-c r ' ^ "extra special Men's Pants. Values. $2.50 and $3.00 Now, 79c ' 1 ' The Most i -This sale is an original direct terest of thinking people, to whom the saving of a dollar is ' equivalent to the earning of one. YVe cannot impress npon you too strongly the importance of taking the advantage . of this wonderful price cutting gale that stands pre-eminent in the matter of value. I a a r* *< look: Head: THE ALSTON CO., entire st"c1 Goods, Clothing and Grocerie', to days time. This magnificent st< loose, regardless of cost or former consideration the.vast importance uoparralleled in the annals of mer this offering co_ibines the high lowest prices quoted. Come in And READ! READ! THE MO MEN'S ODD TROUSERS. I A collection of odd Trousers that I sold for $1.00, Fait Warning . Sale Price, 79e ; Men's sitad Youths' better grade, ail wool trousers, in fancy mixtures and stripes, that tell for c 1.50 to 2.50, Fair Warning Sale ( Price, $1.18 50 Pairs of Fine Grade Trousers, . in all the newest stripes, in cassimeres and worsteds, for ] 3.50 and 4.60, Fair Warning 1 Sale Price, 1.98 MEN'S OVERALLS. ( All standard Overalls, sold for 1.00 and 1.25, while they last, 79c 50 and 60c Overalls sale price, 39c BOY'S ODD PANTS. Lot Boys' 25c and 50c Pants, Fair Warning Sale Price, 19c Boys' 75 Pants, Fair Wamiog Sale Price, 39c ~ " Mgrrs- WOKKIXG?SHIRTSF ? 60 and 80e values, Sale Price, 38c STAPLE DRY GOODS. All oar very best standard Calicoes, none reserved, worth 7c and 8c per yard; sale price, 4 3-4 o Lot Percales, nice pattern*, fast colors, worth 12 l-2e yard, Pair Warning Sale Price, 8 l-3c Lot Outing Flannels, worth 10c yard, FaiT Warning Sale Price, 7 8-4e Heavy Canton Flannels, 12 l-2c grades. Fair gaming Sale^^ Best bleached Domestics, worth s12 L2c yard. Pair Warning Sale Price, 81-2c - - Unbleached sheeting, 98 inches wide, good grade, worth 7c jid, . 'Fair Warning Sale price, 5e Heavy Checked Homespun, best grades, Fair Warning Sale Price, fie TOWELS. Bleached Huck Jlpwels, large size, worth 15e, Sale Price, 7c WV Lt V.J 1? wiewtv sue umcuruwirwa 18c, Pah Warning Sale Price, 9c Tnrkiah Bath Towele, 90e Taluea, Fair Warning Sale Price, 11c * SSSSSSSSSSSESSS9BB8BBBSS f 1 1 ' . I . LAOW8- 8H0ES 1 "> > : 't J , . [-'ry <;--. -1 nm # v A w S15,000 Worth of Hi|? The Alston ^ensationa C? The I ! Act! c, consisting of Dry I be closed out in ten . I >ck will 1>? turned values. Take into sale is now <>r of tbe sale. It is town and coui eaniile history, for est quality at the greatest crow ' sale, coming i . - trade, over tw L -LOOK tocy m a boon READ! PRIC1 ,nr m n >5i 5cin; lemstitched huek towels, extra , sixe, worth 25e, sale price, 18c 5ood towels. Sale Price, 3e 1 JEN'S, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S ] COAT SWEA1TEKS (.00 values. Sale Price, $1 79 Children's 2.00 values, Sale Price. $1.19 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR ,5c values, Sales Price, 10c 15c values, Sale Price, 18c TABLE LINENS. >0-ineb bleached Table Linens worth 35c yard, Sale price per yard, 10c 12-inch bleached Table Linen, 85c value, Sale price per yard, 49c Dinner Napkins, large size, worth 1.50 doteo, sate price, 98c LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS? Lradtee' Hemstitched * Ilandkarehiets. -Me values, Fair Warn ing Sate Price, - 3c Ladies' white hemstitched handkerchiefs, 15c kind, sale price, 7e REN'S SHIRTS A UNDERWEAR Men's ribbed undershirts and drawers worth 36c, Pair Warning Sale Price, , J8cMen s negligee dress shirts with '* cuffs attached or detatched, in neat figures and latest eolorings 60c ana 754 values, Fair Warning Sale Price, 36c Men's dress shirts, imported Madras and Cheviots, perfect fitting at latched or detatched caffs, 1.00 to 1.25 values. FairWarning Sale Price. 