V I Ith e - { DUNLOF X Wearereceiv Cocoanuts, Ca / X racts, car loa | FULL We have a c; Buggies, Car E j gies, Car of Co gies, Car of ligl Wc f E. S. - THE HOME Cll Pleasant Evening Rei/e Gated to Tired Mol tfie Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS TROl A Happy New Year to every reader of this dan?rim?nt 1 How often we smile u we look bsck over oar fears and find they were phantoms. ? t What ia your worst fault? What is mine? Are you going to reform with the new year. e To make your New Tear a happy one be sure and make some one else have a happyTfew Tear. ' e e Regrets for the past will not strengthen your will for the duties of the future. "Forgetting the past, , press on,r is the better way. \ Good society is that which is not personal in its talk, but which finds sufficient topic of interest to discuss without dilating on the sins of neighbors. ? ? 0 Do not be too confidential, no one ever gave her family affairs into another's keeping without living to regret it There are plenty of other things to talk about Be as friendly and sociable as you like, bat talk on matters that do not touoh either of * you too nearly. g&Mlo . 0 Ring out blithe bells of the New Tear. Ring loudly and lustily, that every heart may be illed with joy and gladness; that the sweet, mellow zeaonnding echoes gradually dying OSttia the dtstaaoe, may bring a p. / WH( ? PATET ing daily: Apples kes, Crackers. A ,d of Morris Sugai LINE OF fWWWWWWWwWWWWw ar Hackney >urliam Bugrtland Bug- i at Surries. Jso Have Sevi Ford, ?CLE COLUMN. ;ries ?R Column Dedithers as They Join at Evening Tide I TEE EDITORIAL TEE weet content to all, quieting fear for the fatare, and making each hearer folly reaclve te faithfully keep the good reeolutiona made when 6ret thy joyful and eweet annn<1 V. n ut ? ? kV.? v - _?um>ii uyuu kli f u?ir? i car 0 4 Yh, i yegr baa breught maay chaagta is many hoiaea, aad many of them aad ' ones, too. There are hearta with a loneliness in them that is inexpreaaibU. The cherished one of their hearta beat affeotion, thait very life and light, their joy supreme is no lenger here to cheer by their presence, to encourage with kindly voice or smoethe with the tender touch of the hand. Alone and in silence we may the cheerful face and pleaaaDt smile. 0 A good resolution for the hard worked housewife to make for the New Year is that she will find time each day for a nap, or rest at least of fifteen minutea; that she will take eyery other evening at least for reading or playing games with her children, aad at least one afternoon in the week for a social visit, a nde, a walk. These would not be impossible for the busiest woman, who will look carefully into her methods and see if there are not superfluities she can cut off, trimmed underclothing that can be made plain, and save sewing and ironing; cakes and pies and preserves, for which plainer wholesomer food can be substituted. ? "0 0 0 ->, New Year greetings are greetings / . t . *V? * k ... ft T" r r E> 3LE8AL LOUIBBT NJT, EXC i, Oranges, Banana .11 kinds of Candy's House Molasses, ] HOSIERS V AT ( eral Good Hor at of good will. How thev Soften hard hearts, purify base desires, sweeten bitter thoughts, and ruaka every deed purer and holier; every wish kinder and tenderer. Let hearts expand, sympathies enlarge, and good will reign. Let benediction drop from lips, and substantial gifts! fall from overflowing bands. Make ..Pcl?.. 1?? - ? uuiuvo lauiaul, BDQ MOp?less hearts to thrill wiih unspeakable gladossa. Forgive your enemies. Bury the past. Rim above the mean and petty reaeotmanta whi h you may have harbored againat thoM wba have not used you well. Be ganeroua. Get ready to a tart the new year with kindly feelings and more noble ambitions. Make the New Year of 1911 a day to which yon can elwaye look back with pleaeure and gratitude. Peace, good will unto you, dear reader and a "Happy, Happy New Year to ydd( all" 0 0 0 Christmaa, the religious holiday of the whole jworld, will soon come and the belle will aoon ring in the new year, 1911,' and the holidays, with all their gaiety and gladneae?and gtoem and lonelineae and aadueaa as well?will be bat a memory. We can look back to tbem but cannot live those days over again. They are gone with the things that are gone, and when we remember how poorly we spent them, how we