A ! >" ' | A 3XT TO VW3H TA THAW 'JOY i*3<J j TsxA-I? ^ TT3KK) bns SWAI J i . nfi 0 v-re ?H., -?ll|' >..1 ' !>W Ned F< ft.? ('"-V.; * \'Uf .not I Coal? dUi'/H trust vtfu.aj :!/ I i ta?d n tiou -: %Tt> !> ?B,?tttO\) tSeitio I Hard* , S I ^ ./?:.*} Ktaift i:A t-i Ip A ' A A A A A f- i*> dh ^ fii A ?jy w ww yvvyy^^y w V^r-sTcRtiNe o^toHm^ ' <^ttm'Mni'nperato*rs'ar^t)ealorir"i'n" x<- ? -r.i,iiini)Ml Hsrrhandi??w..-.~.~s l^kcNo review of Franklintort's trade adrWlanta es would be satisfactory did it not contain full and complete mention pf the facilities of the .S^rjinj^jjotl^' Mills store as a popular source of sup 4>ly for the inhabitants of the surrounding section, with some reference to its predecessor, the familiar Vann Establishment of former days, and to its founder, 8. C. Vann, who is also the promoter and upbuilder of the local cotton mills whose operations have been |tn invaluable source of prosperity and Industrial opportunity to the whole Community. Since the vety inception pf this business, in a small way, in 1872 its trade relations and methods have j been suggestive of and synonymous with Reliability and integrity, and these^PnCry article aold.Ta nafSfti i^g one price to all, regardless of every consideration and that price the very lowest consisSj^ient with quality, and in making good in every single instance the only policy that wins and promotes popular conh dence "money's worth or money back." ?: No wonder then the Vann Store in ita tiywas a popular enterprise and Hkeise its successor, the Sterling Cotton )iill Store, which is under the same jbwnership and management, the name lone being change, hut not its policies principles and methods of serving 'the public. No wonder, too, that in the past ten years popular appreciation ineasured by the Volume of sales Ima^intfrdasSfl roarjfold, and sales are the one and only test bf progress and'success in merchandising, it today constituted1 and equipped tffe Stcriui|jj Cotton Mills Stere presents every facility and advantage jjo supply the needs of the public that ixperience can suggest or money com j lined with intelligent effort, can prolure. Its stocks .are large and earefulAk ry selected and contain fhat wide range B If prices and qualities which anticipatS 1. ' 1 a. _m? J! I [#a ana responue prumpujr W mi oralA:y conditions and tastes. Moreorer, fandard (p ods.are th? destructire feaurea of all 'hroughout ,tlie large storequarters rhich are BOXUO feet in dimensions, r-a total Boor area amountlng.to 8600 quare feet, and which is crowded to la capacity are presented in neat Sgangeroent and In aftrXctite display sa ? * 1 : " ' ' ;v*7 t 'ir..V ... i'l * ???? soin aiHT wsii nfc&fifr :h iiT 0 j* i rth^ \ /0?. NE 111 ai <")< '% m-'gm a n Willi. SSBS^^55!tiS52222S^^ y tnuoo -)(tl .it iii) /<. jj{ r >1 :!> VT -". jl-i X* ? ; V ti lntV' J(f. x">'\ f a Bloak/ t>M !ii*? r..iX !! s^- -Av. ' i- \>. \ u.\ \^'. (vIS, i TJ^AW u >Y 1 i .VlolJll.O A ^ O -fJ "I '-'. ? A '1 '1 &Ta Ti? UoV Q": !A11 *" .A TAh?*. oad ? 3VI&31 3*1! ,ai CI 4-OI 1 i ;7 ?; )il ft -jo --Y.I^O?~ F __ -y .i *1 'M :/ t R01 I ^^F^F^i^r]|Pi^r^l (ii f^-.