wr r-' i > rf..,. LESSON FROM 3 ^ . TROLLEY CURDS, Advertising Men Alive to Value of Home Trade. iP^THEY URGE L0CAL BUYINQCar* of Bronx Borough, New York City, Carrying Appeals to Purchasers to Get Their Goods From Their Own Stores?A Policy-of Mutual Helpfuli nest and Co-operation. k . In the trolley cars of Bronx borough, I New York city, urc displayed some adI vertlsing cards placed amoug the other advertisements, presumably without charge, by, the company which controls the advertising in the cars of the ! borough. The cards inform the riders j and readers that the articles advertised In the cars are to be found In. the \ stores of the borough aud advise the intending purchasers to procure them _at home. It is understood, of course. that tlie quality, of standard articles is the same wherever I hey are purchased. mit is assumed that the merchants ie borough will mujie as reasonable prices on the articles as any one will. The position taken by the advertising company In thusTrclplng along the mcu who help it certainly seems to be a wise one. Local purchasers arc induced to buy. standard goods, adver\ tised all over tbe country us well as iu the local cars, from the local merchants. The latter arc. ill turn, enabled to buy advertising space in tbe cars. The Germans, who are prolltie makers of wise sayings, have an old saw which says. "One hand washes the other, and both become eipnn." I* is an encouraging, sign of the growing prosperity of the borough that the local merchants are using more and more space in the cars and that the borough newspapers are flourishing as never before. Isn't there here a moral to be gleaned by other places? The moral is. Encourage home trade by all means. The trade that goes out of a town does not benefit It; it Is the trade that seeks and finds its natural outlet at home that helps. It couuts not only for the man who gets It, but for the man who gives it, for the latter helps his neighbor as well as himself. j The uplifting of the general level oi prosiwrlty which is apt to follow keep iug trade at home helps evGry man and woman in a town by keeping up wages, by distributing profits so that everybody in a town gets a share, direct or indirect, of the beueflt. The mall order houses have their place in the business world, and they do good?to the men who run them many of whom have accumulated much money in the business. But when they take out of any particulai town money that should be spent there legitimately they cannot be said to be a benefit to tliat town. In addition, there is the personal and social side of the question. Looking at It as fairly as you will, buying goods from a catalogue and sending to a strange, faraway city the money that has been earned in one's homo town, often with the advice and" cooperation of one's neighbors, is a cold blooded proposition. How much better it Is to meet your neighbor man to man, over your counter or over his, and sell to him or buy ' from him what one needs' If "life is made up of little things," *as has been said very often, the little frlendll nesses ana greetings or personal Intercourse are worth something, probably more thaij ^he small profit that Is to be gained by patronizing a house far away that cau be nothing but the embodiment of "business." And In many casea the monetary profit is only lm .?cg<"l"T when the time and bother Inyolved In the transaction and the real worth of goods bought are taken Into consideration. CHARLES N. LURIE. Duillill Ash Removal Scheme. f Street Gleaning Commissioner Edwards of New York appeared before the finance committee of the board of aldermen recently and asked for $15.000 with which to moke experiments aimed to do away with the dust and exposed garbage nuisance. The scheme proposed contemplates the carrying of ash cans from houses to the dump direct without emptying them Into i carts. The $15,000, If obtained. Is to be spent for an auto car carrier, a relay truck, cans, dustless cover devices and other things of the kind. This 1s considered by many an excellent Idea, for It will undoubtedly tend to keep towns and cities in a clean and healthful condition. Don't Murdsr Your Trias. ! Frequently large signboards arc placed against street trees. Where I they are fastened with Iron bands the latter will sqon cut Into the very Ufa of the tree, preventing the free circulation of the'sap and thereby Injuring top and'foot equally. It Is nothing new to see trees half dead standing for years In front of handsome residences. fighting hard for life, shortened by neglect and abuse. The owner Is too Indolent to bare the dry limbe removed, th? old. exhausted soil renewed. and so Improve, at least for a time, the appearance of the sufferers. Hg A Town's Main Street. A drummer whose route takes Is fifty towns in Illinois and Indiana says that a town which will not keep iti Bah, business street In good re pall steadily loses its farmer trade and by j >ndby its bdfit baslnsm men. ;-r. -w- " -T / n _ v ?... * - * , N * * < # *fv * ? - ' X I ... GERMS IN_HER SYSTEM. Every Women 8hould Read Thie Ad*Vlc# and Vtho Gen?rxra*?Offer That Goee Witrt It. The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere I mention of their names, and it is u I fact that inoAt of these diseases are of a catarrhal nature. A womuu cannot | be well if tlere is a trace jot cjfarrh : In her systei u I " j Some worn ill think ther^ is no help for them. V 'e positively 'declare this to be a mlsti ken idea. Yfe ure so sure I of this that we offer tcf supply medicine absolu ely free at all cost in I every instai ie where /t falls to give j satisfaction, or does Jkot substantiate I our claims. With thfe understanding, no woman ihould iybsitate to believe I our honesty of purtpse, or hesitate to put our clali us to a Aest. There is ? nly 01Jo way to overcome catarrh.