reproach ourselves. Hearts may be aching today because of our unchar-. itablenese?thev may go on through' the years, and try as we may we cannot drive the pain away. Souls are around us on the verge ot despair and yet we took not a step to hold tnem back. Mortals were tempted and tried, almost beyond endurance, and we spoke no words of encouragement or sympathy. The friendliness and the poor and the siek and the solitary we have neglected and passed by. Oh! how cold and selfish and uncharitable we, nearly all ot us, have been! And thna the New Year comes to us . ^ \ ; ^ ; - ; A - T-i'// / * VIS I. GRO TRO, isr. c. :El__ lOR e, . i aie, Potatc . also ii 11 line of Ea le Thistle Sods < and s COS! . % J \ ses and Mules Riversid | freighted with memories. For the good that we have done there is so much of genuine satisfaction, and for our uncbaritableness so much of regret, that it ought to be lesson 1 enough without this serinonette of mine. . She Broke down Entirely. Lantz, W. Va.?Aln. Tebe Talbolt, ot this place, says, "I had been troubled with womanly ailments for some time, and at laat I broke down entirely. I got so weak I could scarcely walk across the roosu. Thanks to Cardt, I improved right off. Now 1 do my housework,' and am feeliog well." Daring the past 60 -years, more than a million women have been benefited by taking Carui You must believe Cardai will help you, too, since it helped all tbeee others. Cardui is a safe, harmless, vegetable remedy, of positive, curative merit, for women. At drug stores Try one bbttle. It will surely help you. THERE'S WO RISK. If Tliie Msdieins Doss Nat Bar aft Yaw Pay Nsthlag. A physician who ma da a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspepsia. after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are mads. Our experience wltb Itezall Dyspepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute Indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are sooth ing and healing to the Inflamed membranes of tbe stomach. They are rich dn pepsin, one of the greatest digestive ids known to medicine. Tbe relief they afford Is almost immediate, Tlteli use with persistency and regularity for ? short time brings about a cessation o.' the pnlns caused by stomach disorders. - ltexall Dyspepsia Tablets will Insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith In ltexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask jou to try them at our risk. If tbey <Jo not give you entire satisfaction, we' will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or formality. They come to three sizes, prices 25 cents,-150 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain them only at?Tbe Rexall Store. Tbe 8aoggin Drug Co. .y "TJw, i nji^ company! CER8 . .|||v; HALF . PATENT|I >es, Malaga Grapes, Raisins, Nuts X Corn Meal, Can Vegetables, Ex- X iCHOOL TABLETS 1 . { * ' \.'4V>. '?,2^. '*V 'v 4 25 second hand buggies * . rthat we will sell for - \v";iv the next two weeks At Cost | . ? we Will Sell Cheap if JW''e Warehouse % -A . v ? r- * ^V\. ? * -' *' Now Located Permanently ? ' .. In Hollingiwerth Farniture Stora where I will be pleased to supply the people of Loniekarg and Franklin County with the latest creations in standard wateh eases and movements, diamonds, fine jewelrjrj.JWMaHy goods end optical goods. Being a graduate Optician I gipa- special avtentian to ftttiag aye glasses and apectaclss. Btsinination sad eonaultation free. - / .iff . ' 1 \ / JOHNSON % 5 THE JEWELER . AND OPTlfigg^L I II. II 5 and 10 tent Store ' . if* * ' ) I coaid not get a houee to ran mj I and 10 eent store Hds (ell bet wfU fill ap all the space I een spare in my store with i a*A 1# seat geedi. Don't bay until you see them * THE BARGAIN STORB | ' W. B. COOKe|S||: LOUISBURG, N- C. * SAVE THE MIDDLE MAHS-PHOFIT 4 If yeu will eee me or let me nee pou before yeu (ret ynnr fall aftMrMM I east ?ave yon money. Men are gearrrlly in bunineBB fer what there .< ia |fc If that ia true I aaa an yon money. Thoaa whoarc keeping house want ta an all the money poeaible, so aee me. I make mattreaeee of the beat feather prref tiaking with a plenty of nice eleaa cotton and huak. You can have any grade er of felt er hair mattrees yen wieh and you .can see and knew what yra get. G. E. MORRIS, a

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