FRANKLIN TIMES A. r. JtWlM. wur ud T fM>4T. DkUUI S3, Ml*. W. M. Boone?Two Notices ot Ex ecnlien Sal*. J. J. Barrow, 8. C. S.?Renting of . Ward's Loads. . R B White?Land Sals. W. H. Kuffln?Commissioners Sale of Timbered Land. ._ _ First National Bank, of Oxford? Banking,^. | TAR DROPS. fV'-i ?Goodbye until -1911. I, ?A merry Xrnus to yoa all. ?We bid eiou farewell this week until 1911. ?The next publication of the Times will be in 1911. ?VV> wiah everybody a Merry yr Xmas and: a Happy New Year. * ?Tomorrow night and Old Santa will niakmliisesual annual visit. ?The fobafno market will open again far the gale of leaf tobacco ou Jaauar#l|d,? ?J. OjBeaOsy killed four ghosts t, the paat Wee* weighing 235, 265, ^, .298 and 402. ? ?H. U. jHltegton reports the killing of two hogs the past week weighinfq253 wpands each. ?Sometime* it looks as if some ' -t of our people lake the streets of | Louisburg (or storage quarter*. ?The anasal oyster supper at lfapUtillh Aopemv will be given en Tueedkjr night, Deeember 20th. ?It ia riot worth while to bate each other. This ia oar advice, aid like salvation itf* ires. Try it daring 1911. \ 4 f ? Orders have been iataed by the "town fathers" that the eteelrio light plant be i^n alHiTgfit up until Xmas. | J # ?Attdbtion I oalled to the bew advertisement it The First National Bank ollb log, ia tbu iseue. They make a fins showing. Wopgi to yrrn a little ahead et time this w^k in order that tbe papers may 'h* distributed all ovur ' the pounijrwif' Saturday night, k J0k-?Owing tb the fact that Mr. D. VP. Hollingswartb liae sold everytbing he wished to privately, there will be no sale on tbe day advertiaed. ?K. P. Hills big sale yesterday created much sensation among the people from far and near as the town was (all o( (oiks and muoh buying was done. ?Business has been very good the past few days and from the looks of the bundles the people are syrving out of town a big Xtnas ia cipeoteTByVeood number of our people. * T , / ?Sinos the official fore* of the town has been eompleted *4 hope they wDl take bold of several tilings . that need attention and lets getbo .hnva nn Taiuiahure far * 3F- 7wr m ,estUr place. ?Mn. G. R. Underbill reports to bb that aha he* an old rnkey ben the middle of Oeteber. Thia ie e pretty gobd reoo rd end ebe is surely entitled to eedspe the block Xmae. ',-r-The colored Xpiacopal Sebeol will gir* s obrista tea eeooert in the court bows St 8 o'clock Wednesday wight Deoeskber Mth, 1810. Ad juionls 18 cents end the prooeeds #1 go to the benefit of the ehuroh. piece of the regulsr Sunday School terries at the kfethedist <JurjjMetr Swashers will be Jtb#&ening. The paator will pfeath st th* eleres o'clock ?ervioo _Aurrr and hustle* of the holiday seataiWTitiir our work of the ye*r ? r ,, and >?? wherein we have made mieoWn in our iaa if ke did if yesterdpf. ie same mis>r^ to guard et look back have made, fhts tn doItions which nv people. 1 - r " . > '\'i \ . hi' i '" ) . ~ 'r* ' . * " - Sham* upon the hu or woman whe weald 4>11 the bright ambitions and desires tar tha batter of >ny bamaa being! Bat there ie little una to gira to habitual aioaraere aad sagmra of aril. The ??? year will be wbat wa make it, ?o far aa oar ia djvideal lira* are eonceraed, aad i the mail or waaaao who raaolrea to be happy in a healthful, unselfish way ia taking the firat road toward h 'ppineaa. Banks Will CloM. The banka in Lotnaburg will oloae on Monday and Tueaday after Christmas, Deoember, 26th and 27th, to observe the holidays. Those having business with them will take notice [ and tnansaot their business accord- i ingW" s?. Death of Mrs. Bettia Gill. j At the home oMier daughter, Mra-! T. J. Syltes, on December 13th, 1910 