\. {; .vtfnB^ i<tt ! ,;,c ?,^vrt.j ?Ht ill. S'w^ III \\ III 11 *'liimm rj jl!" *,t ', f. *ltf.itO In ' U,..? 5 jii 't j.-i.. 1 "i rtrrfl" lIW'i ;i*it;t*v&r . j|' ?<<T l?. U'v? of L- Eurek H_' W.m?W * ;-i.! V^i .- {, :-?!' I". 111?-??f f*?'IT w?i iv-td; ti<) hi !' ^iW'i'i1' Mi IR SUPPLY .'! ? j V'P'X- >ili 1<--' lll'i . JJ1M10 tv ? fitta 1 ' .'oilnh >*,!"* T?d?-i1 . REl tike latest wad-best prDducticm?in:-<iresff' j gqods, slaplo andfsnoy-ds* goods- no? [ tions, ladies and mens furnishing goods raa: l^rBKresr -tsar ifxfhciiiT I Am bach lines of clothing: and-other I makes, the newest creations in hats b?srta?aMsjEC?l j thousand pairs, among which are the L. j S- & D. mens fine shoes, the popular I Godtnan productions for men, women I and children; the Ziegler and the P. I | J. Harney Shoes and other makes of I like merit. - The stosk equipmeht also contains j the latest fashions in ladies coat suite, skirts and wraps in a variety of style* and prices, carpets, rugs and floor coverings generally, trunks and vslices, books and stationery, building hard! ware, catlery and kitchen and farm [supplies in tag hardwa?~iiqp?j paints, horse | fancy and heavy groceries, etc. I A substantial brick warehouse 5QxlOO located to the rear of the store, abutting the Seaboard tracks, and thus furnishing five thousand feet more of storage room is used mainly for car load consignments of heavy goods, being unloaded directly from the railroad car ling to a minimum. Each and all of the departments can | be electrically lighted at will, being reg dated by switch board placed near the office, illuminating the interior with I brilliancy by night and on dark days, and thereby Been ring for the 'patrons Ahe meet favorable conditions to make UiflXtan^odaTj'w T?jo The officers of the Sterling Cotton Hills - are S. 0. Venn, oresident and treasurer, and A. H. Vann, secretary. The project which lead up to the organisation ef this company was the establishment of a cotten mill in Fraaklinton a proposition earnestly advocated and substantially promoted by S. C. Vann, as a result of which a building -was erected and operations begun in 1865. Sinoe that year the capacity has been increased three-bid by the construction of additional buildings and the installation of the required machinery, and the original pay roll of earJj, cotton every .rear. Too much commendation cannot be and practical nenlts whioh furnish labor opportunities br home people st light and plessaat work, keeps largo i .' jfcfc A A A A ^ A A 4Ajij ggggggg mg swiiroTmanfejr, piiiitr-tfotTts '?i?> hoDM?4~t investment at-heseev aad_i constant source of independence Ig. industrious and selF*reliant anif ofmi perity and improved economic cSi tions to the people of the estire eft uiyi)ify(?tTi share in its benefits, dii| }$f?nM*ctly. THE McGHEE-dOYNER CO; General Merchants 'and Cotton ^ era. An unquestionably agreeable | prise for the visitor in Franklintoif contained in the magnitude of sfc equipment and completeness of H ties of the establishment owned conducted by the McGhee-Joyner and