THE HOME CIR Pleasant Evening Rem catsd to Tired Motl the .Home Circle ; CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM A man builds a bridge and be is a j I great man. Another man puts up a . t cathedral and be is a great ntan. j i But he who gives a man an idea \ which changes his life for good is; the greatest of all. ? 4 1 1* TUCTHS, The post of honor is the post of; li duty. v r i... ...I,;,.i, . _______ JJtl ItVllKlli^ I'W ItajalVtlu ? UIVIl I ? ought to be done! Small profits, Utile risk; large prof- ( I) its, great risks The best kind of a picnic is a pick ! t ? at Did Kick. Something wrong when a man is ! afraid of himself. Honesty is a better capital than a sharper's cunning. Whose credit is suspected is not safe to be trusted. ' A true man never frets about his place in this world. Employ no one to do what you can easily do yourself. Bettie to die at the post of duty than to live elsewhere. ? * BITS OF WISDOM. There is no secret of success out work. The mind of a good man is a kingdom to him and he can always enjoy it. Many run after felicity like a man hunting tor his nal; while it is on his head. 'lake pleasure in yonr work. A task which appears distasteful at first sight soon becomes pleasure. Endurance is more valuable than cleverness. It is the patient steady plodders who gain and keep fortunes. When benignity and gentleness reign within we sre in least danger from without; every person and every occurence is beheld in the most favorable light. A graceful behavior toward others is a constant Source of pleasure; it pleases others because it indicates respect for their personality, and leaves tenfold more pleasure to ourselves. ! " * I u lit All FAILURES. ,0 Tbe reason we have so many dead j1 failures is that parents decide tor.1 -children what they shall do, or ctiil-1 dyen themselves, wrought on by" some whim or fancy, decide for themselves. So we have now in pulpits men malting sermons who ] ought to be in blacksmith shops making plowshares, and we have in tbe law those who instead of ruining the eases of iheir ohenta ought toiig pounding shoe lasts, and doctors who are tbe worst hindrances to their patients' convalescence, and artists trying to paint landscapes who ought to be whitewashing board fences. While there are others making bricks who ought to be re- ^ modeling constitutions, or shoving j planes who ought to be transform-, j; ing literature. J There are children who early develop natural affinities for certain styles of work. When the father of the aatronomer Forbes was going to London he asked his children what present he should bring each one of them. The boy who was to be an astronomer cried out, "Bring me a ] leieacopei:" Ana mere are children | j whom yon find all by themselves , drawing on their slates or on paper, , ships or houses or birds, and you | know they are to be draftsmen or | f artists of some kind. ' And yon find , others ciphering out difficult prob- | lems with rare interest and success, and you know they are to be mathe- ( maticians. And others making wheels and atrange contrivances, and 1 you know they are going to be machinists. And others are found ex- ( perimenting with ho* and plow and Jttle and you know they will fit |! taacaers. And others are always 1" swapping jack knives or bails or ] :cle column! dgaf"' RGolUmn Dedk hers as They Join at Evening Tide THE EDITORIAL 'PEN >ats and making something by the largaiu and they are going to be nerchauts. * w KJ08 ASP THISTLES. The eagle does not sing, but it oars. No tnan who thinks wrong can ive right. Love will win where gun powder rould fall. The fig tree does not bloom but it 'ears fruit. lufidelity cannot point to any fulilled prophecies. God's hardest work is to reveal; Iimselt to the sinner. There is no deed more heroic than o say no to yourself.. God will go where the humblest hild is not welcome. The first prayer was made by the nan who had the first need. A holy life ie the best answer that :an be made to infidelity. People are not v*jn except when ihey have no knowledge. There is nothing for which the ie?rt vearas more than syraftothy. The man who turns his back on Sod turns bis back on his own ;ood. , The devil always keeps the binges fivthe gate ot death well grease There are no free passes given m any of the roads that