f , TOBA.CC I i A. F. JOHNSON. EDITOR AND HA | ? VOL. XL. *louH Grows1 Hot Nash, Vai ]j&' C0nmtioo-# fc" location of th? town Which inauree .natural drainage and consequently the moat healthful ?urroundinaa. . Thta natural drainage ia ,urF lemented h? kaewer lyatem of ample opacity whieh extendi all orar the busineaa diatriet and ineladea I. coaaiderablc part of the reaident ewtiou, ao that a.tauranae la made doubly uure In /I- tbia all important ianitary feature. Si- _? Then, again, the town poeaeaaea Ita own electric light plant which in character of importance, aad eoaaequeotly ' - IHKXjSII J t ' : < * > AND IKLl THE COUNTY, TH1 LODISBUBO, H. C.. FRID gTI >ularity Ait Franklin an .-V v ? -y - K.J2 iisfactory )\y for Securing' ind The Individu^ . >. t Along All Lines of fendid Spirit ofCove and Build up nd Permanency *? general high range in^ricee secured, in the go after it methods of the owners of the warehouses doing business here and in the service rendered generally, which service consults the conveniences of patrons, protest their interests in securing the very "top of the market" and shews that sense of appreciation for trade as a consequence ot which the most satisfactory ezperl ences prevail. From Nash, Wake, Vance and Franklin and from parts of .Tnhh?nn MttinHa - -* * as a_ A Money Savin; ? Everything Indicates C .Activity-A Conditio . Operation and ?"i" * .Along the Bordc ^ Sketches of the Reliable and R< >, of Their Owners, Their Meth ments-AH of Which Main Conditions That 0 Louisburg, the county seat of Franklin and a popular and an important selling market for the people of four ' counties, is reached by the Louis bunt. division of the Seaboard Air Line railroad, which connects with the'main line at Franklinton, and is thirty-seven * miles distant from Raleigh and twentyseven miles distant from Henderson. With its snbnrbs Louisburg has today a population of thirty-flve hundred inhabitants composed of the very beat' class of citizenship, in that the bulk of tee people are inaueirioup, energetic and self reliant and are'' thoroughly . identified with local interests and progress by the fact that many, even ot the , humblest, are Home owners?a Condi- L tion which insures co-operation and unanimity in promoting local development no matter in what manner or form it may appear or be suggested. During the past decade Louisburg has made remarkable progress along all lines aa a tobacco market, wholesale and retail trade center, in the acquaintance and development of new industries, as a source of supply for horses, mules and (arm needs'generally and aa a splendid selling^ point for eotton, cotton seed and everything grown on the _? - farm.? ' During tha past ten years real eatatn values in many instance in the business section have increased in value three and four fold and property all over town has shared in the growing prestige of the community and. in the general improvements made worn time to . time as a result of. which real rotate values are healthy, firm?a faet which substantiates the faith of the people in the still greater futureef the town and the still greater resourcefulness of the county by which it is surrounded as a result of good roads and progressive farming methods both M which ave beire constantly introduced. MUNICIPAL FKATUBES. Louisburg from the standpoint of municipal advantages possesses all the natural and acquired facilities that can be found anywhere in the country in A the most progressive towns of Its popV ulati"n. Bqljyrflk both banks of the 1..^^ sr,.- Pivflr tkitMt. A* a frentlv ilommr said to possess unusual and exceptional advantages. In the observance of laws and ordiajw ... nf . - ' 'W7. ^ ?Sit 1 s '<) RAIv NAQER " 1 S > - j >BUR< irly in Pop nee, Wake, I Jlighly Sa a; Source of Supj otne, The Farrti a > > * * Continued Developmen n That Reflects a Snl Unanimity to Improi >r Lines of Progress a / ; t sprescntative Local Enterprises tods and Their Stock Equiptain The Splendid Trade instantly Prevails. in service, is said to rank with the best in the country in this respect. As a result of this acquisition the streets of the town are well lighted by electricity, likewise all the stores, churches, public assembly rooms and many of the real denees. A water system, also the property of the town, supplies excellent and reliable facilities in this important and universe! necessity. Water mains reach all over the town and the service reaches the best standards both in the healthy and wholesome character of the water and its reliability. Leutsburg possesses two fire companies, the Cheatham Reel Team and the LoUisburg wagon Company, both of which are made up ef the beat citizens of the community ^because they are actuated hy altruistic methods to save life and property and to protect and defend their town and ita people against the ravages of Are and ita consequent losses to the community as a whole. When the eqnlpment of the fire department and the water supply from 'the water works and