t .. ... FRANKLIN TIMES aTfT JOHNSON. Editor and Hanagtr Fbiday, October 21, 1910. ?rdrx t*> kkw ai?yk> tik1mrwtp TAR DROPS. ?Register now, don't wait. ?If you want to vote register. ?Now for the new couit house. R'i ?Don't let October 29th pass without having registered. ?Its a bounofng boys and Mr. F. W: Hicks is all smiles. ?Don't forget to register if you want to vote on November 8th. ?Quite a big number of our people attended the fair at Raleigh the past week. " * ?If you haven't registered you had better do so or you may not be able to vote. " ?The Woman's Foreign Mission Societv conducted a sale in the. Ar* mory on last Saturday. ?The ' graded school gave holiday yesterday that the pupils might take in the fair at Raleigh. ?The work of paving around the court square and the grading of the square wa^ begun this week. ? If your subscription is due you cannot confer a greater favor on ua than to come in and pay up. 'r?The concrete sidewalks are making a bigger improvement than could have been imagined, and the work should Jog continued until it is all over the business part of town. ?A gentleman from near Kittrell remarked, as be entered town yesterday, to a citizen "you Louisburg foikB are coming out, I see you are putting down "granulated" side?walks." ?Let vour business be represented in the columns of the Fkaxjclin Times and you will profit thereby. Remember by doing so you can talk to more tban five thousand people every week. ?There is no new registration, Obnt all those who have become 01 age or who have moved into another township will have to register. If this covers your case you had better register at once. ?Those old elms on the court yard that have stood the summer winds and wintry blasts for the past seventy-live years, bowed their heads in shame and fell to the earth yesterday when "Mary Ann" made his appearance in town. "Polly of the Circus." It is not often that we are tempted to find fault with a producer of plays for being too generous, but that is the' Kind of play producer Frederic Thompson happens to be. He wants to give too much for the money. As a result of his extravagance he has made "Polly of the CircuB" a case of "Holly" and the circus. There are not many people ?gho will ubject to this however. There mav be some who will agree with us that Polly is so much more interesting and so much more important to the little drama of which she is a part than a hundred oircuses could ever be that the show scene should be eliminated. But Drobably there will he as many more who will enjoy the sight of a real lady bateback rider turning somersaults off the hack of a real horse ambling patiently around the inside of a real ring and keeping time to the oom-oah horn ot a real circus tune. It is not often playgoers object to being offered too much entertainment, even though the extr^measure proves a clear case of assault and battery with a poor old drama as victim. "Polly of the Cirous" is a pretty, ap pealing story of hearts of the triad and true type, until the circus hapinto it, then we have a three V^Riog circus in full operation on the stage. Among the many features of this play, "Polly of the CircuB," which will be seen at Grand Theatre, Henderson, N. (J , on Oct. 24th, Monday night is "Little Hip," the' educated elephant that performs stunui un heard of for the amusement or old and young; Barlow's dog and pony oircua, and "Bingo," the celebrated thoroughbred Arabian horse; also downs, acrobats, btarebsok riders, ringmasters aerial and horizontal bar acts. This is the same production that appeared at the Liberty Theatre New York, tor one soli4 year. I Important. After careful investigation and | inquiry The Timeb made arrange- Cc merits to publish a Tobacco and thi Trade edition which is to receive bu wide distribution to the Jiomes of be the people in the villages and on roi the farms for miles in every direo- tol tion. " wi In the investigation of the subject, preliminary to completing arrangements. The Times found that such editions had been issued from many 111 of the towns of the State and in eaoh spi and every instance the business men ve of every one of them gave their th hearty, and substantial oo-operation frc and the result was a class of work tie that reflected the public spirit and eri enterprise that prevailed in those hk cities and towns and which are the pit "very essenceTjf"upbuilding- and?de-_ foi yelopment. , es| The work of compiling'and pub- w< dishing a Tobacoo and Trade edition ftn is too big for one man, or for any G< group of men, to undertake it. wi .. it appeals to all and" singular of an the business men of the community, he for the , more the advantages and pe popularity of l.ottisburg is proclaim- ne ed as a tobacco market, .and - trade do center the greater will be reStiltfp to j mi every one engaged in business, mofo. qf or less, according to his facilities to Cc supply the needs of the people. wl On the other hand, if such an edi- atl tionis supported in an indifferent or _ half hearted manner it reflects these rr very qualities, or better still lack of appreciation for any attempt to achieve results on a broad plane, and'all because there is a cost attached?a cost which is minimized by co-operation and is only, after all, a trilling outlay in .view