl lose ; ]y^\\ I MONEY ; ^^"^whetiyou allow any of your 1 Sstock or poultry remain sick They give \ou\ekjresults in beef, * pork, work, dr erttt when they are ' not in perfect VeaH. Take a little ? interest in yoirr clkn pocket book a and doctor them Is with Mack-Draught [ Stock ^il\Poultry ij - Mpcine ' : It will pay Mm to lcAthis. * It has pafl thousaifes of other J successful fit mers aben stock and c poultry raispi \ \ 5 This far/o s remold is not a s food, butafg miine, Semitic medicine prepare 1 from meSiqnal herbs and rootslai ting on thl iiVer, kid- o neys, bowel; and digestwaorgans. ' Sold bp : 11 druggists! wice 25 '' cents, 50 ce its and $1. pir c\n. O-Wrlte fo valuable book! "Success with Stock am Poultry.'' Senrfrec lor a postal. Addltys Black-Drautht Stock Medicine Co.. Shattnnoocra. Tenn. j J r I * / )ft, Eureka -jm? R SUPPLY ' RE^ EPE f \ tee to satisfy you,\)i) . you selLon UsyW i convinceyyou that vs treat y ofu better tha i Willia LAND SALE. By virtue of an order the Superior jOurt of Franklin County, made in the ipecial proceeding, entitled, "Cayy Wright, J. W right, et als vs. flallie P.WflVht," 1 will on Saturday, the !9th day if October, 1910 expose to isle at public auction ih the town of Eranklinton, North Carolina, the two racts or parcels of lanjl described as 'ollows: \ I . The J. K. Wright mill site and pond ' ituated in asad County jot Franklin and Ie8cribed as follows: beginning at u take on the ftlge of tile pon-i, a corner >f 8-No. 2 and INo. 5 in it he division of ho Wright laid; thence aiound the loud, N. 7<1 degrees W 12 poles to a line; thence N |5 degrees W 14 poles, ? links to a state anp a pine stump; hence X 76 W l\pole?, 11 links to _n itake; thence 20 1-4 degrees W 10 roles I 0 a stake; thencAS 86 1-2 degrees W ! 1 poles, 10 links \o /the centre of a j iranch on thenorlh| side of a path; hence N 51 degree* E 5 poles, 21 links 0 a stake: thenceu 16 degrees \V 121 roles, N 22 1-2 degrees 1-1 13 poles, 10 j inks to a persimmwi tree near the head j >f the pond; thenc?9 1-4 degrees W 0 joles, 10 links to pi- centre of a branch >f running water;blfcnce S 24 1-4 detrees E 221-2 poles lo a stake; thence 5 69 1-4 degrees fc 4l poles, 22 links; hence N 74 degrees E 12 poles, 18 links :o the centre of / a auUv at a small rending cedar; miencil b 91-4 degrees E 1 poles, 6 links to a pike pointer, thence 3 44 1-4 degrees F. 6 Aden, 11 links tea itake; thenco K 88 141 degrees E 20 loles to a statfe; thenwe S 20 degrees E .8 poles to a stake mist beyond the lam ; thence p 7 1-4 degrees E 9 poles, ' units 10 siuKiana willow pointers >n the soatn .side on the chanael; hence S 23 ~t2 decrees 1W 6 poles to a take and Ane.pointers on the hill; hence N 83 1-4 degrees!W 15 {>?tes 7 links to the beginnirb, containing even and jhree-fourths V7 3-4) acres. 2 The J fee. Wright gm lot together vith all axtures and appertenances hereto belonging. The laid gin lot teing situate just across oie FrsnAilin bounty line and in liranyflle County, itatc of North Carolina, aid bounded is fellows: Beginning at.tie oentreof heTarbofoana Hillsboyo riad marked ly a stakp on the west sidetin Blac'lall's line; thence n 88 degrees w 10 >oles, 9 Inks to a stake inTklacknaH's ine; thence 8 2 degrees w lb poles to stake; phence s 88 degrees 21 1-2 ides tolthe centre of the roan; thonce long the road n 46 degrees wU5 pries, links to the beginning, containing ine acre. , \ 3 The Morton Mill tract situated in 'ranklinton Township, Franklin couny, adjoining the lands of W. L. Mc hee, A N. House, I. H. Kearney, J. 1. Sanperlin and others, containing D 1-2 teres more or less and fully ?!ecribedlin deed from A. J. Morton to . K. If right recorded in book 152, lage 1?0, TV-glstrv of Franklin County. The J terms of said ,sale are ne-thpd cash and the balance payable welva months from date of*"sale with ateregt thereon at 6 percent. This the 26th day of September, 1910 ? R. B. White. Commissioner. )il EC immediate relief from ILL J Bi Shoop's Magic Ointment \co, i Blojk^ IV B^FORE^T /IS. V .... . . "Ajt' " -m ~ V NPE /each^nd every pi e o v our floor, ith a Li recan\ell your tobace n any other warehous< imson < TOyoi W JJJIM/ I 55?*, I NEW STYLES Our shipment of Coat Suits and U and you will hud our line full of th^r1 panama wkirts. / T AT-llTiS rOAfTy T Our line of white goods. handkerc gene and persiam silks are heaiiTiful as ^ M(:xri0K We < an nwke vmi/i.>v<-re nTw/ f tobacco ad saw 0 higher e. 3has J( 1 Kabo I j .v Corsets j \ ' j These Two are'f | Many Styles j we Are Shewing in theRabo tC or sets/ We invite yani to inspect our line where jnpu will ahvavs find the assortment complete. ? Youwf for VKabo (,'orsets OANpLER-(JROW ELL CO. FOR FALL I Ing coats for fall, in\the celebrated "i good things" in the new bordered sK CARLY AWD "C hief and waist linen, (fifesb goods, la well as complete in assortments. -- TO\ y rimmed buttons any size and in an >ee. Give us a chance and We'll sho ,CT OUR LINE WII^RK YOU :ment' com: YOURS TO SERVE ' VY I -CROWI ! A> p, Kanna\ WEATHER louisbQi ? r* . " IK : . ^SKB - - - - ..;. ? - :> ' - -? 1 " ~ " " ",;,"v,'.'' ' VREHOUSE v I * _ _ . ! * _ ,* . "I sfaction Reigned 9 *? phnson FThfm ? a a a a_*i * N COAT SUITS jtylerite" line, lias juat been opened, irts, aleo nice line of extra voile and 'AU8E A. nXJSH" oes aud embroideries, messaline, 6ttLADIES v material yon may want at a resonaw yon. , WILL ALWAYS FIND THE PLETE-? ELL CO. =Coal | va Splint X COMES | i; =*G, N. C; ===== z v ' . .. : | . ,;'Vv