wp : " ;' > ? 1- ' , IFF^" franklin times A. 'f, JOHNSON, Editor and Manager Fbidat. Nuvembsr 4, 1810. * ' ? WW ! - ? ? ?n?m7i?iii?*v K. J. Perry?Land Sale. G. L. Aycocke, Sec'y-Attention Merchants. C T, Stokes - For 8ale. B. H Masaenburg?For Sale. R. P. Taylor?The Mutual Life In urancp (Jo. J. M. Allen?Notice to Teachers. Mi*. Fannie Webb?For Sale or Rent. C. S. Williams?Land Sale. A. S. Joy net - Locate. > W. H. Huffln?For Sale. L1 Gllic Hagwood?Announcement. 1 W P- O. Box 156?Wanted. tair drops." ?Tuesday is eleotion day, be sure and vote. . , ?Tuesday is eleotion day?get \ out early and vote, _ ?Friday night, November 11th, at the court bouse. ?Don't forget Friday night, November lltb at the court house. ?Don't lose interest but go out and cast your vote whether it is needed or not. ?You are a part of this government and it ia your duty to attend the elections and cast your vote. ?The men who sees his duty and K P. lAVLOK^/ REME RcxalKChi GUAhfi TO BREAK V Rexttll WineofCoa for/that cf , Everything in Rexa / Guai The/ Scoggin i / THE REi / , *************** < ... 7 . ' . . ' v llfeM fclSMMfe - ! ?*' ?** ?" ' . . I ' l \ uume w ttti uio jiuiuuodo mm say that tie can do better at some otbc r plane than it home. It is alway* to t>e preen med that a man who ii ranking large oafh pnrohaaea onn drive a'clbeer bargain- than ono who makes purohaaua on time. We do not l>eUy? there u a town . dots it, is the man that is needed always and everywhere. ?Hon. F. S. Spfuill addresses the people of Louigburg township tomorrow. Come oat and bear him. ?If yon hare any pnblio spirit at all about you be sure and be preseat at the court house on Friday night, November 11th. ?It is not the cloth that makes the man, bat rather the ' paper that he reads?and pays for. Your Subscription may be dne. ?Dr. Joel Whitaker, of Raleigh, will be in Lonisbnrg on next Monday. Those wishing to see him will find him at Dr. A. H. Flemings offioe. ?The LouUbarg Chamber of Commerce will be reorganized on Friday night, November, 11th, at the court house, you are e?peoial!y invited to attend. l ?For a few minutes last Saturday r bad a ret nlar snow storm. This is the first snow fall in Ootober in many years and the weather has registered colder for Qptober than in a number years. ?The hats for ladies come high this fall but most honest and bardworking husbands are under the impression that their wives' hats always came rather high, even when they were low. . i ?The "Barbeoue" given by Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Justice in honor of Mrs. Tyler Biggs Wheeler en last Thursday October -27tb, was very muoh enjoyed by those who were so fortunate as to be present. ?Let the men folks put their hats and coats on hooks and their , . boots, and shoes in place, and not leave thrm for the women to pick up. Nor bring in tools or rubbish for them tu carry out. They have enough-work in diy-don't raakj them anv more. i ' ?Hobbla skirts are not handsome, comfortable, or attractive except as an object of ridicule. Editors are compelled by virtus of their office to denounoe this oraxy fashion. The fact that Paris places the blame for this foolish and eccentrio style on America and in turn Amerioa declares her innocenoe of suoh a blander in aesthetic seems to show that Lame Fashion is completely dismasted and ashamed with her degenerated offspring. No wonder. The idea of the hobble skirt must have originated while Dame Fashion was in a night mare and finally evolved while she was suffering with indigestion K ?The man tkho runs a store ao" "^Kunt several 'months buying in small quantities, should never go -?- ? awty from therefore that accommodated him. in case he should have $20 or to speed, and them oeme \ l -I. hi. LMAmk anywhere in tlie Suite where good; are eold on aniaiUr margin tban ii oar little city. ?Tlid newspaper man ia b.amet for a whole lot of .tilings he can' help, each as using partiality ii mentioning visitors, giving uewi about some folks and leaving other out, etc. He simply prints all thi news he can find. Some people in form him about eucb things/and oth [era do not. An editor should not b< expected to kngw the names an< residences of all your uncles, annt and oenains, even if he should ae< them get op or off the train. Tel us about. H. It's news that make the newspaper, and every man, wo man'end child can be associate edi tor. if they only will. Never apolo gize when you give this bit of infpr mation to an editor, for if then lives one so dead that he has lost hi appreciation of snob favors he i dead, indeed, to every virtue the imparts value to paper. The A. 8. Joyner property in Frank linton on Henderson Gftod road in fron of WariMi Alston, will lie sold to polo: ed peom attaucticm November 10th 10:80 ja Very kasy teroM Frio