of the j wide publicity eaoh business secures. ^ Here, hh elsewhere throughout the vo country, the Times Tobacco and i * Trade edition will recqive the sup- tQ port and co-operation of the liberal | minded and progressive, for they be- j lieve that publicity and enterprise j work hand in hand to secure the1 ? I FC greatest oossible results nnH fr?r thio I ? ? I 1 reason such an edition, as is propos- ' ed, appeals at once to them. PC So, see'to it that your business is 1 represented, for the preparation of w such an edition is all work and those 1 behind it eat no idle bread. It ought, 1 therefore, be representative of Louisburg and its trade advantages and when published and distributed to ho C< the thousands of homes the credit will belong to those whose co-opera- tic ' r tion was generously forthcoming at and its purposes. C. HARTS m ' LOUISBURG, October 14th?Prices reached high Warehouse this week, all grades from t now selling higher than at any previous advice is to market your tobaoco ss fast better timeto setl than when prices a^e ing yon to pay a lot of drummers tar tel oi to persuade you to sell it wher^ou of business will guarantee to puunore i for your tobacco than any otherwarehi ity considered. Get you a pi^ce of pat count up how many men liavb buen to > to persuade you to carry yonr tobacco t your tobacco_?t home, whan does this m up, and they think perhaps you are no1 ber this, that J. R. ColliS at Harts VVar? you better. f* TRY Tltia'HOUSE AND MAN J. R. COLLIE, L< Keep yjfoat Good crops are of no lasting TOieflt if you i you' Make your successfuK harvest dd liye till the next one. Bknk youBT> needs require and seeNto 11 ttnat mainmpr at the en* of a profit frtuA the i THIS BAtMVM/ YOUR / MOM Give you every consistentaccommodation a' possible to make ubur farm investme ?. J it has eyer dbm CITIZENS BANK, an? llust this, tobacco has gone t wise to the fact. Jast reu.eraihonse tells it higher and treats AN It BE CONVINCED )uisburg, IN. C. Y-oa Heap l??nurt, J. J. Barrow to atate that ere will be no court held in Louisrg next week?the court having en adjourned sine die. The jura for the second week of the Oc)er term need not attend aa there U be no court. Marion Butler Speaks On Tuesday morning "Mary Ann" itler delivered hia regular abusive Bech here in the opera house to a rv small number of listeners, alnugh there were Republicans here >in Vance, Nash and other couns. Ilia talk waa one that the avige man, even Republicans, do not ;e to Hear and the absence.. of apluee showed their silent contempt c hia many abusive remarks and socially when he attacked our irthy and highly honored townain, Hon. T. W. Bickett, Attorneytneral., He admitted his identity th the South Dakota bond case d failed to show the people that was not connected with the cart bag bond acandal now so promint all over the State, t here is no nht hut that his speech here made irjy Democratic votes for the 8th Nnvpmhor I'llntr ho/I fKn Wusrinf !tt?u Mills band of Henderson, lose mitsic. was 'practically all the traction of tTie-day. 'AX , PAYERS Take Notice Tile tax bo< ks /of the town of luisburg for 1 h? year 1910 have en turned ov a/to'me for collecn of the taxi i thereon. See me once ar.d a ittle same and save urself and ?i yself any unnecessary luble. llefnt mker I am instructed make the/e collections at once. This Octf 19 ;h, 1910. / D. O. HIGH, Tax Collector. >R SALE?One Thrashing machine, n good order, will sell cheap to quick juyer. A. C. Carr, Laurel, N. c. IR SALE?tNha^e a nice lot of seed .vheat tor salewt $1.50 per bushel. C. B. Cheatham. \ . L. Mcff^aBbrr. streets, Fran k I in toltr*^ NOTICE A special meeting /of the stockIders of\he Lmdsburg Wagon irnpany is called tn be held at the ice af Win^H. Huitin, First Nana! Bank BuiUiag, Louishurg, X. , on Monday, Q?ober '24th, 1910, 2 p. m. X ?Oho. IlNCoui'KK, Pres.? B. Cheatham, Seh, pro tem. iREnOUSE An. c. , vrtatufr mark for tobacco at Harts bejowest up tt> the highest are lilltme for. a ..umber of years. Oar a< you can, as there is never a high. I am not-paying, or aakI yob where to sell your tobacco, do nit want to, but as a matter dollars and cents in your pooke rusarian in North Carolina?qual >er and pencil and see if you can we yemi for the past week, trying ;o thegi and if not trying to but *?? ttt n i?i m r ? II m ? umm ? mn 1 ^aecaji AA.AAAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A i I | It is the \ A who fully realizes that THE TIME to make the PRODUCTIVE PERIOD of his lite add help an ACTUAL AID in conserving its ine tions. \ A Why not begin now and provide fAr vo A start wo shall be glad to have your account || FIRST /NATIO X LOUIRRUR UNDER SUPERVISION OF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi W""V 'ww -W w--wwWWWWWWWWWWW* j 1' ? AVE Tongue TrUck E 60 Tooth, two sections, Adjustable Chattanooga Chilled Plow? I POINTS J Chattanooga/Oliver aji'd SyraAas L. P. h ON THE CORNER PHONE ? | buyt II ,:.HEAT f i\irk\> il ? We have on hand a full supply of all Iqnd^/ We will sell cheap ipi I McKINNE BRC | LOU^BURG, INc . -."r- ' *.-II;.>itmiaSKlU < Vise Man " | J| provision for bis later years is daring Othat a Growing Bank Account is a ome and ipi*"'intrfcasin bis accutnula/? ur future? No matter how small your !>rth Carolina ., 1