F W :>, A. F. JOHNSON. EDITOR AND M i . = ; VOL. XL. ~ < ??? .... . . CANVASS IN FULL BLAST ((^ WILL FINISH ON SATURDAY AT LOUISBURG. Visiting: Speakers are Making: - Fine Speeches?Statements ? Of .Candidates Meets Approval. The County Canvass is now ou in tuil blast and will come to a close on Saturday in Loutsburg when Hon. #*. S. Sprnili will address tlje people -of the county. Sinoe our last issue . the candidates have tilleiT* sppo""ni'ents in" Youngsville, Fianklinton, Ilio esville, Sandv Creek, Gold Mine and Cedar Rock townships. At each of these places Wjgpting speakers were present and made line speeches. EsDeciallv so was the ones made bv Hon. T. W. Bickeit at Franklinton and Epsom, Hon. Walter Murphy at Laurel and- Centreville and Hon. Locke Craig at Stallings. The * ????*paaahMeflt UktM 'br?e gytlyien were full of dounmenta of Tsvidrnfce that the hearers as jurors conld -not hut take notioe. ' Although it will be next Tuesday before they can hand in their verdict it was "vefy plain that these speeches had cansed them to stop and think, after which their decision caused them to "step in line with all true Democrats. The county candidates are meeting with the approval of the entire county. Their statements in regard to th* manner in which the county's - affairs have been applauded repeatedly and they really make a-Wondnrful showing. The crowds at each of the places the past week have been eacoeedingly uood. And if the majority on next-Tuesday is to be ju.iged by the enthusiasm and attendance at the epoakings the eleotiowwill almost be unauiniously democratic. This is the one time that it is necessary for all good honest men to vote the democratic ticket regardless of what partv he belongs to, and also for everv democrat to atttend the eltction and cast his vote. The candidates have hadj,t with them this woek and whioh will coutinue throughout the campaign, the k-N. Rooky Mount Brass Band. They have been making some fine music and each speaking lifts been a regular jubilee. From Gold Mine. A friend sends us the following* account of tbe republican speaking in Gold Mine township since'our last issue: v. "Number present, bt actual count, 38. In this number were 20 Doinowttb them, 4 from othSr townships, 4 colored men who cannot vote, 4 i republicans." Hallowe'en Party. A delightful Hail iwe'eu party was given at the College on Saturday night. Quits ? huge crowd was present and oitj.ourt the occasion very much. The Rocky Mount Brass Band was present and furnish\ " ed music for the occasion. Delightful refreshments w ere served and all enjoyed the occasion to the fu'lest extent 7~ , Brigade Meets. , , . y . - . I ne cjinuren g uepartmeai or tne jSMik \V'iar.i? Home Mission Society, known hs the "Mite-Box Riigade," held n meeting with Mrs. J. A. Tor1 - ne.r, lady manager of this oiganiza > tion, /Monday evening, Ootoher 31st, 7:30 to 10:30. A week previous ' eiiiuil envelopes were given the children and ? this meeting, they were . - asked tie bring a contrioutiqn for the new f'20,000.00 building to be ereot? ' ed at oh* in Key Wodt for poor i, v / and neglected ophan children, and ,K ?' quite a nice little sura was brought 9 \ for this muob needed building. As .j it was Hallowe'en nearly all tbo 38 / children preaent oarae disguised ss ' aK - ,-v i . . ' i * L f.-'V - mm i SF *RAt ANAGER witches, hob-gobblina, eta, end the ', sqhrieks of laughter which greeted each new arrival showed thia feature i of the.evening to he a "howling socceee." After masks had been re- ' moved "bobbing for apples" iD a tub of water and other gamgs of the season were enjoved, but none more I than the old faahoined oandj pull, which wound up the evenings, fun, 1 and all. left saying tbev had had the : "b.