> ' * fgggggggggggggg; g '. JEFFERSON'S PICTURES^ [a Wonderful Landscape Painted In* 'l tirely From. Imagination. ' Marvelous were the pri ducts of Jet(ersoa'a Inspiration, lie lud created i school ot his own. Ho was prone to portray forest scene*. with tree trunks f wonderful size. 1u accurate military furuiatlpn. > Old mills were a favorite subject with hint, espei tally old mills with water wheels, and In some of bis palutlngs be actually accomplished the Impossible, for to all Intents and purposes he succeeded 111 making the waler run uphill. This bavlug been called l^hhls uttentlon by an overcrttlcal l^^pd. Mr Jeffersonres ponded that be was well pleased with the result for few men could have accomplished it." When presldeut of the Players club, a position he held for so many years before his death. Mr. Jefferson presented to the eluti a large canvas of his own. If the writer remembers correctly. there was a pond -hi the foreground. with rushes, a tumbledown house and a large and rather theatrical looklug forest, all painted, the artist boaated. in the deud of winter In his own sitting room and entirely from bis Imagination. When It was flrst displayed on the walls?for of course none of the old gentleman's gifts was ever refused?U attracted uiucb attention, and one day Mr. Jefferson. being In the club, seized a brother member, who happened to be a uian whose nlctures had on more than one occasion won prizes In the salon, and stood bint before bis own musterplece. J'Now, 1 wunt you to tell rae." be said frnukly. with his childlike and delightful smile, "what you thluk of It." "Well." replied the painter, responding to the pressure on bis arm. "I'd like to hare oue bung as well as that." Andtlie old gentleman was delighted. buHngTjfs lifetime, that pTCTBre remained In Its prominent position, and whenever Mr. Jefferson entered the club he would manage to maneuver himself In front of It regarding It from all sides and angles, and hardly ever did a picture receive so much praise and so little.criticism as that marvelous landscape. ? James Barnes in Bookman. EQUATORIAL AFRICA. Thrss Things a White Person Must Have to Live There. Without a mosquito bar a white person would be unable to live ou the equator, writes Ida Vera Simonton in the Delineator. No matter how hot und stifling the night?and no other place can be ho stifling as tbe equatorial African night during the long rainy season in |he midst of tbe Jungle?one must sleep under a closely tucked In mosqj^o bar. not the ventilated kind clvijv0D knows, but oue of closely tIRd stuff through which no air circulates. When the mosquito bar was let down it took iu almost the entire room, but it proved especially useful In sickness and convalescence. It permitted existence free from Insect bites. As miliaria Is the wbite man's most In sidlous foe anil comes from the bite of the mosquito, every precaution must be taken uguinst it. ?Three things are absolutely necessary in Africa?a mosquito bar, a wuter filter and quinine. The bed was made by a native carpenter. The frame was of wood, the slats of bamboo ribs fitted closely together with the pith side uppermost. They didn't give a bit and were nu excellent dancing door for tbe dried plantain leaves which made the mattress. The leaves were confined beneath ticking racked to tbe four sides of the bed. but they matted easily, and every night It was continuous leaf turning for me. The bamboo was slippery, and insomnia kept me and the leaves on the move, so that most of tbe time 1 slept on a bard surface. My pillow was of dried sweet smelling grass. Whoever says that bard bedare beautitiers should sleep upon a:; African bed. - flaltl Hssisd Wrtep. Over- 4.tXM> von en ago an elaborate system of filtration was established by the