iion al I J of^tWBCC> M. d! I , M?pl?vil!e, N. C. *igbt Pb*Q? No. 18-3 riogrt J)R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, * Iwi^a Dentist, ?-1 MmTla?]M. FWn. ' ? ?J" H. A. MWBLL, :PHTBiriAB Looukarc. R.?. FAm* H?. 1S< ptUSKURTOR HOTEL if riwkllatoa. *. C. M. A. ftpe?4, Proprietor. -s., fMl Ut?t Ii Mtiflriloa JJH C. M. BAIKI 1 MBTAL dfctOEO* ';V L**i*%anc, * C. p H. MOI1 ATTOBRBT-AT-LAW1 H 4 LaalaAir*. N. 0.| O?#r 0o?p?r A Btorn. Prom|ll attention gtvan alt t*(Cn1 bmiiN* mlrtutei I to m? I . JJtt J. E. MALOBK PHY?1C1\X and SUItQEON Leniebnrtc, N. (J. Ivrusov in rvrtr m\ nnMiav-Alston Urug IStore - JJE. O. BV11T ' ' PHYtlCUN and BLRBEON jLesiakarg, N^C. Office oTar P. S. JL K. K. Allen's Store jJ-R. B. P. YARIOROUOH PHTWlil m< BURttKO^i Lenisbarn:. V. . Office is A Biakett building Night ealla auawwed from T. W. Biakatt'i residence, phone M. g B. MAMAS BUBO . * ATTORNBY AT LA W Leuietarg, N. C. Will practise in all tha aborts ot the State Offlaa ia Erarton Building HAYWOOD RUFFIPf ATTORNEY AT LAW - iv| Loaiaburg, N. C. Will practice In all courts of Franklin and adjoining couutiea. also in the Supreme Conrt and in tha United States District-ana Circuit Ceurt. Office oyer Fire* National Bank. ^ ' rjl B. -WILDER - ATTORNEY AT LAW Loaiaburg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. gl'RUILL A HOLDEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW *1> * '**!- a . -" yr\ ? Louiebnrg, N. C. / Will attend tbe courts of franklin. Yanre, Granville, Warrei. aad Vbfe* counties, also the Saprame Couit wrth Caralinn. Prompt attention give* to collections (fir in Spraill building. IT. W. Blckett. R. B. Whit* Louiftbqrf, Frasklistss, M. ' . glCKETT A> WHITE LAWYERS Lonisbarg. If. C. The iwtitlemtaft o? estate* for #x?nui-<irM, Admi narrators aud Guardian* i* a upecialtj, aa** \*>sbondn required by laUr i nn be secured in ae srtire. Office in Yarborough A JlirkeLt Imildiug : MainTBtreet I ^ M. PERSON ^?s. ATTORNEY AT I.AW Praet*? *11 courts. Office Main Street Jjy H. j^ABBO ROUGH, Jr. ,';J^QRWET AT LAW 4 -Lomlrarff. If. (L All 1***1 basinsss intRnstsd ts at "r*cei?e prompt attention. rtfRcs in Egerton Building:. ) m . y F. ^jScK I v J -yi CONTRACTOR Jkd BUILDER , ' / ^ "Loatalrart. N. C. Trading agent for all 4*ods of building supplies. artistic Mantles-and Tiles. Architectural designs sabaitfed. DR FLORID ' DENTIST. Bratrkliaton. N. 0.. J' Meat - Market -. , L have re-opened my fresh meat market in the rear of Jg!****""*"* where I will - keep a full line of fresh meatf and oysters at all times. When in need of same call on me and I will ( ft** foar orders prompt attention. I will deliver ell testes In town. 0 o V| H HARRIS ! 'Last ssasn 1909 - TAXES All persons owing taxes must set. tie same at once. Conditions this year are different and it is necessary that I should close my connection with the office of Sheriff. I cannot send out personal notices, but give this public notite that unless settle' raent is made tmJanuary 1st, I shall have to force secernent. I do not wish to add any cost to anyone's taxes but I trust everybody will un. " derstand and appreciate the necessity of ray acting. No further notice will be given. II. C. KEARNEY. aFlRE WORKS! J. W. Kings Store will be Headquar ^ ter? for all kinds of fir# works. x Will Mention Few Oibor Thing Just Roeoivod \ p 4 The H ?O Buek reheat floor in 12c pkg. Toasted com flakes 10c j pkg. Quaker oats 11c pkg. Grits I (new crop) 2 l-2c lb. l'earl hominy > 2 l-2c lb. Fish roe 12? can. 31b standI ard tomatoes 10c eaa. 21b standard tomatoes 6c eaa. Best corn 10c caa. . Kingan's reliable hams 20c lb. Kingan's picnic hams 16 2-3e. Lots of other kinds of can goods at bottom prices, nice fresh line of candies, always on hand. Apples, oranges, bananas, raisins (loose,) seeded raisins, - currents, eocoannts, shredded coeoanat, olives, etc., staple line dry goads, shoes mens negligee and work shirts, overalls prices to suit all, give me a trial, I guarantee jk> please yoa. J. w. KING "Why suffer with distressing, nerve-racking Neuralgia when Noah's Liniment will relieve you. Quiets the nerves and scatters the congestion. One trial will convince you. Noah's Liniment penetrates; requires but little