79c Men's heavy fleece-dined undershirts and drawers good SSe values. Fair Warming Sale csiee, 36c Men's 60c elastic seam drawers,. Fair Warning Sale Pries, 34c Men's ribbed undershirts- and drawees 76s valnea, Fair Warning Sale Pew*. 30c Man's nbbsd undershirts sad drawers, sail the world over tor 1.0Q. Fair Warning Sals Pries. 69c Correct business at fat bat yon i Ki %? - Tlw ' f' - -v V * / ** V " vj V- V.T ' . r> -.afar,., i ''tCqS tiJSBtSfefif- i %V , S,y'.: iaHHwili IT* Sale IN FULL An Earthquake h tirade DiV Goods. Clothing. Shoes, Hats, i Company at less 1 Sale Ever \lston LOUig^jBUF The ^hird 1t- ALcy i. in full blast. A sale of Dry GoodsX Cfcthi itrv talk. The Yoluma of business haJ been d-bringing event ever witnessed in iXnisbi in such enormous Crowds that it becamd noc enty-five extra sales-people being /mplcweil to the saving and thrifty. / \ ES NEVBL UvT I ir sationai = LOpISBUR' tan Hoee. 2 for 25cAind, sale price, f" Te fine quaUty imported Ladies' Hoee, black or tan, fee value, 18c t_j Ladies' and Children^ best 20c ar Hose, sale price; / 11c p. Hem's IOC Hose aw colors, sale t.(i price, 7 5c di BLANKETS Sf BED SPREADS nl La rye site Bad Spreads beautifully designed,Jrorth 1.50, Pair Warning Bale mice, 97c Extra large slzelbed spreads, elegant designs, 25 ralues, Fair Warning fealeffrice, $1.49 Met Good blankets,/worth 1.25 pair, -jt Pair Warning Sale Price' 77c p Lot blankets, ten quarter width, Me; best 3D0 values, Fair Warning e, Sale Price./ $1.69 % LACES AND EMBROIDERIES P 2,000 yards ftorchon and vallencines laci, 10c values. Pair J Watningiale Price. S1-2 M Lotvroleeforoiiferisa, values up "2 toTOCyA), stleprt?, 9e v?* Wide corAt cover and flonnee embroideries, Sou values, Sale Price p/r yard; * 19c 50c /rtje Prices / . HAJ /The Story, the other half Is in QUALI" ,,,, thing to f Come at Once and G Great Bai \ "j * ' r pr neiples bring success. A visit dot sraa and come sarlt if you possibly ean. "I ill-A : AiSlOll LOUISBL V , . .: ^ ?fP!Pyl" ' \ ' ^ARN Now BLAST / ; in Prices / Gents' Furnishings, etc., is new being s than Cost mr Tc Held /in th Comf N. CPay of TON CC e, Hata, Gents' Furnishings. etc., that i immense. The opening day was admit irg. For mile* around the people came eg sarv to close the doors in order to wail in the Store. A sale that will go dovrti ir pN HIGH GRA] t\ SALE SAN. C. 1 LAKES' UNDERWEAR QOI ies' heavV fleece lined vests id drawer*, re(fula.-35c vfltrea w air Warning Sale Price, 18c trad ies' heavy^ ribbed vests and* ditit rawers, 60e\y?loes, Fair War- wo a ining Sale ^riee, 84c havi \ gone \ hav< MEN'S WJRNISH1NGS.' " I'e black antl mu hose, 2 lor one lc kind. Fair Warning Sale liee, 1 7o K n's black, taa and fancy color- - y d hose, doubled Jpeel and toe, 9c value, Fahr Warning Sale . riee, V Ho n's Black and ianav half hose, - Jj pliced heel and tod 36c value, 'air Warning-Sale frrice, 18c F"ir 7 19 n's suspenders, worth 35r, Fair ~ Earning Sale Price, \ 19o p; ^suspendern^Mle^ri^u^^^^Mc ft fell bL i \ a toe i?% \ the jF \ rY. Nothing reserved Even- Lac \ Sho JO- \ Fall \ ret Some of The! * IV Lad - I\ cj gains. \l ? \Il? ?. an | F ? not obligate yon to bay. Got V We guarantee eveiy article exactly Compa JRG, N. C. i * .. . . . * vj-.y . _<> . rv-'. # .. iting onh ' ^ k $15,000 M' loldby v Yal in Days, le City of L >any ] al r ?m c r Every Item )In this document is a sti the word and good* of AL and successful record of no Louisburg. Positively no is BOW ^,j)e goods ursst bo so'd at ted the J Den't Hesitate: Don't Fai ZZ Be on Har u? hu Your i <" * DE MERCH4NI EVER H ' NG OUT OP THE CLOTHING . BUSINESS. , * m e bought heavily, anticipating a big w e, but owing to the backward con- e2 in and the lateness of the season 03 ire OTfimtockini: in other words. we ?? ; 3 more clothing in. our (tor* than i judgment permits, therefore, we b taken drastic means before it is -a late. Now is your chance. Our B (ring stock is divided in three parts ?t So. 1, lot No. 2 and Lbt No. 3. u. No. 1?Men's and Young Men's s, aH sizes,- good, serviceable p irments, well worth #. 