Egyptians to purify tbe waters oi tbe Nile. In both Home and Athens Iism. water was drunk in preference to cold by the small minority who used water for drinking purposes. Champier. writing !u 1 "?m>. notes that the habit of drinking hot water was spreading among all classes In France. "Some warm It by holding It over the Ifire. Others dip burning hreud into it. men people plunge u oar, uj hue goiu Into their water before drinking It. md tbe less wealthy a bar of bot Iron, while the 1 very poor are content to warm their drink with a live coal." Got His Number. Dncle Zepb had had some trouble telling about on tbe cars and com ilnlned of the employees. "When n inductor Is uncivil to you take his k lumber." said his nepbew. i Bo days later uncle came In somebattered. but looking triumphant, it tbe number," he said, with a Jed air. "but I bad to grab the ull cap too."?Ruffalo Express. Had s Proxy. "Have a drink, old man?" "No,1 I've cut it out." "Aw. be sociable:" ?? "Wall, my companion here will tike drink with you. He's my social iscitaty."?Kansas City Journal. Entirely Capable. "I? your new maid capable?" / "Tea. Indeed She can tall callers I in't want to see tint I'm out and nke them believe tt."?Detroit Fre^ flhraB i" *! ?4*' ! Hickory hook Items. As you haven't heard anything troin this section in a good while will send in a few itenia. The people of this vicinity are very busy housing their crops at present. The humming of oottbn gins and oiroular saws, and the echbes of the many whistles, remind us that we are in- a land of industry. liev. D. T. Kunu preached a very impressive sermon at Hickory Rock last Sunday afternoon. . Rev. H. Scholz will preaoh at Mt. Qilead on the first Sunday in November owing to the regular meeting of the Eastern N, C. Christian Conference being in session on t>e second Sunday. All members of the churoh are earnestly requested to be present on Saturday afternoon before the 1st. Sunday, at 3 o'clock. The yonng men of tbiB section have organized a debating society at Hicknrv Rook Aoademy, with Mr. J. D. Hedgepeth as president. They seem to be having a jolly time. Regular meeting every Saturday night,, "Publio cordially invited." With best wishes to the editor and the good old Fbankli* Timbb. "GuB88." GOOD NEWS. Many Louisburg Readers Have Heard it fcnd profited Thereby. "Good'news travels tasf," and the thousandsiof bad baok sufferers in Louisburg ijre ulad tof learn that prompt relief is within 'their reaob. Many a l?iu^, weak and aching baok u bad no more, tbanks to Doan's Kidney Pilli Thousands upon thousands of people pre telling the good news of their Experience witb the Old Quake* Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: Mrs. Henry pWtoo, 132 Hamilton Street, HenditkoD, N. C., says: "I uaed Doan'a Kidney Pills witb sQcti great benetit|Uiat 1 do not lies itate to apeak in (heir favor. Dull, nagging backaches End pains in luy kidneys annoyed(me\for a long time and I was also bothered bv too frequent passages qf the Kidney secretions I alwaysjfelt tiled and lauguid and had! but little energy. Reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a bix and I had only used them onlw a short fitne before the backache atid kidney\ weakness were disposed of. I soon\ regained mv strength and energy anS I now feel better in overy way." T For sale by Ml dealers. Puoe 50 cents. Foster! Milburn Co., nhffalo, New York, Bole agents foX the United States! Remember: the name?Doan's? and take no dtber ECZEMA CURED. I'imple Disappear, Complexion C'earea Over Night. New York,??Thousands are taking advantage of the generedS offer made by The Woodworth Co.,><61Broadway, .New York Ci\y requesting an experimental package, of Uemola the ne? akindiacoveryAwhich/a mailed free of charge to all