V*' ' - * 1 1 if I THE GREATEST SLAUG j TEROFTHEAGE NEW BUSINE i? 25c coffee at . ' 15c W"! ~8ogmr Sclba W v. Pocket knives worth 50c at 20c Knives and forks worth $1.60 at 09c Spool Silk 2 apoois for 5c Hrndkerchiefs worth 5c now . 3c PI Handkerchiefs worth 10c now 5 Soaps, everywhere else at 5c 3c Ci 200 umbrellas at 59c % One pound of writing paper 8c Kemember 1000 worth of p JEWELRY - V at your own price Come and Look LISTEN TO THE MU< > r Come to See US I # When in Town I I A Gracious Tribute. GO We appreciate more than ?e oau j lUo expreea the reapect and love ai> iwn ' adveitis d < ua on November 17th, by the ebureb, ^Jrtuniti'fo school and community in a eeiieroua Kped money u?di?e .. ssssx We were sitting hr the fire a Ltd ? ?-xpeoting Mrs O. Creech and the SPEC 1 tdy teach?re when a ULp^on the tleor | called me to it, to beheld the porch ' n /._n ./ : . <-v* / nxii ei people WHO greet*.! me, rod WA & each oue held a bundle, which after SLX1( being deposited Prof. Crete1--, in a iew wall oboeeo words told u- wiiai; J][ it meant. Yea, wife sud I loss our home' people better then ever, not so I th: much for the intrinsic valus of their | present#, which indeed were valu- T11??? '1?', ... , der to eet 1 sble, but for the sentiment and grst- have s coi iiude expressed God bless you sli tt*ods at loi is our wish for you ?lwsy.. " i mr ,t0ck b< May our labors together redown i more and more to the glorv of flort, | < t _ il:e gouiLof our~clitirct>,..sc"-?.I tad : JH.1 S. community. t ? Sincerely, ! hit, | p y A Good Ruling. We publish below s report of the ruling at the Colored Graded eohool, which will no doubt be en incentive La towards making more law abiding Will mail citizens among our colored citisan* Work Gua ship. It is as follows: when in m Ottimes it is little learning that >n* makes lbs nsgro youth a miscreant to sociwty. He liilist b (trained to elf rsspect in the public schools It ? is now to be understood that all wir lawless persons are forbidden on the ^ premises of the negro Graded Sahool pants iqq f day or night. All boye will be re- ?0 pair men . . . , , ladies shoes quired to present card of good be- pairs ladies liavior befere they een enter the med'um^w^ building, Snd this ia only meant heavy work ? ,fvr the good of the rsoe. && pair of la K. N. Pnnr, Prin. <80 par month straight salary end ex- cost? penses, So men with rig, to introduce _______ cur poultry remedies. I < n't answer unless yon mean business. Eureka III DA Poultry Food llfg. Co- Inc., East fit llulu Louis, HI. God doss beel the sick through our TO T01 ministry mo matter what ybnr troe ble how serious your ease, how long . "?* *om, standing or what you have dobe, write to us- -^hare is still a possibility in Immediate < your favor. God's power is Omnlpetent You may be "cured. We mike In the next G'.r bo charge for our service. Please so- ?sms wiuio close stamp,- w. l. Paters, 12 Federal treat, Alleghany, P? V A N " 1REGARDLES: :.SS THEN, AND ats and Caps at owe, Plow Points, Plow Lines at rockery at 5c each. Everything >nt sell you if you come in,less tl THis Stock Must to As You Like. But * Saved is a I >IC OF THE DOLLAR AND HE HE ALSTON LOUISBUF i 0I> LIVE AOENTS i iveiy town to sella merit- Bmm ^ ? or medicines extensively | v B B^B fl I tnd used by every family B B B* B I table. An