i; 1 ?Complicated I f.' . Case * 1*? Km Mm Wh Aeetued o? ftaalad Mailitil Himself r flVntUT BAKXH 0 mk hriMrt? Pram 1 MB an HlMlMU maa. I n#T? HIM a tftoM la my lit* neve m AM a "-- Ml, aat 7ft I ai la JaH aaaaaad ?t warder. Tkia ia* aa* ha ia?liai(, far many am lain aat au kaa aot omij baaa accused <1 hat haa haaa hanged tar murder. Ik what la raaaackable la my caaa a tha I am accaaed of murdering myeelf. Perhape this laa't quite ctaar. It I Isn't, it la aither because tha caaa la vary complicated oaa or I am uot la t condition at mind to make It clea The only way to unravel tha matter a that It can be understood la to tall th story from the beginning. Twelve years ago 1 came to Mertfon a young man of twenty-fire, to look fc a Job. 1 had. no funds, and, not ge ting a position at once. 1 ran In debt t my landlady. A. month passed, and had found nothing to do M.v luudlsd told me that, it 1 didn't U|I by lb neat Saturday night alio would liuv me arreated tor a comuiuu vagrant an swindler. That same day while walking abov looking tor a job I met a man 011 tit street who looked ao much like u that 1 a tared at him aa wa pasaei He turned and said: "You must be a kin of mlaa. Yo look ooough like mo to be my ow hf?*hhr * "What's roar umtf 1 aakad. ~~ "Wllll.m aifglnm "1 am Nicholas Vaa Winkle " Wa oeuMn't traca anj relatlsaahl] tat ha asked ma into a baar aalooi whara va parauad that and othe subjects. Ha was aa insinuating te I law and ataa my confidants ao fa that 1 laid him of my financial trot M*. What did ha da hot whip out aall of saw. orlop bills and Invito m to halp myself. 1 damarrad at lnern due obligations to a atraiigar. but b lBHlatad and inally literally force upon me four ton-dollar bills, aayln that he waa sure from the Hkenee between us we had sprung from common stock and he didn't propo? that any kinsman of his should suffe ao long as he had plenty Of money, asked bin) for his address that 1 mlgt return the loan after getting a pos tion. He put bis hand on my ahou ^ter ?nd said: "1 won't tell you. lei j^fc'ou rob yourself to pay me before yo ^Kre ready." With that he went ot somewhat suddenly and left me vcr much surprised at all that had ex / curred. / The only thing to do was to consldt the episode a piece of good luck, am going to my landlady. 1 gave he three of the btlls. keeping the othc for current necessities, which I pu chased Immediately. The next day, a policeman cams t the house and produced a warrant fc my arrest. The charge waa passln counterfeit money, and the accuse was a druggist of whom 1 bad bougt a toothbrush and from whom I ha age for a ten dollar bill. (mir It didn't appear to me then that 1 t- should have any trouble In ldentlfylni 0 myself. I resolved to say that 1 bat 1 succeeded In getting away from thi y man who bad Intended to murder mi ii and had left that part of th# countr; e altogether. It didn't occur to me tba tl such a story la tbe face of a cbargi ef murder would appear pretty thin n Tbe * rat realisation ef my danger tha is came te me was In "hi-n with thi iv official whe was taking me back h I. Hertford. I teld him the aboey Jus aa 1 have Uiu far 1*14 It bar*. Aui u what waa bla comment T It waa this: u "Touug mas. If 70a caat last* u; a batter 7am tbaa that yen** hatte ba prepared for tha warst.M This startled ma. I had item ad 1 a mlafortuas to ba takao bask t j, Hertford oa a case of mtotikea Idea 1. tit/ and ta ha pat to tha O?Ma of ai r explanation, bat that I would ba llabl 1- to conviction for murdering m7 owi j* self had appeared so monstrous that 1 1- bad not otob entered my head, a "If 70U atn't prove an alibi," addsi 0 my keeper, "you're tone." r- "What's an allbir I asked. ie "Being somewhere else at the tlm d the murder was committed." g "But I shall prove