which presents all the progress features and rpRhods of the modi dd&rtment atdaji This establisbnu FWirfl'Si Jtpri8e' 4?l only i1 n.'ids-tpf tt^teaMfilctenees and comj) AtdrlSfctf'&S those of the individual for food | wearing apparel, the housekeeper t. requirements in the dry goods line a housefurnishings, the farmer far fa supplies and the merhamc and prop* owner for hardware and building n terial, but also because its advanta| and influences extend to a patron* residing aa far diatant-aa-twenty ntj in some directions. It is a eurpiji again, because the old country s|c service has been supplanted by! alertness snd vigilance in manageirit which give to this concern the death tion of being among the first to inn duce the latest and best, wbetheij ithe pjiprun i gt^tfs or in more meritai tosiayfJbdbetWns^and place a proper.) timate on favorable selling condition such as attractive displays, methodli arrangement of stocks and all the ji cesseries which insure convenience rf patrons. In a ward, the McGhee-. c ner Company's store Is a surprise t cause it thoroughly substantiates catch phrase "Frankljnton's Big|>< and Best Store." This business founded In 1892 by Col. W. L. McGl< the father of the McGhee brotkr Claude V. and J. Wheeler, of the ?i ent company, and who conducted successfully in Me individual oapaei until 1907, when the McOhee-Joyn McGhee, Secretary surd treasurer. above named bad been raised u| merchandising in the community jhj warn therefore thoroughly famfi vnth local trade conditions, From ct *7 betfnnin* they adopted the jc ?? s r ?* ? . K \ ' ( ? * V /' I N -, " ? - .uolK ! '? T- i? oU ! t:.l Pi ill*. . ?-uc y.t?6? J - :;i: i-itl ? *^<#*.1 rr. 'jd "!lit :*t Hit o'j Iliv/ >4: ? rti; !: ' .-: .f, 1?4>flilfc ???'!> liiiiT I _ f. irl; i?i rf;?j 1-gri'iriiH - > uiiJ ii *//.'.?.I vjy tH I *' t : .of '?! < . ! >1 U i . ? / 'vX"u !HV7 ,virt?W | .{i:r.. .?.?' ! Tt-.uo ?dj *H*id; rtf#yJ M ? flUlK ' HI :i"tl *.r:rJijiT'1 . ... /? ; .11:/. " i.'iiol# I Willi 1 ? / / $atii 1:.yiA V? :>v/ ] sjj.i; ' 0?!. <'?t jt ut'i r-;l.<?.v t- ;;i: "itlf: ",i fn-p<i\ i tf:. m? 'nrf-dlir j J yfif/I V' r?i?t ' i v'1 *' 1 *f.;i ijU .'.tilHlKi tfllti i^I" . >i?- ; if ? ?rHH ll/r U:\P. .v! 3:;-+;ilO? S? "t t?A<f ' .r!h 7^,1 if! jjnJifj/f *o '>i 1)?H Iy.i i: I-t'STifjUdw ivib. :v?ti V '-> ii wit Mfl?l .ton/;f{ ]. Ghas J< i I p j ii ?,i ' fwiw* I . - rSl l.if't .ll . vj:>jj?sr j c?I /.lynitJ. ^"I r "I'd ' itl !>::?% ^ ?;i JinnffP.- v. i;? f*?/ ?'/ "'tc?- Otf.t ' , "*VW, l)U? .:"? . * 1 l-.ti I l/id" WiV! ",u>lv j ' '? ' > t !>'! ' I! y?\ ti' iji j-.tur i Jii?h\L IUi7* C ; 'It- i 'JlV.r/r Q2 bnrAS .Oil) j. i f>(?? ?/' {('- M\ic:s\ I j:r<J .toi ! up, Kcnna | -.rr .?Pi,bw iifvr - i;-,v rs i*x -i L?* ! ititlfyi V.