' ' . in . s?fe Try us With a I \ . . Ned F< LAME EVERY MORNING. ArBadBack is Always Worse -v in the Morning. >4Louis burg \ People/ are Fine ing Relief. -A back tb: t aoh?, all day and causes diseomf >rt at/night is usually worse in the i lornrfig. Makes you feel as if you 1 adnjt slept at all. Can't oure c bal back until you cure the kidnays/ Doan's Kidney Pills cure sic! Kidneys?make you feel better, wc rm better, rest better and sleep bett* rI t Permanent cues in Loutsburg prove the merilf of Doan's. ?- Mrs. A. W. Alston, Church Street, Louisburg, X.fc., says: "I am well pleased with tl a benefit I derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered set itiely from dull, Slagging. backaohis and distressing pliins through rav fir ne.s. I could not rest well anil it: the morning I felt lame and defoidof strength and energy. W htjn lloan's Kidney Pills were recoimnenped to me, I procured a box nod nsad iliem. They soon relieved up of Itlie backaches and pains and! haves not had a return attack. Bam pleased to testify to "the great/ merit fcf Doan's Kidney Pills." J I For sape by all (dealers. Price 50 cents, -poster-Miemni Co., Buffalo, Xew York, sole! agents for the United States. I lleiueiuber the! name?Doan's? and take no other 1 At The Fair. , The Tate.Machinery and Supply Co., Littleton, N. C., will be at the Raleigh fair Oct. 17-2*2 with an exhibit of Eclipse Engines, .Saw Mills and Wheat,Seperators. They want mill and machine men to see this ex hibt. , -t E.A NROGERS TimWrker Louisbunr, N. C, Will make estimates on any job Work Guarantied. \ Call or write when in need It arathing in my ! Coal= # 1 (lard, S X GET YOL ^ A J P. A. ': . - TndI ?r~? ... Ify road %_ / / 3rd Ber Your money baek if Yjfcmas* Chill Pills don't *'do the worlcVr SOcts at Druggists or by mall, jA' r*W. The last ex>.l\inriUf?P f.-r public sa Hcbonl ?? ae'>frs Sal- J unl '. , Oi::ol?rr 1 ;~Jt, kt I,oi-,h<V>nrg, fo beginning ;il 10 w. i\ 1 1! \\fxiS^C,. S..,t. jjj E j * The best remedy fof Sweeney, f'( ; Strained- Tendons, Wind Puffs, 5 ; Capped Hoea Shoe/Boil, Galls, S Colds, Distinper, / Shipping st iPever, all foriAs of Rheumatism, jg Thrush, Corns, Nail Wounds, Spa- di ,vin, etc., is NOIh\<* LINIMENT.- 0 iWe do not claim'that NOAH'S I 01 i LINIMENT will cpre every case ! I.. | of- Spavin; the I btest authorities ! tii ; tell us that only! I small percent- 111 age of such caseslire curable. We*"!* | are positive, hiwever, that if treated with NOill'S LINIMENT th in the early stage,\ that a cure can ] l?< be effected. ? ] \ PROOF/POSITIVE % "We have never usefcTa liniment wo ' consider the equal to iNoah's Liniment ; for bruises, sprains, strained tendons 114 an<J to use on throat, eldes and chest DC I for distemper, Icolds, %tc. Richmond lj| Transfer Co., SlchmonarvVa. a Better Than 95.00 Remedies, aj "We cheerfuRy recommend all stable .? men to give floah's Liniment a trial " ; and be convinced of Its wAnderful cura- sr tlve propertied We havA obtained as ; good, if not batter, results from Its use p. than we did frpm remedles\costlng $5.00 per Dottle, aorroik and\ Portsmouth ty Transfer Co., Norfolk, Va."\ U] * Let me eenk you our pamphlet with 5'i actual endorsements reprodifced, or bet- sc, ter still, send you by express prepaid yl a |1.00 bottle or a gallon tfc at $6.00. 11 and If you ai? not ? r* convinced It n the ? best remedyl you VTOlsDoraL V?T a' ever used II will gladly returulyour tv money. Eirher I!ft in sent on receipt of *ill I price. You run no risk In giving i Noah's Liniment a m JL; trial. Noah I* k Vil *"* ; Martin, Noah A MpHslUBki gfcT^w"' iiKimiiii p oft, tureka IR SUPPLY I *! , ' REM A.'A AAAAAAAAAAV A A / / * ; / ' *- ' J / : jBmn i s I ou wanV the hig tfobkcco sel 1 Wiliia LAND SALE. By ".virtue of an order the Superior lurt of Franklin County, made in the I ecial proceeding, entitled, "Carry right.T. .1 Wrisrht. et ala vs IT?t 5 F.Wright," 1 will on Saturday, the th day of October, 1910 expose to le at pilblic auction in the town of I anklintkn, North Carolina, the two acta or parcels of land described as! lta*s: T 7 | The J. Kl Wright mi'l site a/d pord tuated in