I A. F.JOHNSON. EDITOR AND B S*.* 4t ? _ M VOL. XL. general news items r^ CONCERNING HATTERS 01 W STATE AND NATIONAL happenings. ' Gathered Prom Our Many Ex changes And Given In i Condensed" And Interest! n| Form. A report from Washington say that Congress will adjourn o? D? cerobesJlSrd for the Cbriatmas holi day*, and will reconvene on Januar 4th.'. - Kington, Dec. 9?A sum of |3, 60.0 was atolen from Mrs. Betti Watson'near here. The money we secreted in au old mattress and th thief evidently knew of its where shouts. Later?the thief who stnl the above amount of money was neighborhood negro and was oaughi Every cent of the money was reoov ered. Kinston, Dec. 1.0.?The store c the Moeeley Hardware Compan was robbed Thursday of $100 wort of pistols. . Suspicion rested on negro, Babe Sherrod. He was ai rested and one of the stolen pis.nl was found on his person. He wa sent on to coart. He had just finish eg, serving a road sentence. Henderson, N. C., Dec. 10.- <A?4ibout dusk this afternoon Jame Basket, the manager of J. S. Poy threes coal yard, was shot and aeri ? ouely wounded by Willi* Danish driver si one of the ooal wagoni The tragedy took place on Mai street'within a hundred yards o where Basket's father was shot b Watson two years age, Daniels, wh . is a younc colored boy, is still a largt: Washington, Deo. 10.?The lott population of the United States i 93,402,151 according to the figure given out today by the census bu reap for the 1910 enumeration. Thi does not molude the population c the Pliifttpine Island. It is a gain a 20.9 per oent over the population' e f 1900 an increase of 16,145,521. Th total estimated population includini the Phillipines is 101,100,000. Th oeusus shows that it the present ap portionment is held to there will b 55 additional representatives in eon gress making the total membershi ol tne noun oou. Calvary, Alberta Deo. 10.?Te men are known to be dead, atx ar dying and nearlydifty other* are b? lieved to have been burned.to deat in the Belleville mine of the wee 1 Canadian Collieries which is a ran ing furnace today as the result c an explosion that occurred early thi morning. Scores of mothers, wive a-"1 ^ ftrondwl anfcrtmr about the mouth of the pit hopin against hope that the flames hav not destroyed their loved ones. Rescuers made desperate attempt to force' their way into1 the burnia abaft, but in vain. Smoke and fir drofe lliem to the aurfaoe almost a fast as they descended, and it is ix lieved all the men in the mine wi r perish before , the flames can h Quenched. Seventy men were i the mine when (Jpe explosion cam w' and only seven got to the surfaci Six of these are fatally burned. A suit has oeen started again) the City of Raleigh by W ylie I Hunter, administrator of Randa Hunter, sod it is understood thaith . . aoiouat of thfroagee asked for will b 110,000. Ttoeng Randall Hunts w1H orushed by a city; Wagon on Boj lan bridge about 12 months ago an suffered injuries which resulted i his deatlp-2-Raleigh Times. I)urham, Deo. 18.?Qraad Maate N. Haokett, of the Masoni Order oalled a meeting of the oi pbsnxge directors here tbk aftei ford Orphan Asylum to ahooeed Vi 'J. Hick". filling out' the nnexpire i';; " . .IBS?;;**! : - ' .V? "RA? TlP IANAQER term. Mr. Brown auoceeds Ool. * Hioka who bu permanently retired from the work. He hae been assist * ant the paat year and hae done hia Work well. He begins about the firat of the year. With the retirement of Col. Hioka goes alao Mr. B. SV. Rogera, aeoretary-treaaarer, and elerk of the lnatitntion. one of the 1 moat valuable men the inatituteon r bad. Fire of the board were present today. Mr. Rogera ii succeeded by * Mr. F. P. Bland, of Greensboro. k Col. W. J. Hioka, who baa been i superintendent for the past eleven y yeere tendered hie resignation, owing to bis inability to give the . work and attention necessary, owing s to" his advanced years. Colonel Hioka 8 is eighty-fire years old and has t made a moat efficient superintendent and is held in high esteem at the e institution and by the people of the a State. MR. CdLTTB ELECTED f Mayor of Louisburg to Fill Unexpired Term ^ Mr. J. R. Collie waaelected Maya or of Lcuisburg on last Saturday , night by the Board of Town Comt miaaionwra 10 fill the unexpired term of Mr. J. K. Yr?rhnro?trh_ who waa eleoted Register of Deeds et the regular election in Norsmber. In the seleetion of Mr. Collie there is no doebt bnt that the Board 4 made a wise seleetion as be is a man who takes a personal interest in 1 everything be attempts. He made a '' splendid reeord the past campaign ' in the capacity of Chairman of the " Demoeratio Executive Committee of Franklin County and we feel that ^ his record m his new position will ? be one of oredit to the town as well ^ as to binaaelf. l< Minstrel at Mapleyllle a There wilt be a minstrel at Maple8 ville Academy, given by the young 1 saen of MaplevUle, on Tuesday ' night, December 20th?proceeds for 1 the benefit of the academy. Admief eion 25 ceata for grown people and 10 cents tor children. Public cordtal8 ly invited to come. 5 _____ Assignments. o Parieh & Cooke, of Stallinge, Franklin Ceunty, made an assignment on Friday of last week. T. W. ' Stokes was named as assignee. Furgerson Bros., doing business " an Main Street in Leuiabnrg, as u signed their stock ot goods to W. H. | Allen on Wednesdsv to settle off indebtedness. ^ it . ^ jj Louisburg Market.