>f>uc?ctj ( IMJ2 'Jill / WEATHEF <*I?.ir?'i!fl h >1 ?:'???tlM! l-i.w : * ' ? Mri.trft old 7fi>.rf;! .rio'i ' I . :i . .: : J V' i! . : ?. - v- -j : i?i: yj.fi .tiiil . louTsbl #r, ;> [ .'I i:g:t ffi hi -5 i.tin ?S55S5555S5?E2E3SE3 To^ii. n ::i o., 8uif^,,?nd, i sHirtSi w ive queensware>> hardware, paint*, am 'rn painters i supplies* house-furnishim mt (roods, etc;,' The basement and ware i>e- houses contain the heavier eommodt re- ties which arrhre"iii car load lots sucl ci- as stoves, tarm implements, buggi? ng and wagons including,' Old Hickpp ,nd wagons, ' Tyson and Jones and Hack Cor ney buggies, ,oils .and varnishes, build nd ing materials in suh, doors and blinds rm fertilisers and feed o? all kinds. Tin "ty second floor contains surplus stocks ?a- the result of Quantity buyingirom th< res manufacturers, svjiihh ire temporarili * stored pending shelf or cpdnter reQB le? on the floor below, . 'e, Throughout the establishment qyi >re dences of thesettled policy,of the man an agement to handle productions ot estab "t lished merit only are everywiheis. mni o- tiplied In'the familiar names and1 trad* o- marks of the leading mill* and maker in of the country, and their wide range o: quality, design, atvle anrflprioq guayan m- tees to patrons buying opportunitief ts, that are thoroughly, mqfropplUan. Al ?- ui uw principal IWIMIUIUWU are fp LC" charge of experienced persona assistoc 'or by a number of sales people, ail of tvhoir 'V- render that efficient co-operation' thai ,e" results in a well l>alanced 1 system am: It* an intelligent kncl courtebua service/1 r "t order to keep 'ri cload todih tfitlr 'llU t latest modes and styles, authentic trade !e> publications and fashion reviews art made acceaibleto, the,*ales-people as " soon as issued, end frequent trip* are U made to the leading markets to' sqcure ty direct and at first hands information ?r affecting trade conditions.. Hpeaial ed salts; three times each J*r, at Baas*, th daring August and December are feaM tares which are locjjid j&rord to as I* great money saving opportunities and ft .ttre*t,mT*^ly txowd. ofTW. to from the -surroundlifg, country,,. cersK ?< widely and ebly advertised.. All of;the At officers of the consent are actively iden he tilled with the maaegement, ?rv 'Joy ? tier having Charge of all "tbe credits |j Sof-doj.I uaof. 118? - f 4 t , '. ' > 1^10^ "Sliwrfar, . (Cjiyi(;?.? ****.i-iV tr .J ; *! ?s?:it>'q c%?f. i' * i**: ??.- /'- " *i . ,s <ij'< *. " ?i. ' \ C ; .!> * , ighest price for yoi ell with us. , .; , vi 2.1 . I. J-..... * : j.)?.; > f - ?. -- . * -??l ?U*M i; ' ? i~V ">i .jii" V--A . 'i-.i ''vir.t v.'iN - (" ?iv ut/" Ui ' 4: " ? ". '.'i'/'i- <"? !' i ' /.'?t*4 r i ?% *?r:V' -:i ' ' ii i i amson . : - i- -v ?''.n iii-.. J, T ^ ^T- "Tt I ^*.in t . . t ? * ?!? J> '" 11?* ; ?? - J*? 'Ii , ^ JL m '. Mm. .;;fl v.; : O i. >* '!: 7?yiu?t -- > '. . itiOTi-: ?' !'' \ *"??>*&? ' *' hi', <:? -*. -f ;-?* < ii"i11 ; %Jr ~:pty.yfy- -1 t*i: aon.-iJcroS ! tt.tff ^cl<{?? 5*r:tl :;?? ? . W.? Midway Lui ; j ' Hi? r?. I j k:f'. ,"1 V 1 Itt : " I-.:: i:i j, i . >7,^ THE COLD I ?a Thfir<\j!:j iyurr n? | X r. i r i .,i. v? - , ,h<,y >.../ ni 7.:: r.*>r. >- -tffr.jyii .?i vfi n<iltki''S lR*-h .1 "! tj: r!t> A ^ A.. A. A. A. A A A A A A Ayg it progresf(v)B qjeihods in supplying poj i*.a ular needs, an^i ii\ these methpds, cop the bined with the sterling qualities,, inter }t- rity and reliabilitylie the seeret. o? r ifli- trade huildingjrhich haa developed ith m* business tt?o fpld Within a perKd io ct- four years The AfcGbee-Joyner C? occa^j'Wjarge building which Was Chin Itruet^^'^^'f&.