T" > 16 ? %' % ' FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON. Editor aid Muagcr NI TUB, - - ^ *1.00 ^ -!H MONTHS, - ~ '?ftft - ^ ' iim.', MIIVTHfc. - v" V Kkiday, Dsceisber 23 1810. j % NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. In keeping with an oM and honored custom we wi 1 print no paper next week. After exerting oor every I effort to give you the best paper possible for fifty-one issues iu a year we feel that you will he glad to grant to us one week of holinas which We will take next week. And wo -hope that each and eVerv i onnojf our subscribers and patrons '> , ni4V have the most iterrv Christmas and prosperous New > Year thev . have had in .years. And with the' keenest feeling for your ' enjoyment of the holidays we hid you farewell until nineteen hundred.and eleven. . Congkkss will adjourn Unlay. Lets get the o oek for the court house. i ?i":?L? No doubt the lurkevs will be glad when the holidays are over. xm gomug your presents are you sure \uu have not left off a ouieone Tub Supreme court of the .United Status adjourned Monday uutil January 3rd. W ubh Christmas oumee you are surprised to find that you have so many friends. - Tunas are many dollars being burnt up in fire works that could be better spent someother way. Ik making your resolutions for the new year be careful and nut make any you cannot carry out. Tub money apent for staaapa that bring wiskey ciioulara to l.ouiaburg ? would De au independent income to ^ almost any man. > It aeehia that Urea. Whlchard, of . the Urerfuville Reflector, and Cowan, - ef the Morning Star at Wilmington nderstands each other pretty well. In the local option election held in Suffolk, Vs., on Monday, the drya won by a majority of 55. The ?ty remains dry fur two more year*. T herb are rnaDy places who are ] planning good roada rallies and among them is Louisburg. Citizens of Louisburg don't forget your responsibility. Tub Senate overruled Vice-Presiden bhennan in bis decision that a Senator having a pair could be counted present in order tn make a quorum by a vole of 37 to 17. TtAUHlUB in still tinning ovar thsir Witel houie. It worn strange that the committee should want to do just opposite of what the people and the Legislature instraoled them M d?. The Greeaville Kefleotor celebrated its six teeuth birthday on 3atarday of lrst week. During this time it has been a recognised power for good in its community and has at all times kept in. jtouoh with np to date matters. Bro. Wbiohard is to be oengratulated and we wish him continued success and prosper? *? ' . A esusT deal haa bsen^aid in regard to a sans Fourth of July celebration, and the me agitation might be made for a aane Christmas eelebration. Lst eyeryone take due thought as to the meaning of the day and we will have lesa drunkenness and more real enjoyment out of the Christmas day. I.et temperance rule [HyV ;; your every desire of appetite?New Ben Sam. Gas Explosion Plays Havoc. An avsoeiated press dispatch from New Yodt-on December 19th sites the terrible inoident as follows) The very heart and backbone of Manhattan Island were shaken this " .-L' ' * ' * ~ s: " " ! morning by m tcqri&e ax plenum ofillaoaiaatiag gaa in tha anxiliary pownr hoDM of tb? Orand Central Station. Nine persons, two of them woman, ware ki lad, 115 ware injured and property was damaged to the I extent of tkOO.OlO. Four workmen who am missing, are believed to liiaxa pariahed and of the 135 injured, 98 ware removed to hoepitala. | Of those eight may die. An invaa | ligatioi by the police, the district (attorney's office and lha coroner's I office La under way. Traffic oa the New York Central railread ceased j entirely for tome hours and was digorganized fur the remainder of the day, but the new station itself, now in procroe of