' t *% . . L \ ? ' " }> V . liuLUwi Town L A U C (First Mon ; 1 Lot with 8 room bouse, sta now occupied by Mr. Stovall on l\ei 1 five room house, large lot, i> s 1 five room house on Mam avenue. 1 seven room house on Main s One ?ood building lot adioinii 2 building lots on Mineral Spr All of the above .property is paying tenants. Our reason for sellii money in our business*. WILL MAKE TERMS r. ? ' N. All of above will be sold fiist If you want to move to a good town i Ipportunities it will pay you to invest Corre Solid j. w. LOCALS. h ?Quite a large crowd heard the vounty uandidates Saturday. ?L. D. Leavister had on exbibi- ^ tion Saturday a potato that weighed 6 1-2 pounds. ?S. C. Duke has taken a pusi'iun with MoGhee Joyner C". wi-cie 1"will be glad t<> have his friends cail. is ?The series of meetings at the ^ Baptist Church closed Sunday nightThree candidates were received into the church and were baptised Sunday afternoon. ^ ?His friends will be glad to learn that Sheriff Kearney is getting on 84 . as ni&eTv"asiiotild be expected^ The ^ ? Doetoie say the wound is healing -aw ? well, if not better, than any they | b' j. ever saw. ^ ?The Councilor of the Junior Order requests us to call tbe attention of members of the order to tbe regular meeting next Monday night. The m new ritual will be used in an iqia% tion and he earnestly desires as many as possible present. ? It looked right "Wintery" here lest Saturday when the snow was rs falling so fast and all moat covering the ground. This is declared by f': some of our oldest citisens to be the w first snow ever seen here in October 11 ai d also to be the coldest weather, i si ?On next l riday night Nov. 4th from 8 to 11 o'clock the ladies ?f the Philathia OlssJ1 of the Methodist w - -v Sunday School will give a "Glove Entertainment" at the hotfP?the ^ proceeds will go towards building a kootn for the class. All are invited | T BnOBgOOd time promised ill. ^ Personals I' ' B. i. Long, of Oxford, waa on our '* Jf laat weak, ?< A. 8. Kearney, of Baleigb, is here h - at the bedaide of his father. a . Mies Steinbeck, of Henderson, is ^ -visiting Miss Marguerite Moss. Mrs. O. P. Nonnan sad son Seott, c are vititing her husband in Halifax. , Stuart Davis, of Loaisbnrg, was I ' TV' '' ^ 'C-v '* -;^v M>1 T _ ? FRAN K L 5SW0RTI ' VS \ ots for Sale at nor day in December) bles, shelters, j^oi'd weil, about 1 1-2 a imore avenue. uw occupied by Mr. Turstell, Kenmore. street t ow occupied by Mr. Fuller, on treet now occupied by Mr. Place. nn \l <>? ?- ? - I i.? aiaiu BUCCl IUI. ings street, about 1 1-2 acres, in good condition, and all the houses ig is we have too much real estate ant ro sriT responsible: buyi Monday in December unless sold [invar r.? iive, where your cliiMrA will have gc igate this sale ispondence ted :: :: . X/ hOLLIN* ere Monday and Tuesday on busi- will ass. he l Mrs. F. R. Hawkins, of Winona, li?s? is visiting at Mr. B. W. Bal 'ha rds. ' Mi>s Muitie C<>"war, of Wakej brest, visited her people Here last I J eek. I f Jlir. K. A. Ballard, of Greensboro, He a visitor at Mr. B. W. Ballards stei lis week. pad Miss Massenbnrg, of Uamptont ?nt a., is spending the week with Miss e'h larguerite Moss. ' 8001 Miss Jean Ward who is attending eoa liiool at Peace, Raleigh, spent Sun- ant' ty with her father here. . . t,m sen at home here for the past two eeks left for bis home Sunday. . One Thing Done Well. tha "A Jack of all tradea" is very vou inch admired by many people. In- . ^ sed, it i? handy to be able to do a que tile of everything. Yw expertDdsji apon whioh so many ride tberoselvee. Anything worth arning or doing at all, it* worth do- ^ ( lg or learning well. Hall' done, or , alf learned, it will fail its author t some pineh in his career. W ho- ^ ver slights a dntj because it is ^ amble can never bs trusted in any nportant post. It is upon thorugliness in small affairs that tbs access of the greater ones depend. * ie that ie faithinl in email things ^7 , - ~ " v 5 K : S f i, K ? e IN TON WEDNESDAY, HFURN ere, house i Kenmore B*- / elv hejhre ?od aeliool / ; * i GSWOR \ ' ' % \ I be faithful also in great. .