!v'J ^ ' .*> -j * - < Farmers ?; % Hr ' i. '" ? . TAW i m*8 ; *jN . . Sfe" 4i One hundred dollars at 5 peyc to over $3000; in 100 years, to o?L'l nine thousand, three hundred dyila THE FARI^ER O. B. Cheatham, PreaJ UNDER SUPERVISION FRANKLIN/ TIMES k. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager ON* yxar, . ... Sl.Ot 4IX MONTHS, - .Of rnsRB MONTHS. Hf Friday. Octobkr 28 1910. . New York Republicans have i case of too much Roosevelt. KEursTEB today. Don't wait til] tomorrow, you may forget it and then you cannot vote at all. Senator Root virtually owns uu to Republican defeat when he a\s: "I think we have a fighting chance." At Beverly they think that "New Nationalism" will give the Democrats a majority of the next House of Representatives. Witii Senator Hoot as chief jagtice of the Supreme Court, the corporations and financiers will have a g jol friend at court. oHHnnnniHKz It is very important that you fihnilld- rniTUtpr unH rnln in tliij a'o/. ? ?- = tion and let* see !ww pronounced the distrust of Butler aud his follow ings we can make the majority^ Poott old Uncle due i< iiiig! tj quiet during there strenuous day that the Kepub ican party is passim through, but I e :s s i!: speaker an< will be heard when Congress meets HsARctii's "independent Leagui will have to step around livelier thai it his been doiua, or Hopper wii not get many votes for governor; tl.i apathy towards Hopper indicate! that Mr. Hearst is in league witf the Republicans. Some people think that the Coin nel has a copyright on the ten commandments; while others think thai he Will try and rob President Taf I of a renominatum for preside!-: What Mr. Taft thinks, can be inagined. , . Nassau Democrats have -let? dP niiui-d to give the Colonel a liieli ' > W rustle in bis own county. It is con ceded that the Democratic tioket li a strong one, and the Roosevuh "gang will have tp.light hard to win although there is a Repnblican sn jority of 3500 in the connty. Tub strike of the railroad men ii Pranc amounts to almost s revolu tion; ss some of the railroads sn owned by the Republic, snd t< strike DH bg viewed as rebellioi against the sov. leign state. Of>v eminent ownership may have aoipi ad vantages,-but >t Odrtainly has iti - r - d lead vantages, *| - ' ? and Merch leitoff, wiltl^wti ?3KheB/ hliet iIgrov yorkrayo if. AM. #<C. ' ent. compound interest, will in^lO yen $13,100, and in 200 years, to oVer or rs ($1,729,300.00). Money grows^t v MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BA.N\ S AND MERC LOUISBUPG, N.'V OFFICERS F. X. Egerton. ViCe-Pres. M. S. Clifton, Assistant Cashier. . of . the ? State c j Saturday avpning at six o'clock . the registration books close. ( R.us A.fter P.ie Cooler was I given a very cold reception in liia i own county last week. ' i LsTsJpear trora some ot our good brethren in regard to a new court ! house for Franklin county. We will i publish any articles that are not exceesive in length, either for or against it. The New Hern Sun pats this up to Morehead's manager- "If Butler | loves North Carolina as he claims to let hith show it by taking his dirty record and quit the State for good. It would certainly be a case where '-absence would make the heart grow fonder." ? . Tan Kepublicansof the 'state of New York are becoming mfcre and more demoralized as eleotion day approaches. The chief of the "old | guard," William Barnes, Jr., resigns from the state committee, ostensibly because he was not appointed on t!u; executive committee, hut really , because he is oppose! to Roosevelt. I It Is reported that Senator Crane ot Massachusetts is now the dispenser of the Administration pap; so, if 'you want an "ice job will know to i whom to apply. Hitchcock, the for. ! met dtspeusi-r, is SLftlTirire peevish, * and is talking of resigning from the | cabinet; b at itMs o or guess that be will hold on just as h>ug as the Presided -.ant-him to. - ' That the investigators of the | Department of Justice are now looking f-.r villations of the SlierThau a.m.Trust las is "stated oil au' thority." t ell, belter In'.e than never Bnt wo would remind Attorney 1 it-nera' -Vv'iokeraham that we advised Mr. Roosevelt when he was president that to put one malefactor of great tfeallh behind the bars was the .best way to atop viola I tiont of the law. Hut Teddy neve ' \ did it. I ( ? ' Hkxky L. Stisjkox, tlie Kepnbli' can candidate fur governor of New | York, owns Op to being a corporaItion?I runt lawyer, and la proud'of ' [being a partner of Senator Root. He ' also acknowledges that he has been paid ^9,000 by the government .for ' part of his time during the laat year and a half on the Sugar Trust and Morse i-aaes; and declares 'that "much more would have been asked > from a private client for the name - work.