near by Tar River are taken into consideration, (ouisburg can be | their duties and obligations, being naturally law abiding citizen* Still the omissions an-1 commissions of the imprudent and thoughtless who Invade the rights of others in the best of communities make it necessary to have a police service to promote the public peace and protect property and in this respect Louisbbrg is well provided, this deeartment being in the hands-Of a ehief of police who enforces his authority at the seme time commanding the greatest respect and who is among the representative and jxjpnlar eitiseas of the community. Louisburg streets are kept ia a therAnirhl* Mtiftfftetnrv rrtnHikinn Mfuu>la1. ly the much traveled thoroughfares of (ha buainaas sections, and plans have already bean agreed upon and work begun to construct'eemant sidewalks in tins with progressiva communities everywhere and which reflects a commendable disposition in the property owners and eitissus of Louisburg to be fully abreat of the timee In the municipal advantages which combine beauty of unformity with utility and this combination is found in the cement sidewalks. A H1QMLY POPULAR TOOAOOO ((AlKWr. An"a market for the sale of tobacco no other town in entire the bright tobacco belt can and does, offer better indnaementq to the irmeri. and few towns equal these inducements In the -\ ' * '' .**'* V . y ? . w';' J ! ^ ' J '' '' F i: V?. * V"' ',V1X <yfe'ifc-- :hJt _? - k- - A. . ' - - .-Aflfcr.'..- ' . - ? . wu-?r aio kouotoUklY coming to Louisburg with their tohaceo and from other hrma located in the vicinity of Boeky Mount they prefer the journey to Louiaburg because the competition in Loolsburg's warehoases it honest, active and on the square. There is no collusion among buyers, to keep down prices, bo combination among warehouamea for. the same purpose, no gentleman's agreements, it is simply a question of quality and prlee and the high dollar is the only considIt pays them to come to Louisburg. It means more dollars in their pockets for their tobacco crops than they could secure in other markets and for that reason Louisburg is gaining prestage, popularity and importance daily as a tobacco market Besides Loulsburg'B warehouses are conducted by men who are expert judges of tobacco, who know its value to the cent and who will not allow it to be sacrificed under any circumstances. Sot this reason they conduct sales in a spirited manner, being ever alert and vigilant to create and maintain conditions Whose fea cures are active and spirited bidding. During 1908 about three milioa pounds ef tobacco were sold on the Louisburg market and although the crop is :iot up to the average this year, it is the purpose and aim of the owners of the local warehouses to beat these figures by their -'going after it" poleiee and splendid results in prices handed to their patrons. f . AN noSLLUT SOUBCB Or SOFFIT. Any one visiting Louisburg is foreed to admit that as a trade center ft le important and popular. And why is this conclusion arrived at? Because there Is in the first place magnitude and variety of both quality and price in every department of merchandising. Secondly, because, taking the stacks of all the stores into consideration, there is an a Sundance of standard goods in shoes, clothing dry goods, guano, farm implimenta, buggies, furniture, carpets, drugs, groceries and other lines, and uunwiu gooaa as every experienced penon known, la the nme in price end quality In every village, town and city In the United State*, the aam* price and the aaaae quality in Loulaburp as in New Tork, Chicago, Philadelphia or St. Louie. So that, aa any on* can aee buying opportunities eon Id not he better anywher. Than again, Louiabnrg* merchant* are reliable in their method* and with this characterietic of reliability they combine a spirit of pro-l -xi i v??v; T^c-. ' **' .wFcj I ?e>^ ' * ,"> . 'lyjf- AV- \ | .. . d.'>\ ' li ^?I. - ? - ?:i?1?i !2 TRAD N T S STATE, THE TJS10E. AT. OCTOBER 28. 1910. slorth long the Fi d Johnston < _ , ^V- . ,f Tobacco IV *' > '?* ''k :"i />'V .1. f The Needs of the il gressiveness to secure the latest and the best so as to be among the very first to give thei^ patrons the benefits Of the newest approved ideas and popnlar productions generally. In view of this fact there is little need and less excuse to go anywhere else to secure one's" requirements for, the home, the farm or the family. If a Louiiburg merchant has not got an article in stock, (t will be secure^ for a patron at guaranteed prices as quickly as the telegraph and express can bring it- Then, again, Louisborg^ merchants do business on the vety lowest level of wholesale cost, because tbey buy direct from the manufacturers, wherever possible, and in quantities that secures bed rock and inside invoice prices. Their policy is to trsde with-1 he organised source of supply and eompletelv eliminate the middleman who adda invaribly to the' cost but never to the quality. In view of these cqnd)tions and