Mrs. Bettie Gill departed her life after several months of feeble health. Mrs. Gill was, before her recent death, the last surviving member of a large and widely known family, being the aacond uaughter of Mr. A. W. Pearce, Sr., who lived at Cedar Rock, just prior to, and during tke long, weary yeuts of the Civil War. Since the death of her goad husband Mr. J, T. Gill, who peased to bia reward in the great beyond aboat six years ago, Mra. Gill bas lived, aa it ware, only fn the peat, just waiting | for God's aline to call her, too, to her rawarci, i Mrs. Gill via born October SO, 1882, and was married to Mr. J. T. Gill, gust 22nd, 1861 and tor fun previous to bar death was a faithful member of Belford Oharch The remains were laid to rest, bv the aide of her hnsbaad, December 16th, at the old home plaoe at Cedar Rock. A Piihd Greenyllle Has Big Fire On Sunday morning abont 3 o'olook the fire alarm was turned in at Greenville, N. C., and two big heavy fires followed, makings total loss of about $30,000. It looks as if it was the work ot some incendiary from the faot that immediately after tbe first fire, wbich was a residence, was put out, the second one occurred in a different part of the town.. Tbe second fire was in tobacco town and the damage was great. Mr. T. A. Person was a looser in tbe aeoond fire and we copy below a paragraph from tbe Reflector which gives tbe particulars in regard to bis loss: The Peoples Warehouse was owned by Mr. B. E. Parham, of Greenville, and father-in-law, Mr. R. M. Jones, ot Durham and it was leased and operated by the Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co. The prise bouse was used by Mr. T. A. Person. Tbe loss on these buildings was approximately $15,000, aboat CI* 1 V _ "? Li an uovureu oj insurance. in# ifarmers Consolidated Tobacco Comv.loet about $1,500 worth at tafc baaco .with about $1,000 in sura ace. Mr. Parsons I oat about $6,500 worth of tobaeoo?with $4.010 inaaranna Mr.HDaiTs loaa on hia brick atablaa waa $5,000 with only $1,200 iaauraaee. CaaUlla Items. We deeply sympathise with Mr. Arther Collie in the death of his wife eome days ego. Sha waa a kind and lorin? wife, indulgent mother, oonaietant member of the church and waa lored by all her neighbors. All our people who are not already iu good road districts will mset in Nsshville en the 29th, and it is hoped'plans will be formulated by which the. nert legislature"1**!!! gire ut enactments to make and improve our public highways. Our roads are a disgrace to our boasted progress and oiyilization. More nica pigs have bean slaughtered than in many years and (in nearly evary home can ba found enough pork te supply the family demands the coming year. Notbiag pays better than hog and hominy and our planters lave acted wisely is looking forward to these home comforts. _) The school bas closed foi the hol-L ldays and Mieaes Eunice Aaderson and Hazel Harnnia have gone to r I ('. N" fa:.- , T a " Try \ 1 the* boBM, Tisamonsvilts, 0. C, Mid SuoDton, Vs.. respeetirelr, to spend vhsir vscstiop. ' Mies Nora Sspp, *i?p baa been hare tba paal aaaeon in the Millieer' business, and who by her worosnh bearing made many friends here, vil leave Wed need av for her home in .Delaware. Mian Annie Stelhngs, from oyer in Franklin, spent the past week visiting Mrs. G. \V May. We are glad n> welcome in orn midat the interesting family of lifi D. T. Holliugswurth, who has pnr chaead some nice real eatate here and .will become one of our citizens. The writer extends compliment, of tbe soason and wishes tbe Timujand all its readers and everybody Everywhere a moat merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I'laib Ton. Bo* Party at New Hope Tbe Box Party" at the