who wrile for it. It alone ia sufficient to clear the complexion over night and rid the/face of pimples in a few hours. Ori tfie first application of Lemola the itcnjng will stop. It has cured thousands Iplicted with eczema, Teeters. Rashes etchings Irritations, Acmes, Scalings and Crusting of skins, Bcalps; Of infants! children and adulta. It is good for th/preservation and purification of the/ skfc, scalp, hair and hands for the jjreve^tion of the clog ging ui ui? pwni inn usual cause OI pimples, blackleads, redensa and roughness and also the tVi treatment ot burns scald, rounds, mres, chappinga as well as tb<f toilette and nursery. FOR 8ALE+On^f Thrashing machine, in good oiler, wdl sell cheap to quick buyer. A C. Qarr, Laurel, N. C. TAX / PAYERS Take \ Notice Tbe tax bookd/>t tbe town of Louisburg for th* year 1910 have boen turned ovaf io me for oblleotion of the tax* tlfcreon. See me at onoe ar.d Inttlewame and iave yourself aod/nyself Vny nhneceesary trouble. Itfmember \ am instrueted to make ttJee oolleotapna at onoe. This OA 19th, 191(A I D. tApiOH, A MAKE THIS TEST. How to Toll If Your Hair la Diaaaaat Even U you but a luxuriant beat of fialr you uiay Want to know whet ha It la In a health* condition or not 08 per cent of the (people need a hai ^tonlc. . 1 # Pull a hair out o> youryfteud: If th bulb at the end ofltlie/root la whit and shrunken. It prl\ap that the bal la diseased, and reqiln prompt treat incut If its loss wouJB be avoided. 1 the bulb Is pink a i? full, the hair 1 healthy. f 1 We want every/oii whose hair re quires treat men/ toltry Rexall "03' Hair Tonic. Vif profclse that It sbfcl not coat anrth/ig If It does not glvi satisfactory rnults. It la designed "fi overcome .daauruff. relieve scalp lrrl tatlon. to wmulate (the hair roots tighten the fislr alreA.v In the bead grow hair raid cure biadneas. It is because of A what Rexal "03" Hair. Tonic has (done; and ou sincere tilth In Its Voodness tha we want you to ttA It at oui risk. Two sizes, 50c. $1.00. Soil only at our store?The Rexall 8tore Soogein Drug Co. \ LAND SALE. ~ By.virtue ol an order the Superio Court of Franklin County, made in tin ^fecial proceeding, entitled, "Carr mdght, T. J. Wright, et als vs. Hal sie P.Wright," I will on Saturday, thi 29th day of 'October, 1910 expose t sale at public!auction in the town o Franklinton, North Carolina,' the twi tracts or parcalB of land described a follows: " 1 - . 1 The J. K. Wright mill site and pom situated in said County of Franklin an< described as fcklowa: Beginning at i take on the edke of the pond, acorne of 8 No. 2 and No. & in the division o; the Wright land; thence arotind thi pond, N. 76 deOTeea W 19 poles to I pine; thence NA5 degrees W T4~poles 20 links to a stake and a pine stump thence N 76 W 7\poles, ll links to ( stake: thence 20 1-4 degrees W 10 rolei to a stake: thencoS 86 1-2 degrees W 4 poles, 10 links to the centre of i branch on the north side of a path thence N 61 degrees B 5 poles, 21 linki to a stake: thence IN 16 degrees W 1! poles, N 22 1-2 degrees E 13 poles, 11 links to a persimmon tree near the heat of the pond; thencelfi 1-4 degrees W ( poles, 10 links to the centre of a brand of running water; tpence S 24 1-4 de grees E 221-2 poles tt> a stake; thenct Q QQ 1 a XP'aX wcvl? OO li-ho, thence N 74 degrees A 12 poles, 18 links to the centre of p gully at a smai bending cedar; thence\b 91-4 degrees E 5 poles, 6 links to a piae pointer, thence S 44 1-4 degrees6 pales, 11 links toe stake; thence N83 1-4 degrees E 2( poles to a stake; thence S 20 degrees E 8 poles to a stake imst beyond the dam; thence S/7 1-4 decrees E 9 poles, 9 links to a stake and willow pointers on the south side oflthe channel thence S 23 lfy degrees 1W 6 poles to s stake and pjne" pointers