-Kt time in the world." The "Deestelck SKuwl" To1 night. . The ' Ueeatrick Skuwi" wdl be plated tonight at the Opera House by b>ot.l talent. Tina play promised much fun for our people and we feel euro, that it will be greeted with a tuil house.. Hemember that the proceeds go to the carpet fund of the Methodist ohuroh. - China Display. The display of ohioa at the china opening of M. C. Pleasants on Tues entire front room had been tastily deoorated and' an excellent aesort. merit of fine china lean displayed among the pretty deoorations, Large crouds gathered to iqsn^ct this scene of beauty and the Opening was indeed successful. Griffin Kates. On Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride in Youngaville township, Mrs. Mary Kutes was -happily married to J. IT. Griffin, in the presence of a few friends, the' ceremonv was performed by iiev. D. T. Burnt. After the ceremony a reception was given by the. bride to the j bridal p irty and on laDt night a re | caption was given by Ihe groom at 1 I l>ia residence to a largo number of , [ friepds. 1 Franklin County UnionThe meeting of Franklin County ! Union, which was held with the 1 Baptist cburoh at I.ouisburg on last ! Friday, Saturday and Sunday was la great success. Many speakers I from a distance were present and some very instructive aud interesting taiks >nd sermons were delivered. Good crowds attended alt meetings and on Sunday dinner was served in the Sunday school room, which was enjoyed by many. The Rocky Mount brass band aasisted in the musical programme on Sunday. Hallowe'en Party. Miss Sallio Charles and Elisabeth ! Cheatham entertained about thirty of their friends on Hallowe'en night, i Progressive Old Maid was-played, i score and won the boys* firs't'p^to! ^ Misses Eleanot Thomas and Sallie i Taylor drew for the girls prize, i which was won by Mhs El.anor ] Thomas. The boys' constib.iion prize I was so popular that there were a i I number of olaiuiants, hut Mr. Wil, i liam N'oal was the final winner, ~Misd Sallie .Louise Maoon, the Old Maid t of the ervening, was presented with a small white kitten for consolation. Marriage Licenses. The Recriater of Daafta nf tr,?ni (in county, W. M. Boone, iasueu , Marriage ticenaee to the following ' couplet during the month of Octob- . er: Witrra?F. D. Lucus and Katie Booth, J. D. Baker and Neda Bell ( Frazier, K. \V. Holmes and Viola Justice, Ffed A. Gill and Ceoil A. ( Champion. Coi.eiiRi)?Robert Wright and ( Martha Thomas, Mance Haggrove ( and Floyd Reid, Joel King and \ Qtrinniu Yarboro, William Jones and j Marynna Cape, George Blount and j Annie Sledge, George Hawkins and | Maltha Solomon. > A Delightful Dance. ' Tb. most enjoyable danoe given hero in yearn, was given by the .? . - 1.11; * THE COUNTY, THE I LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY F?1?HHBSHSHFW?B"S Bouisburg German Clnb in the Opera 1 House laat Wednesday evening. The moaio was furnished by the Rooky i Mount Braaa Band and waaapiendid. The dance was lead by Dr. Arthur Hynea Fleming with Mrs. Wm. 1 Bailey, and many new and heaatiful figures were lead. Conapiououa was the high tone ot the dancers as they followed with e*se,the most intricate figures to the great delight of the ' many present. Among those dano- c. itig were: Dr. A.-H. Fleming with Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Mr. Candler with 1 Mias Ariene Gilmer, of Statesville, Mr. Thomas Bullock, of Henderson, l with Miss Helen Crenshaw, Mr. K. II. Malone with Miss Eleanor Coulee, ^ Mr. A. W. Person with Miss Fannie Boddie, Mr. Thomas Ruffiu with Mias Betlie Boddie, Mr. W. D. Jackson with Miss Alba Allen, Mr. K. K. Allen .with Miss Martha Mann, Mr. N. B-AUnbrook with Miae Beulah Tucker, Mr. T. G. Boddie with Miss Abiah Person, Mr: Julian Hart with ' Miss Julia Barrow, Mr. Russell Har- ' rig.with Miss Aunie Bella King, Mr. d and Mrs. M S. Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. ' R. Y. McAden, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. v_ u. i w? ... . I xvii?nt uxr. iniu mra. p. n. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Malone. Stags, Messrs. Allen, Macon, Barrow, Hoi- ' den and Turner. Among 'hosfe pres- ^ ent were Mrs. H. A. Crenshaw, Mrs. ' S. J. Parham, Mrs. W. H. Macon, " Miss Lucy Allan and others. ' ? Hour Changed. The hour for the evening services at the churches has oeeu ohi nged < from eight o'clock to seven thirty, * So hereafter the services on Sunday I night will commence at 7:30 o'clock. | * Louisburg Market. The toiiacoo market is still hold- j ing good prices on all grades and selling right much of the weed. ( Each week seams to brnig - better | satisfaction to the farmers who sell . here. ' 8 The cotton market was oft a little ( yesterday, compared with our report , last week, l>at up some from the , first of this week. The prevailing ( prices here yeete.rday ranged from 13 8-4 to 14 cents per pound. The market is in good shape on other products and a1 general demand continues. Time to Get Busy. I Says the Chicago Journal: "The | good tfoads movement continues to . receive the endorsement of every- \ body and the active support of no- { body. This is not exactly true; much , work is being done to make better f roads, but it is undeniably true that 3 the amount of work done is vSry , said and written about road improve- 1 nient. We have learned how we j can make good roads, and weT* have , learned that we muBt pay for them ( f we ever get them. Let us recog- , nize tile fact that it is' time to quit 1 talking and gel down to business.?' , Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer , ind Gazette. " , List of Letters 1 Remaining in the Pustoffice al, , Louisburg, N. C., uncalled for. . ' Israil Alston, W. J. Alston, Misa Florence Anderson, Frank Altord, Senry Alfprd, Lewit Buckhanau, lobn Bethea, Mrs. Lela Dement, J. s L Foeter, A. J. Glespie, Truss Gra- I lam, J, U. Harrirtgton, G. W. liar- 1 is, Henry Hames, D. C. Harris, Hel- v is Jones, Josie Leak, Comie Leak, s Jharlie Leak, Mary Morris, Allen a tfoNair, Angus McLean, Jaiues Me- i Dorrnic, Y. M. C. Croe Priraona Mc- o )ueet>, Rev. H. Pair J. B, Perry, t iVrn. Revele, Haltie Rorers, Res f Inna C. Perry, H. V. Williams, h diss Kathrine Wilder, A. N. Wil- a isms D. K. Webb, N, P. Yarbor- t mrougli. Personrf ogling lor' any of the li bove letters will please say they a aw them advertised. p M. .W. YAuoaoeen, P. M. Ii N T STATE, THE UNION. '.NOVEMBER 4, 1910. THE MOVING PEOPL E J 'HEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND 1 OUT OF TOWN. ' t Those Who Have Visited Louis- i burg the Past Week?Those ' Who Have Gone Elsewhere ( for Business of Pleasure' J. W. Alien visited Clayton San- , lay. , Charlie Gee, of Durham, was in t Louisburg the past week. i Mies Belle Strickland returned 1 tome the past week. Mrs. J! W Johnson and little laughter-arrived Monday. R. T. Gray, of Raleigh, was in own this week on business. Mr. E. T. Bobbiit and bride, of Winston, are visiting at M. F. ( Houoks. , Mrs. Tyler B. Wheeler and chilIren who have been visiting at Mr. f F. W, Justice's at Roval returned to . heir huine In Scotlslid Xi-ck last ( Saturday! ^ . A Religious Service. 1 A religious service will be held in ibe home of Mrs. Jennie Yatea on , Vov. 7th, at 7 p. m. conducted by ilr. O. L. Sullivan, of Nashville, \ Tenn. All who are interested in Sible Study are cordially invited. The One Profitable Way. ? Theoretically it ispossible in eon:ral farming to keep up the fertility jf the soil indefinitely without keepng any live stock. We believe it is aoasible, tpo, to do it, in practice, hough it must be admitted it has aever yet been done on any large irea. But such a system will invarably entail a great ecnpomio l< ss. N'o farmer ban afford, in oar opinrto, :.o try to work out such a system or ,o give serious heed to those who idvocate it, because it is the hard tud the expeosive way. The live dock raiser has too ruahy advantages or the exclusive cropper to compete with him. ? Haleigh (N. C.) Progreslive Farmei and Gazette. A New Departure. A new departars in the linp of lewspaper business for Nort'i Caroina has just been made by The i rinna of Ralpirrh Thia Kirr ias reduced its price by mail to $2.50 i jsr year, payble in advance. Some i tveeks ago this paper ran a special i jargain price and the results were I 10 flattering that the management ] iecided to give the people of the 1 date a daily newspaper for the price I S'2 50 per year. The Times being a < nodern leased wire telegraph paper i here is ho