opportunities it is not the square deal to send yenr dollars to mail-order houses, for the home merchants taxes go to the support of schools, churches, roads and bridges. He is else a neighbor and a friend in most instances and for that reason he must render to every patron an honest equivalent for his money. AS A HOBSB, VEHICLE AS D GUASO v MARKET. No town in this section approaches liOnisburg's advantages, especially in this statement true of the buying opportunities maintained for the farmer in securing hit requirements in ,borses and mules. The owners of the local sales stables buy in the markets of the west where the lowest prices prevail and ship in car load lots direct from these points. They are, moreover, well known and thoroughly established with thg, owners of western stock farms and combining this advantage with a thorough knowledge of the need of their patrons, the result Is the moat favorable to supply local demands. During the spring, fall and winter Louisburg's sales stables contain ample and mules and offerings are mad* by the owners of these establishments la a manner that is thoroughly reliable both in price and representation. Because of the high plans of -legitimacy on which the srlling of horses is conducted in Lonisbnrg, farmers come from far distant points for they know they will be protected and tUir knowledge alone (p an inducement worth traveling many mile* te secure. In guano, farm lmplime-ita and buggies ' the productions of the best rnskera of the country ate found on sale from the medium to the highest grades adopted, in guano, to the sale and climate of this section and in buggies aad light vehicles to the tastes end demands of petrons in variety of style design and price to supply these need! promptly and satisfactorily. This feature ef I magnitude of vairiety of styles, quality I and price maintains the exceptional advantages for Louisburg aa a vehicle market for Which it is neted all over thia section. IX THB WHOt-ESAI.S IJNS9. Louisburg has mode rapid strides In the past few year* Mag today the source of supply tor groceries, feed hnd flour for the retail trade doing business within a territory of tweoty-flve miles in some directions. The growing importance of the town in this respest is best evidenced in the development of the wholesale business in the samI c. ,-t e li imks su * ?|7~t_ Can - - ji: . - ri armers of ^ u Counties l or tarket . M m unity, and which has reached a cond tion of magnitude from the humble beginning made but a comparatively few years ago along these lines. INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS. ^ Loulsburg's industries consist of four tb platnlmr mills in and near the town, a m; wagon factory, an oil mill, a foundry, a tb mattress factory, a grist mill and ?ev- eq erml minor enterprises employing m the co aggregate about one hundred persons. De Shipments of the finished product are fie sent out dally in car load, lots to all ha parts of the country by the majority of re these concerns, and in view of this fact together with the constant arrival of ne goods (or local consumption and distributton, Louisburg is one of the impor- ^ tant towns in its class on the Seaboard ? .... nil Air line system. et AS A COTTON MAKKKT. e No better selling advantages prevail si< anywhere than can be found in Louis- dl burg. The buyers are men of reliabil- th ity and keep in close touch with tie dr ever occuring fluctuations of the mar- pi ket by hourly telegrams during the tu cotton season and by a general know lii ledge of condition as regards the supply and demand. Outside the export pj oities of the country no better prices ]e< are offered anywhere than can be u- a cured at Louisburg and these are ai- 0I ways based on the latest and highest th telegraphic quotation direct from ' "off co the wire." AN UTKAX, HOKE LOCATION. Wl Excellently located from a purely P? sanitary standpoint in a temperate bo climate and with the advantages of excellent municipal advantages Louisburg Pr is conceded to be an ideal home town. ou This fact is already in evidence in a B? number of comfortable homes surrounded by generous lawns - and protecting W1 shade trees and by educational and re- Pr ligioos opportunities which surround the family with invaluable privileges no and safeguards. In the foinrer in- of stance these consist of a Graded School ty and the Louisburg Female College, th both of which are in charge of- educa- in| iion 01 emciency wno comoine mental ro training with moral development in in prder to build up character. There th are alao four churches for white people ex presided over by men of zeal and piety w< whose example and sermon's inculcate pb and foster that religious spirt which se la the very last analysis is the Jounda. mi tion of the very best citizenship. Sev- pr eral of the leading fraternal and benovelent organisations flourish in the pr community and their membership pro- pr mote that disposition to good fellow- mi ship and hospitality which the stran- s