eonairacaou, w as not j damaged. Tne injured inoludes laborers and j other employes of the railroad-, ped?strinii?, bt standees and otharv in I me accident. Four of seven passengers in an automobile, were kill ed outfight. For aouie hours it was believed mat v?yniniiie alone toald have wrought such instantaneous and pub vrriziitfr havoc, but late in tke afternoon F rr hief Crocker said ha was convinced that the whole explosion was due to a mixture of air and illuminating gas, used in lighting railroad cars, touched off by an elec trie spark. The gas had accumulated Id tha auxiliary power house from a craked pipe snapped off by a run s way passenger ear. Tha foraa of tha sxploeion ran north and south for two miles along the rocky ridge, that is the backbone of the ulnnd, and east and | wast laterally for amils. Founds tions were jerred, walla were ehaken oat o plumb, windows were blows in by the thoassnd, ceilings ceme crashing down on the heeds of thoee beoesth, snd the pavements were littered with a crisp tinkling fall of pulverised glass that topped the shoe soles. WHBN HER BACK ACHES A woinn Finds All Her tnergj and Ambition slipping Hwaj. Loniabnrg womeh know how tne aches and gains that coma when the kidneys fail make life a burden. Backache, hip pains, headache, diszr svells, distres?ing urinv trouble#, all tell of sick kidnsys and warn yon of the siealtbr approach of diabetes, dropsy and Bsight's disease. Doan/s Kidney Pills permanently cnre all these disorders. Cun Louisbnrg efferers desire stronger proof than this woman's j words? hire. H- Rinehart, Broad Street, Oxford, N. C., aaya:11 Do an'a Kidney Pills liave proven of great benefit te me and eonseqnentally I do net beeitale to apeak in their favor. A con stant, heavy pain in my back kept me in misery and failed to yield to thn varirma rnmMiiaa t>htnK T teLd A weakness of my kidners alse ao-j noyed me, this being especially j bothersome at night. Finally iny hosband procared a hex of Does'* time alter I began using them, the baekao'ie eessed and my kidneys were restored to their normal oonbition. 1 am in exeellent health and 1 give the credit to Doan's Kidney PUla." For tale by all declare. Price 40 oents. Foster-Hilburn Ce., Buffalo, Hew Verb, sole agents tar the UaitaWtt Keruember the name?Doan's and take no ether. STOCKHOLDERS MKBTINO The regular annual meeting of stockholders of Louisbarg Wagon Co., Inoorporated,will beheld in the office of the Company oa Wednesday evening, at 3 o'olook, January 4th, 1911, s fall attendance is requested. Qao. H. Ceopaa, Paas. C. B. Chbatham, Sect, and Tuba*. PUBLIC BESTING of WARD'S LANDS. On Tuesday, the aecoad day of January Term. 1911, of Franklin Superior Court, it being the 24th day of January, 1911, at tbe noon recess, of Court, at the Court House door in said County, tbe undersigned will rent to the higheat bidder at public auction for tbe year 1911, the lands of heirs of Norf. Harris situate in Harris Township, Franklin County, known as tbe Norf. Harris tract, adjoining the lands of J. B. King, A. J' P.Harris and others, eontaiairi? 77 acres, more or leas. This 23rd. day of -December, 1910. J. J. Barrow, C. 8. C. fk Receiver. t&&& "' *.,. r: , . - j'* A V 1 COMMISSIONERS* SALE Br TIM BBKBD LAND By virtue of an erder of resale, made by the Superior Court of Franklia County in that tpecial Proceeding* entitled Mra. Kate WhiU, C. T. Cheavee at el aa. Julius Tant, Mri. Rebacea Parry at al, tha undermined cpm miasionen? will, on Tuaaday, the ?B4th day of January. >911, it being the I seeond day of the January Term of Franklin Superior Court, at noon race** of court, at the Coart House Door in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale to the 1 highest bidder, at public auction, that] tract of and known as the "Tom Reg era tract" in Dunn's Township, Frank- j Tin County,N.C., adjoining the lands of i J. M. White and others and bounded as , follows. On the North by the lands of J. M. White, on the" East by the] lauds of the estate of Amy Bell on the > South by Crooked Creek and on the I West by the lands of the estate of A. ! J White, containing 64 acres, more or r less. Terms of sale?cash. This Dec. j Jlrd . 