^^tobjiedo ' "Ware house,,)>ut ybigl^.was , .W'wbsWjtfinil; remodelled and; appointed her store quarters, -ibis Riding contains ijK. stores and: a basement, each. 50x1b feet in dimensions. The first; wr mail or- 'floor, is occupied by departments se is apart for dresd goods, dry goods, ho ck tions, ladles and "men's Itfmishfhj ili- good8,p|o$mg. 'H^ta, tocl, caps,' lhdies nd men and childrena shoes, ladies coa > the buying of eotttotr and stocks for a i- number of departments. Wheeler McGpee has sole charge of;the plothing a and mens furnishing gooda'dpj^itiuients, e and Claude L. Mclihec attends to the f finajioes, correspondence end adyertisi. ing?each eo operatl ng wi tht he other i- to: Increase the prestig^e and popularity of'^Frafiklintons Biggestartd Best L store; ' r'.v i/.-rvi .;[ li -led "J '.'.it *. mix 'ro i h i ,f ululm 0 ,! ). CITIZENS BANK. 0 it. .:l ~ , i . ; i,.... ;.r Lse a i- ; ale ii: i* 11 >.T? t Looking Jjack over the recant past . ana can see from the progress Frankj linton has achieved in popularity rand importance as a trade center and aedTce t of supply, that! tft'e r> 9??ipt}fo?' oflHe j Citireilff BankJ'oh 'kjdpt'sHnbfe^fth 'M01. j bas beenin rf grffealt thateprfe a -sbiur^e f and atI hjuius Of,tli? development al <fhg K all Uvea that . baa ^pAf^uitetiietl f}re . town during the intervening, years, for I, its presence and co-operation with -- legitimate enterprise have ever been ^ unvaluable auxiliaries.' Its inception .1 gave, to Franklin ton independence in banking, facilities which at oncp gristed the more favorobie advantages of con'a venience and accessibility tor . the ,int habitants of the surrounding section. , likewise lie closest relations ' with, patf rons arising from personal dtqtiaiiitaode , and direct knowlSdge of looaJ . eonttftions from which the beet results in banking can be ssctaretf, namelyj j^e J methods arid popular cpn^?nce. . Promoted and organize* byAgrpHp 1f representative busioeas men And fara raera of the surrounding section, the , Gitiaens Bank was duly iaoorpqseted f under the laws of- North tJarotina and . began business September 7th 1061, , with a paid up capital Of dl* thousand 1 dollsra' ifrhich sunt tdri' dibkeqtJefftfy , irmrSasiW'to (eg thousand'dttUrabJ^'kd, dition?l tubsggiptioa to atocl' Jrf ' 3 the oapital was Increased again to gft teen thousand , dollars, , ^hj,eh? Increase ^ this tipie. was made by declaring a spqck' , dividend of fifty per cewt< to ah steak-! s bolderef romtKB accumulated prefits , and transferrin#,*' acconf nfly, 'Ave f thousand dollars from the pifdflt' to1 (the , haptfeaf account. M addltmh td"lhla , itook dividend/regular ih-fdend# ofiMx I 'Mrgiibt Wr Uinuni1 have a)vr*yg~Wi4n , pai4'to.Ur^^;f^,raiw-6f : theae facts noonf cap doubt ..that the CitlaeM Bank tfjFlMklinto*,. >*), |>ieii i aWy managed, and thah it has e ver bapn j a prosperous uatituttonoTieotly worthy 1 of die confidence and esteem dikajnrt, rhoi aM th* eottre pubUe.', In 'older i to (how In the tnbat ctmc hrtfre jhdihier I :t& pr^M'that'WB been made dorih? compb^adates, axe hsfpndth bnnwi y :'r V mi '&& (rehouse ".