L ' . Popes Items. Misses Sarah and Lee Conyers have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Fuller, near Creedmore, this week. Misa Lola Fuller spent last Suuday with Misa Ida Cony era. We are sorry to etate that Mr. T. B. Ilolden ia aerioualy ill. We hope that he may aoon recover. The Farmera Union at Pope had k Thanksgiving Dinner laat Thursday and about forty people enjoyed ?| Thanksgiving. We are glad to te that the people in thia section ~ never had more to be thankful for in many years. We bare made fine crop* of corm and everything else. Cotton was a little short but the price was good. Miss Ida Fuller invited several of ber friends down last Friday nigbt and entertained them in an old time cotton picking. Many little tired fingers went home that nigbt, . . G. H. P. Obituary. On Sept. 25tb, 1910, the spirit of little Viola Lee Griffin, aged three years and eleven months, took its flight to be with God and the boly angels. , She was thd' (laughter of Mr. and JJrs, Irving Giiffin, and was an ex? oetdingly brignt and sweet child. ^Her remains were tenderly laid to rest in the family burying ground by loving relatives and friends, the fun' ill servioes being conducted by the writer. To the bsfeaVed hues we offer tenderest sympathy, and pray that the HniaVehly Father will bind up the broken hearts and heal the Nvoftndad spirits. Remember dear pareuts that she oati not oolne back to you, bat that | you by living in the fear and admonition of the Lord, can go to her. J. W. Sledge. Definition of Home Home?A small part of the worid which "all the world could not buy. . Home?the anteroom of heaven. | It should be anti-trust, anti-monopo tt^jnn-ncenee ana auu ail otmr of -evil. The golden setting, in which the brightest jewel is "mother." Home is the blossom, of which heaven is the fruit. The only spot on earth where the faults and failings are hidden under the mantle of charity. Th6 place where the great are sometimes small and the small often great. The fathers kingdom the child. fen's paradise, the mother's world. The jewel casket containing the most preoious of all jewels?domestic happiness. . Where you are treated best and you grumble most. Home is the central telegraph office of human love, into which run innumerable wires of affection, many of which, though extending thousands of miles, are never dTsconnectIed from the one great terminus. The center of our affections, around which our hearts best wishes twine I* The little hollow scooped out of the windy hill of the ' world, where we can be shielded from our cares ?nd annoyances. I To the Public I wish to announce to the people, of Louisburg and Franklin County that I have purchased the market business of W. E. Murphy and will conduct an Up to Date Fresh Meat Market and Restaurant in the same builbing formerly , occupied by him. I shall be I glad" to have my friends call ' and see me any time^ Phone me your orders and tliey will receive prompt attention. R. R. Perry . Mfe Husi JHhHhuU - > I' . I i THIRTY YtjARS OF SUCCESS. Th? R?x?lt Store Offers Remedy For Catarrh ? The Medicine Costs Nothing if It FeiU. When a medicine effects a successful treatment In a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medi- I cine on odr own personal guarantee i thalf It will cost the user nothing If It I dots not completely relieve catarrh. It j ljr only reasonable that people should believe us. or at least put> our claim | to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facts which we want the people to substantiate. We want -them to try. Rexall Mucu-Tone. a medicine prepared from a prescriptlomof a physician with whom catarrh was a specialty, and who has a record of thirty years of enviable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Rexall Mom-Tone tljan we do of all other ^catarrh remedies .sold In our store, and 1f more people only knew what a thoroughly dependable remedy Rexall Mucu-Tone Is. It would be the only catarrh remedy we would have any demand for. Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly absorbed and by Its-therapeutic effect tends to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which Injure the membraneous tissues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, atop the mucous discharge, build up strong, healthy tissue and relieve the blood 9nd system of diseased matter. Ita influence Is toward stimulating the muco-cells. aiding digestion and Improving autrltiou until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time It brings | about n noticeable gain In weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. We urge yi)\j to try Itexall MucuToUC. beginning a treatment today. At any time you are not satisfied, simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return "your money without question or quibble. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone \ In two sizes. 50 cents and $1.00. Re* ! member you can obtain Rexall Reme- j dies only at our store?The Rexall Store. . Tho Scoggin Drug Co. NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin-' ' istratrix of L. S. Alford, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present them to me | on or before October 24th, 1911 or this notice will be plead in bar of their re- \ covery. All persona owing said estate will please make immediate payment. This October 24th, 1910. MRS SUE P. ALKORI), Admx. Bickett& White, Atty's. LAND SALE Under the directions and the power , of sale contained in the last will and j testament of Minton L. Perry, Jate of Franklin county, said will bemp reJ corded in book V, page*182, Clerk's of-1 fice of Franklin county, as executor of j said Minton L. Perry, I will on Saturday, December 3rd, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon in the town of Franklinton, N. C.. sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the Minton L. Perry place, situated 3 miles north-east of Franklinton, containing 81 acres and bounded on north by Priscella Duke lands, on east by K. J. Perry, on south by L, J. and M. D. Wilder, on the west by Perry Dickens. This Nov. 3, 1910. K. J. Perky Executor of Minton L. Perry. 4 FOR SALE By virtue on an order ol resale, made by the Superior court of Franklin conn-1 ty in that special proceedings entitled Mrs. Kate White, C T Cheaves et al vs Julius Tant, Mrs. Rebecca Perry et al, J the undersigned commissioners will, on Monday, the 5th day of December, 1910 it being the ttrst Monday in December, at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Louishurg, offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, that tract of land known as the Tom Rogers tract, in Dunns township, Franklin county, adjoining the lands of J.. M. White and others and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of J. M. White, on the east by the lands of the estate.of Amy Bell, on the South by Crooked Cr ek, and on the West by the lands of the estate of A. J. White, containing 64 acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. This November 4th, 1010. Wm H. Ruffin, w. M. Person Commissioners ?AND SALE. By virtue of the power ef sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed from N. Y. Gully and wife to C. S. Williams, recorded in boos 159, page 295, Registry of Franklin County, I will on Monday, the 5th. day of December, 1910, at the Courthouse door, in Louisburg, N. and at 12 o'clock noon, expose to sale to ths highest bidder for cash, the lands conveyea in said Mortgage Deed, situate in County of Franklin, and State of North Carolina, and in Frankljnton Township, describe as follows: to-wit: First, o.io lot in the Town of Franklinton bounded on the north by the lands of I 11. Kearney, B. W. Ballard, and C S. Vann, on the east by Hillsboro Street, on the South by lands of D. M. Cook, and on the west by Green Street, containing six acres more or less, being I he land conveyed to N. Y. Gully, Tiroberlake, by deed registered ni Registry of FYaaklin County,,in Book Second. A tract of land neai Pope's Chapel, bounded on the north by lands of K. L. Oenyprs, and Earnest Moore, on the east by the Usry land, and land of 11. H. Winston, on the south by lands of MeD. Holmes, and Charlotte Mitchell, on west by -lands of William Shearon, Best and W A. Mitchell, being the lands conveyed to N. Y. Gully by deeds from Geo A. Overbaugh, by deed registered in Registry of Franklin Countv in Book- 104, page 166, and from I. H. Kearney, registered in book 146, page 667, containing 520 acres more or less. This November 2nd, 1910. 0. S. WILLIAMS, Mortgage. i W6tdASr?rrt i * I ?. Meat - Market I have re-opened my fresh meat market in the rear of my restaurant, where I will keep a full line of fresh meats and oysters at all times. When in need of same eall on me and 1 will give your orders prompt attention. I will deliver all orders in town. 0 0 W H HARRIS IgowansI K King of Externals ESells itself wherever! !introduced. Imitators! a have tried to imitate,! Sand substitution hasl J been attempted. But | I once GO WANS always I Gowans for inflammation 1 and congestion. It gives ns pleasure to recommend Gowans Preparation for Inflammation, especially of the throat and chest, We have sold Gowans Preparation for many ?years and never had a complaint. BURLINGTON DRUG CO., 1 Burlington, N. C. I BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HO'SE All DraftftUta. II. SOc, 