- ihmhiirhp "* ! - . ' vy i . 1 " rr %nol,W!Wl'i b '.OOMi tjid3 Vtu). Groceries, Hardware, Building Matarials, Paint*, Household SuppWaO - Ih Stoves,- Rangas, Que arts warO f*nO E "a mailed Wans. ?f? ' " fUsuc-jq; <i Popular;Wt*?su of hi reliability, and progressive; because St the alert methods bf its maiiageoiefrt,': tlVe WOks1, Store has fcT'yefms'tldstljeeu a'Jamfliar name and hhd feceiVefl the constant preference of dflHj'Of the' Wnisetfeepers, farmers, michsMlci tftid property owners for miles Ip eVfry direction, due to ther established fidelity of tW stocks to respond to all ordinary needs with goods thSt'tre invariably honest equivolent fdt" the ' money invested. Located 011 ohe *f Louisburg's protni-1 nent corners?a prominence enhanced hy its presence ' and Operations?the Hicks Store Occupies si modem and substantial three story briikstructure and an L shaped two story annex. The interior of the stohequartera rises to the heights of the third hoof, and for that reasoti the most ffcvorable eoihditions prevail arising from plenty Of light and ventilation "Combined "with the pleasing effect bf hffipie' spice between floor and" eeiilhg. Galleries on either side, containing stocks,' attractively displayed, and balconies, at* the' front ar.d rear, used fof stocks and for office purposed giWto the interior that variety and appropriateness re arrange Hient which' combine: crriiaifiantwith use. St^jrways lCad to these galleries from a common platform and their niat appearand' completes the Setting. The third floor of the buiidiilg' is used for stocks of building material, sudV as doors, mouldthjj ilfcd tflrhed Work' and in the two story armet,rwhich (? J fee entered from the ilret fl6hr ahd gallery is found heavy therdKiftdis'd gnfierally. The'Hicks store anticipate"alt needs for groceries, hardware, cftf'eenaware,' building materials and farm idtf hougt! hold supplies generally ip 'tfee "hardware line, carrying constantly dfi' hatid large and cotoplete assbrtinents of canned and bottled godds, tfeas and chftdes, which latter includes' the adleferdlml' Chase ?nd Sanborn blends, candies -"and' confections, breakfast foods"'ahd1 bhl:-f' ors light goods,' extracts and spites, soaps and laundry snjipfires; Heavy groceries in flour, hominy, ride, tnclaS ses, etc , and sundry1" artlctoe generally in thefood linOi' ln tliehattl ware department are found "brtilifing and do" mestic supplies of all kthds, mechanics and gardner's tools, small farm* imple1' ments, guns and' ardmnnition. harness d saddlery goods,1 kitchen' supplies amelled ware, pocket and table' euttery and the thourands aritf'dne- articles to fee found in every complete stock of this character. The collection of queensware contains variety of price, quality and design_to_ anticipate all * heeds, and in consequence the "buying opportunities presented are' regarded s. as highly favorable. The SherwinWilliams and the Kurfees -tines of paints aie also handled because of a! : a.Li:.I..J.~wul<. a.U_ ni t Illicit CBIAOUSUCU II1CI it H11U blic TT . ?l . # Loth anil Colo Hot Blast stoves and ranges, so that on close inspection it will be seen that the entire stock equip* rirnrt-rrrrfliirh nharar'cir nriri is rh? result of constant vigilence and years of experience with makers and their productions. The owner and manager ' of this well known establishment, L. P. Hicks, was raised on a farm near old Merry Mount," Warren county, in 1875 lie entered a eourttry- store near his home and received Ms first practice _ -lesson in merchandising, spending the following year at school. In 1877 he came to Lnuisburg- and 1 clerked , for Wilder and Crenshaw, and afterward, ? for II. A. Crenshaw, i With; whom he formed a partnership In 1883 as- GFen? shaw snii I licks, Which" became sliaw Hicks and Allen in 1887,'i.and- ati the death of the Stdiior member of .