jt ? \> (, .' TX? "j- -."A* FRANkLIN TIMES nOoilNSM. Editor ud MiMgcr FKIDAT. PBCBMaaa 16, 1910. Minmunmnaim TAR DROPS. . j- ~* ?< i ...-J- ? ?It? a fine boy and W. N. Fuller, Jr., i* "kioking the ceU oat of dad'a way." |? ?Quite a number of buaineea W) w^inngen will take place in Douiaburg neat year. ?Work on the new reiidanee of J. A. Turner on Main etreet it progreeting rapidly. ?Rev. A. J. Parker preached at the Baptist ohureli on last Sunday night at 7 o'olock. ?The hour for eervioee in the churches here at night hat been whanged from 7:30 to 7:00 o'oloek. ?Mr. Jamea R. Bunn has accept< ed a potitioa with Ma. J. S. Howell in the furniture buaineea. ?Judging from the fireworke a tew of our people hare felt the .1 Chriatmig spirit the paat weak. ?There it a town law in regord | to oattle, horses and hoga running at large on tne streets, whioh should be enforced. , ? ?"Sheriff Boone" and "Register ef Deeds Yarborough" are expree eions that are not altogether acclimated at yet. ?Mr. Frank Davia brought ut a six and a quarter pound turnip the past week. It is the prettiest specimen we have Been yet. ? lhe deoorationt id ihe Soot gin ! Drug Co., and Be&sley Alston Drag Co., ar? verj prettj and will serve as a reminder that Christinas is on iu wa-T- f J ?We have been told there is a law to prevent the obstruction of side walks in I.ouieburg, but one not think so by boking at OUr atresia.' ^?If each of us would abstain from throwing tin caus and waste papers in ths alleys and empty lots, ^ 01., appearanoe of the neighborhood would be greatly improved. ?The hour for Sunday Scheol at the Methodist cburoh has been changed from 3 o'clock in the evening tor 9:30 n'clock in the morning, beginning with next Sunday. ?The fact'tbat yov take tbe paper out ot the post fticej'tither binds you to pay the subscription or be liable to Unele Sam for a violation of the postal laws. ?B. A. Pearee is acting Night Police since Night Policeman Harris was shot. Hatrts is getting along nicely and will no doubt be able to enter upon bit duties id a short while. ?We received several lots of itpmn the oast week relative to mat tor* tbi.t wouid transpiie this w?ek throughout the county and regret to say that th'ey were received too late tor publication last week. ?There i? no doubt but that it would give general satisfaction to our people it an auolion house would he established and used in Louieburg. By this means it would pre^ vent, in a great measure, the blocking the streets. ?News was received here Sunday tc? the effect that Mrs. Wade Hart is, of Mapleville, took some poison accidentally on laat Saturday evening. Asaietance waa immediately oalled and at present she is doing well. ?We are requested to state that the members of Louisbufg Chapter, No, 26, Royal. Arch Masons are expected to meet ipftaeir hall to-night at 7 o'clock prompt. Important batmen before the chapter. a n ?We owe' several of our job patrons an apelogy for not being able to deliver their work when promiged tms hill, but we have experienced eeverpl, strikes by employees whose conception of the right was to quit without notice. However we are at work for new ones and will have them in in a few days. / ?There are some boys* in Louisburg who charge their ill luck to not being able to de bettor. There are lota of opportunities for every boy in Looitburg it they would only consider that their employer had any , rights in connection with their works. JtttifijMU%? v riil 4 'Jk Ji yiyjy '"d'T'tHtWSW '* i . . ? taft appoints judobs. President Taft, oa December 12, ] ltlO, sent bi* appointment* ta tha 1 aanata sa fallow*: * For Ckiaf Juatioa United States ' Supreme Court?Edward Douglas 1 White, of Louisiana, a democrat. 1 For Aaaoeiata Joatieea of tba " United States Supreme Court?Joeeph It. Lamar, of Georgia, a demo- j crat; and Willi* Van Daraater, of , Wjoaiiog, a repubiieaa. J Wonder what the Southern rapab lioau* now think of Taft aiaee he j has again by his astiopt said there wore iio republicans fit for the place. EVER WATCHFUL. f a A Little Care vVill Sare Many 1 g Louisl-urg 1 leaders Fu-j ture 'rouble. / , Watch the kidniy secretions, , { See that they h ire the amber hue ( of health; j f The diacharge i ot excessive or in- ' frequent; 1 / Contain no "briek-dnet like" sedi- * ment. ' I / [ - Doan's Kidney* Vip will do thia ? fer you. I / 1 The watch the nnneya and cure ? them when they'ramiok. a O. P. Worthaml Henderson, N. ^ C., aaya: "From nprsbnal experience, " I know Doan's Kidapy Pill to be an azoelient kidney remedy and worthy c f recommend Aion. nor aome time \ my kidney* Were banly disordered i and I was tuatd raick annoyanee 2 by too freqiAut pases ;es of the kid J ney seoretJons. I a io suffered a ' great dealirom baoks she and sharp e pains serins my loins, but waa at a j loss to kpow how tc obtain relief t Until Doan's Kidne Pills were | brougt* to my" attenti in. Procuring \ a box/j used them an I they quickly 8 corrected the diffioulti is. I have had "5 no backaohs or other symptom ot ' disordered kidneys sin s." > For sale by all dealan. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mil burn! Co., Buffalo, Kerr Terk, sole ageoisrer the United States. ? Hemember the name?Doan's and l take no other! K. P. Hills\big annual, mortgage j sale of horses, \nuleC, buggies, wa > gone, etc., will\ take plaos at his J atables next Tht*sday, December t 22nd, will bring aubig crowd to Lou- 1 isburg at tbis saleA He says he will ? hare 60 or 00 looses and mules ' some of this stock young .and poor, | j and if you bare (be clwh it is chance | to buy cheap, several sauries. Come to K."^K Ilitfh big sale 1 Thursday, Decenyfcq^22. NOTICE 7 | J. O. Beasley & Sou, of Ingleside < wish to announce that they intend j going out ef business after this year and they want to ' sell their entire stack of goods at once. This is ons ' ot^the finest stands ill ^ one of the most prosperous cgadaio&ities in the , State and anyone wishing to make i a onange ur-.ro do a. jmtroantili bust- . nrs8 wogld d\well jo oall and see ' theiq. 'Aire 8\>re liAimr is woU ar- j ranged ftrxl plipty 11 room yu? 30 j feet x 60 f\et and Ikp-t twff^loore. I The; haTeViu a v big brass band. Dear Sara:?1 told you Mr. So rad So could not pay tor that fine >lack male he bought last spring lom them Hill's. Meet me st the ale Thursday, Deoember 22 and we rill see whs' she will bring for cash ' would like to have that mule my-, elf.?John. Big brass baud will furnish music or the Needmore sale of small arms. Ws look for a good crowd :ome bring your friends and their riende. ltt)TICE. | Having qualified as administrator of he estate of RhoCa CanJtady, deceased, if Franklin Counte, thy is to notify ail lersons, holding V'laifn.i against said state to present atym to the underigned on or befok 174. page 4, I will, on Satarday/the 7 th day of anuary, 1911, atfhe /our of l.oon. Bell t public auction ft Jnie Court House loor in LouisburgJfV C., to the highest bidder for cashlA certain piece or ract of land lying lfnd being in Frankin couaty, North Carolina, in Louism* township, amYlescribed and detPOT as lollows^/toVvit: On Mineral Ipring street 14Qffee\ to corner of J. N llollingsworfn, thbnce east 210 feet o line of Wilfty Mav, thence in a outherly diredhon l4(Afeet to Hilliard (arbo rough's/ie, theifce west 210 feet * the begiming at Hilliard Yarbortugh't co net, and knowu as the Danel Hazlewcrod lots. This 6th day of December, 1910. R. W. Hudson, Mortgagee. "" TRUSTEE SALE OF-'LAND. By virtue of a power oI sale containtd in that certain deed of trust, executed en the 22nti day/of August, 1908, >y Jacob Evans taML.fi. Clifton, Trusee, and duly recoraeA in the registry of ^ranklin County, iAMook 162 at page t86, default havinglfceen made in the layment of the idieb edness thereby ecured. and denmul for foreclosure laving been maaclupon the trustee >y the party holdwg the bond secured >v said deed the|un'it *? . ' _ i , jf " ;v ' * * U ' >V , 1 . ' r I Christmas i * ? And with it the pleasure Ui monij thMd to spen< .. . ttilod to nelce pi u< the ' Why Not Start a ? Just open that account wit] We will be glad to Xa/ta ^ know you ytU pr ^P > / accouc | FIRSJ NATI / LOUISBl UNDER'SUPERVISION j 1 CHRISTMAS Prunes Dikes Fjrs Currents Pulvprii ^ Granulated Sugar, Mac 1 Apples Pine Appl Fruit * Bananas \L Sausage 81i Pound Cake I And anything you nan Chase and/San i | L. 17*. h ON TH ^R ^ ^PHOI I [SEED 1 I For S | ^VIcklNN^BR |l_ / LOUISBURG, - . v V' t - ' '-. ' ,7 ' 'i^$X:M ' ^W' vision this year for Jolidaya or Vi e /^/M/r?n??i-n? ^ > MENU | j Citron Seeded Raisiaa x ?d Cut Loaf Brown and aroni Gheese Cecoanuts e Oranges Grape ' enoni Grapes Hams A ced Beef Olivs and Fruit Cake ? l for Thanksgiving Dinner I t>ors Fine Coffee & ilCKsTl I ME\4.2 LOUISBURG, N. C. + - n a/MEAT j | die By ^ lOtHERS CO. INorthXcarolina J