m V "'i. r ' ' -ftSSgS - ' LZ' lt' . :vL?rL*? r . . ' ?.' ., J Professional Card i J^K. ARTHUR UVNES FLEMING, burgeon Dentist, In F*r<iBu tiding* Main and Nash street, UuursTe'to 4:80. Phone Nf. 40. jJH. H. ij.NEffELL, X .PHYBICi AN I EouUburg.>\ C. Phone No. jLB6 ^ pltANKLfNTON HOTEL' : Franklinton. N. <?. I H. A Sptjed, Proprietor. I Good Lirerv in connectipn / JJIt. C hL BANKB ^DENTAL BURGEON / j Lcmsbnrg, N. C. Office in Hicks Building, Muin Streets. *_ I 1 p H. COOKE I f ATTORNEY-AT-LA W J Xioatsbarg, N. C." ; Ofer Cooper A Pleaaant# Stora. Prompt Attention glten all legal business entrusted to me i ?JR. Jt\ E. MALONK PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Lonisburg, N. Offl e in refir of Buasler-Alston Drag Store. lx JJR. S. I BURT * :j " f" PHTO1CUN and SCROEON - v^JU'HPUtH- ??: Office over Y. 8. A K. K. Allen's Store ^?'?t r ?JR R. F. lYARBORqDGH PHTSl \A.N and '86 RQEON. Lonielmrg, N. C. . <Offlc?> In Yarboroagh A Bickett building. Night calls answered f.'om T. W. Bicketrs resilience, phone 74. f. ' . ,y; B. MAHSKNBURG p ATTORNEY AT LA .f 8 Loalibm-i, N. C. Will practice ia all the courts ot the State f; Office in Hcerton Build ins: HAYWOOD BCFFIN ATTOftVBY AT LAW Lo"iebnrg, N. C 'Will prunicelu all courts bl Franklin and adjoining counties also in the Supreme 'Courr ami in the United States District and Circuit Court. Offir.? over .First National Bank. T B. WILD (SB V u: ATTORNYY AT LAW Lonisburg, N. CP" OtH-v on Main street in Cooper building. * gPRtJILL A HuLDEN * ... . A"JOaXBt?ATLAW 1 Lonishurg, N. C. "Will attend the courts j' Ff itiklin, Vance, Granville, Warn, ai d W^kM counties, also the Supreme Couit f| .orth Carolina Prompt attfenti >n given to colleetiomi Hian Spruill building. \ T. W. Bickett. V R. B. White Louisburf, X.,C. Franklin ton. V. glCKBTT A WHITE ^ LAWYERS \ < , Lonisburg. N (i. The settlement o? estates for eseoutore. Ad* mini'trat.ors and Guardians is pads a npec* dalty.au' sebonds required bv lalv?"nbe eecured in oe office. Office in Yarborough A Hick All liuflding 84 Main street \ ^ * W"j.M. PERSON \ I ^ ATTORNEY AT LA .V \ I Lonisburg. If C \ J ^ Yractlv jn all courts. Offifee on Main ^Street t( Al. YAR^OROUOnjjr. I ATTORNEY AT LAW " \ | /Louisburg. fl. C. AIUeg.Ai?uAlnens intr.Mt" I mi receive n'omnt attention, nfll-l- in Egelton Building , 1 . ? J? F HOD' K I I t??' ? JMI.NWU'miil mi'l V! ? N. y?. V Triwlioir "HCnMtir ?*ll lci?:-*a? of building ?"np\ plie?. artistic M*ntb*nnd Tfl??n. ArebiUcl tural df-ign* ho > nttt?'l DR FORD 1| DENTIST. I Krnnkliuton. N. 0;, Why does Great Bridaa bay < Wk ' * its oatme?l o' ua?^ ooal? J I Tt?r ihe QnakerTolt* Company sends hundreds of thoumnds p cam of Quaker Oati to (JreatySritian and I The reason Is riaiQK; while the I English and Scotch tape for centuries eaten oatmeal in quajpties and with a regularity that has made them the moat rugged phyaUUV. and active mentally of allpeodle, Vie AmeriOm p. I has been eating oatmeal kid trying all ? I the time to .imptyve thA methods of . mannfactunMothg^be mint get that be seen at a glJge^at t^^a^ort^re without a rlnif b packed liXregmlar pack a k e.s, ^r^n^ermaticalJy^ aealed ' ^HbAw1' j,*,..- -?. r. . r *'-T - ' That Col on t wlnt v has i (' rest i whei temp temp Thai met! troul l'im ^ \ ' which can be kept at full ok Ic Pour quarts of on will giv without amokp or smell. \ An Indicator always show Filler-cap does not /crew jon; b and is attached byA chain and c An automafle-lockliig wick from belnaf turned high i remove and drop back so that The bonier boBy or gallery oanno la an Instant for r/wieklng. Finished made, built for service, ana yet light ai - _jStandard C Mow Locatec a Hollingswortb Furniture Stor^ eople of Louisburg and Franklin ' tandard watch caaes and movemei oode and optical goods. Being a jatian to fitting eye glasses and si ion free. / JOHTv THE JEWELER fomnlc JUIlipi\ X hav'ejust received 2 lines foil buy them at Wholesale Co THE BAR< W. BY LOUI9(Bl sale: an I have decided to run again a SaleJ srve the public with First Cl^ss Teai /ill be ((lad to havo.a liberal share yf \ ?ams and polite and accommodates c R/F F FALL C / AT Racket MONDAY ai 5EPTEMBEF Everybody is Esi Call and PATTEfR R.E-5-5 dOOD-S, JLLK^, ( DREiS-S TJ. IMMFN< MR^S. J ? V > " . f' * "J," . Id Room I he side of thfbouse