25c. GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. OU^HAM, N. C. iiirMiMA. ??y fIMfrt W |Wr Iniiltl ROW TO CURE RHEUMATISM It is an Internal Dhease That Requires an Inter nol Remedy. The cause of Rliematism and kindrec diseases is an excess of uric acid in tlit blood. To cure this terrible disease thi) acid must be expelled and the systen so regulated that no more acid will b< formed in excessive quantities. Rheu matism is an eternal disease and re quires an internal remedy. Rubbing with Oils and Liniments will not, cure affords only temporary relief at best, causes vou to delay the proper treat ment. and allows the malady to get i firmer hold on you. Liniments ma^ ! ease the pain, but they will no mon cure Rheumatism than paint jvjl change the fibre of rotten wood i Science has at last discovered a per feet and complete cure, which is callec "Rheumacide.M Tested in hundreds ol cases, it has effected the most maryel ons cures; we believe it will cure you Rheumacide "gets at the joints fron the inside." sweeps the poisons out o: i the system tones up the stomach, reg I ulate the liver and kidneys and' make} | you well all over. Ilheuinacide 4\strikei the roots of the disease-and removes iti cause." This splendid remedy is solt by druggists and dealers generally a 50 cts. and $1 a bottle. In tablet forn at '25c. and 50c. a package Forsale bj ..Get a bottle today. Booklet free il you write to Bobitt'Chemical Co.. Bal more, Md. Trial bottle tablets ^'25c, by mail. Beasley-Alston Drug Co. Loui8burg, N. C. Stock Owners ' The best remedy for Sweeney Strained Tendons, Wind Puffs Capped Hock, Shoe Boil, Galls Colds, Distemper, Shipping Fever, all forms of Rheumatism Thrush,,Corns, Nail Wounds, Spa vin, etc., is NOAH'S LINIMENT We do not claim that NOAH'S LINIMENT will cure every casi of Spavin; the best authoritiei tell us that only a small percent age of such cases are Curable. W are positive, however, that i treated with NOAH'S LINIMEN1 in the early stage, that a cure cai be effected. \ PROOF POSITIVE "We have never used a liniment w consider the equal to Noah's Llnlmen for bruises, sprains, strained tendon and to use 071 throat, sides and chea for distemper, colds, etc. Richmond Transfer Co., Richmond, Va. Better Than 95.00 Remedies. 'We cheerfully recommend all stabl men to give Noah's Liniment a trio and be convinced of its wonderful curn tlve properties. We have obtained a good, if not better, results from its us than we did from remedies costing $6.0 per bottle. Norfolk and Portsmout Transfer Co., Norfolk, Va." * Let ine send you our pamphlet wit actual endorsements reproduced, or bel ter still, send you by express prepa! a $1.00 bottle or a gallon tin at $$.0i and if you are not _ ^ ' 1 convinoed It is the -T* T,rs-\ I best remedy you . ?ya I ever used I will -ttfeSjSICsfer-lyM gladly return your money. Either ..1 ii| sent on receipt of WtJni. price. You run no risk in giving fTf^wwTrj Noah's Liniment a I .Mi W. m " trial. Uoah U IlLvlllM Martin, Noah (Remedy Co.. Inc., I lkd Richmond, Va. UujJULb^jJUUI I m II III gg=BBS 1 .... 1 ; v . . ; "~'"J _0? . .-i[ v. ^ f\,_ V ; O I ' JfcfjS f 1 LADIES T/ We Have Ju Hundred < Shapes a .:.Ladie = ^ From one of the leading Mnnu are going to offer theee hate a we oan sell you a ladies hat for ? V That would have cost you fron of the eeason. It will pay LADIES WO Red, White and Gray are hen $1 These are '-v far the best goo( cheayer il'an even before. Br also. Our beBt advertisement traded here. If yon haven't I about us for be has been in an ' Our i-tore is for your convenie er to trade or meet your frient I|| Yours [CANDLER-C 1 f i f 3 lT" 3 < -~ |JUST - F 55 He ~ Horses i > .-?^r > from St. Louis 3 them before th Remember the \ and well=broki i wagons and ha load of Surries e t 8 It d J Bi? Mort?a< J)- C7 J ^ Esarx <i ?, K.~P LOUISE # ? , 9 ' n * * '." > 7\ -? . - tiWt. . . ... . . . . - . . ; : -? '-Z r. VKE NOTICE st Received Two of the Latest - -j ind Styles in s Hats.:. W facturera and for the next ten daya we t greatly reduced prices. In ftic lot $1.50 ' ) $2.50 to $3.50 each at the beginning you to see oura before vou buy. OL SWEATERS < in all eizeB and at prices ranging from .OO UP is we h ive shown this season and are ing the children too as we can tit them is our pleased customers who hare >een in to see us, ask your neighbor id we are aure he will advise vou right, nee and we invite you to come, wketh1. to Serve 1R0WELL CO. i ' ' *A f % . .. . ' ?. DECEIVED ad of Fine & Mules burg. Coma to see ey are picked over y are sound, young e. Also buggy and rness. A solid car for cash or on time. e Sale Dec. 22 body Come. - n "hill JURG, N. C.

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