on the hill thence N 85 '1-4 degrees! W 15 poles 17 links to uie beginning, containins seven and three-fourths ?7 8-4) acres 2 The J K. Wright gin lot togethei with all fixtures and sajpurtesance: thereto belbnging. The arid gin lo being situate just across the Franklii County line and in Uranyllle County State of hforth Carolina, aid boundei as fellow^; Beginning at tlte oentreol the Tarboroand Hillsboro road market by a stake on the west sidelin Black nail's lint; thence n 88 degrees w 11 poles, 9 . inks to a stake in Black nail'; line; thence s 2 degrees w It poles t< a stake; 'hence s 88 degrees i 21 1-! poles te the centre of the roaB; thenct along fhe road n 46 degrees w V15 poles, 3 links to the beginning, _ containing one a?re.. 3 The Morton Mill tract situated ii Franklinto'n Township, Franklin coun ty, adjoining the lands of W. L. Mc Ghee, J. N. House, I. H. Kearney, J, C. Sanderlin and others, containing 59 1-2 acres more or less and fully de scribed in deed from A. J. Morton t< J. K. Wright recorded in book 152 page 103, Registry of Franklin County The terms of said sale ar< one-third cash and the balance payabh twelve months from date of sale wit! interest thereon at 6 percent. This the 26th day of September, 1911 R. B. White. Commissioner. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folk# Should Bo Careful In Thoil Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and al together ideal remedy that Is partlcu larly adapted to\the requirements 01 aged people and kersonte of weak con stitutlons who naffer'from constlpa tlon or other bowdl disorders. We an so certain that it will relieve thes< complaints and tfW absolute sutlsfac tion in every partLfnlar that we offci it with our personil guarantee that 1 shall cost ?e uk/m nothing if it fail) to substant'ite oun claims. This rem edy is called Rein 111 Orderlies. Rexall Oderifiox I have a soothing healing, strrnjahenlkg. tonic nnd rcgu latlvo action npon Lie bowels. The] remove all IrrttatlonAdrynexs. soreneei and weakn?4i. ThejA restore the bow els and ass/ciate organs to more vlg orous and lanlthv nowvitv Thot an eaten like iao6y. may V>e taken at an: time wltlput Inconvenience, do no canae an? griping, naikea. diarrhoea excessive flooseness, flatulence or othe disagreeable effect. Prick 26c. and KM Sold only atonratore?TbhRexallSton Tbe Scoggin PrO'g Co, QscjkSteijall B A R^B'E F LODISBUiy& N. O. I wish to annouoM to\my cuato mers that I am atill intfle b trainee on court atreet whe"r J^ooWill fln< everything Uean ana up ftp date GIVE ME ytALL, I WILL PLEtff YOI fefafefr.;. ;^ fee :... ...v. . * r - rffY y- " 'f w.v.r;F ^ v * ' 1 .-- ? ? . -- t FOR SALE?I hiuf a nice lot of *e< wheat for sale A $1.50 per bushel. I B. Ciieathary I Announcement. T ^ r . U J. H. Johnston, in former yeai * connected withj leading Jewelry ei tablishrnenls in the larger cities < e North Carolina] and expert watct ? maker, jeweler and optician, i , which lines he laf the recipient t I several valuaVdjT?testimonials, h? , rented a part Xn the liollingswort piano store. jfhere he will be read h to receive J&troiM about Friday Oi * tober '21tlf and .apply in the futon 1 in an efficient manner, all needs 1 %. new arjf repair work at reasouabl " prioesy * ; Meat - Marke t /. r ? I have re-oMned my/resh meat marketun the i4ar of my restaurant, where I will keep a foil liny of fresh meats and tijeers at all a<it times. WheiK in need of y same call oanse and I will !- give yottr?d?s promrt atB fcention.