1910. -I Wm. H.RUFFIN) .T [ COM. 1 W. M. Person ? V \ LUABLK TOWN LOTS For 8ALE. I By virtue of the power of sale contained in a'certain mortgage deed from J. R. Collie and Wife to A. A Clifton, j recorded in Bowk 169 at page 48, Franklin County Registry, 1 will on Monday the 13rd day of January, 1911, it' being 1st day of court, at the Cou t-House door in Louisburg. N. C.. at about the hour of noon, offer fot sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands conveyed in said mortgage deed, situate in the Town of Louisburg, N. C., described as follows. Vit: Beginning at C B. Cheatham's corner in middle Street, running thence along Middle Street in an easterly -direction about 62 1-2 feet to an alley 1 leading from said street,' thence southeasterly along said alley about 214 feet to Pleasant's line, thence westerly along Pleasants line about 62 1-2 feet to , C. B. Cheatham's line, thence aloug C. B..Cheatham's line about 214 feet northerly to the point of begiuniug. This Dec. 15th 1910. Ben T. Holden, Assignee of A. A. Clifton, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF EXECU ttON SALE. North Carolina, Franklin County. In the Superior Court, J. W Helling*- i worth, va Caswell Hayes. I By rirtn# of an execution directed to in* unuersigueu irom ld? superior Court of Franklin t ounty in the above entitled action, I will, on Tueeday. the second day of the January Term, 1911, of Franklin Superior Court, it being the 24th. day of January, 1911, at the noon recess of court, at the Court | House Doer in eaid County, sell te the highest bidder fer eash, te satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Caswell Hayes, the defendent, has in the following described real estate, via: that let or parcel of laud in Louisburg Township, Frank in County, near to the Town of Louisburg, bounded as follows: On the North and East by the lands of M. B. Davis and on the South and West by the lands of W. H. Pleasants, containing 6 1-4 acres, more or less. . This Dec. 23rd., 1910. : W. M. Boone, Sheriff. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Franklin County. In J tho Superior Court, K. P. Hill, vs W. j G. Ayscue. J By virtue of an execution directed to ' the undersigned from the Superior ! Court of Fratklin County in the above entitled ac ion, I will on Tuesday, the second day of the January Term, 1911, ] of Franklin Superior Court it being the j 24th. day of January, 1911, at noon re- I cess of court, at the Court House Door r( in said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said w. G. Ayscue, the defendent, has in the following described real estare; all the interest in remainder after the life estate of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Ayscue, devised to him under the will of the late I. G. Staunton, particularly in the tract of land in said will deyised to Mrs. Sarah Ayscue specifically known as the "Jesse Person Place," containing 200 acres, more or | lees. Said defendant id said to have a one-sixth undivided interest in remainder in the 'Jesse Person Place" and a one sixth of one fourth undivided interest in ramftisilar in the rest nf t.hp real estate of said I. G. Staunton wkich was not specifically derised In said will. -This Den ggrrl. IWih ; W. 11. Boone, ShertfT:? LAND SALE. By order ef the Euperier Conrt ml Pranklin Coamty In the special peeeeed ing entitled "Sue P. Alferd, Admx. ef L. S