* "j.-~ . * ^ - v ?. t Riversid ? NSsSs>v t *> Tigris With a Lo ~~ % p ^. Ned Fo v_ aaaaaaaaaaaaa^A WWWWWWWWWW | THE i | DUNLOP ^ Wi3 are receiving X Cocoanuts, Cakes 2 tracts, car load o | FULL LI WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THE-HOME CIRC Pleasant Euening Reuerie; Gated to Tired Mothei the Home Girde at CRUDE THOUGHTS ' FROM T THE JOLLY OIIIL. giiisl The jolly girl is bom, not made; her, no'traimng or endeavor can counter- are 1 (eit her. There are those, to be surei dull who affect jollity, but it is only skin- i vaiit deep, says a writer in Harper's Ba- j and zaar. The jolly girl is jolly under : thini adverse circumstances?in bail weath- I natu ei; when she hasn't a cent to Lerjenco name; when she has the toothache;! era, i when she has lost her situation; when ! ens I back hair tumbles down in public;: iVss wlteit she is shopping; when iter toss- i jolly cn'iiie neighbor h; e theater g*?es in th out and a lien he retains; w hen her | the 1 hills are due. She never seems tut design, with sincerity and ancy and spontaueiy. Let her 1 ipwrecked, or an invalid strand i a bed of pain yet she does not 01^ abate that peculiar trait h makes sunshine for those 1 , her and sweeps the cowbeds f the sky. 1 * BX OF TBI PEOtltGSL RON IN , 1910. , it isn't that the world has ? n hard hearted; it isn't thai we ! joat as glad today to see the f __ I ?- _ _ : e gai uuuio uau& ana juai at loVanxious to weloome him home c er was anybody in the lftth er of Lake. It is the manner p ich the prodigal son of 1910 antly returns that throw* a wet r. et over the festivities of the me. When he oom* down the a LOtll^^tTRC T, /EXGEL Ic ad rd Be P WHO PATEN daily: Apples, < , Crackers. All f Morris Sugar ] NE OF LE COLUMN.: 5.? R Column Dedi-; as They Join Evening Tide , ? 7- ? -? , HE EDITORIAL PEN bint; airs do not sit well _upor but show at a glance that they jorrowed plumes. One is never | with her. She has that infinite itv which all the world covets loves. It ntav be a desirable {that those who have not this i rut grace should cultivate and rage it in themselves and oth-1 since it brightens and strength-; ife. makes rough plaoes smooths j tblv it is no special virtue in the I girl any more than blue eyes j iK olonde maiden or red hair in j ui augoo, u till ei 11? O,\V/ easy and reassured ? then ' it is my son that > our fa?her longs to run and meet you while* you ar.. a great way off and fall npun your " - neck with a plow line and we-t you into a state of becoming humility and penitence by the lime you are able to take of your*hat t*? the bound boy; and craw I u|> to lite trout steps to ask your brother to shake hands with you. Good people ate just as ulad today as ever they were, to see a prodigal come home, out it does rattle thein a little I to aee him come home in a hack and ask them to pav tlio driver and to-tlL . *** A < Satisfaction Reigned * cacp rat t. ??PH????w??????? Johnson * ? ? ? 1PANYj PATENT I apes, Raisins, Nuts 2 an Vegetables, Ex= i V X i TABLETS | PIANOS^ Musical Instrument / / ? Sim ohMMr-M I IHI3^EB9 UlwkHM ' < I \ - 'er hell in Looisburi;, and th? a.*.:.- ? no OI lopl? present. We will have another ve tbA> on exhibit bv December let. I purobasO. Remember our etoek of furniht. Giye ub a call \ '' " CO, LOUISBURG, N. C. .v . -g t 1 N v. ^ - J