y - ' * FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager Nn TUB, ... ?1.00 41X MONTHS, - - *6 I HUI MONTHS, . 9S Kk11>A v, December 16 1910. To-mokkow one week is Christmas Eve. Only nine days to Chrntmse, have yon gotten that present yet. Who is responsible tor the ad* vsnce intbe price ef cottoa; the republicans? In you don't push your town how sen you expeet anyone else to push it for you. , Jbdoinu from bis appointments _one would take 1'rssident Taft te be a democrat. Do your Christmas shopping bsfore the rush gets on. It will I* more pleasant to yon and no doubt more profitable. / Axil Raleigh has not gotten the new market house yet. There are always people in every town who are a draw back to progress. I? Tnft expects te fool the people k. k: ' ? -? - ' ? uj mi appointments ne wilt be sadly mietakeD. Oar southern people are not fools and they can usually Bee tbreugh a mist. A Kki'Iikskntatitb from Mm'co ^ was in Raleigh the past "week pur-! chafing fiOOO bushels of North Carolina cotton seed to be used iu that country j)6Jt year. It is said that if") they prove successful they will use many times this many next year. Wb pay more for labor in this country than \f paid in any country j in tUv world; and labor pays more! for rent, food and clothing in the! United States than it. doe* any where el^e Whjit the y?d will be ho one knows but. even thoughtful men anticipate the anxiety. 3 I The big sh spleni ne of the biggest the public daily fro ? alasa show, it h as a of ti e largest di*p; give the public an i< tion our popular lin we have youths am oaly *10." Then aft lina of overcoats th Shoes makes life w As a reminder we n would ba appreciati T?<op) 2 1-St lb. Paari Lemiay S 1-Se lb. Fiah km lit eao. Sib ml aid toaibM 10a a4a lib ataadari tomteea 6? aaa. Beet term lla am Kinfao's ??liable barns 10a lb. Kiaapu'a picnic ham* 10 1-Ie. Lota of otbar kind* af aaa gaoda at bab ton pritaa, nic* fieih lias of tasdi**, alwaya on band. Applaa, arantaa, bananas, aaiaiaa (loos*,} aaadad raiaiaa, currents, aoeoanota, ahreddad coaaaaot, olives, etc., atapla lis* dpy t?*da. ahoa* 1 mena aarliga* aad work, skirn, avermlla prices to pait all, t'?* ** a trial, I guarantee to please yoaj i * J J.WKING IOMING \ ' ' V /' iow of the season tin - ------ - \ ' f V ' lid efforts on the pai V / the mauugfcment shows that has evsr vi/ited this town will in this date_uiitiLCVfi*Qa*s day. TTilct^ t number of up tt d^efspecialtiee. I t is svs mat T!B IW hwa presumed Lu tho - a of our host and njst up-to date speei te of bovs clothing smish run in sizss fro i mens suits which .jafeil the world over 1 ;er you buy yeur suit, ^3 wish to show at we are clesing oiit aAa price. Our ce alk easy. As for h^ts, Vre have the Lc aention below a few of the aiany things ;d by any one as a Christus gift. 3 15, Leather suitfeasee 1.2Ato 12.50, Gri| >ld watches 7.50 td 27 IngersAld watches 1 ttonsl c to 3.50, fcarf pins 29f te t.50, Co 50s, silk mufflers 2j? to 1, kfll glovss 1 t< x, BOr and 1.69, Hats 6, boya nuts 1 to H m 4 50 to 20, Sireater costs 25s to 7.80, 1 irs 50c to 2. I \ is no substitute foe 63 have Mid eleven long 3 in this businecs wte mers dannot find av good vp-to-date line gs. So before you n pu rebuses, call to s< \ \ yy e i '/ 15 small (arms will b? sold at aao lion regardleee ot prios Deo. 21st, Wednesday 11 A, M. in or near the town ot Need morn. N. C. He en time for we sell rain or shine. Terms Tery easy Important. I bare bought out the I Spire business on Nash street and will continue the same, u wl pay the highest market price! tor anything you hare to sell inoMding hides, furs, chickens, eggs, Ate. Come to see ms, I have a oiseuine ot groceries, traits, etc., forChaistinaa. / \ J. I). Hill Last I^>tice 190$ - TAXES All parentis owioj? taxes must settle same nt! oneai Conditions this year are diffferenl and it is necessary that I should! uUs? mv connection with the office 2, work glores 0. mens (suits I. GO ^B mens trousers fOe mt tperience, X ye^rs of Z feel that 2 ] substitute 2 ^ i;tke your 2 ^ je me, . 2 |( * ^ i % ' ^P"' ' . \> V.?# Farmers and F Create or Crumble. towers. A small savings accounts account started today rhe sarther you travel otythis road the less ytAi wish to / make otlr ban rHE FARMERS _ AND / LOU MB B U * ( \/ Sffici C. B. Cheathato, Pros. f. K. Egekton, ' U. S. CliftouV Ass jnder supervision of the\ E ERYBODY FINDS JUS AT THE BIG ill = THIS V BARGAINS B^RI 10, to and JO cent embroidery, one more rent's weaterii^cj we*^ v " them, that's^ily Iron wear stock isgsilheavy weight, for Uodman Shoewf j boys and girls 20c .values 15c *wo mC)re biarldtr can tit everybody Entire stock flannelette, kimono out- ling most /veryb ings. etc : 9o show yoi^fhy. ' RE.SH ARRIVAL OF LITTLE w/MENJ ,Y FOR .SMALL GROWN FIGUBCE.5, No : OATS AT .SHORT PRICED. / * F YOU THINKJYOU CAN FLflD IT CHE/ WAYS PIND ITytHEAPER HI 5 ROOM COTTAGE yoK RENT,^No\ THE "BIG LIT One Price t24 Z. eg jOIIiG 0UT~ / \ The Fi: w. p.\ne ,??- Will gV out January [f you want goods pX a barj real closing out sale for w will sell the entire stock in I the busines if iiny one wan chance for some one who \ time businesys ~ f H. ; | Surviving Partnc ^ ' . >; ' ' ! Merchants Bank " ! - ' T":" ' start a sk bank ^account irorltdur a MS BOY'S T* ptacrry [xmas OR your owi ^an^a v ^/UcA. a, : . . TttnACkcoMt? lion for aucoess before old age crumbles liis earning , now. will atart.you on the road to indepeadenoe. turn aside. . > ... K YOUR BAWK MERCHANTS BANK "?fesN- c!inO Vice-Pres. > U. Y. MoAden, Cashier, istant Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA T WAT THEY I WANT TLE STORE VEEKST EF1-Y STATED J- O r and Child- Red Raven Ste^kings, every pair warime and see rabted, recognised beet 26c hoeiery 21 dozen of for ladies, gentlemen, boys and sir la. st received, This week V.YV lb I on the way, and am sel- 20c bleached turkished towels. 2for. .Ha ody, let me i 15e Auckaback towels lie Cp AT -5UI T.S. ADAPTED E.SPECIALTROU&LE TO TIT. NEW LOT OF LoN? kPEfc. ELSEWHERE YOU WJ,LL AlZK& LET ME .SHOW YOU V OOCUPIED BY J.,T. WINFREE. tle\store ;EFcCTON C"k 0nl/ rmr of AL & CO. '.I*': ' of business 1st, 1911 ! ??ujli uume now. This 10 a e are going to quit. We lulk and the good will of ? ra to buy. This is a -fair wants to do a high class far borough >r of W. P. Neal |||| '