-" T tut vfiy is through the ! blood. You mnw use all the snuffs, I douches or likvf remedies for years I without gel Ling/more than temporary i relief at he t. Catarrh in general is a j diseased co ulmuii of the system that ; shows locn ly/nmst frequently In discharges fro iJnucoua membranes. Local treatirn w should be assisted by interna! tie plan ut for the "general diseascft cond loh if a complete cure is | to bo t'eaJicd. That Internal treatment .show 1 be scieniiUenlly devised and fuithrfi ly administered. Kexnll /m icu-Toue is scientifically prepared/fr >m the prescription of an eminent/ pi yslclau who for thirty years irnde atarrh his specialty. This rcmedyf is : dmirably adapted to the treatment ol the catarrhal ailments of. worn eft. -4It purifies and enriches the blooey teudi to stop mucous discharges. alila in . removing impurities fron/ the sy?cm. soothes, heals and strengthens ilie mucous tissues, and brings about p feeling of health and strength. I p'e want yiw low iliilten htri. GOWANS Kindof Externals la (he tme Standard preparation \ universally and enthusiastically endorsed by DoctoV, Druggist, Layman. dp WANS Cures PnnimonlL Croup, Colds, Coughs, Heurisy and all ailments inspd from In(lammati nnr Congestion. Ootrgns I vpkr&tlon hug oat of ibtlgrggbti hd kioot sgtlsfketorj i safes of An pnpArgtion CArrird In our g\oc . r< eoosidtr It A iroDdrrfl.li lecssa. THL' I VRKM T DRUG CO,, WbajmAlr Druggists Co/ambls, I C., ./Or J J, iUlO BUT TOO ti HAVE (Till THE HOME ' mamirii. ai. so.. as.. 00WAN aiCALCO.. DURHAM. M. 0. MAH teteMte W mw laqm ' Mfim ' -1? 1 "lM ur? of Mof farm land thraa mile* from Wosd^aAor*. Apply to r C. ; r * J}' S . " * . . 1 ? I ^ig?B A big bowl of Quaker J0ats is the beit/uish you can serve. Y Delyuaus and no^i; hing. Goafl fo r all ages and all conditions. Ifconomrcal and strengthening. Packed in regular size packages, and in hermetically sealed t/ns lor hot climates. 58 ROW TO CURE RHEUMATISM U is an Internal Disease That Requires on Internal Remedy. The cause of KhemaUsm and kindred diseasen is an excess of uric acid in the blood.^Vcure^this terrible disease this acid must be exptlled and the system so regulated thatlJwmjore acid will be formed in e.xcesshfeiquafttities. Rheumatism is an eterWd disease and requires an internal remedyL Rubbing with Oils and Linpkents wil not cure, affords only tem/olary relief at best, causes you to d?aj tbe proper treatment, and allow* tile malady to tffct a firmer hold 01/ yol. Liniments may ease the pain, rout khev will no more cure Rheuaptisml that* paint will change the ftf?re of rotten wood I Science'has at last discovered a perfect and cchools For full ^formation, address Pres. M. D. ALLEN, LOL'ISBURG, - J?. Carolina tmrnrmirut bum*** a?AN* t&MoZ* eu amnu I AWl.* vita r- 111 S??L XPry*f ? r?v SiIR? MUaiBtTCiiMU wmn III M.W.aiKit, B It. 10LI BY/ALLwRUIIISTt 3S?. EYEIYWURE impokant/notice toitown^m pavers nTha aomaoiaeionJpa of the town of Louisbuig have oiserhd ma te. make immediate olUetiin of\th? taxes due tbe town Tinrdlai of Aeans. Bee me In the next few laya ami lets settle am* witheat furfcer coat apd trouble. I D, C. HIGH, own Tax Cotleeter / T ,V / . ' LADIES TAK \ w^^mm We Have Just R Hundred of tl _ \ Shapes and! .:.Ladie$; From one of the leading Manufacture era going to after these hate at greyly we ean sell you a ladita hat T For $1 That would have ooet tor from $2.50rt<^ of the season. It will pay you to LADIES W001 Red, White and tJray are bare in all aia S1/00 I Theee are by far the beat goads we h*T eheayar thaa even before. Bring the el alee. Oar beat adTertieemant ia oar pli traded here. If yoo bave/t been in to abont as for he has beeu In and we are Oar store is 'for your comenieuce and ? er to trade or meet yon/friend. Ypurs to: CANDLER-CRI / - . / JUST - RE i : s \ \ 55 Head c \ - "f \ from StyXouie them before they ai Remember they &r< ?*u won-urujie. JI wagons, and harnesi loay of Surries for c Big Mortgae Si Everybody K. P. X LOUISBUR . " 1 ^L" ;w*-r. ;e notice cceivcd Ta^o / he Latent Styles in/ -7' 3 / ., ? I . s.t Ha:, and /or the next ten days we reduced prices. In the lot 1.50 t i*3.50 ea?h at the begiinring ee ours before vou buy. SWEATERS eslaad at prices ranging from e Blown this seienn and are nidAan to? oe w? can fit them saseH customers who have. e? W ask your neighbor surahs will advis? y?u right, re invite you to some, whethSerive - )W(ELL"COr :ceived / ' ????? -y/ )f Fine : Mules Come to see :e picked over 5 s