[s Information received from tbe tobacco men here ahow that prioes ? op all STadce. with the prmaibla?nxOption of the very commonest ouea, ? have made a stead,v advance the past week. Prices are good and rr right much tobacco is beings sold. Tbe market will close for the holidays on the night of December ? 22nd. 18 ' ' The cotton market is attengtbenH np a little?the prevailing prioes yesterday was from 141-2 to 14 5-8 n cents per pound.* e There?ia a continued strong demand tor all other produce and good prioes prevail, L . " 1, ). Pensions v Ready. II 1 Clerk of the Court J, J. Barj-ow e informs us that tfce pensions are ie now ready at bis oftee and will be ir ppid to those who are entitled to r- them upon proper demand. d . . J f B Sptolal Sale. The special sale going at ; the ir Raoket Store this week under the io supervision of ?. P. Warfield, of r- Washington, D. 0., is meeting with r- much snooeaa. Judging from the a crowds tnat are oooltnuayy going in [' and ent of ihp Racket there are r. some exceptional, bargains being d offered. ? . \. . ?tKLI THE COUNTY, THE f louisbobo.m, c., friday. FIRE AT POWER HOUSE ; Thursday horning about t 11 o'clock 1 Big Lot of Shavings Together 1 With Pene?Chemical House Burned?Slight Damage to * Power House. The fire alarm war turned in about 11 o'olook on yesterday morning and right mneh excitement was caus- ( ed on oar streets. It was soon learned thai the trouble was at the ^ power hease. The two fire oora... " pames made haste to answer .the call and were on the soenein a short while and succeeded in extingaiahing the fire before any special damage was done. ' . The fire caught in the pile of c shavings_that were used for firing c the boilers by some unknown means ' and burned them together with the a ohemical bouse and pens, and did 1 some little damage to ^ie building. The damage is estimated to be abont $150 The fire was first discovered by ( Mr. J. M. Person, who has charge of ^ the plant, and who was on his way down te get his machinery in shape j after a nights ran. = 1 Fine Porkers. i The following are a few of the fine hoga killed in thie county during t the past week: , J. II. Ball killed four 14 months oia weighing SOU, 300, 105, 105, and j two eight raontha old weighing 180, 18*. * J R. F. Bonn, Cypress Creek town- ^ hip, killed three hoge weighieg 860, 370, 461. W. S. Hale, two 13 months old, weighing 280, 887. Funeral ot Mr. Hill A The funsral of Mr. W.I. Hill, who died in Baltimore on laat Sunday took plaoe from the Methodist church here Tuesday conducted bv Rev. R. W. Bailey, and bis body was laid to rest in the cemetery. The 1 pallbearers were L. P. Hicks, J. W. I King, W. H. Ruffin, Dr. S. P. Burt, ! J. J. Person, E. H. Malone. 1 Mr. Hill was about 56 years old i and wts a former resident of Louis- ' burg?having left here about twenty ? five years ago. He was a brother to I Mra. M. S. Davia, of this place and- 1 Dr. Charles and Mr. Seon Hill, of ! Baltimore. He will be remembered < by many of our people here in hia < connection with the Register of i Deeds office, under a Mr. Ticker. I A Proposition. We will offer an exoellent proposition to any or all aoboolR, churches. r puuuo iMBiixauons mine way ot i securing subscriptions, wherein they can make a nine sum to aeeiet in any of theic-work they ohooee. If you ' are interested write the Franklin Times, Loaieburg, N. C.. at once for ' particulars. v We are Thankful.~ We wish to return our many thanks to our many subscribers who as liberally assisted us in straightening onr books the past week. There are a few yet whdThave not straightened with us, bot practically all we hare teen have, taken a pleasure in getting everything straight. , | Town Commissioners Ifeet. i The town commissioners met in a i called session at the Mayors office i on last Saturday night. After, read- I ing nnapproved minntee the follow- 1 mg business was transacted: I Commissioner White took oath of i effioe before .T. J. Barrow, Olerk i Superior Conrt, and entered upon i bis duties. I J. 1L Collie wai eleoted Mayot to J fill the nnezpired term of J. B. Yar-.l 1 borough, resigned.. 