frav v** s<5-. ' N?rth Carolina and the Negro. ] Dr^Vashington bus just complets rrf tin tour ill the suvmith Sftw lis, has visited on his investigation of *he condition, and progress of the negro people of the South. This is j . Noath Carolina, and he finds that a there his race has attained in some * respecta, the highest degree of eontentinent, prosperity, snd eoitcable relations with the whites of any in I the Southern States. His report of J <; Conditions there Indioatea that the c |< j^^egroes are making substantial pro- ? - gross in industry, education, and the J professions and that they are reoeiv- 0 ing to that end great help from influential whites. During the meetings on his tour ( 3*-- Dr. Washington was often introduc-1 j e"d bv the mayor of the city, and I "^Ihis official not infrequently referred j * iu praise to the industry, sobriety, c '< and law-abiding eharacter of the t black raoe. In several instances * a ft prominent white men and women g V aided in the entertainment of the B visitor, and at no dlaoe was hostility * to his presence shown. In a number j( of towns the proprietors -ot lorge in- tl dustries hate exhibited a commendi- T W? spirit in (tiding in the education ?os the ne?roeg. They have assisted u at the establishment ot aolmolu on J 1( have given hospitals and cburoli ^ buildings to the black*. It is good to p see North Carolina taking the lead in this movgpseut,?Fram the Chicago Tribune. j ? t i" HIDDEN DANGERS. Ol b Nature Gives Timely Warn- p "> / % .2 ings That No Louisburg b ' * CitiMn Can Afford o * To Ignore, j Danger Signal No. 1 comps from the kidney secretions. ' They will is warn you when the kidneys are sick. " Well kidneys excrete a cinar, atnber 01 fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, > " pale and foamy, or a thick, red, ill-1 w smelling urine, foil of sediment and | irregular of passage^ E Danger Signal |Nx>. 2 comes from j the hack. Bacu/ pains, dull and 1 ^Hbavv, or sharp aid acute, tell you t< of sick kidneys aild warn you ot the j ? approach of drpnsy, diabetes and j fi Bright's diseasf. | Doan's Kidney |* Pills cure eicl^ t idneys and cure j n them permaneBtly Here is proof I ?' in the statement ol a nearby resi- j a dent. I 11' Mrs. Virginia iiValden, 805 S. j e , Person Street, Rah igh, N. C., savs:' * "Doan's Kidney P lis brought me j prompt relfisf when I was suffering | _ j from kidney tronbli and it therefore ^ gives" me pleasure to recommendJ b them. I was bothe ed a great deal J by dull, nagging backaches and ! j pains in my kidney i. The kidney I * secretions were an idded- source oflji discomfort, being tio frequent in I ? passage. I read so much in favor of [1 Doan's Kilney Pillslthat I wag in- j ' duoed to trvihem amd procured a j jt supply?Tlie^benefitled me in every j ^ way, dis|Kwin|[ of the I baokaehe and ; y kidney *eaktjess I oan now attend j ? Ao my housework witlvout the least, t /incoiivcnienoj and I Vattribute my c ( cure entirely1 to the tae of Doan's ! ^ lyjdfiey Wis.' V , For sale I'.l all dealers. Price 50 cents. KcsteiMilbnrn Co., Buffalo, New YorMoj6 agents for the Unit-! ' ed States. 1 t Rememberyte name?Doan's and ] J take no otl1*^ j0 I YOU T/jKE NO RISK. J | Our Reput?tio?