Alford, dee d, as B. N. Alford et als, heir* ef L S. Altaed", I will sell at public auction to the big beet bidder, at the Court House door is Lewisbarg, N. C., on Tuesday, the 24tb day of January, 1911, that tract ef land situate in Franklin County and Cypress Creek Township, adjeining lands of C. M. Vaughan, Mrs. B. T. Yarboiough, and etbsrs, and dsseribsd as follows:? "Bogiuning at a staks, C. k Vaughan's comer; tkenos N. lit I. 2S.U chains to a-stake, formerly a pins stump, VangSan'e corner in lira. Yarboroug'a line; tkence by eld survey made from eepy ef lir. Fuller's survey of about thirty years ago, S. 87 degrees K. 11.10 chains to a stake,-now Mrs. Yarborough'a corner; thence N. 8 degrees E. 1 chain to an elm; thence E. 42.60chains to an ash on Little Creek; thence S. 8 degrees E. 1 chain to the W. K. Davis Corner; thence west 20.60 chains to a pine stump; thence S. 6 degrees W. about 7 chains to e stake and pointers in Harris's line: thence in a new lino N 881 ? degrees W. 16 chains to a stake south of the creek; thence N. 11-2 degrees E. 8.2S chains to a rock, thence N. 881-2 degrees W. 16 chains to the beginning; containing one hundred [100] acres. The terme of the sale are one thir 1 cash, balance in twelve months with interest at 6 per cent from date oi kale. This the 21st day of Deeember, 1910. r. b. White, Com. ..~T **j P D fll ID -PM? bit If Ur &ds?i?p?' Bio vomitinf. wo di?wtm 4 ?afo aodnleasiutfbvrup?S0c. Drujuriite. I ' < I Farmers and IV Pater Cooper, who wlieo v?t alire, nave >530,000 to fount rear for the firat two years he was in that oitv. fie was a the firat two veara and put it in the bank. MAKE OUR BANK THE FARMERS AND bVW I O B U " U OFFICE . B. Cheatham, Pres. F. K. Egerton, \ M. 3. Clifton, Acsi under supervision of the i EVERYBODY FINDS JUS" THE BIG LIT = THIS V BARGAINS B R11 10, 10 and U cent embroidery, oae more ^e^S^'aUl^o them, that's ail. Iron wear stockiags.lheavy weight, for Godmau Shoes j hoys and girls 20o .values 15c lwo more dirt wts can ht everybody Entire stock flannelette, kimono eat- ling most eyeryb inga. etc . -...9c show you why. FRE.SH ARRIVAL OF LITTLE WoMENJ i LY FOR -SMALL GROWN FIGURE-S. No 1 COAT.5 AT .SHORT PRICED. IF YOU THINKiYoU CAN FIND IT CHE/ WAYS PIND IT CHEAPER Hi 5 ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. NOV -THE BIO LIT ?? Priee R. 2. EG GOTO OUT _= Th# Fi] \ A# FI Mr VV r~. IN ELi Will go out < January If you want goods at a bar j real closing out sale for w< will sell the entire stock in I theb usines if any one wan chance for some one who v time business ^ W. H. \ Surviving Partne * ' v/ ' * * t * . -?v.. i - X . * . - '.v * btok i .1 . v lerchants Bank f * iboCvedi Trittfait ^ ?iff \/llf/ % wA <%/, ./>/ JfiPff ? Jr?^ fe mle aud wt i fictrf f [ m- ;ti|| 1 Cooper Union in New York City, earned only $26*a n apprentice to a ooaehmaker. tie Baved 20 dollars : TOUR BAWK , j MERCHANTS BANK ks c- ; 'lps\ ' JT Pice-Pres. B. Y. M eAdea, Cashier, stent Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA r WAIT THEY WANT I TLE STORE 1 ' * l/EEKS EFLY STATED .. . ( .v . 'f v >s and Child- Red Raven Stockings, every pair warms end see ranted, recognised beet 25o hosiery 21 dozen or for ladies, gentlemen, bora and filial W 1 st received, T?,iu ?? n the way, 1 and am >sl- 20c bleached tuurkished towels. 8 for. ttc ody, tot ?ie 15* Auckabaek towala . Uc COAT T-5. ADAPTED ESPECIAL"ROUBLE TO TIT. NEW LOT OF LOltf ^PER ELSEWHERE YOU WILL ALIKE.. LET ME .SHOW YOU OCCUPIED BY J. T. WINTREE. rXJB 8TORB 'rERTON C^d Onljr * ' of \ - -ft AL & CO. || of buaineee f tot, 1911; fain come now. Thirai a b are going to quit. ?e ' >ulk and the good will of^ ts to buy. This is a rants to do a high class 'ar borough ir ofW. P. Neal

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