^ will deliver all " J orders m towil 0 0 1 W /H HARRIS 1 [ Death and Taxes - Both must l>e met 41;' officii life is Bearing ilie'y I s-, JThe lai 1 and my bondsmen \ivquire m? t i collect all taxes duelany clear m J official bond. \ / If wig <1" not pay lfie, I will hav 1 to 1 v on your propmty at once. i This is meant fop ewry.one wh , has not paid all 'nixes Hue. I wil j have a Deputy /t the voting plac I in each Tawitiwif, "ti Ts-slav Oct > 25th, 1910, \yth books! to collre J taxes. I 1 1M. C. Kkahxev, Sheriff. , Oct. 13, Wily. ' I I iSSji&WB&am 1 ^ _ I TO DEALERS . - . ? . I If paaatfhal tiM m J " |taH?afe<iiti?*arin?> i ' - * ' . '" ' ' \ ' .. * .? 4. ? ?? ?-? ; GO WANS I King of Externals! 1 Is the tone Standard prepi arotion\ universally and | enthusiastically endorsed by Doctor. Druggist, Lay> man. GO WANS Cures > Pneilmonta, Croup, Colds, Coughs, Pleurisy and all ailments mused from In llammatiomor Congestion. \ Oow/inst*reparation has one of the targehf and most satisfactory sales of kny preparation carried in our stock. Hfo consider it a r wonderful success\ TME MURRAY DRUG CO., > / Wholesale Druggists Colurrfbia, S. C.t Julll I, 1910 ; BUY TO-DAY! HAVE iriN THE HOME 5 . All UruAAlsta. $1. W 25c. ? GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. DUMAM. N. Q. . fiuirtnUitl, aadmonir rtfusdad by your DtU|i?t ? I 1 Free , Let me Sample Kemeay I , I I im anxious to ^ ^ ^ I 1 Noah's Lini /2t XMa ia. . . -v W..7-; v.-. * *y v.**?*. I Keep What Good crops are of no lasting benefit if you >- you' Make your successful harvest do >f live till the next one. .Bank your p I. needs require and lee to it that Q maining at theV end of a proftt from tixr" ; this bank v yor / mon _ Give you everv consistent accomi lodation a possible to mage your farr i investme . / it ha ever doni cit/zens bank, I SHO A I have more Shoes than rox see my line btfori 3 I I have an;^t a ?I want for ant^Cl il ] Bradley Ic II / Louisburg, i it ^2lJnilwnnni7nnnt7HMnr.r CALL SI i ...Scogj And Let l"a Introduce fc Rexall . Tow s j In them yon will, find quality and/quan y to call your attention to our vdfiletdul THE SCOGGNN D JllE REXALL II*1 S Flower Bu Why Suff have you become acquainted with the merits of iment, and wifl with pleasure, send you a free for man or beast, internal and external us< do aO that is claimed hv it, or your money Noah's Liniment is the Best Rem Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lama Back, Stiff Jo Colds, Sprains, Strains, Cii^s, Bums, Bru and aO Nerve, Boqe and Muscle Aches ai Noah's Lmiment is s^U at 25c all dealers in pferficme. \ : TU casl at 4U riaht is an exact copr ?# oar fjmtrrs i trat r- 4 th. - - - MA.I.TTi h.i^as fa ua.. 2L alao the fact that the worth Noak'i Unlawit imyi a? ^ dhtimti * e jC*^4^L^"y Cut this Coupon out and Mail, Nou Mwthi, Richmond, Va. yPWnee Mail Ma Free Sample of Noah' / ""'!r J t,4l>i?Ti taa_ " Yofl Heap ' , 4 ifw spend every year all that they bring i more than merely enable you to roceeda, check out as your ; there ia a aurplns reyeays time?a' clear Dusinesa. ;? M " . -,*.2? ' ' 1 VILL KEEP L EY SAEE nd co-opcrate with you in every way mt pay greater dividends than s before. HENDERSON, N. C. >ES 1 d. It wtyKpay yoo to A e joywij. , *A &ing you X n, Ladies i dren I i. Hicks N. C. H AT I. ' . - , ^ins... 7 - i You Our Line of t Articles . 3' , ity combined. VPe wish especialij talcum powder and toilet water ?UG COMPANY store lbs Galore. V f \3Sk The Great Pain Remedy, ' sample on request. It i> good e, and is positively guaranteed to will be reiunded. ledy for Rheumatism in all forms, into and Muscles, Sore Throat, ises, Colic, Cramps, Toothache, ad Pains. a ? 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by le ?-aik which is used 00 hot Labd and cartonI (be public should note this More purchasing, as pear in ted ink. None Pennine without thcM td by unscTupuiousdealen. We wOl promptly loeth Remedy Co., |?c. Rich mood. Vs. at once. ^TTirfTlh*7*0* =? si '' 'i# v; -r i:" ^

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