THE HOME Cll 15IM8anrE?Bning Rm Gated to Tired Mo the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHT8 rfcOI Tbe sweetest and dearest interests of lite olnster around our homes. Homes should be the oenter of our love, the Mecca of ell our journeys, the goal of all our endeavors. . When home is lost, all is lost. -> children's eye's., Allow us to say a few words jn regard to the children's eyes. Yeais ago, when the ohildren studied their lessons from their books we did not hear very much about their eye giving out. Let us cousult our blackboards and see what they can tell us about the world-wide subject. Parents and guardians all over this broad land, how many hours through the day are your little children sitting in school staring at a blackboard, upon which are placed k. s? -u 1 -M ? wf vuo loauncr iuubi ol iq8 i688od8 for the day, many times the lines being ao fine and* pale they could not be easily read more than halt or two-thirds the way across the room, but the children are required to see them all the way across and from the remotest corners. Many of the children when first looking^ at the board do not see much of anything but bv looking very sharp for a few seconds the lines reveal themselves. This, my friend, means strained eyes and strained eyes means weakened or diseased optic nerves, possibly no eyes at all. all depending upon the severity ot the strain. Even when the work is quite distinct, for children who have naturally weak eyes the distance many times is sb great that the air waves coming between the poor, tired eyes and the board cause the lines to waver and -flicker, and especially is this the esse when the light ia poor and the ventilation bad. Anything put od the board tor children to see, whether old or young, should have large proportions and broad, clear lines throughout, so no extra efforts will have to be made to disoover it There ie a great difference in eyes; one child will readily see what another could not without the fatal strain. f ' little friendly advice. There are reveral "doD'ta* which should be obeerved whenever two or more women are gathered together, bat which, alas, are frequently, disregarded. For instance, don't aay to a friend "How stout you are grow lDg." No lady likea to be told that abe is growing or haa grown atom. If it ia a faot abe is doubtless quite well aware of it and anxiona to keep others from discovering it. Don't say "How well yon are looking" it is better to make no remark on tho personal appearance of your friend. Don't tell a friend who haa a particularly becoming gown or bonnet that abe looks ten years younger in that than in anything yon hare ever aeen her wear. Don't tell ner, either, that it is the most becoming thing yoit have ever seen her wear. This is an impeachment of her taste here tofore, though you probably have no auch thought. s ? OUR DUTT TO TBI LIVWO. How often we see the living slighted add neglected, through a long, hard life Devsr cheered by one word of praise or one caress, and when they be still and silent, no longer bearing or beading, the* the words, catenae* and tears are not stinted, whioh during life would bars' bean welcome, helping over ?many rough plaoes. People kiss the dead who never kiss the living. They hover over open colli he with hysterical sobe^but fail to throw thelP.arme about their loved one* who W fighting the stern battles of life. A word of cheer to the living, to a straggling sbul in life -is worth ell the rosea of Christendom piled high o* . casket covers Tho deed can notqmell the flowers, "N. ; v* \.. / * .! '; '^? 'TT Vi "" " - * RCLE COLUMN. Hies?R-GoltJmn Qedithers as They Join at Evening Tide # THE EDITOBIAL PEN bat the living can. Scatter them broadcast in their pathway, therefore and piok out the thorna before it )( | too late. When it ia te<> late how many UU' (availing regrets it would save ua tc | know that while they were with ui ( we had loved them well, and did not ! fail to let them kuow how very deai | they were to as. ! "It isn't the thing you do, dear; It'a the thing you've left undone, j Which gives you a bit of heart ache At the setting of the sun; The tender word forgotten, The letter you did not write, The flowers you might haye sent dear, Are your haunting ghost tonight" eve HSALTH GRAMS. Closed windows are open avenues to consumption. Strong drink makes weak men. Your lungs can't be washed but they can be aired. Filth for flies and flies for fever When you don't know what to eat ?eat nothing. Dry-dusting