. . -M. J^g?P'L1 FRANKLIN TIMES t 7 to 0. v ___ o The ship subsidy may be a good u thing, but the best thing would be s tor Congress to take this amount of c money and put on the public roads < ti in the U niled Stales. 11! There has been a dozen cases car. tl rieh from l.ouieburg to other towns e in tne past pxty days that would have sloppew here had we worked h for a "hospital for Uouisbnrg." ti SyHSBS1 I a The A. & M. foot ball team defeated the V. P. I. teaui at Norfolk ti on Thursday of last week in a score it of 5 to 3. The game was very inter o eating and witnessed by a large tl crowd. h ?? c Many papers are putting forward >1 the name of Woodrow Wilson for v.. ?-4 J =- - - ?'? - * iuv ucaii uMUiuuiiiic nominee ior 1 President. Tbia uenis a little early, * however, wets* 110 objecttenr at tbia i distance. o M^MeemHww^we W b Bee that some ol the papers ot ! the State are agitating a legalised primary for the stale and to make . both larnua participate. In this ease there seems to be no need of an election. ~ -?:? ut their money in them. Well, marie they do hear of a bank falling ince in a while, hut they read of a luudred times more cases of people oeing moooy by their home being ebbed or burned. Not only is a >ank the safest place to keep money, lut a men who keeps money about lis heme endengers the lite of himelf and every member of his family, ust let it be found out that you map money about the house and omebod v will be watching for a hance to rob you. And things of his kind happen more frequently et his time of year than perkape at ny other. Go pet your money in he bank where it will be taken are of until you need it.?Greeitville iefleetor. s lave You a Bacterial Hetel in i -r-_- Your Mouth? In the modern Movement for the | irolongation- of life, the stamping ut of preventable diseases, building p and keeping up the physical taadard and increasing the efficien 1 y of the human organism the Dsnis is of the Uuited States rsaliae hat certain responsibilities rest upon hem which they must not shirk if hey would keep abreast of the gsn- J ral advance. That the conditions in the^meuth | ave a tremendous influence over he general health is coming more nd more to be understood. florace Fletcher says this quesion occurred t? him years ago: "-Is : possible that thia important section f oar anatomy which is practically be gateway of onr nutrition, the iboratory of our efficiency has been areieealy overlooked in regard to is basis importunes?" Wood Hutchinson in the daturday evening Pott advises agatust suuklng i wound to extract the poison from t unites yon can "give a olaan bill if health to your month." What lees he Meant He Means that the >us germ is very eomMooly present n the mouth. "The udoared for human mouth the priae bacterial garden of the rerld." Dr. W. A. Brans, eeramisioner of hualth fer the eity of Chiago, who is seer edited with baring lone more for the health ef that city ban any other living mac, In dieusaing tbie subject not lona ago teed these words: "The importance it Diptherin I am aure is fully unleiutood, but the enlargement of the [lands of the u?k, ol DOM, tf he tonsils, ol Ik* phvrii Ml Dot so dearly andaeotood. "Ther mi 4m to abaarptioua oiuvlwi in the bom to withia the no'oth; and large per Met, ol theM ibaorptions take plana theough aavilea io the tooth or dowo tho sides ot laelean teeth. **Wo too (OiitMlIf eoefrontod vith instance# like thla: A ahild haa won io a diptkaaia hospital and ra naioed tbora till it laamad aala tor dip ohild to go bona.-. Than tho sbild baa gone boma aad ihoia baa 'nllnwfl aa ialocrlioa ol diplberie in tbat homo. What ta tho explaoetiooT dimply tbat ill aooia raraaa, aomowho's in tbat child there waa a tenia of hidden baotoria and in all human probability a largo- percentage jf thoao lolaolioaa are either io tbe tooth cornice or coin aw hare is aloao sonnection with tooth oaripaa." Tbouaanda of invalids are aaeb on ccooot ol faulty aanditioo of thoir noutba and tbaj can oarar raeorer intil oonditiona are ramadiad, Diaaaa haUadiug baotana are every a bare praasnt aad "the nnaarad for .1 <,' ? ? ; /., . . mouth is to these nirmi so appr meat boose with many Tiriast. It always worm, softly lighted st taxis VII 1 SU Bliss I?awpply?el?iui pin water and meals are served ofte sod m ample quantities. Tbe apac between the teeth and tbe eavitir in the teeth are veritable