*'' His client* must be mile i factors of greet wealth or they ner> er could stand his oharges. Tax Baltimore police board?the > remnant,of the old state nng that > Govern* CrotUers has pat oat of business^ and again' whom serioas i'! * ' ??' ' .-* ' ~ i i^.r " "a* ' ' iy " * '' V a . \ v ' vV \ " . y . -y-'ygv ants Bank rHAT AV. AVAY kNK /and ? "VwEP" '* V re, amount to over $700; in 70 years, e nti lion, seven hundred and twenlyou will let it. shants bank R. Y. McAden, Cashier. iN. "t .. - '4- . iiS , >F NORTH CAROLINA . ' i" . i= charges are pending?holds the police headquarters In that city by three to prevent (he Governor's removing them from office; so,^mandamus proceedings wilt be resorted to in order to oust tbem. Governor Crothers is a'reformer who knows the law and dares to employ it whenever he feels that it is necessary,. W. L. MtGHffi is ^receiving a new stock of frtotlsl stWsis brick store, corner Front Aid flUlalFiru streets, Frank1 intog^N^C.\r ^ NOTICE A specialyneeting of the stockholders of the Lyiuisburg Wagon Company is called to be held at the office jf Wni. rl/Rqffin, First Na ; _i u L u?il-? w . ** liuiui ubuk ouiiytng, ?jOUi8L>urg, pi. C., oil Monday, prober 24th, 1910, at 2 p. m. I \ Geo# II. Qooi^fii, pres. C. B. Cubathju, SaeXptOitem. For Sale a\. Auction. On Monday, Nilvembp*^ 21st, at the court house dour in Warrenton, N. C., I will sell at auction 238 acres ! of good farming l\n.j in Fishing | creak township. Tai trrct of land has all necassary riLudences and . j nuthouses and is a- IpUendid farm, i Terms of sale oii?-tlir<reasli, balance j in epual paymentyof '\e aad two. years each with i/torestarOm day of Bale. This Ociotvr 2Gil% 1910. / j. c. peaiice. Notice to Teachers. I *~~~ . The School CominiUee o^Frankjlioioti township will iXect ft Frank-' ' lintou on Friday, NcV^nber 5th, 1910, for tlie purpose Md electing I teachers for the variou J schools in I said nrwnsliip. All teachers wish-j ing to apply will nitfiA same in writing together withLerVicato anil ?hand or mail to the Iseeraiarv he. Ifore aiil/Iate. I \ 13. iv. 13ai.i*!:d, s^p'y. FranBiutoD, N. C. I j. 1 _i ! Another lot of line pNo f?B sale_ s| weeks old $3.00 each, realW for delivj ery. ''ix' Kino. . FOR SAW; On Friday, NVunlar ojili ; . j o'clock, a. in., at roe Add Tonyl - v\ (place near Martial-\J I will a , u j i the highest bidder '3L* .ulIclAli? ,i. I ( ticler: One horse. l\"- and t ^?i?!i?, one two-It ore I Vii^oii, 1scltuck?, and peas, [Ay ,nt>-all irttX ii: |deijjent?. J X I , K. Ji. \'K f REiO) KI11S NOTICE , j, The books ap'I accounts of FV".. Z-Egerton winfi i found at R. Z. . . ton new store Jh the. Cariyle bu j All theaccounA doc the firm raw settled this felt Cab around if ' owe anything/and settle. Don't p 1 off, as all accounts not naid prom wilt be put dot Ar collection F. N, Egrflon or R Z. Egert | NOTICE , Having this day qaalifiedfas adutiu istratrix of L. S. AlfortL dsfceaaed, tliia la to notify all personb Xjoldino- cliin? against his estate to priwU them to me on or b? (ore October 2Atm 1#11 or this notice will be plead in barLof their recovery. All persons owiA said tffate wiU please make immedi? iiayment. This October 24th, 1910. T~\ MRS SUE P. A'-KIRlX Admi. Bichett & White/ Atty's.po, tounrSBom^tAB . - i l,.' ... " -toaJ . s K. V. /i , . -* v t . L?n+r4$1\ * '* - i > EXH yty SaSe^of The r d ' f ' ' .v * ? i ?i ?aMPS I AT FARM N. B. Our solicitors are W mammmmm * "* * .L . . *. ";f ^ * \ ? V. ... . -" . ../ :. PIANC & * ' ' V '..'* . Mammoth Facte llwIHmSI * I '// SCH (, - ..?-*.> ?. ? . ? -j One Week Only Begii One half car load of these magn greatly saving orices. V. J. M* duct this sale and demonstratipi FHE Will be given on Monday ud 1 vited. Remember it ndllme a concert nichte W. E WHITE F II ; , .? V in r*r> amm .id hhViiMIiM II BEGIN Rll | Load Up Your Wagon i ar> rJ . \%Ug (Axxvi || * Drive = Straigh * N . _ **? , The Farmers f v" J, Warehouse. " Es oaturaay, Uctobi nt high gWde PIANOS will be o. >nsel, wholesale manager, of Chicago, l and A xes concerts 'nesday nights, to which the entire pu pleasure to hare you present each of Respectfully yours urniture co, . y, 1 % * V a? ]* ?. r-'l' ' ' ' H r ; * ' % V " r,i fv -i .;V. . V . 0- *-.$ % iHT AND \ j To it. You wil! i well by sfellii |\ entire/crop WADOWS 8C ' I FCn Come to us firs stand by you tc j A / warm , wel comfortable qu yourself and t< awaits yoy. Fa l/good weights a I Shall bfi miV rr>r is & 9 1UISBURG, N. C. \ ERS WARE illiam Williams, R. B. Harris i mm Msrnm yak-'V. ibit] Renowned ^ * I 7 IkHp . ^L. Br 22nd, 1910 xlubited and sold at . will personally con )>lio is cordially idthese days and the LOUISBURG, N. C. m -il ' t ~ :' 1. mmmgtm, stick i . i -r CHJ surely end jj2 ng your ?5 with ?2 HARRIS ? " ilicr i H lUdt'! i t we will |a > the end. ||[ come and arters for gg jams here Sg ir dealings , 5g md prices |g >tto. gf arris ^OUSE ? Benj. Ve8t?r. gg zs&msmsM - . .yw- t , j . > . ^ <

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