moves dust; itdoea'nt iieiuuve iu So-called cheat protectors are targets for coids and coaghs. Breathe freely and fully; the more you expand your chest the less you will contract colds. A fat man is usually a cheerful man. He was cheerful before he was tat. (A bint to thin men.) Floods of sunshine in the home may fade carpets, but it puts the bloom of health upon your cheeks. Take your choice. ? * Inhere are few, if any, in whom we cannot find something to esteem if we search for it; but we often allow their wrong-doing to form so thick a cloud oxer their whole nature that all the bright spots are hidden from our view. If we had more of that charity which helieveth all things and hopetb all things we should be quicker to detect the good, slower to mark the evil, anxious to bring out and develop the former and glad to cast the mantle of silence i over the latter. L-JUST IN TIME. 1 Some Louisburg people May Wlait Till It's Too Late. j Doixt wait until tab late. Be aare to be in tine. J nit In time with kidney ilia Mean* curing the back Before backache/becomea chronic; Beforetaerioua iwinary trouble! eet Doen'a Widnsy/pillnwill do this. Here is testimdny to prove it. J. K. Upchorch, 205 S. Main Street, Raleigh J N. C., Bays: "I do not beeitate to abeak highly of Doan'a Kidney Filial ai there ia no doubt in my mind as Lm their being a reliable remedy for kidney trouble. My kidney* were disordered tor a long time and the eecrdlona from these organs caused me Considerable annoyance by their irrasulsrity dn passage. I also had dul pans across my loins. Upon learning of Doan'e Kidney Pills, I procured, a box and began thsir use. Thed regulated the passages of ti * kidney aecrstiona and disposed i t the backache." For aa i by all dealers. Price 50 eenta. F ister Milium Co., Buffalo, New Y rk, sole ' agents lor tbe United I tate*. \ Rami ober the ^ame^Uoan's? and tak no othy ^ notify a 1 pexsotUiariog claims against his sets s to praent them to the undersign d on or Before the lOtit day of Septem er 1911, \ thia notice will be plead Mbaror1 i?r recorery- All peraoos owing asld eihate will make idEr.Woaa Fttujnt, \ Administrator. ' ^ * j W. L. Mc(iH6?jrS?rTeceivinK .sr^new stock of KUtxijl J\kn brirf store, corner Front jHWyttlllabo/r Btreets, Fr?nkHnton\?jp.^X^^ I o*n put on\*wonss while you wait. All kindsSfBuggv repairing; the very beet. % Ka years experience 1 mat ing and rop/riiV buggies. Shop next to jail. I \ IH. \ TAYLOR. ; Price List Scrap Iron, any. W|n(y 23 cents cash or 30 cents in tiaagy per ?i00 pounds, . Bones 25 cents per ldf pounds, Brass 0 cents per pound; CAier 8 cents per ' pound; Rubber 4 ceftsy-er pound; Lead 1 2 cents per pound; Zinc \ cent per pound; Beeswax 20 cents/ pe Apound: Green Cow Hides 4 centssrer pjund; Wool 17 . cents per pound ?pd up. y I *|. SPIRE. FOR SALE. 1 On Friday, November 5l1r ai il o'olock, a. in., at the oldrTom 1) via place near Alargarct. y will sell t> the highest bidder the/follow in ai tides: One horse,- bistgy and ha. , ness, one two-horse/Iragon, "ir" schucks, and peas, h Jy ud all r :i , ing implements. I \ / R R^?b i:v READ THI^ NOTICE The books and accounts ot F.N. i R. Z- Egerton will be found at R. Z. E:y 1. ton new store tn toe Carlyle bun li us AH the accoonu\dpe the firm must tc settled this fall.Y Call around if v :u owe anything aiySettle Don't p. t itoff, as all accodhts\not paid prom l\ aril) be put out/for collection F" N. Eyirton oajt Z. Egertt / NOTICE yHaving this day, qualified as administratrix of L. S. Altord/deceased, this is to notify all persons/holding claims against his estate to pMrnt them to me on or hf fnrfl nctnLor v'h ion ? il-; V?<WWM ?VU, 1911 U1 WIS notice will be plead iiyoln: of their recovery. All persons JoWbk said estate will please make immediate payment This October 24th, 19(0. \ MRS SUE P. ALFORDV Admx. Biekett & White, Atfy's. ? NOTICE. Having qualified a$ administrator, C. T. A. of the estate of Joseph W. Fuller, deceased, late of Fianklin County, I he ehy Notify all persons holding claims ajmiist said estate to present them to (Ms undersigned en or before the 23rd day of September, 1911 or this notice will J\e plead in bar of their recovery. All Wrsons owing his estate will come / forward and make immediate settlement.