where' , er blasts strike hardest always i lower'temperature than toe pf the housfc. There are times 1 it is ty&essary to raise the' T icraturarxpilckly or to keep the teratuMiup for s long period y : can/be done by the regular iod/)f heating without great plerand Dverheating the rest of bouse. The only reliable rod of heating such a room ? t by other means is to use a ic >?rfection SlHOKHJM 0 Ibsolattfy smokeless and odorless a ?w heat for a short or lone dine; " e a glowing heat for nine hours, * b the amount pf oil in the font. ut is put in like a cork in a bottle, ? :annot get lost. ; w frame spreader prevents the e snottgh to smoke, and is easy to a It can be cleaned in an Instant. ci t become wedged, and can be unscrewed b, in |apart or nickel, strong, durable, well- u id ornamental. Has a cool handle. gl /ours, writtj /kr dtseriptiv* circular Y HI Company aB ti ii ti I Permanentlys vhodI will be pleased to supply the 41 Coanty with the latest creations in * iV diamonds, fine jewelry, novelty jfArdaate Optician I give special at- jj fecracles. Examination and consnlta- ? l^ON | ANp OPTICIAN ? > Shoes | of yryuimers Sample Shoes. I st.yDon't buy until you see them. n j/lV STORE o COO K E ; JRG, N- C. 3 ?~ D LIVERY I o tpJvery Stable and am]prepared to Y /; wK At mes s f \ 1 \ a :atronafle and guarantee satisfaction. Safe n Iriyere. >.? js ULLER\ " .. o i "n PENING \ e /, ? - Store ^ idVrUESDAY" t Ve AND 27 * j/ecially Invited to jj See Our 2 !N HATS Z :oAT,5 \uiTJ - CLOAK J. Hl 3, EMBR.blDETUE.Sv Z > COLLARS. _ . * M WALL I ~U' - : SUNDAY SCHOOL, esson VI.?Fourth Quarter, For Noy^ 1910. he international series. oxt of the Lesson. Matt, xxvi, 17-30. Memory Verses, 26-28?Golden Text. Luke xxii, 19 ? Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This lesson, entitled 'The Last Super." Is recorded by Murk and Luke s well as by Mathew. und there is a >ng portion recorded by John only lhapters xtil to xvll. Inclusive). It Is asy to read It. How often we have one so. but who can understand it? >nly by the Spirit can we In uny ineas re grasp a little of Its significance, lay each one of us have a special nolutlng to read, to write, to mediite,-to teach, and may the Spirit have all control of us. that Jesus Christ lay be glorified. Luke says that ent Peter and John, saying. "Gd ajjd, , reparo us the Passover, that we n?$y at" Then they asked Him, "Where ilt thou that we prepare?" To which [e replied that they were to follow a mn whom they would meet, in the Ity bearing a pitcher of water, and y him they would find the furnished pper room. They found as He had ild and made ready the Passover. 71th the -Where wilt thou?" of this ttson I have In tnlnd the "What wilt louT* Officials. 6. wjth Prov. Ill, 5, 6. d Its "Trust?lean not?acknowledge He atatt direct."?We cannot learnie way of peace lind His guidance i nil nn:!l we liuve learned hat we of ourselves know nothing nd can do nothing. Then see what Imple, ordinary things He uses?a ion. a pitcher of water und. away ack In the story, a shepherd's rod.,a ream many a time, a barley cake, he dew. a vine, a ficr tree- u pnnw worm, a ben and chickens, sparrows, very thing? If there seems to be tiely In guidance He Is saying, "My me Is not yet." but In due time He rill say. "My time Is at band." When evening came He sat down rlth the twelve and spake of His great esire for tSls time, but tbat He would ever again eat the Passover with hem nor drink of* the fruit of the Ine till the kingdom of God should ome (Luke xxii. 15-18). thus polnti^dj o a future fulfillment of the Passo^^f hen the deliverance of Israel f^| 11 nations would so far exceed ellverance from Egypt y*at tbc^^K verance under Moses Wf tld uot^^Hi forth mentioning in ccf .pariuoj^^^r. xiii. 7. 