ger immediately recognizes in Louis- fa burg's people. " ? - lovisburo's vuturb. an Judged by the past, Leuiaburg's th' future along lines of development is 8 1 assured, The day Is not far distant ' when it will secure the advantages of Pii another railroad by the construction of bu but a few miles of tack, and in the an very nature of things this work will en be done, securing, thereby, another fei trunk line. Then a new hospital is on- .fix ly a matter of constructing the build- th ing for all the preliminary work has wl been done and only a few details re- ey main. This institution will be captal- qu tsed nt $30,000.00 and will on its completion be of ihcalenlaDle advantages nl to thaxere bitanti of the surrounding ^ country for netrly fifty miles. The wj Leuisburg Female College will relieve wi Ita crowded condition by tba erection th. of a new building the material of ty' whieh le new arriving. blew store buildings ere no* being erected in the m< baaineaa sectioiif^Ad the trork of Bi building good rouii *goe? iteadily on p, throaghoutJFrenkKn end adjoiajbg conn- ^ tie*, so tut tivj actifity isjetrletlj i*, along line* of greater deyelopient and uc X V" ? ''r lb "" _ . vJtr' % .{ ;4 ^ * ' ' , ? - < ?'?io \ k IBSCBIPTION 91.00 PER TEAR 1 NUMBER 36 alina. r a Greater Louisbuho. Below will be found sketches of raisburga reliable and representetlvea terprises of their ownera, their sthods and excellent stock equipment > desire has been entertained to ovdraw or exaggerate In the prepara>n of these grticles but on the other nd credit, where, credit is due, haa en freely and ungrudgingly given. J. W. HOLLINGSWORTH I anufacturer'a Agent For Pianos Furniture, Carpets and Undertaking;. , JI The oldest furnitume and nndertakl establishment in Louisburg and an \ terprise well and favorably know* reughout the four adjoining counties any of whose housekeeper make It eir chief source of supplye for borne uipment, the Holllngeworth Store ntiaues light along to supply tbe eda of the people and render t hat ef lient and satislaetory service which s eyer characterized allot its trade _ lations. In order to be prepared to supply all seda, this establishment carries conantly a splendid collection of from e medium to high grades in parlor id bed room suits, couches in a variy of upholstery, china closets, chiffonrs, bed loanges, wardrobes, hall racks leboards, extension tables, rockers, ning room, kitchen and parlor chairs, e latest designs in carpets, rugs, uggeta and floor coverings generally, etures and frames, childrens furnire and all requirements in the above tes for house furnishing. As manufacturers' agent for the Star ano Company and for the Chase-Hady Company's pianos, two ot the beet akesof pianos for the money today i the market, which are found in ousands of homes throughout the untry where their merits are enjoyed preciatea and praised. Mr. Hollingsjrth is in an especially advantageous eition by supplying all demands with nest and thoroughly established oda at inside end money saving ices. Moreover, being himself thorghly established, throughout this ction, his past reputation for intagriand ability surrounds all patrons th such SBaleguarda as protect jOtf!' omote their interests. Many of the above named pianos are w in the homes of the leading people . this section for as fas distant as formilss, and every single one has been e means of [selling another, such bej the satisfactory experience of patns. In this department pianos arrive car load lots, and as a consequence e variety from which to select is of ceptional magnitude. Mr. Hollingsjrth is also sales agent for the Victor lonograph and for the "New Home" - ' wing machines and supplies, all desnds promply and jyllqrqwt*t5^ ' ' ices. In the undertaking department a ompt and an efficient service for the operations of the dead for burial is lintained by means of a i large and lect collections of cakets, coffins and neral furnishings and by valuable, actical knowledge and experience as undertaker, a knowledge certified by e officials of the State in the foim of icense as reqaired by law. The Hollingsworth Furniture and ano Store occupies a three-story brick ilding, 30x108 feat in dimensions, d ita floors, galleries and balcony are >wded with the latest the market ofre, all of which Is received direct ira the manufacturers in ear load lots ereby securing that low level of lolesalt cost by means of which monsaving retail prices are constantly otrd. Mr. J. W. Hollingaworth began busiss in* Louisburg thirteen years ago, ming to this point from Raleigh , / \J? isre he had been connected for years th-oiys the leading establishments of t eity. He is one of the oommania reliable and ' progressive citisena d basinssa men, a promoter and fortrly first vis?wpresident of the Tat ver Manufacturing Cempany, a prasrous industrial enterprise, and enjoys llythe confide,tee and esteem of a / ge list patrons and of tha local pub- ' ,

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