-this firm in 18117. Hicks, and Allen. This 'latter lirm erected the present store structure in 1898 which with the hush ness'passcd to the oWnemhip of : 'b;- P. Hickr ill 1902. Theroiafchlyiself niadd,whafeet'er success,- L^op. " Hicks has' achieved in life it has been ddo 'torindustry, close application# 't? Jbttshkessi and by following principle of' the square deal, and aw a result of which he has built up an est?Wished ttnft'repo resentative patronage,"* popular ten* ? terprlsc and an enviable-reptKatdon -for reliability and integrttyO " ' < li?' ,7 ate f veafs he has been assisted'iftthe'1 management hyhissonl P."W. Hieftsp'Wbo is bCth popular and progressive and who'Tenders c'lieient" eb-openltWtr by! VanhdHted business quairttCW.-" ?** ?!? j. e.i.: fibc-iini ?h;rn | ^ *' ' /'JLIU .'; :i i1 .) i.; DuiinR '"=? uv? $ present incumbent " Ifl nances with" ;t fear or ^lul^ position i i " won for H him the e<'";n nJ?tt0I? ?n4 wiwrt. the town's btft cltlaena. .In Ma frfmj*, r Utra^re poH?'M ^ ?H>?? thOro,l(fh>y I# tionandP"""" ^1*^ would bo Pflt ou'y * improv*. rnent but ? i"'r|1,a,>e,,&l>?*ftfcWi ^flW ft wd aiways v,ewmr? proportion from H ..f k , - > ' " . 1 the standpoint pf the community as a .Sh^??v^.|K'*iWt ?t Ahr' ie"s It ii because pf the eulprc'sment of ,^.nypUlVitton' has been thoroughly democratic, that klnjrprdemocracy which meanB a |?>se liberality and br<iad views in municipal affairs-Tin a vynrd a government for all the people, its a result Mayor Yarborough lias achieved an enviable rec ord us a public' official?a record which haa wron for him pronounced popularity 4mt thCHomination at the 'last democratic convention fpr the office of Begi'Ster of Deeds to succeed W. M. Boone. A native o( "Franklin county, With whose people he haa sustained the most favorable relations during an entire life-time, and possessing , qualifications tluit have been thoroughly established J. B. Yarborpugh will as Register of Deeds repeat bis efficient record as Mayor of Louisburg, and sender a satisfactory service in! the prompt discharge of all his duties and obligations and in that conscientious performance sir characteristic of his every efforts. WE. WHITE FURNITURE CO., 05f " " ,ut-? ?/ .i;*. V.*' v1*' Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines.?Undertaking, ' Iri recent years Louisburg has become quite popular as a retail ' furniture market being today the recognized Source Of supply for the Inhabitants of the surrodhdiiig territory wltblha riduls of twenty miles. This condition has been frrouglrt about by progressive and: aggressive methods In trade bnlldtng by iatge and complete stocks ted by reliable methods in all" transactions with patfonS. with the rekult that the annual volume of ' business done increases right' along, indicating a progress that is permaheht in Its Character. An enterprise that is entitled to Vffull share of credit for the popularity and prestige Louisburg possesses Iti the furniture business is the well known W. E. White Furniture Co., WhnHfl Ideation mirnina V.Ln Hiwa*aiH? Independent W arehouse, where a double store two story end basement building ts crowded to Its capacity with the best vetoes and the latest productions from the leading furniture factories of the country. So complete