8?. Then folywed. beween yerses 20 and 2* of ouiflfcsson. he: washing "of iLcIrfVeet^with its reat lesson of humility. ^Kose who hink that He taught JonMRiteral foot fashing should consiclejMPis words to 'eter, "If 1 wash thou hast o part with me" (UKi xiii, 8). He cashed the feet of^Kdus as well as f the others. yet^Kdns had no part ritb Him, and I^ffaid concerning him, It had been gmd for tbat man if be md not been bJkn" (verse 24?. If the ricked are ta/be annihilated, as some each, there ft no force In this saying f Jesus/. Spine time during the feast esus luxated Judas as His betrayr by dipping a sop and handing it to dm. Satan having then entered into udas,/Jesus said to him, "That thou oestyao quickly," and he went out 1mipdrately, and it was night (John xiii, 6-96). It has been night with blm rer since, and there Is uo morning for im (Iso. vlll. 20. R. V.). The Passover being ended and Judas aving gone out to do his devilish fork, our Lord took bread, blessed, rake and gave to the disciples and aid. "Take, eat; this is My body." "hen He took the cup and gave thanks nd gave It to them, saying, "Drink ye 11 of it, for this is My blood of tbe Jew Testament,. which is shed for lany for the remission of sins." Then le added u word about not drinklug henceforth till the kingdom comes D"-1 ?? * , -w-wi. & am iu uis statement f this says that Jesus added both ia oferonce to the bread and the wine, rhls do In remembrance of Me." and e added, "For as often as ye eat tbl< read and drink tills cup ye do show le Lord's death till He come" (I Cor. i, 23-20). Those who teach that Lie ave them His actual body ami blood > eat and drink should explain how lis could be while He sat there anions iem. Rather let us accept flis own spin nation in John vi. 47. M. that itlng His flesh and drinking Flis blood i Just believing in Him, for everlastlg life Is the result In ea . case, and lore are not two ways of obtaining lis life. What we eat we receive Into 8 and assimilate It. and it becomes irt of our body. As we cat His words, hlch are spirit and life, we eat Him>lf. audrF!e dwells In us (John vl. (13: sr. rv. 10). We cannot begin to consider In so lief a lesson all the words and events P that evening, but between verses 29 ad 30 of our lesson we must think of ia whole of John xlv and with verse I of that chapter compare verse 30 of ir lesson, remembering that John xlv preceded by Peter's assurance of ladlnes* to die with Jesus. How Httla e know ourselves! IIow well He :iows us! And yet with nil our vain tasting hear His "Let not your heart ? troubled." as if He said: ""You will id out what I. know already, but do )t think of yourself or be discouraged. ^Lfter xerse 30 of our h ssoo we must' link of the whole of John x^. xvl and rll. Then In verso 31 hear His quo^H in from Zech kill. 7. and let the rord of that verse point you back to o sword of (len. 111. *24. which must id a sacrifice, the-antitype of A bell* my. If man would approach God. V * >1 mi?t3lsf Laid 20 years ago arybs food as n* repairs. Think of it I What other roofln^vill last at long They're fireprpdf, atormprotf, and >r They can bpHaid right over Wood st ating dirt o^nconvenience. I For pri^3 and other detailed inforn / M. f. HOUCK, L H Bi? Hedacti When I say reduction I mean Vedu store with big signs and misleariinglcaK do this with the prices I give you on tl I have unintenticm my dt For the fall trade and I have got to sV oall at my store and you will find then) oome in and let me show you whajA c< Remember I nmst proportion 01 And tl)is will be done witifout any regai are of the very highest ip both style a Come to see me and leg me show you. AARON DEITZ, Li School We have a f ill line ol 4 sale cheap. MA^nice li and tablets for the c a call before jou get Fancy \ G We carry a full and e fresh and fancy rrocu your order promnt jlni tion. tiive us.a wial GEORGE "A For TOMBSTONES, tpl FENCING Write to Suffolk Marbl/Wdrl Watch You pay out your mc the best. Take Ins pany -that pa /s an THE MUMA LIFE INSURaW / of NEWARK Has/^mssed the ex] /SAMUEL J. PAR W? Hare Just The . T * -? y * - i) j | I * P" < ' 'vsj '-' ' " '' \ I ' ouisburg, N.C. on ii) Prices ^ / ' ' .'V ction and I anynct decorating my la to catch yunr eye, I propose to ie goodB yog want to buy. , ally' overstocked 7% - . /a grealtportion of it so that I \ ant bargafins that are real bargains L If yon buy somewhere else then fa on tne same articles the larger stock All of these goods new and np-to-date. urg N. C. Books ! school books for ine ofjstatiqjrarv hildren. Give us your suprfy. roceries omplete line of ries and will give 1 personal attenand let us serve COOPER gZNTSi IBING and IRON is. - Suffolk, Va. his Ad * mey, why not get iurance in a comnnalfdividends L BENEFIT r - - ^ : IE COMPANY L N. J. T > , oerimental stag^f ^

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