Academy last Friday night was very much njoyed bv all present, both old aad young. -Tbe music by Messrs. Bel vin and Rogers Was ore of the most enjoyable features ef the occasion. While tbe most exciting game of the evening was the voting contest on the prettiest girl; Hiss Doris Dickersun was voted to be the prettiest. Right much amusement was furnished by the little folks bitting the apple. The sum of (32.46 was raised to get a library and chairs for tbe school. We wish to extend thanks to each and every one for their attendance and liberal contributions. School oloBed Wednesday with a Christmas^ tree for the children, giren by the teachers, Misses Mason and Floyd. School will open again Jan. 2ad, with the hope of haying a full attendance. . _ H. " A Quiet Marriage Oa last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Balleaiine, ot Bonn, in the preaenoe ot only a few of her friendi their fair young daughter, Mies Minnie, .was happily married to Mr. Chas. V. Floyd, the oldest son oi Dr. K, P. Floyd. The oeremony was performed by Iter. Mr. Hobbitt, of Youngaville. Attendants: Mr. J. S. Williams with Miss Margie Macon, Mr. K. W. Montgomery with Miss Etta Alford, Mr. J. H. Ballentiner with Miss Hattie Floyd, Mr. C. H. Mullen witt Miss Laara Balleatine. After the ceremony had been performed the attendants followed the young couple to the home of the I parents of the groom where the crowd fully enjoyed the earefullj prepared, wedding ?UnnerMUf Minnie wai one of tbe fairee young ladies of our vicinity and while we congratulate her in hei new home, we feel that her presence will be sadly missed by all in thii vicinity as well as her mother at home. the next to jump tbe broom m oqr little village. MWe ResciT*' To keep--sweet To bdom beainese. To stand by ear gone. Te tell half we know. To ventilate evil'if we get linked twioe a day. To work for onr town, onr people, and-onr oonnty. To be moderate m common things and hasty in few. / To pay our deb's if our subseribI srs will pay us. To work?since we see no way out of it. To be on time and give j-on the spiciest sheet going. To meddle with no one and tell you about everybody. To give business men, the beat advertising medium in the county. | To make every one that takes this paper so glad they'll recommend it to their neighbors and send it to their friends. To oome to you first, to tell you the most sud please you the best, or in other words, first for news best for horns and good for all. 1 -,-f - I A Year < :LTL?? i \ I r. V I on a-g-ood savings ae.ou A I in tlie sum total that a A I Many haarts nra happy < X tereat add ad to thair acc I ed without any effort. V thoas intareat aarmug pi ^ I not put part of that mom ? I to a savings account tri A, II make it work for you. X |a right hare at tha Brat of t FIRST NATIC * LOUISBUF T UNDER SUPERVISION Ol j. 1 CHRISTMAS Prunes Dates Flga * Currents Pulverised < 1 ^ Granulated Sugar, Macaro; . #i Apples Pica Apple ? Fruit Bananas Leiai | Sausage Sliced Pound Cake ai And anything you want fo , X Chase and Sanbi 1 L. P. H 'X ON THE CORNER PHONE r X V 'jffSEEB V V ' For Sal I McKINNE BR( I LOUISBURG, N T-. - x ' ? ,.V X-'" \ i ? ? - .'V ????*"^ggagsi??e? . " *'*" - "\ v jr"~'~; "n^M? Df Interest xf " j Dt is no small item ^ pass book shows. .^L . < J ?opl,s? If not, why ' Start that account i ^ '. " the year. ^ INAL BANK | t IG, N. C ? U. S. GOVERNMENT t \' MENU | 1 Citron Seeded Raisias * Cut Loaf Brown and ni Cheese Cecoanuts Oranges Grape _ ?n? Grapes Hams Beef Olivs fid Fruit Cake * r Thanksgiving Dinner ^ Drs Fine Coffee IICKS, | : 4-2 LOUISBURG, N. C. X ^ ?MEAT j le By 9 )THERS CO. I orth Carolina # 6.-L -

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