*nd Money Af* Back I Offar. / I We pay the medlflne used during the triaMlfour remedy falls to j completely reliweWou of constipation. We take all thJ rl?. You are not ob- ! llgatcd to 08 anA w?y Whatever, If you accept oufj >fTe4 Cohld anything more felf A8 there any ^^fcson why .vf>*i >houw Hesitate to put our claims to aj factlW test? The most *4 QtlHc^ommon sense treatment Cwderlles. which H are eaten Hte.jpndj./ IThey are very pronounced. / \ P'^aant In H action, and P??tnilsfrly Vagreeable In B>- . every way V nc* caupe dlarrhoea. iin^ftJB"tjilence\ griping or any ino>nvnle?? hrbate+er. Rexall Orderlies arffllW BWWI?U |~ W Fail the Madioina Caste Nothing. To unquestionably prove to tbe peoile that Indigestion and dyspepsia can ? permanently relieved and that Hexill Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about his result, we win furnish the tpedl?ne absolutely"frek If It fulls to give latlsfactlon to any bne uslnv It. The remarkable auiccB- a# Kexall dyspepsia Tablets lk dtX .a.- nigh, legree of aclentlflc skill/used in tlet lane tbelc -formula ai Well its io the are exercised In thWr manufacture. Thereby the well kneftru propertied of Msmuth-Subnitrate add Pepsin bare teen combined witty Ckrmlnati res and m itber agents. ! \ . Blsmuth-8nbnltrnte and Pepsin are onatantly employed and recognised ly tbe entire medlcftl i profession as nvaluable In the/treatnlent of indigesIon and dyspepsia. \ Tbe Tepsin afed in topxall Dyspepla Tablets Is/prepared by a procsa wbleli develops Its greatest effllency. Pepsi* supplies Fo the dlgesIve apparatus one of tbelmost lmporant element* of tbe digestive fluid, nd without/it tbe digestion* and aslmllntlon oj food are Impossible. The earmmntlves possess properties rblch aid/lit relieving the dlsttirhnces and iiain caused by lundigested aotl. Tills perfect combination of hese Ingredients makes a remedy Inaluable fpr the complete relief of lnlgestlon and dyspepsia. 1 We are.'ao certain of this that we rge you to try Rexall Dyspmtsla Tab>ls on our own personal guarantee, 'hree sizes. 25 cents, 50 cents and 1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall lemedlcs only at?The Rexall Store. The Scoggin Drug Co. Price List Scrap Iron, any kind cents cash _ r 30 cents in txid* A#x 100 pounds, ones 25 cents perJlO/pounds, Brass 6 jnts per pound;* GoPPer ? cents per it i ound; Rubber 4 ceMts per pound; Lead cents per poundjZmc 1 centp^r ]X>und; eeBwax 20 cenis mer pound; Green ow Hides 4 cedts n*r Dound; Wool 17 ki *nts per poujfd andxup. ac / \ T. SPIRE. so NOTICE / ? Having this dily qualitted as admin- qt itratrix of L. S. VUford/deceased, this w \ to notify all pe*sony holding claims af gainst his estate tb pofet-nt them to me ^ n or before Octobw J&4th, 1911 or this m otice will be plead ? bar of their re- gj overy. Ail person owing said estate e? ill please make immediate payment. cl his October 24th,/9lp. cy MRS SUE DTaXfORD, Admx. lickett & White^kttj's. f( Under the directions and the power Q1 f sale contained in the last will and n estament of Minton L. Perr^, late of 'ranklin county, said wily being re- ty orded in book V, page 18/ Clerk's of. i ce of Franklin county, 9M executor of aid Minton L. PerqL I will on Saturay, December 3rd, at 12 o'clock oon in the town of Fwiklinton, N. C.. ^ ell at public auction t&the highest bid ? ; er for cash the MintoA T.. Perry place, ' 1 ituated 3 miles nortMea|? of Franknton, containing 81 ac rescind bounded n north by Priscel\k DuVe lands, on ost by K. J. Perry, Jbn south by L. J. . nd M. D. Wilder, an the wdst by Pery Dickens. This iiov. 8, 19l\. 7 K. J.PftRBY Executor m Minton L. Perry. FOR SALE By virtue on qp order ol resale, made y the Superior Aourt of Franklin couny in that special proceedings entitled Irs. Kate White?!