reason why it should not lave fifty thousand circulation with, n a year at that price. J. V. Siinms, ' ditor and publisher of the paper,I innounces at the same time thai j 1 iiany more improvements are to be ' 1 liado in the noar fntnre and the I i eading public of the stale will get; < i service in the Times that is une.v- j l ;elled in the entiro country. The rimes will do no more credit husi- t less but will be strietlv cish in ad [ ranee. This step place,, i'lie Times- t n the front of all other dailies. j t -- lc Looking for Opportunles. A wise aud honest man a man of ibility and earnestness, is not trou iled about Pooking for opportuntiss. c daily and great oppiJrt-unities every- 1 * fhere'are on a sonstant outlook for 5 uch men. It is the numb-skull and j r troet loafer who is continually talk- i 0 ug and complaining abaut the lack 1 e f opportunities. As a rale hie native ' " own is too alow and small, and ha 1 sals compelled to leave bis parenthl isokjard for some hustling,bustling a aetropolii in order to show the world ! tl be stud he is made of?mush. j P We have several such young fel- ; p >ws standing around the postofBoe,; ti dth their hands in their pantaloon | p octets, Reeling confident that ear i a ome town haiKjtp-bpportunity for tl iMire si ;heiu. It is a sad faot, but evert vii- (. age and town has gueb seri ms p - o enta. Uemember, no village is no a unal! and quiet, but ia large and ao- e tive enough for every honest man of 1 jractical ability to be happy and do f lomething noble and useful. It is all fo-de-rol to be everlasting t cankering to live in a large city be- ^ cause tf larger opportunities. Of a 3ourae a man who has really outgrown hia native village haa a inor>1 right to seek larger opportunity j slse where, but that man is as rare a* , a psarl in an ] our youth^TOowever, are annualm ( rushing m our larger cities believing! tiienivel\*s to he talented and capu , ble to become famous and dinattci^y j ucceaaful in the midst of thei^ge f and dazzling opportunities ofjfm city, j Alas! only to be oomp^^H to turn ^ the grindstone tor .sl^mpenim^^^ tools of others. If ^W^^mTenare wise and truly have great ability, j they will remain at home, at least, lor a season loflger until their wisdom teeth ate cut.?Ityis more satis- isfactory to be a prominent and respected citizen of a village thnn to be an iDsignifioant stranger, jostled I ?nd ignored, by the hirrying mass ' of humanity in a metropolis. ,\V? tvould rather be a dog on a farm lhaD?a caged lion in a menagerie. f ( WILL FLY IN CHARLOTTE 1 Charlotte News to Give Flying: 4 Machine Exhibition?lurtlss I Bl-P!ane and Daring Aviator Will Thrill and Delight ' Thousands. Thiotighotu the Carohnas the most discussed topic is the tiying machine exhibition which will he given under |( me direction ol Tile Charlotte News ( at Charlotte, N. C., on ^Thursday,7 November 10th. Since the Wright brothers made their first succesful flight among the \ sand lulls of North Carolina, 1903 the subject of aerial navigation has ] occupied the brightest scientific minds of the worldy and their won- ^ derful achievement in conquering ^ the air have been~read of with the j deepest interest evei vwherg. Never, until now, have thecifirens j of this state, in which the first sue- ( cessful flight was made, had a chance ? to witness the thrilling spectacle of ? loan operated machine living ,j iniong the clouds with the grace and sonfidenco of a bird. Now, through the enterprise of the News it will be possible for the people of the Carolina to see the most nerfeer.