lead to the lit; I'lie serpent can not fiy, but he mows erongh to catch birds that tan. The more people need friends the ' nore they will appreciate kindness, j You can not pray for yourself and I eave the people you don't like out. | No man ever really prays for any. | lllnt* tllOt lira i-1 tiAt nsilllnss- */? ' uo ?o uv/i n uuug lU UiC | or. * ' . lleligion is not something you ake home and keep for your own { ise. Many men tie their horses care-' filly, l>ut let their tongues run loose.! The first mile on the road to hell ooks as though it led straight to deaven. The man who lives to please hirnlelf will find that he has a hard maser 2 This life will mean more wtien we ealize that it is the pathway to the text. ,T ' "IN A BAD WAY." ?! Many a ^ouisburg Reader Will Feel Grateful For This Information. . x i n { When youribsoli glvoj ont; Becomes la#ie, weaker aching; xiti ! - ?? nen urinary troubles net in, Your kidneys are "in a bad way."| Doan'g Kidney Pillfe will cure you. Here is good evidence to prove it. j D. S. Fullerj Broid Street, Oxford, j V. C., save: "For / a long time 11 mew that my kidneys were diaor- j jered, this fact being plainly proven j iy the unnatural Condition of the so- i reiions from these organs. They vere too frequent in passage, oblig-| ng me to rise tfpny times during the' light. I had /< all backaches and harp pains Ilea lgh my loins that j nade it almos i n possible for me to i itoop or lift I H taring about Doan's j [vidltev Pills/ ailrl Heine fawsraKU I a)pressed, if prcipnred a box and broogh tbar oai I was cared. They lot only disposed of the backache, jut etrenofienedl my kidneys and | benefited me in ewery. I can recom- I nend Dora's Kidney Pilla aa the Mat kid nay remely I ever oaed." For sale by all Veal era. Price 50 sent*. Fpater- Milium Co., Buffalo, New Yogk, sole I agents for the United States \ Remember the name?1 loan's? nd takefno other' \ ? f For\a\A: Vljr residence on mtlL street. Easy rerma. J. IIS^ALMER. - -y, , - . . * i WANTED OLD BA^i/wilUxvhanjj old pampers for th* TIME TrQST?Fountain Den ywith iny nhmi W. F. Beasley, ekgnved on it. Fin< er will please relfcrn to this ofRc and receive a IibeAureward. seed wheat-Ad Ausheis Sec Wheat, clean, roleVda seed whea -""Sold in any quantitraesired. McGhc Joy tier Co., Frank lipbn, N. C. FOR SALE?238 acrJL of good farmin land in warr?n Munty. on Fishin Creek. RailroW runs through plai tat ion. and it contains three good re idences with alfntecessarv out house Apply to J. C. f*eL>ce. k F. D. >'< 1, Louisburg, jf. C\ FOR SALE?Os Tuesday, Novembc 1st, 1910, I w4ll sell at public auctio at my old Lome placetthey following 2 two horse wagons,\l/McCormic Mower and Rake, 1 hftV tooth Ha row, 1 fan mill, Corn teller, Grin Stone, some bells, 5 Uf al of cows several plows and otrfr 3^-ticles tc numerous to mention. l\will als rent my home place for lofc. 11. I Wilder. R F D No 11 Lotusburg, N NOTICp:. Having qualifietk as administrator C. T. A. ot the esfete of Joseph ^ Fuller, deceased, lVte cf Frankli County, I he.-eby nonfy 7a 11 person holding claims a'gainstVsafd estate t present them-to the uiradrsigned on c before the 23 rd day of September. 191! or this notice will be plead in bar c their recovery. All penras owing hi estate will come forwIr.A nml mak immediate settlement, f'Tlit 23rd da of September, 1910. J \ J. H. Vi'LLERt admr. W. H. Yarborough, Jf., atty.y Price 'List Scrap Iron. Anyylctnd ili cents cas or 30 cents in trade jper 100 pound; Bones 25 cents perVxypounds, Braps cents per pound; Cwmrer 8 cents p< pound; Rubber 4 cenfc per pound; Lea 2 cents per pound; Zi?\l cent per pouni Beeswax 20 cents pound; Gree Cow Hides 4 cents fer pound; Wool 1 cents per pound afd up\ / \ T- SPIRE. Rubber Tir4s Worn Out. I can put on Vew ones while yo waff. All kind\ Buggv repairing the Very best. 2aJyears experienc makine and repainlrk butriiies. Sho next to jail. H C.TAYLOR. For Rent. A two or threuse^L Apply t< j. y^Dxvis, with W. P. Neal & O .. Louisburg, V.