\This 23rd day of Septembervl9|0. \ JTH. FciXer, admr. W. a. Yarhoronm. Jr., aky. I ? For Sale at A action. On iMondsy, November 21st, nt the court hooee door in Warrenton, N. 0., I will BeV at miction 238 acres of good farmingyland in Fishing creek township. ^Uiis tract of land baa all necessary ^residences and outhouses and is a| splendid farm. Terms of sale one-mirXcash, balance in equal payments of i\e and two years each with imerest nmin day of sale. This Ootoeer 26th, TOIO. J. C. Pkabce. Notice to Teachers. The School C^ommittyh of Ftanklinton township yill msLt at Frknklinton on Friday,\ November 5th, 1910, for tlie purposw of electing teachers for the vanode schools ih said township. All Uachers wishing to apply will nmke same in writing logether witOMrtificate and hand or mail to the I secretary be. ' fore said date. I \ B. W. BALSARD^Bec'y. Fra Jlinto?^ NrC. Announcement I wish to announce to the people ho Louisburg akd vice/ntv that I ] fave secured spaoe in (J. T. Stolier, j store on Main stredt and will conduct i an up to dale jewelry inn watch repair business on and\ifter October 1st. Any work left att Ms store before that time will he calletl flu-, fix ed and returned to him pro/iptl*. Watch for my advertisement/in futhre issue. G Li W HiTynmn. /" ? } ! LOUISBURG COLEGE \ North Carolina A school for Jirts ud young women ferned tjy the North Car- I oiina fconfeamee. ft otter* ' healthful! condition*. A happy J, home. Ckrlaaan influence*. A liberal ennri. a thorough education at moderate coat. Special J earegiven Wyounger girl#. |] Preparatory Department^ Col (exalte Department, With TWrteen Schools I ' , NprthattDepartment 'For foi Information, addreea I Pt?. M. V. AL'.EN, LOI'ISt URU, V *. Carolina i i if *. ISfc i <>.<. ? -. J52 ___ ? ' '' * J ! ' ' V ' > /> . yf-ifr. . ' R7WT , . ' SE1F ^HE Kr SEE! COtAI WHAT ( ?fai*NT \9*+ kTal Mm CAN ANYTHING ,5ER\E BETTER OPINION OF \ GOOD .SMOOTH UNDER* BUT YOUR.SELF, BUT C 1 Vnll ADC l.MTU A*iva -myil ' w v y~\rvfc- W H II MIX I YOU LIKE To KEEP T DRE.S.SED MAN? WE TERM-5 WITH YOVKS price^: .suit.s ori |1.50AND|i. UNDffI WHYYEJ. BOY6 -SUl/r 75C AND $ 1. IFYOli\ COLD WINTER TRY/fi< HAVE A FULL LINE f/oP CHILDREN. ' , I -LADIES SWEATER J FR TO $3. BOY,5 50C JO $ $ 1.50, YOU KNOW Y MONEY BETTER THAN' K. W. BIG A mm Home Coming D4} Tuesday, IMoverj for horses, males, wagons, baggies, sarriee, harness] lublio auction. This will be a but sale 110 000 wor lot finish on the 22nd will continue sale from day to ... say/ I boh tail dog oan't walk a log, because n has lost iw< h me and don't pay, because he will live lost hil luf"n hot hereafter I am going to call turn rqtfseee nil edema as painfat to some as aqueeamg a boil, am ull a watermelon when die earl dies, /nd I figure nrion, needs pulling, and I find /the curl d< ini.l notes are aecored by lows, hogs/ horses, mules, i -d sell same November 22. Sale commences at 10 our cousin and your old uncle wbo/wears home rosi )ipe, and has his wife to cut bis har, he has the go k.7 p. I Some hoend dogs, 2 gi Sr ' " I I - \ ' *?~-. iti"'ii I'tifciifi ..> . 3 ; .. REJOLVED, ~ r a man 5hould always A C J iD OPINION or IHM [| r, which he gains by what i iow5 of himself others heout5ide.but the -ort he gets comes from ' is next 10 himBujjg^gRoWN/. * c*>/*? . ( Tq MAKE YOU HAVE A I oUBLSELr THAN WEARING WHrAR FROM EVERYBODY II hq YOU EVER THINK THAT OTHER MAN, AND DON'T II Hfr^oMPANY-OF A WELL /IAN PUT YOU ON GOOD |ELR FOR THE FOLLOWING '7 XI r\P15 1,7^ A T* ?-TN ? - - " j iii/ikrv w LMIV r OR? / DC, ^ 1 ; III LWEAR FOR LITTLE 60Y-S? Ill OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50C III vfANTASoMETHING FOR THE OOD SWEATER COAT.S. I L LADIDS, MEN,. &OY.S AND .C?M soc\o $5. MEN.S 50C 2.50. CmLDREN.S 25C-TO III. OU CANNOT .SPEND TOUR III TO BUY A .SWEATER COAT |1| SVHELE8S I lNnual * .BE SALE T in Louisburg, N. C. libe/ 22nd, 1910 I oowfe, orens, hogs, household and kitchen furniture, do ih Jl personal property at the high dollar for oaah, if I Idtry 'until all stoek is sold, and I hare tne eash. | BOYS hfe oalance, a bobtail farmer oan't farm next fear if be i Siller at the sale. Auction sales used to be called Vanarid pull, because paying for buggies and harness in the i ds to pulling, 1 have alwavs heard the old folks say you t little pass doe ohattle mortgagee is like a rips water;ad on a great many little noteerf , hold, and biggies, etc. I am going to pnll all the above property :40Jand continues all day ram or shine. Come and tell la londerolpthes, made out of flour sacks, smokes bis oua I want and if he will come he will double his dough ^ I fh1_L ins,'in organ. Come soon. V;',. i<\ Kit- 'i-4-litS'.' "

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