\nd that is expert m one useful thing, i*ever trivialy ia better than he t is a "eloueh" in a dozen. The Fate of Man. Ian tliat i? born of his parents is :ew days and full of microbes, goeth t> school when a young' and gets the seat of his pants died tor something he didn't do il he is sick at heart. He grow up like a weed in back yard and n reaches the age when he is ipoaed largely ot feet, freckles an appetite for pie. A boot the e he gets too long for short trousand not lnpff euuugn tor long h he goeth away to college, learnbow to monkey with a three dolmandolin and play whiskey pok- I He ecrri.-tit home a bigger fool j n ever and marrietli a sweet ng thing whose pa is supposed >e wealthy, but whom be subseotlv ascertaineth, couldn't buy prize rooster at a county fair, worrieth along from vsSr to year dually acquiring offsprings, until bouse resembles a Sunday school just before Christmas. He fret? through the day and lietb awake ht? trying to fiigure out how to p himself and his dependent potlion out of the' poor, house. Ef:s are rewarded by his daughters off and getting -tarried and lg him home a nice sen in law I try few days to feast at bis board, i sons grow up and call him govor and set him back a fire spot ty day or two. About the time has acquired enongh loere to ke it worth while for hie heirs to trrekover, he contracts a cold and iume?Paway before he has time have a talk with his family. His is blow in his estate on bad whier and plug hat) and bta wife puts finishing touches to his career by rrying the hired man.?Ex. -4 mother lot of fine plftn. f<* sale 8 ska old <8.00 each, readrj-fj^ deliv? V . , -1. Vy. D EI R A Nov. 2 1910 ITURE; > I C0F1 8?e th the hi ? :in, GKiCHE$TER SPILL! DIAMOND dnnfely BRAND s^Wf ^ usees r Aik jemr DnnW faACHT-CHRsnBrs A DIAMOND DRANDHLLS in Run mai/ji Gold metallic boxA.Uealed with BiuK^J ] Ribbon. Taki Wo/dtIeh. Buy of ywYi Piogght kb4 uk AW rni4}nEB-T?R? V DIAMOND nil AM D PII.I.K. for twcntr-fli fear* rtftoded aa Rest, 8lfest, Always Relfabl SOLD BY/ALL;DRUGGIST TTiSf. EVERYWHERE ?&? ! |)|{j Ewii'i nr.ir.?r, .. 'sivf fro 1 ILCy Br. " "-icr [Now | Wc Arc 1 X Carrying a full Come and Fig A How about your Guano? V goods. None better f } ? ' 1W. P. Nf P. 8. Messrs. J. H. B< A friends corns to see them. - at- - . -T ; i R T MEN' & MUSI / New ] ' V Rugs and ndid 9x12 Druggets at $S 50. 100 Hi counterpaiuea, Blui iQ?J ! ;: ' 1 TINS rn<) &ASKETE?Yon are invit e prettiest lin\of 'atrial ? ?> !? in the igheat qoatitie8.\ Lota uf furniture *n> ^ ~t. m * Louisbu 1 [save themid] If you will Bee me or let me see pou 1 save you money. Men are groierrlrv i v is true I can save you money. Thos* "J the money possible, so see me. I mj ' | in? with a plenty of nice clean cotyfi ro I of felt or liair-mattress yoo wisl^pd j g. k. m< B leady ahd Prep* IME BUSINI line of General Merchudiae, Fred jure With ytli We Make it/nteiWin; fe handle the Piedmont, Mt. Airy Co or tobaoco, canton and corn, n fact ur Prices Arc \R ?, t % =AL & CO, ist ?id J. N. Davia are with na and c house] '^1 Lot of M Druggets I ii^H ?7\ 54 inched ;.t 50c. New quilts bk??8 an-l Comforts. I IfMLJhI ed to our Funeral Parlor where yoa will onntv. Always the lowest prices and I the-iieat pianos. Tn'ins to suit yon. I rg, N. C.*| 1 DLE^TAWS PROFIT I *f/eyou get your (all mattresses I can inynisiness for what there in i? it if *Hot yfchoarc keeping house want to save all H me mattresses of the best feather prrof tick 1 aHil husk. You can have any grade or yoir^an see and jcnow what >a DRRIS, JR. 1 business 11 / ircd to do a | 1 Stuffs, Ga?no, Etc. j \ Know We Can I 'fi.ftud Navasftn Guano Company's H special analysis for all crops. ijfljH \Louisburg, N. C. S I wil\ be pleaeed to hay#,-their * H . I