that I am th is man I am accused of murdering." a He turned and regarded me with ; ie cynical smile. ir "See here." he said, 'Tve been mlxei 1 up with cases like yours for twent; it years. Juries are ready to believe 1- lot of rot from a prisoner with whoc ' they sympathize, but my advice t >t you Is not to endeavor to work off 01 u tbem uny sucb rubbish as that." >t This frightened me. I leaned bad y on the cushion of the seat as well ? ! my handcuffs would permit and gav myself over to the most gloomy ri tr flections. ! When we reached Mertford and >r had been examined, not having an; :r means with which to employ counse r- I was assigned one. He came to th Jail uud heard my explanation. Whei 0 It was finished he said that be wouli ir not think of conducting a case on an: X such improbable line as that and if 'r insisted on his doing so I most fio< " another defender. d What was I to do? All these peopl who were used to snch cases agree* " that 1 must not claim that 1 was my n self. 1 asked my lawyer whom h " thought I'd better claim to bo. H e said that it didn't make aDy different * what my name was. Criminals usual * 1; had pteaty of names and used sue I >r as were sharenieat under different cli 1 cumstanees. The only point in my fa '* ror, be added, was that the body o the man I had murdered had not beei >r found. Be would make as much o {h tide as possible and expected that hi * #euld be would be able to pet me ot with a sentence of Ufa Imprison men o_ of death. ? " Ha "ndsmsd to conmasr this quite ~i i comfort log assure ore For myself : tboapht tbet eren Imprisonment fe Ufa in the case of one wba bad com jj milled murder on himself or suicide V it can be so construed. In rathe ,t bard lines. However. I tsM my law d ysr that 1 wouldn't rcDtura to sugges % Una of defense to one who knew thi j law perfectly, end he might eoneldei d me either deed or alive. Innocent or murderer, as be sew fit. To this hs re 0 pUed that there had undoubtedly beet y cases where a lawyer knew his ellenl to be innocent, but the evidence ^hat r been so strong against blm that bs bai 1 advised him to plead guilty and throe himself on the mercy of the court. n I won't go into the details of tb< trial. My lawyer was congratulation y himself that he would get me off wlti p a life sentence when the police, whe a had long suffered before the public e for what was considered their negll J gence in the case of my murder, by continued digging in the wood wherr p I had been murdered unearthed _1. Sir Jaaaaa Crick tea Brawns aayi? cat mora aatmcal, eat plasty ef h aad sat it iragoantly. gg i Backed in rag alar site packages, and ha rmeticallysealadtinafarkotcTi mates. sow to cuer antutureM r HUM I DImm That Rcqvirts aa lata* C ml WatnatfY. i Tha cause ef Rhematism and kindre i diseases is aa excess of uric acid in th . blaod. To cure this terrible disease thi _ acid must be expelled and the sestet so regulated that no more acid will b [ formed in excessive quantities. Rhe* - mat is ds is an eternal disease and r? quires an internal remedy. Rubbisi I with Oils and Liniments will not curi f affords only temporary relief at best I causes you te delay the proper treat B ment, aad allows the malady to Ret firmer hold on you. Liniments roa ease the pais, but thsy will no raor r cure Rheumatism than paint wi! t chance the fibre of rotten wood ^ b Science has at last discovered a pel i. feet and complete cure* which is calle t "Rheum&cide." Tested in hundreds o ? cases, it kae effected the most marye ous cures; w# believe it will cure yon . Rheumacide "gets at the joints froi J the inside," sweeps the poisons out c 1 the system tones up the stomach, reg ulate the liver and kidneys and make > you well all over. Rheumacide "strike r the roots of the