(j T Cheftves efal vs ulius Tant, Mrs.lRebeccjl Perry et al, he undersigned commissioners will, on Monday, the 5th day of/Deoember, 1910 <, t being the first Mpnday in December, t about the hour qt noon, at the court touae door in I^uilharg, offer for sale o the highest bidda/ at public auction, hat tract of land known as the Tom togers tract, in Dimras township, Frankin county, adjoinkng\ the lands of J. M. Vhite and other/ arid hounded as fol-1 ows: On the Mrth ly the lands of J. i A. White, on tile easl by the lands of j he estate of Apny Bel, on the South! >y Crooked C/ ek, ana on the West byl he lands of trie estate of A. J. White. | ontaining H-yacres* mole or less. 'erme of sale cash. This November 1 fl th, 1910. \ Wm H. ylUFFiK,.* . W. M. Person Commissioners LAND SALE. By virtue of the power of sale conained in a certain Mortgage Deed from I. Y. Gully and wife to C. S. Williams, | ecorded in book 159, page 295. Registry f Franklin County, I will mi Monday, he 5th. day of L)ecember, /i010, at the Courthouse doort in Louiaourg, N. C., .nd at' 12 o'ciocM noon, expose to sa'e o the highcRt bidder foiycash, the lands onveyeain said MorUjage Deed, sitlate in County of Framclin, and State if North Carolini, anfl in Franklinton township, descripey as tollows: to-wit: First, one lot irt tie Town of Frankin+svn k.<-W tho K? T ands of I 11 Kefrney, B. W. Ballard, J ind C' S. V:?nn,/h the east by Hills- l >oro Street, onjshe South by lands of 1 5. M, Cook, rod an the west by Green f Street, cnntajwintfl i>ix acres more or r ess, being t/e kinrl conveyed to S. Y. iuliy, by l/ It TLoberlake, by deed ' eglstervd/ in Registry ot Fraaklin J bounty, ijf Book I l Second. /A tract of land near Pope's ] ShapeLyfconnded onlthe north by lands ] if R. If Cenyers, and Earnest Moore, i lb throeast by the Utry land, and land if B.M. Winston, oil the Bouthby lands if MfD. Holmes, and Charlotte Mit- j iheu, on west by lands of William ! Shdaron, BestaAd W A.Mitchell, being the lands conveyed to N. Y. Gully 1 b/ deeds from Geo Al Overbaugh, by ! wed registered in Registry of Franklin ; Bounty in Book 104, \ page 166, and from I. H. Kearney, registered in book 146, page 667, containing 520 acres more or less. , This November 2nd, 1910. 0. S WILLIAMS, ! Mortgage. , - . * * . 'jo f " iitw. - v V' i "* - , ,L, , ilwrk - e? ' V-' . ' _ J " ' . V * 1 Hats BOYS We Have Just Boys Knicko in all New Sha< ials.4 All W< Black i \ IN EVEF ' . V Meat - Market I have Ve-oper^d my fresh meat mlrltet / t$v rear of my restairaot, ?4iere I will keep a Ay line of fresh meats aiy oysters at all times. When in need of aame carl fa me and I will give y/ir (Aders prompt attentum. I will deliver all orders in tcLrn. o 0 w/ H ARRIS [ GQWANS f King of Ejttbrnals Is the one Standard preparation uniftgrsally and enthusiastiGMly endorsed Doctor,I?rnggist, Layman. GGSwANS Cure's Pnenmonjjtl Croup, Colds, Conghs, flonrisV and all ailmentsVcadsed irom In? flamination or Congestion. GownJprepuXtioD ]Ls on* of toe/argeO, and mdet satisfactory Bales of Any prepkration\ en rritd in our siock. W'd consider it a wonderful success. V ? Tfili MUBKA JDIiUa CO., J Whol&al& Druggists Columola, S. C., July 11, lull) BUY to-day: have it in the home All DnillUla II. SO?. 25?. COWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM. M. C. iiBismmnwisiMirt >> mi inniii ROW TO CURE RHEUMATISM is an Internal Disease That Requires an Interrval Remedy. The cause of Kherfiatism and kindred seases is an excess of uricfecid in the ood. To cure this temblor disease this :id must be expelled andr tlie system ? regulated that i^o more acid will be rmed in excessive quantities. Rheuatism is an eternal disease and retires an intefnan remedy. Rubbing ith Oils and Linknenfs will not cure, fords only temporal* relief at best, nises vou to delay the proper treatent, and allows tiiqr.nialadv to get a rmer hold on yhi* Liniments may ise the pain, but)ythey will no more ire Rheumatisrw than paint will lange the fibre of rotten wood Science has at m 3t discovered a per?ct and-complex ?uret which is called Rheumacide."