11 | J, A. Turner was elected a coin-' ....... vv - : ^ i . ? . y. ..'Vv- v vv, \j. 1 ... 1'- .*" / N f) JTATE, THE UNION. DECEMBER 10. 1910. uieeioner to fill the vacancy caused ' >y tbe resignation of P. B. Griffin. Many other matters of minor im- , >ortance came before the hoard and rere attended to after which tba ioard aojonrned to ita naxt reguar meeting. The above electiona complete the own'a official foree and we now lave a complete set of offioars. A Box Party. We are requested to state that ' here will be s box party at Ingleide Academy on Friday night, Da- ' ember,' 23rd 1910. Everybody ia nvited to be present. i Banks Will Cloae. i The' banks in Louisbarg will close in Monday an.d Tuesday after Cbrietnas, December, 26th and 27th, to ibserve the holidays. Tkoae having tusmeea with them will take notice pd transact their business accordngly. Red Bud Items. As I haven't seen anything from Did Red Bnd tn so long, will send 'ou a few itema. Its a fine little girl and Mr. Mack )avia is the happy fathsr. Glad to know that Miss Patience Davis and Mrs. B. J. Lineastsi are m proving. Christmas is drawing sear, and ha people are busy getting up rood, killing begs, etc. _M. D. Smith informs ns that he rilled 2,300 pounds 6f >ork last week and W. A. Mitohell tilled eleven hundred and sixtfy nine >ouo<1b of pork, the heaviest one weighed 657 pounds. Little children have you realised that it is most time for Santa Clana. ? . . / Wishing the Times and lis Editor great success. Littpk Baowx Etbs. Largest In the World. /Our readers have doubtless notioed the advertising of the Oortright Metal RoofiDg Co., 50 N. 23rd, St., Philadelphia, Pa., which has jeeh appearing in the "Times" for tome months past aDd we hope thoee who have had reaaon to be interestid in roofing notorial have profited hereby. The Cjrtright Company is ?y far the largest maker of Metal Shinirles in the timrl/i and their nrn. luct ia well and favorably known ever the entire United States. ^They ire alwaya glad to give prompt attention to inquiries and to either send lamples and quote prices to those ikely to be in need of roofing, or to refer them to a nearby local Agent. Merchants Should Advertise. After all the problem ot how to successfully meet the mail order houses-rests mainly with local merchants. Of course in almost every place there are some people who will buYjOf mail order houses just because they' baTe a craze tor baying out of totrn, but the great majority of people are reasonable and fair and prefer to deal wjtjf home merchants. But they heed. .-Mr- have brought home to thhtn in clear, unmistakable form -the advantages which home trading giveB them. As a rule this is not done as it should be. The mail order firms sen ! to almost every home their btg illustrated catalogues two or three times a year, and these catalogues are got up >n alluring manner and full of illusory bargains. Tjbe way for the home merchants to"meet that is Ly keeping honest goods upon their helves and .then tell the public ibont them in generous, attractive advertising that oatohes the eye. Aa i rule they do the first all right, but tlHtr goods, however cioellent, will re*tain on their shelves nnsold unless oAstomers ate secured.?Snow Btll Laconic, j ' < .a : * !! TO WWYWC PEOPLE ; THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. J Those Who Have Visited Loulsburg the Past Week?Those Who - Have Gone Elsewhere t for Business or Pleasure- i F. W. Hickt spent Wednesday in ' Raleigh. . 1 J, L. Palmer visited Warrenton 1 the past week. W. M. Person paid Raleigh a short visit Friday. Mrs. E. G. Perry visited her sister , in Kittrell the past week. j J.Jk. Turner went to Cireensborc^ this week on business. M , Judge C. $1. Cook spent seveial i days in town the past week. m W. M. Fuller, ot Wake vMertj J was in town the past week, m C. K. Cooke returned 'Meed ay from a trip to Washington CMy. W. D, Jacluon rsturnsd Monday from a "business" trip to Oxford, 4 Mayor Powell, of Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg the pest week. Rev. E. Q. Pueev end wife, of Morven, are visiting at Dr. D. T. Smithwick. J. Allen Harria returned thia week frem a visit to relatives in Vance County. S. L. Cooke, who has a position with the Brunswick Home Sanitarium at Amityville, N. Y., is visiting/ his people here. Messrs. H. D. Kgertoa, J. O Sledge, M. C. Clapton, J. R. Fulghnm left Tuesday for Greensboro to attend the State meeting of the Farmers Union. They were joined at Frnaklinton by A. B. Weater. Sunday Fire. About 12 o'elosk Suaday the sounding of the fire alarm caused much excitement The fire oompaoy immediately answered