50, Fair of,, 'arniug Sale Price, ' #8.98 ' No. 2?Men's Business and ' ress Suits, in a variety of good irk shades. These suits are ? m ibstantially lined and are well' lade, regular 15.00 values Fair ,,, laming Sale Price, $7.98 n. No. 3?Men's Busines and ' ^ ress Suita, in a^rariety^of lab- ^ r effects and patterns, stylish added shoulders, substantially n ned, genuine 90.00 values, Sir Warning Sals Price, $10.89 j SHOESl! SHOES!! SHOES!! Oni ? ur shoe stock is very complete. J have room to quote only a few of c many good things in this section, nember every shoe in this mammoth :k will be sold at prices that defy cost of production. Nothing re- I red?nil to go. ? adie's Kid Shoes, DongoU patent 1 worth $1.50, Fair Warning Sale Sin rice 99c l He's Heavy Every-day Satin Calf ? es, solid throughout, worth '$1.50, f r Warning Sale Price 98c 40r5 Solid Leather Pine Shoes i >r Women, Fair Warning a ale Price $1.19 ne< lie's $2.50 Fine Dress Shoes in ' bp or plain too or bluteher cut pper, Fair Warning Sale Ties $1.78 Ge lie's $8.00 Shoes, all leather, 1 ew styles. Fair Warning Sale Go rice r - fl.98 1 memorandum as repre-entad by l ~ , ... -r ; Ht \L- '< - ' >V !. f --?r f ~?r?'~~**^7-. > ":.? I iXTRA |J Special | 3n's Fall Suits I ues, $10 and $12.50' I S $5.09 I . j ouisburg I FREE TRIP TO LOUISUKQ.?During this Bale we ill pay railroad faros at out f-towu buyers of 935 and i-er, wiWiiu a radios of 35 I ilea. The most eooaational n'gaina ever offered. Read rices aarefully. Positively 1 transactions during this n days sslr will be for ASH ONLY. i and Price I dement of facts backed by .STON CO aad their long ershandising in the city of t asingle price exaggerated id onl v tea days to do it is, H 1: id and Gat - , Si s ' l Share ^ 1 USE BEFOREJ ELD INI H MH.V8 SHOES: are the soke agents (or the imous Long-Wear Shoes, very pair leaving our store e guarantee. We have a implete line in both shoes and tforcia. : - * : n Calf Shoes for men. worth A *o aa _?_? miuT^vu, oap or piain toe, lid leather through out. Fair I Faming Bale Price St. 19 : Calf bhoee for Sunday and rery day wear, blucher or slmoral cut, regular price $2.50 >id $3.00, Fair Warning Sale rice $l.t9 pilar S.50 and 4.00 8hoea for len in viei, patent or gun letnl blueber or balmoral cut, Ur Warning Sale Price $>.79 H Boy's, Misee's and Cbildren'a bees reduced in proportion. H 3.00 Shoes during this sale $3 39 I Idrens Bhoae 1.90' and lit shies Sale Price 79c t Veltiee-flftla Prina 19c? MEN'SHATB TT1 s lot men'a and youth's hats in tadine shapes, 1.50 values, 'air Warning Sale Price, 79c - lot men's guaranteed 100 oft and stiff beta in new nobby napes and latest colors, also taple shapes, Fair Warning _ Me Ppce, 11.89 I DRKBS GOODS I ?an?y saitlngs in plaid and .ovelty stripes, etc., 15c value, 1 Fair Warning Bale Price, yard, Ic I gie width fancy suiting*, in a srge variety patterns, 25e valics. Fair warning Bale price IM >er yard, "T* 19c I inch wool suitings in new all effects in fancy mohairs I d other leading fabrics, all H w and up to date, regular price 6a, Fair Warning Sale Price, 39c I NOTIONS. d Pins, regular price 5c, Fair Tarning Sale Price, per paper le^l od Pearl Buttons, regular price 5c, fair Warning Sale face, per I 1 Extra Specal I $3.60 and $8.00 ? MENS' * LADIES' SHOES NOW H $1.29 | I I

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