baaterii hotels.'' Quaarioira s*r> aaswans. Below we pre a lew qaastaon with tbeir answers ia aeeowdaoc with our invitation last week whip ia extended the public. The qoei tines are answered in so far as the affeot the teeth: 1?How often should I brush oi teeth? Answer?Teeth should b brushed before breakfast, after sac maal and before bed time. 2?Are the first set of Weth wort! filling? Answer?The-' teiuporar; t?eh should be cared for just-ae wel aa i he permanent enes, as tliev, in large measure, determine, tin stiength, shape and durabihtv <>f thi permanent ones. 3?Sbouhl?Htildrrn ?'t m*:r nr.irly forty yp-ira thi. (treat rraird; lias l-ouit rlethm ; ! ?! ui m t*d* no j chTi .n case* of i-liioiiii' iuiHiiPkiVon, Dyspepsia Stomach Tiouiik'. NervoiiMtie**, Uhetiuia :!mi?, I'.itaric. l-'t'itile Trouble**- and Bloot L'ui?uii. iiiitl it has never yut fulled. As a 'ionic. Alt-nitlTC. Blood TuriQer o N>-vl:u? ? always gives perfect ai;itltl men nnu women lr is mn'dmeiy withuir a*i vr^iirl. 'Nervous 1'r and Insoai uu yield to it rcadf Mrs. Joe IVrs.:r.cdy is scleutlflcaN; c?k,n|K?if|id*,*l from '. i-rty vegctah!i? tncrc lit-ntH of great n.wli properties. ana l alwliili'iy barm less jr primitively (-cntnim iro opiate or nnrr'otie cf any kind, n< iodide of I'otthcsiuiu or other mineralnothing that will Injure in any way. Sufferers from n:iy of the ahQTv affile tlons are urged to try ih'v grent Remedy Do not despair becnn-e yon hare trie* other remedies and found no relief D?? no lose hone because doctor* ha\e given yci no lieti.i'r. Mrs J.?c lvr-i u's Remedy hol?t out to you health, and life, and hspplneaa if you will but accept it. We make no c\ff* to-.-ant claims o "quick cures," or that "one bottle wll c :-e you." In chronic caves referred to it mey take. *,-rcr-*'. * ?t>- to effect a per mauent cure?but thla Remedy will curt yon If you Just give it a change. Write to u? for tiwtim.otilal* from llriai wituesaeo? people who were afiloted jua aa you may lie?people n\io: were )u?t ai hopeless and rils'-#u raged aa you are. bu who are now In perfect health, and glei t< tell all suffering uiertals how lira. Jo< Person's Remedy cured them. Tbeae tea tlffll wills arw af r??-e?if date, and you cat write to.the aathor?~for Tti1t-tnfonnatiMn_ But don't delay beginning treataientatart now and yoa-wlll aouo he cured. In ra?ee r?f external tmuble, iuflanma t1ou.^ulceTat??>a or Itching hnmor, o j Entire stock tlaiinelette, kimono oat- ling " j ings. etc 9c shor j FRE.SH ARRIVAL OF LITHE W : LY FOR .SMALL GROWN FIGUR . COAT6 AT .SHORT PRICED. i i ONE RUSSIANIPONY COAT r ! IF YOU think:you can find ; WAYS PIND IT CHE \ THE TWO BANK.S AND THE 3 B I ? B j_ THE BT( \ 0ne Price R. Z. t GOING7" OUT ' : T: W. P. I Will go * January If you want goods at real closing out sale : will sell the entire stoi 'the busines lfaity om chance for some one time bnsiness wT H. : V i v A Surviving I " ' r-' v- ? \T-Sc*] juy"?? -t j . . . . ' . ' ' !"?, -* >!*?? I Merchants Bank . -* t .. . ._ . XINDATION OF professioaal, is money, gave your money and a good opportunity ment will surely come, Begin saving and keep on saving and > do so. : OUR BANK YOUR BANK ~ - . / AND MERCHANTS BANK .OUIAfUWG. N. C. OFFICERS N. Egerton, Vice-Pres. K. Y. McAden, Cashier. Clifton, Assistant Cashier. I THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA A ? ; JUST WHAT THEY WANT "little store THIS WEEK = BRIEFLY STATED g: Lot of Ladies and Child- Red RaTen stockings, every pair warT??^erS:iCOISf ? se# ranted, recognized best 26c hosiery n? o. 8 } doz*n 5 *or ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, man Shoes ji.st received, This week 22c more big lots on the way, ht Everybody and am sel- 20c bleached turkished towels. 2 for . 25c ? most everybody, let me v you why. 15c Auckaback towels lie foMEN.5 COAT .SUITL ADAPTED E.SPECIAL.E.S; NoTROUBLE To FIT. NEW LOT OF LONG ' '.< * *1 ... 20.00 IT CHEAPER. ELSEWHERE YOU WILL ALAPER HERE. LET ME .SHOW YOU CoGGIN DRUG .STORE JU.ST ACCRo^J THE STREET FROM 3- LITTLE STORE EGERTON Ca,h 0nlr of busibess he Firm of s NEAL & CO. i out of business 1st, 1911 * V --- . ' i I I ?c ta bargain come now. This is a for we are going to quit. We ck in bulk and the good will of ? wants to buy. This is a fair^ who wants to do a high class T ?: : -"_v?!?i . -. $ /-dtp * ' Yarborough >artner of W. P. Neal . . . . ' ? *. p." * ' AV ' v*' ' ?r