and so carefully selected are the stocks found in tWs (establishment thai, whether The par pose* be on the part of -the patron io furnish the imposing mansion or the city- opttage, i the stocks respond promptly and with fidelity to all ordinary demands for furniture 'Irbm the medium to the flno grades in parlor and :Wd room suits, china closets', sideboards, ward-robes, couches in many styles and qualities of design,- -Amah arid upholstery, library_cjsM^^^sg^ eringa generally, and i ifiii line to equip the goods are purchased from tho mamitacturers in car load lots knd jjSme'mg-ct from their warehouses, a jfcjigjj jS^Ph secures the lowest poesM^ i/i lilts iiiuiiny auvuig "UJ> T than this could not ifliflNiliab&ilbily br parted. Ip the undertaking departmeut Una concern, has built up an enviable reputation /or the roUabtiity and pfficiepoypf itss^vice, as well as, for tlie regaonableuess of its prices, as a Veeuit ofwljich reputation preference 'iS-pcnounced wherever the occasion kfrlses for the preparation of the dead fcjr burial/" *i'o render this characterttiic&ftf profrtpt and ' Satisfactory service a 'large and complete collection of Cabkhts and 'coffins, Id yiari'ety of'design finish"tindiprice,' are kept Constantly On fumd, ' likewise he1 ia test approved creationst' lrt' fuheral furnishings. A fdhebal Af and' hearse complete the eejuiptpeiiltt Which',' together' With : $>eara ?f vahiabte practical erpCrienoe, aatfolpatfet'idd-ftsporids prompt# to every ywiulreitfent." W. RJWhfte, the owner *rid ihartaiTef of this ' business, settled Ttf Louisburg in February 1903and S. Hall/OfOaford, founded the WhtodialhFumiture Co., and acquired ?ote? Ownership January,-,!; ISO#/. Ifr. Whit* is a,native of near GreensISdra, whbre he followed farming until he was twenty tweyeajre of .age .-when he embarked in mercantile puraniti.. Untiring ft fund of valuable knowledge daring a auooanstul nenadol twafre T?ar><m the road immediately. print- ta "Ibfcattng at thla point, . With, ta?g?. rtorftnjaatteia imperative ana.-ee?uit of ' constantly increasing steaks #t,<j Mt, !Wri?gath?jP?ioj?ritynaadr. standing at tffo Wi:&Uinblta.l:?'llCaitU?RrC*,-,.la?*: **>ll*obBt*ntlaW>d, -ttkewjaw- |be [m.'W^etaa?|>kit:?n<l buunaaa -ability of ft* maoaiftmant. I wkdch! has idhlatM such- aplandid naaultain. -aafan years, beginning in* ?<* Wd<nd aa?#?aai ger and with -the two. fold..-task- of fcfrldlafe a# niwwtatiun ?M patroaag* at ^hwaaasjitiiMki. \-llrl ant*b]la I A: i /in good order, will aall eheap to qnlelr I /tWfrar. A. C. Oarr, L*nral, N. 0. / V M J 1 r objectedthe an, men pot Ul# hnhc! to hi# Mp pocket and TWrn' m'l no need to mnk^ 'tiim-c hei for I bad no Idea nhere they were to taking raf. In what 1 supposed to be .me ten minutes the carriage stopped. I set was Jielped out and soon.;t)y the In- us. ?roqsetTwarmth" of the air* fell my - elf 04 to be In a* building. Then t mounted pr< steps, and at last the bandage was ug, taken off thy eyes. I was standing di<2 -beside a bed mi which lay -uHraMe' ms dlctu^tbe young mart 1 had seen rr!\x ter iug on, the left of the girl nt the ' 41 I knew too well the danger .or sbir>* tot In.g any sign1 of recognition.. tin "S<?ppro Dottoyl." be sjjld wlt.b a f*s* m? ble ydlce< **l have been stabbed oa'i'i. a'f left side?here," uncovering. "If V :i ut ' * the heart?