-I i-:,.- .?i1 ^ . ' - V. '*? , biukl^fl t: v?rt* .4ldu;<iT . 1 ./ ? * ... V ^1$ # JiJ? >M? >c? ' ~ ' .'? I .* -*. J: ' :*V i-s-i ^ 7' ?J-! ??!f !. ?*? ? ?;n>riT i:in i.l 3faction Reigned ui ' if.kii i'utiK f- ivifi !*' ' '<??r:bif? ->L-lf ; - :: >) u*.TV l| f f*i ' ' ' ;i ist'riUil v ;f )<j . , >. uibuM fji) V.i i<1Vol Hvti l.i OS .!?*>?Jm' '! ll >5tl? iiiSft u:q ii .l/iM i Tol'?JJ*l '.(!* iff* LT. fcJOTJS*( ! .! >? >* !? Oft v.- JjIfr^T o'i' ' , jhnson '. >>> :> 0 ll'. !?' " /: *V: I'l'mi'l A ; >! fsrrjvifl l?uf ? sow MrtflT^F =G6cil | >rt.1 won noil b.T?k?t :.n*?VOB rf-M/m fO . k / <t ;yh'.cii ncTutiToiiiVQHn^fr?unl R "ro fji*; lit taiirttlfo- wt^HMsby 'Jill , wa Splint | a .my-r ' ?!?' bi's* !t-? ?;ni ! ^3 cisi '.f-:: . r tii f i rtoa/ii VrnM hn* o-: |- \ t COMES I oofVi|s^ Till ni if'.Mirr swsno*/ ; l ...^r \ -.v:i . :jw " ti'.'Hl }I:h v:*f: xL- ?!?? !J1 . . \ MII.I V" 1a.11' >. rfiiM?-. IRG, N. C? t H'il >*:' k toll the story and tell it forcibly.1""1 r ' 1 September 8th, 1902 ' CapiWAPaid|in(,i;!';v-:-,..'?i.vl'6,M?,t)0 ' Total deposits .12,409.84 ' Total .resources.. .ir.u. ,: j10,!40.[>4 | *''ii Septentbir^Btli, WO;' Capital, paid in .$^000,90 Surplus..." Total deposit*, Ktm.46 Vr ! Totab ro8Vurco?:,.^{...*!JW.s.MO;?66j02 ? * ? ' The deposits are now increasinjf daily y' as the crops are.lreirt|irmartcefted and are expected to' raaoh" 100.0O0.iflOri|bf''ttte earlV part of "the'1 'cAttAiJJ1'-'^refcf!- ' Trie executive officers tlf l^ieCitild^a '^aijk cosht<lr, G,,X. C^ftke,^ ^hiflE^.and the two first named with R..B- White. B..Wf JMJftr&jl. O. Green:fiJdhm -r W Sandling, ,and fin J. iH.Harris.vfcrth the directorate,i all ofl trhoim ajfe ' individuals of established integtetjy and , reliability, which tplhlitles'toll Wi' the future, da hi Hie bast, safeguard' th'btjbughly and promote the interests of pattons Thia hartk' covers Effectively allowing four per cent^iptej^, vi,}tp savings department wbichip^rappipidT ed semi-annually, end other wiee. rant > dering constantly a; aervkie which ddfnbines courtesy and which later are the mstitulisn thfeceunirybveti1" -1-1' ''<u? "The ditlztns' ffihk iMlfi"1 tHe''ifecounts of armers,. biisillHs tidies aridj oWefS sifl.erfSlf rpdbrd as ! i &>' 'M*m 'IItow ? material b#ne(it,tol,eKery:pa^pn.',.??,) T?l la ?r([0?l .fllaOOV t?dJ _ 1 --.I-Ip u.^.'e?we.||, gift mow u\"uPtd vno ok .aurvtir _ LOUISBDRGjCOLEBE;; noliwmir^J hswoaajir/na/ ?(1T << 7.0in i!torttt ,Ukcollrui,,i',l,r,i,i?< j ^A''dehdOl',fbt 1 womeawwiieddtt the^Nhrth; QtiWi u | i olina ;7 <3?nfermM&-' :lt -iruofforeo healthful condiSppa/, A-.frhPWin care given to younler girls. -V *! I joti ill xJMiRCTi trtttri A i iiiti .W%;5:,u l n ill! el PfCSl M. 0. AUxN^sd aid \e >us rxtbnl toi.'naff rMil hotlT urn ii i?i. n i nun nmur uoMioi dttw 7.0711: '.-Mitni asm ??rt" -1 - Wti' ~r "' iwasfeiB . jm

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