exceptional op- B Bm T the rifht parties to make | . Write at once for propoa i tMartin, Box 110, Rich- mm ll sALEjiancy - I l11 trimmed1 Also the best ill the wa i untrim- vonr hoiiH , ^ _ _ ? ? _ ? jr vv/VUili^| led hats. Ifnll and complete line For Tho Sex* Lrty days. through the holidays a will be sold for coat in or- I fill your orders rid ot them early. I also I ^ n pie to line of Christmas j . . :t^,Toub?yme " "' '"IGlORGL H. Respectfully C E Long 5 and 10 ( oungtTille, N. O. V DArippQ I could hot get a house to ran my 5 and fill ap ill th? space I can spare in rat sto "inworkcr * ^on'' 'mr un'f -t?u *" t^?n| THE BARGAI titsburg, N. C. J s aatimates on any job \ A # rsnt.ed. Call ar write Q Bed of anything in / LOUISBURi j-TAMc THE CITIZE '5TONS | HENDEKHC1 lis cloaks, 100 double wove I nmcsi 0-ri *ir ladies shoes Nos 7 to 3 OFFICIAL. ST/ * wool nnderskirta, 100 pair ' ' u i shoes Noa. 3 and 3 1-2, 28 f November It wool under shirts, 100 suits 5 Tw US'.tS,^ KESOUROES shirts. 50 pair of leggias, _ ... ?? ,, dies gambatus, 101 pair fine I^oans and discounts 9S35,jo5 03 Ga All of the shore goods are Overdrafts - $ * A,855 66 Su 50 per csntMder wholesale H C 4 par eent i.onds '66 26,000 00 No 1WBTUN- Oother stocks and hands 30,161 25 Co. ???????? Ranking house ond> fit . i DTANT WATirC ,ur*4 r 10,782 73 Ce KI Ala I IlW 11vL Insitrsaoa dspartinaut 3,856 86 Do etai wiv Cos ft on band and 4 oth A? ?n IAA CATEft ??> ?* t H6.81T 00 D~e of th. town ot ToU1 - rtmwm iara ordered me to make a >?: >olulti Remember a Dc Dollar Made 1FT> WOT Tft thp rrnm ^ w* *v AULU V VJiVj I COMPAI 3G, N. C. < ' * A_ ************ lts The 5 Candies ?? . y of Groceries tori The 1 We will carry a By The Rn of the above all nd will be el ad to , Thursda ? _ _" __ All goods most be sol< LJ k? U clothing, ladies and cl - vino opportunity. lent Store The Pe 10 cent store thii fall bat will ire with 5 ?n4 10 eeut foods. N STORE i-nmminffi t it..t..Hi.t :ooke ! i ? IRexall NS BANK| t, Pi c ^TEMENT GL >,1M? , TO BRi LIABILITIES ^ Rexall Wini piUl (tack pud in $100,900 00 rplue g?d profit* 74,654 84 r tea rediseoanted / 46,000 00 'Ol shiers check* aalataad rtified check. 1,08? m Eyery thing i? to banks 4,814 00 weed interest 419 08 posits ? 623,188 72 Total \ ,0747,671 72 - / \ - ? The Sc y patrons in a moat satisfactory attended to with promptness sad HENDEWBON, N. C. \ ;r*; J"f * OUR STOCK MUST GO Bf JANUARY FIRST ^ UST BE SOLD : i . a% |ffc s Androscoggin bleaching ,-. .8 1-2 r | 1 f P All Calicos, bast grade ? ...6e Cheaper grade calicoes .8 S-4 , Percales . j t l-2a pee yd ' jj 8 packages gold dust or grandma's P^0Q0g washing powders a&o Tomatoes 7c per can If we Cakqg; .. 6cper lb I . Mens underwear pt.. 36e eaeh co you Salt, 100 pounds J0e I January 1st illdr 4000Paii,o^?^?es at less tnai cost. i Now is the Time . te buy. E OF THE DECEIVER V \ * yi%/ Next to Beasley-Alston Drug Store - . j * ' t.J I 1J 55jBC^5SSB^^S5^^^S^5BS35B55j5j^fc iELLING OUT Sale People's Clothing Store iat Western Salvage Co., of Marylund, Began iy, December 1st, 1910 i 3 to 3aye freight. Now is your time to get bargains in iildrena skirts and cloaca. Don't fail to avail yourself of \ oples Clothing Store ? REMEMBER Chill Breakers is IARANTEED CAK THOSE CHILLS e of Cod Liver Extract is good i* that chronic cough. ^ ' v L- I ' A