* : -* jJt 'inja near th*'he?W. biHhfc'd f'V th< tuuately Just esicaped tlnit organ, Affm ph ap examination 1 aamired flu* imtivhi a ( that if he kept perfectly quiet till the ?.i wound shoald heal lie wcmldrworvr ?hi 'But I thought that. < pnxldprlnfc. i close proximity to rital organ, a aitr I<ef , geon should, remain with biro tfnfll > tlo healing should be MMbwfieX' ' ftc "Then." said one of Ihe men who hnd 'set brought me,, "you must remain. , rlYv , ed do (lol c/irei ibat two surgeon* should Be Introduced JtRre Just noyr," . , coi "lint WJ j>rn.ctice-rmy patients?" ter "Air damage* to your tirhcflre shall yoi be llbefarty potd ior." ' 1 - ' *< >" ,o jl ltrtlde h'^tfftfe Of necessity add as- 'If I ?ysnt?tf. ""t"*'t i st irrrfjjEr-f, Sfeonwblte I had. bandaged the cut frc nnd wl*n ..l.'bad' flnlahed turned ?: d coi looked ,?bont me. ^-t .wae Jn oue of ma thoae out palacoa. aa tbftv ?re called du -? Florence, belonging to aowe Influ- sa] entltl foully. rThe furjiltuW. at least tha o'edme 3f It WiSat hate Been aerernl lor hunflrdd y"tpi 'old The bed on-whteh an< the Wohflded '-min'Ttty-iWen eabopled ;haa On the oraila vftrr painting*. some-of am Whlefr T'tiecddelMd a*<maateridecea of, ag< the flftnentb end alxteenth canturlea. mo Thaf?iWMjoo one ta t he-room except .cm the tyjo aa|8p,?tho brougirt pit. and the sh< teon33ttabl?' fof me to ^Sif ont iit h Sn wotftfbe balK for me tt'be ahej'WIkr tin 1 ihe'i*?tlent. Then the-men who..had no. * aJGP mmmy ?i 11 iyj|iwp | JffW|] ft, i "' *" . - . . 7 A',1 !', vf? ' ' ' ' * : - ' . . . . W ^j?. U 1 li\ ' .: ' ** .? f! fc* -U.' '- 'jilfiiS f I I T.. .. --rr.| . . tro { ' ,n* burgeon's & ti>U' Story K '-..il li. Jiiiv-TTf: '.x* &0f 4 HeSAw lhiFiHtPutoftDnuM * ! I and Wm Ador lo th* .iv v : . tit: n { Secoud Part. .iU*e J By BEVERLY WORTHINGTON. S I i.. u- -? *>' j' t i , Copyright. lfilO, -by American Press 1 i: .Jr' Association. -I ,De 1 -' " ' ??J *??? iJ! .."I'.'"-ilii J "iv. >|jjy U| 1 ntu a surgeon. mid my home is in e(] riorpnce. Italy; yV'beu a young-mau I lea1 studied at a college of physician* uud hud surgeou* in in}' native couutry. Anier- iini lea. hut. possessing, a taste tor art. 'in! concluded to change my profession. Coming here to Florence. I studied art jr" for awhile, hut soOu saw -that 1 -did uot possess ttop talent necessary: to make ud ait 1st. Having-fallen to lore H|0 with this delightful city.id. remained, nrn hauglug out uiy shingle as a surgeon. j,0s One night 1 attended n ball ?it the not Pittl palace. It wife ni.v first appear* Pet Alice uuioug the aristocracy of PI or- bed ciice. uud 1 was .much interested In wb watching the pcuple, thercj few of_ wh whom I bad ever seen. A young glrF it with ii. ?ea ttem'uu attendant du each the side of her wulkod bj^iiw, rTlie *ap- of pearance of the three fbld d-' story, nit The tnan ou her! left was yonng, hand- wit :some, in every way attractive, +.iHe on trrE her right was. past middle uge and ifih disagreeable lookiug as rlie other was wh engaging. As they passed lue he gave " the younger' man a ujIiHgnaut look, "at The girl appeared to be much troubled. no ft was plain that hfer heart Was with lan the man ou her left, that she was con- sbi strained to choose the man ou her soc right and that the two men hated each lug Dther on her account..,. jJ. an< "Everywhere^ 1 remarked to my- one self, "the stream of life Is troubled. An To be rich, tp be prominent. -does hot put render oue Immune from that which is disagreeable. Happy love bus evidently come to this young girT.