the alarm and it was learned that the fire whish was reported to be at the plaining mill of G. W. Ford, was a falsa alarm. There was no damage as that which was theugtit to be a fire was only a few shavings bnrning about the beilsr where no damage would have occurred. ? Several Kinds of Girls. A good girl to hare?Sal Vation. A disagreeable girl?Annie Mosi*7 A fighting girl?Hittie Maginu. Not a Christian girl?Hettie Rodexy. A sweet gi?l?Carrie Mel. - Ajery pleasant girl?Jennie Ros " A sick girl?Sallie Yate. A smooth girl?Amelia Ration. A seedy girl?Cora Ander. Qne of tke best girls?Ella Gant A elear case of girl?E. Lnoy Date. A geometrical girl?Rhode Dondron. A mnsieal girl?Sarah Nade. A profound girl?Mettie Physics. A star girl?Met Orio. A dinging girl?Jessie Mine. , A nervous girl?Hester leal. A muscular girl?Catlie Sthenics. A lively girl?Annie Mation, ,' An unosrtaip girl?Eva Neioent. A sad girl?Ella G. A sereae girl?Mollie Fy. A great big girl?Ella Phant. A warlike girl?Millie Tary. The best girl of all?Your own. Needmore, N. C. Here's the place te buy enaal farms with rent money, ih a good section with goed people owning their ows houses and doing well,good stores, ootton gins, saw milla and shopt, where y4U flan get lumbar end the like to boild with. In fact evarj thing you might want. Sale - " ? " 1 iistSrE /v", v . ' ; j--V'X-* - -<>>?' . .ye^ 'J?, - 'J'* 1 . _ JBSCBIPTION S1.00 PER YBAB S . - .b-' U ' " ' r"' NUMBER 48 (tartB at 11 A. M. Wednesday, Dee. 21ft. Terina 1-3 cash Bal. m two equal aayments of one and two years each. Sale on the preund rain or shine. r - jrt: , The Cemetery ?We wonld be glad to have lome of the ladies of Louiabnrg, who ire interested, to take some actions n regard to the cemetery. This is t matter that honestly needs attenton and we-feel that the ladies can lo more with it than anyone else. I Turner N. C- Almanacs J-?'Tnrner-Ennis N. C. Almanao r 1911 is the standard. For seventy-four years it has been getting better andf> better; it is of unquestionable value to every one and gives satisfaction to everybody. Price 10 oAiitfl T?.nr??? PiiKliaKiu ? T??1 * uuinuui^ vv?j iiai#igh,-N C. Better Times Tbe need for hbavy horses -on the farm is increasing. Improved farm methods, scarcity of farm help, and. the heavier machinery now coming into nee, make the need for heavy horses more imperative. And the scaroity of farm labor makes tbe heavy machines a neeessity. The horse and the machine mast do the / work of more men. The big plow, the disk barrow, the heavy roller, tbe manure spreader, all call for heavy boraes. "* , Needs of The Farm The afreets are now thronged with buy bnyera and the merohanta are raiting their heads in testacy. The activity on the thoroughfares beams with metropefltan lileT What s ' . is the use of harping about hard t times? Our town has steod well I the test of monetary stringency, our people are living well, our village is progressing, we have all the advantages and resources that could ba reasonably wished for; then, why should our people continue t* complain of hard times? The least said of misfortune or bad times and bad conditions the better it will be in the end. bet us lift our voices and with one accord exult over good look during the new months. Let , ub eneak of oar resources, our buai- . nesB and our general stability. Oars ' is a goed, solid, progressive, conservative town with brilliant prospects and we can do much for it by speaking of its eontinual, steady advancement. Let ns do it. . ... . At The Court House Mr. S. C. Ilolden, the popular deputy register of deeds under, W. ' *| M. Boone, will in tbe future be depOfy sheriff undei Apr new- sheriff, ? He will assist Register of Deeds Tarborough in his new office until he may become familiar with the work, fie has made many friends in Louisburg who will be glad to learn that he will continue to be connected with the court house work. CL II. Mullen, of Dunns township, has taken the deputyship in i the Register of Deeds office. Mr. Mullin is a very popular young man . and possesses splendid business ability. His selection, by Mr. Yarborough, to fill this pi see will no doubt, prove to be a wise one. _ - s Low Christmas Holiday Rates Aocownt of Christmas holidays !" Seaboard announces their krtr round trip rates from all points on its line. Rates will be on basis of 80 per cent double tbe one way fares; tiokets will be on sale Deoeraber" 15th to I7th inclusive, 21st to 26, jnolnsive, Dec. 31st, 1810 and, January 1st, ltlt. fi^*etijrn.liroit January 8th, 1911. For full mformation as to rates, schedules, call on yowr local agent or addrewthe underaighid.?1 p?!ajK-,v " ... .: .J

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