/I ested in hundreds of ises, it has effect* d the most marvelus cures; we tfelii ve it will cure you .heum&cide '*et8 at the joints from le inside." sweep the poisons out of le system y?nes i p the stomach, reglate the liver and Sidneys ami makes du well allibver. Ilheumacide "strikes le roots o/the ?kisdase and removes its iuse." This spiers!id remedy is sold y druggists and dealers generally at ) cts. ajfri $1 a bottle. In tablet form i> v'"-" >wt. u i'.icr?kb ror saio oy Get a/bottle todayL Booklet free if 3U v;r/te to Bobitt fthemical Co., Bal i??re,/.Id. Trial bottle tablets J25o, y mirl. I / Beasley-Alston Drug Co. / Lbuisburg, N. C. Rheumatism! Not one case in temirequires internal treatment. / I Where there is mo swelling or fevor Noah's Ijiainaent will accomplish more tlaniany internal remedy. I 1 One trial will clnvirlee you. Noah's Linimeni penetrates; requires but little rubbling. Here's the Proof Mr. W. R. Taylor,4. resident of Richnond, Va., writes: /'For the lpast foui rears I haVe beeiT traveling Eastern tforth Carolina, wwre I con treeted^mTCarla and rheumatpm. Recenuy-Tnave ised Noah's Liniment with betieflclal re-ults, and take pit asura-tTi redommendng name to anyoxK^solTerlng with rheunatlsm." "I cauflrtti-boldf and had a severe atack oX--rheumat/sm in my leftlshoulder tnA-^onld not talse my arml without tfuch pain. I/was persuade to try Noah's Liniment, and in lest than a veek was ent/rely free from pain. I 'eel justified m speaking of i In the ilgheet terms/ A. Crooker, Do 'cheater, &&B8." I Noah's Lflament Is the best remedy 'or Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lan o Back, Stiff Jolnts-Jand Muscles, Sore Throat, 2olds, Stragis, Sprains, Cuts, Bruiser Colic, Cramps. .11 Neuralgia, rToothS^usc*e AyssJsnd Bold by dealers In .1 g tfj * medicine./ Sam- klff*||pi pie by mall tree- AJLJUmAAm Ndah Remedy Co., V|?| Richmond. Va, UiUiluUI ulLx.^ v' :_"J tit?*" it f''iiPrffl'ir'" V,J. We are prepared to dresa yoiv froru Kig line of Mens and Boys hatajual liapee, together -with fifty-seven di and achoo! shoes in the world? GODMANS, We Solicit Your Trade and ask Yc Yours t [ CANDLER-CF I ' CLOT STOP an 1 have been in the clothing business I have some of the best bergains to offe more last week and bought a Big i ; I - :=^-4 I $15.00 ai !. You Can Take \ ?"" r You never have seen Suits like this lot 1 body wants a new suit. Now is the tim a new suit and can find a good ?15 suit Now is the time for vou to get your su save enough to buy the boys suit too. not get one of thqfte good ?15 seits for 1 / / SAMPLI and caps 1 afn selling at and below who cheep. Oor#e while you can get your a F. \A/. v\ LOUISBl ,x ,-v . V, \v . . I t,l JllMill 1^1",IM| ' ~ . V . ' . , "'. ? -V uCM , .- - ^ - . - >' A SUITS Shoes] p T~ Received 200 ibocker Suits / ' des and Materm>I Blue and ? Serges =?Y SIZE head tea and including the feet, t received in the te? styles and 3zeu mora of the best lusa-va:?wnrk OF COURSE >u to Make out Store Headquarters o Serye 10WELL CO. : u ' ' ' f' - 'j, 1 ' V u i M n I I I I ^ id READ I for eleven years I can thankfully say i you, v?>u ever had. I went to Baltt.ot of C~ ? : tid $17.50 7 ~ life , \ , Tfae Choice For 10 i ? , \ \ tor the miney. It cornea times every- : :? e for you to jjet yours. When you want for $10 t?n iB your opportunity to buy. it tor youiself, why? Because you can Dont let tftis opportunity pass and you 110. Just c^nt in a bi? line of e hats lesale Oost. A big line of Sweater coals 're- \ j* /HELESS jrg, cj.c. * -Tknii r?r '