-to be'Inter- no fered with by oue who.1 Judglrig fvoni foil her expression, has souie claim upon tvM her. How 1 should like to know the tub Story r* . u'->. f.;; \,~J ;r As, 1 .thought the last words 1 little cos dreamed that wit hip a few hours a the climax would come In the drama be- sin lug enacted bv th^se three persona at and that 1 would come~uj>ou the stage a .i .lor u minor pm4i?When I loft 4bo -bei pa lade 1 webt directly to my rooms Ft; and to bed. An hour later 1 was up awakened from a sound sleep b.v a Mr Violent knocking, ,1-arose, slipped on Ma a gown and opened the door. Two coc feeutlemeu in evening dress stepped ev< Into the room. ^ * " ~ '"[' / J " ] tee v/'Yqu are 'thh American surgeon. 11 six believed said one.--' I dii; / ' :/ ' *?*? *? j -Ttrv>-' f J*" " Ltcfc'-i- i. ?ni. i mwiiii mmm '-'titW ayt\&. -r.r Iioq'r. :*>sri-,r.. ugbt roe k>A, one ut Hie in tratau':jp~nx?;r ...11 J iupore DvUorl, >ce are very, glad f jrou Hr.ltat Uw pmUeui bu? [u r d* <;linULe^r,W ltfe,. - tf'imu i'OU re here be decreet and all' will be r?tt|-ySi. bat * tf' 'j-WB1ti? I 'MBVOwfr Ik you ?ttmrWk* t long." M ^ WliACd a frrek at tile p'Klacc. tl*> bc ?f wiik-b i dm uot taxp<\_..3anot permitted to laara the u; ot' fite patient, my meal;! nil tie rserved tl?'re._ My uaall i.wnn tfgh't tjie! and It \vnn! liniOsiuc' fur finrt day roV tieb io read the buet( ? uf my putientK wltb ritferetire 4i> sudden iilaajH-riiiytmrr. Tbrti ;I a?k? tlean' wflp ,iliul kidnaped 'be la . e wnpd ?t i.i.v tiaiaiaiin Unit i been ypllciMv sie|!st oa'ii it./, Hiiianf ce.se. i< bad trot PlffCl.tii et rti^i. wtro^bilb me [y patient ttftufld '"It to I'P art c-i ;iU#Wrfihttf?ifti IHn4 deemed blilt to when bio paWtcd me t!T -t-be IMtl K ic*. v- ;ybc -atTitn. y-Vour effort;" 1 said to hltrt one day. keep your drannir^t cnmv very: r. being a tra;:rdy -from me woifld. slblv have l?een successful ba<J it been that 1 was at the ball at the tl palace the ulpht you were stflb!. 1 snw.ybu Jmhs trie with the mab 0 stabbed you and the lady ior ortt you wer^ stabbed. So y oil see would be safer for you to tell me tvUole story. since I ihave a pail Ktti& pledging myself to socrecy. her than to permit me to go A_way b what I already have unpledged.*' [e was not only very much aptQUf?d. but saw the reasonableness of ait I said. 1 did. hot uotice you.*' he replied, the ball and supposed that you h-.cl' position In court society. ; An Italsurgeoit would have been unavnll d^fo^us.- Wo tire all so interlaced tally. thoseJ?eli>w constantly watch r nose watering not>ther..Mint 7<yr ^Tfi>>unt trust ajijr. of nllr "\\ i ifVi:n!icr. ;t??~ |iii t lerlcnn. mixed !u ouirStsU.-" ilea. otjr disputes. oar"? * Assassinations. * You are wwug there.-:Th*'e are assassinations in modern Ilaly.r_ _| igHt -WltlT flie 'Duke-^-- But i yon the story and have every con Mire that you will not reveal it. I urn Count Baradiui. and -my, an tor* have lived In this palace since twelfth century. The man you vbn'tho other side of the veridr'uu iiie o&ir was- the Duke of eiartve oftbeklnj:. The AOttoritta nwlf i?> th>? diuflhior of vbo C'Hiu:-<>. incoccih. an old familyHihai *pr?u? under the influence of Loreuz:?,>!^;. dici. commonly called .Loreuzo ,?q.\ .LrniiH cni. Senorlna Blanco' Ki. a cfo and myself have been loverv ?r*lnee 1 xvua sixteen and slie fouru years old ' TTpon her entrance liif iety lately :<EJ her eighteenth t*Sit !i r the duke saw her nud became <1 ous .of possessing her. lie is a dower, very rich and has ;rre?t i.i ridly er posit it v; II him. I asked the lady to go \vi: *. y into another apartment. Slip *" ited, whereupon the duke wvni\ -i; . On reaching the other room li.;.:) bowed the duke so plaintj ttmt i ?sehee was not desirable that he f.".'" giving ma a malignant look a* !? I so that plainly meant 'I .. in of too much importance to 1 ? fered with l?y such hb you ' 'Onleaving the palace the dufce. ?k ocasiou to y>? wut W ae fts I. jostled me. Seeing r!