Baid County of Franklin and ascribed afc follows: lieginmng at' a ake on thl edge of the pond, a cornd ' ? No. 2 abd No. 5 in the division of le Wright llandf thence iiround the >nd, N. 76uegrees W 12/poles to a ne; thencaN 85 degrees ;W 14 poles, ) links to aw take and a/pine stump; lence X76 w 7 poles, 11 links to a ake; thencera) 1-4 degrees W 10 poles > a stake; thlnce S 86 1-2 degrees ,W poles, 10 links to thh centre of a ranch on thehorth siqe of a path; lence N 61 degrees IT5 poles, 21 links ? a Btake; thence N K degrees W 12 >les, N 22 1-2 pefereas E 13 poles, 10 iks to a perstwmjon'tree near the head I ' the pond; thsice 9 1-4 degrees W 0 . )les, 10 links tk thh centreot a branct. : running watea; thence S 24 1-4 derees E 221-2 poW to a stake; thence 39 1-4 degrees IJ 4 poles, 22 links; j tonce N 74 degr&s E 12 poles, 18 links ; > the centre of jk gullv at p, sniRil ;nding cedar; tnsice 9 1-4 degrees E poletj, 0 links 14 4 pine pointer, thence 44 1-4 degrees K16 poles, 11 links to a ake; thence N S2\ 1-4 degrees 1! ?0 jles to a stalw; trance S 20 degrees S poles to aistakb iust beyond the. im; thence Sf 7 1-4 degrees K 9 poles, ! links to a stake arm willow pointers] j the soutl side! of the chanm 1:1 ier.ee S 23 j-'J degrees W 6 poles to a i iiui; aiiu jjine jomrers oil tlie lllll; j ience N 8a 1-4 degrees W 15 poles : ' links to Ihe beginning, containing 1 (veil and three-fourths (7 3-4) acres. ! 2 The J / K. W righl gin lot together | ith all fixtures arfc apperieuances ?reto bflonrnng. Tllo said ein lot j sing situate just across the Franklin junty li/?e and in (imnyille County,; ate of fsorih Carolina! and, bounded i fellows: Beginning at the oentreof ! eTarlloroand Hillsboito road marked] r a stake on the west aide in Blac^-I ill's line; thence n 83t)egrees w 10 >les, 9 inks to a stake in Black nail's ie; me nee ,8 2 degrees w 10 poles to | stain; 'hence s 88 degreis e 21 1-2 Aesho the centre of theVoad; thence] ona the road n 46 degree! w 15 poles, ' linrs to the beginning, Xcontainingl ie Acre. \ 3 I The Morton Mill tract Situated in aAklinton Township. Franjllin coun, ? adjoining the lands of L. Mc-! hke, J. N. House. I. H. Keirney, .h / Sanderlin and others, clmtaining^ #1-2 acres more or less and filly de-^ji pbed in deed from A. J. Morton to*^ K. Wright recorded in bulk 152,1 ice 103, Registry of Franklin (Jpunty. The terms of said saleX are T le-third cash and the balance ptyable ?elve months from date of saleXwith' terest thereon at 6 percent. \ This the 26th day of September, 1010 R. B. White. Commissioner. ; l|l EC get Immediate retleF from ILLJ Dr Shoop's Magic Ointment I - CO, I Block^/ V BEFORE T /is, i.\ * *. ' KjyYf t \ ,./* V .\v ,VV VfrljBKyfgfg?'' t ' > ' * " !MDE [MNHurmKncaaaHwiciH n ??? ;hest price for youi 1 with us. no vol 1/ S \ N$W STYLES j Onr shipment ? ?. Coat Suit* andrloi :n ?i you will rind nur line \ il o? :Jf- ut : ti? ama r-kirih. / OurfC ueen Quali are "especially-adapted t>> .Misses i show Guelman Alices in nil lasts est. All we ask is a comparison. F > y CANDLER AL - / I id way Lum HE COLD \ nTw, - \ r? Sat " v. .. " ' ' *\ Zhas J pm \ Kabo \Corsets.. j 7\ ' I Th^se are Two Of The / Many, St vies we Ar^ Show- \ in gin tneKabo Corsets \ We invite jmi to wpect our j I 'ine whera^rott will arkvays find 3 j ihe aseorJnneni con?pleW Yom for Kabo Cutsets 5 CAM)LEK-CROW ELl\ CO. j /FOR FALlAl ig coats for fall, in the celebrat * rood thin0?" in f.hn ?iuur V I|-?# Shoes have arrived an 11/ the whole family. Oi utid gsowing girls, while for ? and leathers. Everything ni YOURS TO SERVB ! - CROW p, Karma WEATHEF LOUISBU V N > . - V p. . . ;-,. :,vv.:- ft $U [ k - vYv?> fMfRSSBn ' . - , . . .? _ . ' S \ ' ^REHOUSE , \ Mri . \ >- ' ? ~..r ., \ IS * " isfaction Reigned ohnson ) THEM j5EBSaS3B8? y ) N COAT SUITS ^tyleri^1' line,- lias just been opened, Icirts, m-'K'? nice line of extra voile find id we an? now prepared to shoe ~~ ir lirte of boston Favorite Shoes chool *ud ever}' day wear. We e\v and priees as low as the lowELL CO. " 3 ?Coal | ===== i 5 wa Splint I l COMES | RG, N. C. |

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