< NOTICE.' ; Owing to th^resigna/!on of R. I I'erry, constable \f Har?i5 Townshii this is to give notice thfct ti. F. Ha has been nominated as f candidate fc countable for Harris frown ship to b voted for at the comnapfelection on N< vember ?S, 1910. V D. K. KARRIS, J Clim. DoxW Ex. Com. > . H|rr\Township. ROW TO CURE RACUMATISM It is an Internal Disease That Requires an Inte nal Remedy. The cause r>f Rhematism and ktndre diseases'us an excess of uric airicl in.tli blood. TX cure this terrihj? disease th acid mus&be expelled and the systei so rejfulatWl that no mope acid will 1) formed in excessive quantities. Rhet matism is ah eternal (Tisease and r< quires an internal remedy. Rubbin with Oils anaLinimeiits will not curt affords only tlmporaro relief at best causes you to delay fne proper treai ment, and allow tna malady to get firmer hold on y?Us Liniments ma ease the pain, but feey will no moi cure Rheumatism* than paint wi change the fibre oyk>tten wood ovieiwe na? at 1911 discovered a pel feet and completejv*re, which is calle cases, it has effect-lithe roost mar ye ous cures; we believe it will cure yoi Rheumacide "gen an the joints frci the inside." sweeps tie poisons out c the system tones up me stomach, reg ulate the liver add k idneys and make you well all oved Khewnacide "strike the roots of the Disease and removes it cause." This rtriendid aemedy is sol by druggists atfcl dealerA generally a 06 cts. and $1 J bottle, si tablet fori at 25c. and 50d a packagft' For saU b Get a bottle jtoday. BoUclet free i you write to Bfbitt Chemical Co., Ba more, Md. Tual bottle tablets 25c by mail. f V Beasley-Alston Drug QfT Louisburg, X. C. BARGAINS J. P. WIN8T0NS l.OOO LNoberrelas. */* 1.000 Sbirti 1 will sell tjhirts forAhe next 60 day 50 ctNralue far 25 ets. .. 81.00 V 1 60 ote 81.50 \ L 75 ots These Siiinus, Mcst Go!! Ladies Skirts Biacp. Brown and whit Less TiIa\ Cost! Ladies .Shoes No. 3 1.2 20 pe cent, less than cdst, >\e. 7 ?fc 8 wa below cost. Salnendefl|50 ct. vain going at 25 ctsi Mens tJats $2.5 value 81.25 jnt* 1-2. Box Pape tor the Ladles khct. value ?2 l-2cti per box. 10p0 a color Buttons les than 1-2 cost. NOW FiEKKVcome the Mens Ci vrmxo just msrkei down from 86. 5 *7.60 to 84.508V0 Come on Boys 500 Pants below c^ I am selling i oods now jc8t vo FUN and at p ices yon haye neve heard of befori ^J. P, WINSTON. , \ ' * ' . . , K. P. HiJ ij ' Mortg. : i Is Put Off Uni \i Y o cnnr 11-^\~ '' No sale on October 22nd on accoora of F 1S J on November ?2 anil. 23 I inn coinsnto bu o A all about it later. V H LISTE A fool nicger can ieail a blind don/key ?p h A High and ST1 the other constableann that i. J wagon or buggy on time EASY, But I cat '* A Sheriff, Constable and Police I Jan take U d I high dollar on November 22 aiid 23, call\ I; A get a good bid I am going wn sell ?l yoi n I you will have to have the e, II 7r? ir V * THA' ttECE irrisj ^ , CRO^/ 3 S I <1 it " \ IF YOU DoNT'T BEL !;"' NECE.S.5ARY TRY G AWHILE. TRY WEAR , YOU EVER HAD. Do ' "NOTHING GUCCEEDG . I rtUCLt L>01H' 1 . II] ' ! PER. success To f/ NOT LOOK .SUCCE.5,5F' i.s not svccessfvu e <5, A BETTER .SUIT F t - FOR. $ 10, 12 AND 1I7 HAVE COME, WE Ia 0; HATS, $3.50 TO $fi, I I MADE FOR THE PHICE h rv I 8 ** cl 0 : ... 5 it: W . * *\ . ?W " ~ .?. _ ? * t " '" . lis Big Annual "lw age Sale j til November 22=23 j * air wank, ami Big Circus iu Raleigh on that date, but A ve a/rash mover. Watch this space, I will tell you J IN- EjDYS | water, hut Sheriff Kearney, Brodie Hudson, Chief ibnnty can't make him drink." I cmrsell a horse, mule, A it make him pay, but with the help of the above j lie said horse-, mule, wagon or buggy, and sell to the A the mans name in public, and all will be well, if I can ir price if you bave the dough. "Xi" money wont go Ahig sto6k of Buggies, wagons and harness I want to X t^ carry so many over, will sell for onsh, or on time, me ior uou's sake pay, and pay me quick. I need ^ HILL | ^re?50l.vedt ~~ [*3 clothed are the most? : 55apy.thihc5 ltf the world. ire royal robef/lhd the'. ? ^%t,^iake^the King: yw /^nZETo^PEOPLE py?) rxcl0the5/flr5t: howy^e j^you ^izettheh^ u??goo.d1 i faretthe^igfltor pro^peee d i]j g-^hpva 11 - i bu5tcr:brov7hi ~}\ i .jeve/good Vlotheg are I OINg/wITHoUR 7i.EM FoR ING^ETTER CLiSTHE^ THAN Yoj# KNOW THE ^EANING OF LIKE SVCCEJJV;\ L0T.S0F m/an^j OTHER peoVe PREyLURE?S. IF A MAN DOE.S PL, PEOPLE WILL THINK HE . A FAIDLY GOOD Jl/W FOR OR $7.50, A .SWELLVSUIT I ^ | .50. OUR NEW FALL IMT.S ' I RRY THE JOHN B. ^TET^SoN VAXIM HAT,5 AT $2. &EW I. EVERY HAT GUARANTEED \ i * 11 WHELE88 I ; J&JzsjSk-i. - '' * ? - i'V.". JSMHL -*. >