>iit 1st: hate It out with him. I <'A. .si.;'" liallengej . I.';';:Just at present the kllig v J rious If In- knew that mer.ili. t nobility to whom.he loolo f >r rt, i?Mp?H-Sally his relative. L *?1 ldel. If 1 were known to' li-jve V?ju?" challenge to the Dulre of' AboUf ?;' ;mld In some'way be made toJxtt"*',w met* him within an hoUr aft or wir t .the Petti: bur. realising ibv t**-V n. 1 did not dare even pink libit ( came vfry near killing me, as yo?i. >. and I doubt not will be dlsappoC , If, I recover. r, ' The duke and ray second joined hi aferehce ms to bow to keep the in.f; 1 a aedrot and "(jitvldcd bi^oafl [Kstfr attend nie."! Tbkre you have fbe atbry mi far f&l ma keen enacted.^' H- V Ch? balance of the. -tale r-.fn learm'd >m Cpont Jhti ndinl,#fter be had? orid. . Sonorin* .9fonc? W* fW', n(lixl by ber mother tg, pwrry thy, re, and the king rent a message in ^ihst he would be pteased' in- V febbetvreep ber Mid hTs wefl'b* ed roiMlg. I>e?plle these ccraitnati'N Irrrqoesbj tbe girl flatly refused: r > rjofittjir one but (be men ?he laved. L.wbyo, those wbnjprere conspiring Hnst .her J found jt impossible ,.to, tie ber'they desisted, pud Anally her, ther gHVe a reluctant consent thtir shootd mifry ?ie-eduhf; dmi-Tooi (then tbe wedding-' catne off ' 1' WhV sent and bed ? pUbonnt CBat irlfi britje about her husband's wourtdJe&wfcltih eh* bed been* kept in. Ice W ClUsUM (fir hndiUoWn vrrr. . 1 *? * gjkBWM^f-^ ' ?V*fc, / ,.r- jaf'$ ;*? _ ^ ? ' ' / - -a "" 1,1 "" 1 " 1 1,11 11 " - " jreai ^ . avis* f.5v?<Js;t;C lo '^<f??. \tt ,'*"<. x, >/& vt .Biff- '4.1*1; tUH}K .-'. ' itton Meet. stvh V fljiIt ti '^o.?8?i!?'-?-2ff?ji?i..'i '!" > L.:? - ? ?' Vv-.'t ''.a oat':? -?- H -'\.< ~ ? -& >v i-r?stce- * \- '' 7- ; 'fl ( --'1 ?* . .'i.p-iit eiWil'f! Every Afternoon on , -(/?'.t*45sr. vsTf-i-^a : i?t w &!*f?;Hsr&Ki :'.;,ci*'-^ja Grounds on No- ' : , i lk*$*Z c'/i ^ i=V?5i?3 .2, and 3. ^ ~ .. 'iV>?*'^r T ??-j, "" 'U-t3& ?' t it&ix 'UK*fi iztiti "ifn-; i ri?2&~ ' i jX-phcy'' - *-0 ' bt -' w4&ry.,Uit#Ti4t?8.7sfii 'ci'J n * '.* .f i* ;xrl*3t 5ICES OF Ave* .&*?" -.... j- : i ?o Ji - ?nv<?f.n vis H i AAisS a ' /. EDGER^DISP ATGH r-i*. 3& ?:r.-?a&r&i uif.fi . served by the Merchants Offering Outrtunities of the Timet?Thousands will e of the Unusual offerings?The fall , With the Best Stables in the Country : , . .. '" . . .sa<i isse !.>? '. 'v;. 7i>r.: u;netstlffertj jehvii, Quick rises and sharp-, descents r-s will he praotieed in competition. I' The record for altiutcfy.wijtWas-i ^ sailed, -.. .,. ? Aviators will strive to make a new' flvrtire for qntck deacent. ' !.,a* . ' . 'fc : : - ;; !;-! -. ; '.T J films will.glide irora the clouds to die eartli with motor- motionless.' % . Curtis will'electrify the spectators " with a?'nie announced feature that is sure to lie a triumph. v -.V " Each of the participants is sure to - for engagement. RECORDS EXPECTED. With such an aggregation of intrepid talent some rtcords will vure* lj fall. Competition between these grim flier* i* keen b-eytrtnj imagination. Each i* anxious to stand at the In-a^ of tliwe who control the an ; *no ttiev ineet in conienta of nerve oi?? akitf'eacb ih^ keyed ;o 11 t- hig.l t st tension, eauer to aiupuaa hi*-rival's/t FEATl'RES. <w Miotics attacks on Fortreaa Monroe and the Nortolk NavV Y*r?l will be : undertaken.. ' Involved turns and dip* will be jiiade at the scene,of the ineot. HKW 5<> Per C< "1 have used leA than c Mrs.