disease and removes it causa." This splendid remedy is sol A K? rlvufvoioko nwr) rlaalun nanwanllt, a j eta. auJ $1 a bottle. In tablet fori at 26c. and 60c. a package. For sale b " Get a bottle today. Booklet free I 3 you write to Bobitt Chemical Co., Ba e more, Md. Trial bottle tablets G5i a by mall. t Beaeley-Alatea Drug Co. Louieburg.tM. C. i ' ASTHMA AND CATARR] CURED e Expert Medical Scientists A nounce Startling Results, O tained by Senpine. it y | New York?1Thousands are taking a< vantage of the generous offer made t The Woodworth Co., Dept. O., 11( Broadway, N. Y. City, requesting a 0 experimental package of Senpine, W 1 great discovery for asthma, hay feve Bronchitis and catarrh, which is maik Ic free of charge to all who .write for j h It is curing thousands of the most ate bom cases. It makes no differe re ho long you have bsen suffering or ho severe the climatic conditions are whei you live. .Senpine will cure you. ] 1 you have experimented with ?tin y treatments and have failed to find a cui I. do not be discouraged but send for e trial of this wonderful truly meritot Q remedy which is a scientific eempeui ^ discovered by a Professor of Vienr University, and is being recommend* J by thousands. 1 ' LOUISBURG COLEGE sgmr - -w. \ North Carolina A echeol for girls ud ycnnp woman owned by the North Csroliem Conference. It offer* healthfml renditions. A happy home. Christian influences. A liberal culture, a thorough education at moderate coat. Special ear* giwen to youngeT girli. Pn?tilii> fOipirtnftHb r*Meiiat?D?g*r(rrvent, With ThirtJbA' Schools Namwl D?MrtNMnl Fee fall information, addres* Pres. N. D. ALLEN. LODISBURG, - N. Carolina taanrmspus MAMAM* MAN* meai i ilfLiioySTBtii rnSij1fe?TiJA 0#ID imrii >fii, ml>4 wi-ik Mm(?) Bib w*. Tiu ?? mm ?? r*w W ijH Mh fcf IAlO? BKAN? PIL&I, #W IwratMiQ part riDw 1*4 ?* Bta, M?Mt. AtB?Ub?, lOH BY ALL DIUCIISTS 5S?. EVERYWHERE Z??Z i +<} j IMPORTANT NOTICE : TO TOWN TAX PAYERS t HThe commissioners of the town ol . Louisburg haw* ordered me to make immediate collection of the taxes due ' the town fegardlees of means. See me , in the next few days and lets settle ami withOat further cost and trouble. -D, C. HIGH, Town Tax Colleeter a fc ' "V: v ^ % * ;V ': V ' [ladies ta Wc Have Just Hundred of Shapes ar .:.Ladies i e s Q e ij From one of the leading Manufac are going to offer these bate at g J we can sell yon a ladies hat For ! j That woald have ooat you from f of tha season. It will pay yoi I Anirc uinn LfiuiLo nuu e Red, Whit# and Gray are here in 5 $1? lt These are by far the beat goods' > n eheayer than even before. Bring 7 also. Our best advertisement is < I traded here. If you haven't lieei . about us for he has been in and v Our stere is (or your convenience er to trade or meet your friend. Yours i fCANDLER-CI i y - _ u a c, d t. . b ; w w re if JUST - F ] 55 lAAf Horses from St Louii them before they Remember they Aid well-broke, wagons and harn load of Surries fo Big Mortgae Everybo< LOUISBU * ' - ' - i! - ? " 5 - - 's&mtjimi**#**--:- .. - Jit Jpf#$; ' :|i KE NOTICFI Received Two the Latest idStylesin ; Hats.:. i lurers and for the neit ten daye we ;reaily reduced prices. In the lot ?1 ten ^ 4? 1.50 to $3.50 each atr the beginning l to aee ours before you buy. , , L SWEATERS all aizes amd at prices ranging from 0 UP re hare shown this season and are the children too as we can fit them >ur pleased customers who have 1 in to see us, ask your neighbor re are sure he will advise you right. ? and we invite you to come, whethto Serve ROWELL CO. - y., 1ECEIVED ' I of Fine j' I & Mules j* r 5 Come to see are picked over are sound, young Also buarmr anH - - 1 lobs. A solid car r cash or tn time. Sale Dec. 22 iy Come. ' . t - ; / . ',N "' ~MILL l-Mi r e?; N, c., ^ ^ ^ j