moVeyiand oliejfaluahtej?fite glve^awa^yjsale V P?Et? * ' "'(T " " 1,1 J iw^^Dcr iuii Cotncall yoiXcolo^fl ptopie to th auction sale offlovjrer property Frani liuton, NovembeurlOth, at 1030 o'cloc Yeur price ia our price. Easy terms. HARTS . LOUISB 4 October 28th-?Prices reached Warehouse this week, all jmi 1 es ft now selling higher than at aay pre advice is 'o market your tobaoco ai better time to sell than when price ing you to pay a lot of .drummers oi to persuade you to sell it where of business will guarantee to put ii for your tobacco than any other w ity considered. Get you a piece r count up how many tnep have bee to persuade you to carry your tobn your tobaoco at home, what does tj up, and they think perhaps you / ber this, that J. R. Collie at Hart/ you better. / TRY THIS HOUSE J. R. COLLIE, .u ' 1ST , In Each Issue of The Frankli of latere The Mutual uf/ NEW/ l I invite inquiries regarding the Mew S Mutual Life with the ossuralic/liat prompt, careful and confidenUfcl atten ?- -tt* ;'-7W" ; 5 .' '' : ' ? S3'',\~, ' !>* ," > : /.?}%. Si-' ,' -1. '.. ? MB) MMMMMMMm M i n - ~ 1 '- /* b - Colored people ere becoming land owner*. Uet in the boat to be a better cltiiena by owning property, auction eale NoeembylTTHL 181<y Jsiyner, property ' vit^TX'SrthKuKTof valuable l propery ' JIiuerto" ' The colored wwmVo^hqjjUTattend the B auction sdtaof pen Wt, Franklinton. . N C., Not/^bttalrtOiSO o'clock. Free presents?Bamrtoneert?tree money. j lolt^ALB I will sell to the Highest bidder next > Monday, it being thABVst Monday, on l' the court liouie aquaJc a fine piano. 9 B. B. M^a^NBURQ, Atty. Leap* tholiflc 'see^Ny^eat, the best on the market. /V - . / C>^. ST0KE8 WANtCBD?A \Jh to tak^yer a good paying^uainess seUjrlg newspapers. Address 150, Louiaburir, s " XjjJJOUNCEMENT I hcrebv^fcrwkinijsrnyjelf a candidate * for conitki)le\n BiarTSe township to be ^ voted fof i? Vjl o*gl'l*s election-on November 8tHT / V JrV ,t J yflJB'gAGWOOD. NOTICE-TO'^EACH ERS. m The School CommMtee, of Louisburg township Will meet W Itouisb'urg on > Saturday November, Sty for tile purt pose of electing teachJty for the several schools in said township All teachers w nmiimg w o^i'ij uiuduw bu 111 hi 11.11 ik and send Certificate ti the undersigned . _ on or before that dale. \ & ?\4?ar% W. H./FuRoOhtsoN, J. MJ&llen, \ '> / Committee. - for sailor r^h't. ? ? A good 3 horse fartc iiJ Cedar Rock [* township. \ / k Mrs. FA{?ieWebb. MadUville, N. C. AREH61JSE Wrg. n. c. / hiVh water mark for tobacco at Harts omyhe lowest up to the highest are vinife tirnre for a .umber of years. Out ' l fast a Vy iu can, a? there is never a s areWgh. I am not paying, or askto telflfyou where to sell Vour tobacco, , vou/V> not want to, but as a matter aorafdallars and cents in your pooke arefionaeman in North Carolina?qual >f Aanerund pencil and sea if you oan tyto s e Vou for the past week, trying ^co to. tflhni an 1 if not trying to *bn y his tnsan?\ Just this, tobaoco has gone re not wisAto the fact. Just ren-eraWarelioaseWits it higher and treats MAN AND BE CONVINCED Louisburg, N. C. in Times I WKl Have Something st Regard^ffg Insurance Company N(ORK Standard Ahoua' Dividend Policies of The any businessSentrusted to me will have tion. fNATL Loihsburg, N. C. :mbeb ill /breakers is/ dsiTEED % THOSE CHILLS Liver Extract is good' i - - ' ?t v-J /< v. | \ronic cough; tlXGoodh is Absolutely ranteed Drug Company SCALL STORE ? -J ! "!' LL J^JJL _ . | Years of I \ . ^,. i . A ... prudent management, strict attention tb th? X entrusted to ub, trap ret J Officials and Directore 5 The Material Welft ^ And in the up-building of our town and <J>ni Why Not Identify u Take advantage of the conveniences, tin* 1 V money and the transact | FIRST/ NAT / LOUISB X UNDER SUPERVISION V A A A A A A A > S g ^ ^ s ~ ^ szs. ^ zsz I / I PERFI | Smokeless i \ ? l?f "J UKt the thinfr for the bath room, /Co save vou one third your coal bill/ HeS I L- /PT ON THE CORNER PHC J I E BUY j}.:.hEA I \N( f/e have on hand a fall aupplAof air 1 I We will sell chekp* | MCKIWNE 15! ~ r ^ Hard Work | x d . * - *' > care and absolute safeguarding of the funds i il and helpful interesytne " Have AJatfays Taken in tre oi/Owr Customers - "X rSros'6 ^sponsible for the prestige this A ?oqr$elf With Us Now acilities afforded for the protection of your ?-?? don.of your business affairs IIONAL BANK | urg. n. c * loF U. S. GOVERNMENT X ! ??1 | rrTIHM I T |)il/Heaters 1 . lea Celebrated Hot Blast Heaters, will soon v iter? from $1.50 up. Cock Stoves and ian HICKS, ! INE42 LOUISBURG, IM.^C. . I .; ; x | IjlSSaSSBSiliSSiHBHAA'iijMi * 1 1 YOUR ?? f >/. " i kinds of, heaters, stoves and rangss whichfor cash or on time- Z {OTHERS CO. I fa North Carolina || # t . ? , v

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