- Gertrude Ward, of Rusl fifty p*r cent better than whei '. :rcv "Before taking 'Caritui, : trouble, for eight years, my jarity. 1 also suffered with fcibut now I am greatly impravi dtrt to all my suffering friends mmm JlBj \v,v iw < , 1 *+i - ' . * ; v; rjL't, *: r ' _ ,L Norfolk's ( Avia * ; " ' ,.C" *!v *" ' ' I ; i: .' i.'v.:U-..r -.: jitaC* * :.: -5i.;I > v'v '*&>& '^yz~ ..r. tv v ;-.; "*' *! . ;? ! w i-0 ; r . f frr. 7^'iW:?.i = *^ **~. *> ' - . ?<-.; :.' ".' ^ "' ' *r i ' 'ih:sus\:. ' } >' - ? : -* 0$ v*. * aSpectacular Flying ] the Exposition < T vera her 1, .-vrF7-^t .iU-V? *" ' ^ : {' ! 5. v; .jsei . 0 ?i i:. '; ;v.. "ii Lilt. - . .' i ! .... UNDER THE AU SI THE L] 1vf.s**vv5*-irikifc"! '&>:< * j O; :> .Vjf: ::: Merchandise Exposition Week will be Ob: side Trade the Great Shopping Oppo Flock to Norfolk to Take Advantag Racing Stason Begins an 8me Illy, 1 Represented. ?. >*< ?. : 3. ;x i' N^i;,vircot^m^rbe Itedner-Dispetch aviation meat, which will be held-00 the first three dayaof November, offer* to the people of thU ioctiotf an opportunity to see lh,a world'* famous airmeu .^er form their u-ppderful feats and reives to Norfolk Him diotionkian ?f the'flrit Southern oity to hold snch a carnival. ' 1 ' , r Other cities of the South have hail aeroplane.flights. ,;i - . t. , Single performers have exhibited at Severn! of Dixie's larger cities. Bnt Norfolk Will on the first day of November open the 8outh.'s his-' turv of aviation meets, u hCre more than one sky-pilot has a part to piay. J TVHO Wlt-I. BE SEEK". Glenn H. Curtisa, the speed tiend among the aviators and the winner o( the WorlitV great aviation prixe, will have a large share in the undertaking. "Bud" Mars, the most hazaidous and intrepid of, them all, will do tricks with his biplane that will send shtveis tip and down the spines of tlintd spectators. Wtllard, MacCurdy and lily will inalt probability take part and other mi 11 whose reputations are equally woild spread are beil.g considered accomplish some special feat "Of *plendi<]bd^ng, :V'^' -? The opporiuc'ty to witoess these miracles of today is one-thet nobody cap jaetly ignore. ' = ' OTHER ATTRACTIONS. * This first week of November is at*; epoch for Norfolk.^; Realising and appreciating the great enterprise of ( the ledger-Dispatch, the merchants of Nut folk are going to do their share itiake tile city a magnet. _. MERCHANDISE EXPOSITION. The prominent merehante havedfcided to make their stores real show places. They have arranged for quantities of new goods and willdis pla\ them for the benefit of visitors. No one need feel called upon to buv. This is an exposition. It will not he a bargain week for sale ot oiida slid ends. On the coo trary, everything displayed will be the newest, finest, best, the must stilish?the season's most up-to-date offerings; and the prices will be as reasonable, aa the. quality of goods will warrant. noi:i oT.k wants' a mli.ti 1t.de. Norfolk hope* to have if . record-! bre ikiln? crowd at this tune. Thea> nti.irs most atiTacl .ol wlto delight ; in the triumph of ininu and nerve, of skill aicl coinage. The a'qres will drrfw people of taste and there will . , be a THt*e m^euiiL'?i ttie: time wbitiu will interest all who love hoTHf'ii. ;nt Better ^ ' l >ne bottle of Cardui," writes Ej iville, Neb., "and am /feeling I i I began taring it /'* I had suffered 'With female B greatest troubley^as irregu- ijj severe: pains, jt\try month, B ie> ed and will rptomniend Cat- ,'B i DTWII1 iBw ' Tonic ^'X'l > I

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