-tVoo nf ? ^ v r" " ly ing machine, the Curties l?i-plane, jj iperated by a skillful ahd daring ? iviator at Charlotte, on Novomber 10th Application has been inade^o all w ;lie railroads for special rates for this t| lay, and admission to the exhibition q las been plaoed at a nominal price, >0 cents,?so. thai people far and near a nay be able to attend this wonder- w !ul exhibition at n very small ejf el lense' tl It has been arranged that t he first y Ight. will be made at 2 p. in., so that n, leople living at a distance will have jr tmple time to reaoh Charlotte and Cl lot miss any of the splendid s|>ecta- p. ile. b ai Castalia Items. a, Hon. E. W. Pou, with the county :andidateB spoke to a good crowd ac lerfc Saturday. Mr. Pou made a g, ;ood speech for his party and die tt lot indulge in any betternoss to any w ne. There is some division in this w ounty upon the old board of comlisaioners, but it is impossible to tell M he result at this writing. The writer was deeply inspired arcs days ago whilp driving over ^ hirty miles of the best roads in the itate in Frauklinton township. The . eople owe a lasting debt of- tfra^t- ^ ude to Mr. Sam Vann, who is th rime mover and promoter in the dvancement and development ' of Jp his town and section. Upon these V \ ? ? _ . v-JrtifvS 7. 1 ' M " * ? *f. ' 'V'<- ' ''i V ' JBSCRIPTION $1.00 PBR YEAR NUMBER 87 ireity roads thrift and progress are >b evgry hand, where the birds sing wester, and the graaa grows greertr, and the sun shine* brighter. Surev n new era is dawning upon your leople. Uev. G. W. May, assisted by Rev. dr. Duke, closed a revival here Sunlay. -Much interest was manifested iml many were added to the churob. Much merriment and a general food time among the yonng set was lad on the evening pf the 15tb, vlien a mock marriage between Miss [one Gulley, a charming young lady >f Clayton, and Mr. Gray R. King, ?'as solemnized. The palatial home tnd parlors of Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Moss was thrown open where a lumptuouB and toothsome repast was uglily enjoyed by a few friends, who The many friends ot Mrs. S. iartholoinew, who has been so seiously ill for some time, will be glad o learn she has been restored to lealtli. r ; Key. and Mr. G. W. May are hap- ? >y?a nice little girl came Sunday o brighten and gladden their home. Plain Tom. [The above items were intended or last week's issue but were reoeiv>d too late. We are glad to see that ?lain Tom has come to life again aud io"T?rwe may hear from bim more of;-n.?Editor.] ' p?t In Memory of Annie Moore Dean "Suffer iit'le children to come uno me, * * lot??t such is the kingloin of heaven." Jesus, the gentle shepherd, .has slaimed another tender Lame. Little Annie Moore, youngest ibild of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dean, lied 011, the mornuig of October 27th, IMO. 4 ' . All was done that human skill K>uld do to save the precious life, jut to no avail; the Savior had need >f another jewel and He chose our leautifui darling. We cannot yet understand why Jod has taken the best loved treasire from this home, but we know le doetli all things well., Oh! sweet babe, we shall miss you rom our midst, but it comforts us . o know that you are Safe in the arms of Jesus, Sate on His gentle breast; 'here, by His love o'er shadowed, Sweetly thy aouljjdoth rest." "Aunt Pattie." Pocomoke Items. If we are disposed to allow small bings to worry us, the house fly rill get the upper hand of us. die has no respect for what you re living. He troubles me ewn _ ~ 'hen I am trying to write, which ling you know is a br ach of etinette in the highest degree. He ill light on a fresh written word nd make about six little scratches ~ ith his feet, and then on your eye, i that you can't see to write, and ien when you want some ink on our pen, perhaps you will Knd two r three Bwinimtng around in your ik bottle. Shelly said, "Our sinnest laughter is fraught with some sin." I wouldn't mind the fly so ad, hut you may scare him away, .J ik-* - '* " - "" iu inn very same ny will circle oand and come right back. I am glad (he cold weather wil ion drive him away, and when he jee, lie will go like the poet gays of te person who lives oat Ins life ' iili no good purpone in view, TJnept, nnhonored, and anaung." Rev. ^V. W. Roue preached a fine >rmon at Wesley's Sunday. We had several showers pf snow / ilnrday. Mrs. W. S. Ray and Miss Jessie . ay visited here Sunday. Miss Myrtle Holmes, of Dnrham, , * spending the winter with Miss ooio Williams. . Wesley Holmes, who has been ending some time in this oomman- \ /, left Sunday for Greensboro.