rubbing. Here's the Proof "I suffered about Ave yearn with neuralgia and pain in my side. The pain" was so severe I could not sleep. I tried Noah's Liniment, and the first application made me feel better than in many years. I would not be without a bottle of Noah's Liniment In the house. Mrs. Martha A- See, Richmond, Va." "My wife suffered for several years with neuralgia and toothache. She used about half a bottle of NoahV Liniment and got immediate relief. J. S. Fisher, Policeman, Hodger, S. C." Noah's Llmljnest is the best remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff Joint*-and Mu.teles. Sore Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, . *|i. ^ Neuralgia, Toothache and all Nerve, Bone and Muscle Aches'and Pains. The gen- fiTr uine has Noah's Ark on every Saclcage. 25 cts. old by dealers In lfAf :1 medicine. Sam- k If I pie by mall tre* Am||IC Noah Remedy Co., Richmond, Va, 1 . *" .) * jwBl" BEJWLfC * Nearly Anyon^May Secure a SplendiGrowth, of Hair. We liftve a remedy ihnt lias n rwori of growing hair aud -curing baldnes in 93 out of every <ases wher used according to directions for a rea sonable length of time.', That ma; seem like a strong statement?it hi and we mean It to be. 'and no on should doubt it until they have put ou claims to an actual test. We are so certain Rex&U "93" Hal Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent bald n?M, stimulate the scalp and hair root: atop falling hair and grow new ball that we personally give our posltlv guarantee to refund every penny pal ua for it In every instance where 1 does not give entire satisfaction to th user. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is as pleaaan to use as clear spring water. It la d? llghtfully perfumed, and does no grease or gum the hair. Two slsef 50c. and" $1.00. With onr guarante back of it, you certainly take no risk Sold only at our store?The Rexall Store The Scoggin Drug Co. !gowans1 a King of Externals KSells itself wherever? Wintroduced. Imitators t ahdve tried to imitate, | a and substitution has j II been attemntpd Rut I once GO WANS always Gdwans for inflammation and congestion. It gives us pleasure to recommend Go wans Preparation for Inflammation, especiaf/.v of the throat and chest, Wc have sold Go wans Preparation for many years and never had a complaint. HURLING TON DRUG CO.. Burlington, N. C. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Draiilats. 9L 50?. 25e. GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. OURHAM, N.* C. ' 6iirant??d. tad mmaj rifiHitf by T*" |rag|lt| B^mi n?ii iiB WKBMTKR'S \lf KW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY The OulyWesr cmaktidcad dio! tionary i* iuciy yaara. Contcias LSm* yiik and ??MiM ! cf na eulkaritatiya library. ! Cov?m <??td ?f knowlcdc?. A* Xa?yelapadia ia a IMW:. I "ho Oalj tiietiwaery witk tke >1 V<rw S>irtA+? Pa?c. . j iiOyOOO irmrim. 2700 Pa*M. i ouyu uuMiMi. Cast arer ' hftlf ft milU*a 4o11um. ,; Post yau>6?U as this most ra!j morkablo simgla raluma. p?p,r sad MQd free ZmM met MRS. JOE PERSON'S ^HIEMEDY A Sale, Sure and Reliable Care far Ec zema, Scrofula, Old Sores aad All Traables Rttslrini from ! pan, Impovortcbed ar Paiaaaad Blaod. For nearly forty years this great rented; h?s been depended noon for relief nnd cur* la eases ef rhionlc ludigehl ion, Dyspepsia Stomach Trouble, Nervousness, Rheums tism, Catarrh, Female Troubles and Blooi peison, and It hn? never yet failed. Aa a Ionic, Alterative, Blood ParlAer o Nervine it always gives perfect satlsfac tloa, and in "run-down" renditions In hotl men and women It is ahsohiiely witbon au enuah Nervous Frustration and Iusoni nia yield te It readily. Mrs. Joe reraon's Remedy Is aelentlflraH: compounded from Mrlctly vegetable tngre dients of great medleinnl properties. and 1 absolutely harmless. It positively contalru no opiate or narretlc of any klfid. m Iodide of FoYasstuin or other niluerHl nothing that will Injure <n auy way. Sufferers from any of the above?afflh* ttona are urged to try this great Remedy !??> not despair because you lmv# trie other remeriieu and found no relief. Do no lose hope because doctors ha\e given jroi no benefit. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy hold" out to von health, and life, and happiness if you will but accent It. We make no extravagant claims n1 "galck enros," or that "one bottle wll Hare you." In* chronic ease* ^referred to it way take several bottles to effect a per wituent en re-bat this Remedy will euv< yea If tob Jnst give it a chaace. Write to no for testimonials frona llvlnj wjlaeeeee-people who were offlcted jnvi m you may or?people whe were Jaat a# hopeless and dUcea raged aa yen are. l>il who are aew la per feet heellti. and glad 1? hell all eeSertsg mortals hew Mrs. Jo' J?erwn's Beaaedv - rnred them Tbeso t ? thecals is are ef-recent date, end you rr? .write t* B*theas for full information But doo't delay 1-eflnnlng Ireoltuwaw start aew aad yea will noon be eured la "asea of external trouble, itifleiumr. ttOQ.^ulceratlea or Urlilng humor. os Wash akoald he seed In connection t the Remedy.' % For sale bv draggiata. er aapplWd o>r?em receipt ot price, tl.it per Pottle; U> ilea for St'tt; 1 doaeu by express pis*;v..~ for K1IS hy bm. jh nmri unit a., titmii. a i e> r : / " " * J. ' * 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL. dl - i Lesson XIII.?Fourth Quarter, For " Dec. 25, 1910. [ THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. e r Text of ihe Lesson, Luke il, 6-20. r Memory Verse?, 13, 14?Golden Text* i Luke ii, 11?Commentary Prepared , by Rev. D. M. Steams. * " "Ni .. r? Ar_ the review suggested for today 6 Is wholly concerning some events In 4 tpe last week of Bis earthly sojourn, i* His death and His resurrection, we e cannot do better than to take the Christmas lesson suggested, as lie * was made of a woman, made under s the law. to redeem them that were * under the law (Gal. It. 4. 5). This ' was all In the fullness of time, and e when another fullness of time shall u have come He will come again to TulAll all that Is written of His kingdom and glory as literally as at His first coming He fulfilled all that was writ* ten of His humiliation. All nations I will be ^hjoved as far as need be to I bring about the events connected with 1 Ills return, as at the first Caesar was I moved, he knew not why. to decree f that nil fire .world should be enrolled. A Jewish decree- would require only 5 the men to go (Ex. kxlll, 17). but It is J evident thnt the Romans-decree res quired women as 'well as mctC -JIad t He been put to death by the Jews it-. u would have been by storting, but the \ predietlon required crucifixion (Ps. j xxli, 10). and tlie Romans were in 1 power at UN death as well as nt His ii birth thnt nil S^pln??,^r. < > wini'iuic Uii^UI UL" I Ilk* filed. I)r. P'.erson says that "all history is His story," and It must be true that all events in all nations are working out the eternal purpose which has been purposed in Christ Jesus. Doubtless many a Jewislr woman coveted to be the one of whom *sa. vil, 14, spake, but It was reserved for this humble maiden of Nazareth to be thus honored. It had to be some one of the tribe of Judah. and the birth had to be In Bethlehem (Gen. xlix, 10; Mlc. v, 2). This had been decreed centuries before?yea, before the world waa. So they came to Bethlehem, to the same city to which Ruth came . with Naomi and where David afterIward kept his father's sheep. But the guest chamber - was not ready; therp. was no room for them in the inn. These words "inn" and "guest chamber" (verse 7 and xxii. 11) are the same words and. I think, used only in these two places. (Look It up. I have no Greek concordance at hand.) Can you truly say "There la room in my heart, Lord Jesus, room for Thee?" From the story of Hagnr in Gen. xvl all the way to Rev. xxii, 10, how fas .cinating is the record of heavenly mlm. fetra by those who hearken unto >be voice of His word and do His pleasure (Ps. ciit;\2Q-2L). How conrfofung the assurance of Heb. i. 14^tHat they are still ministertbg to ur'and have constant access to djir^Father in heaven (Matt, xvili. lOr In our laat lostfon. on his resurrection. I noticed (but, I think. dkTnot write it) that He did not shoye^Himself alike to the chief priests ^pda to Pilate, but only to Hia otvp fol' lowers, who., as n rule, were the lowly | ones of earth. So here the angels t-uiue, uui 10 any great ones or earm, but to those who as to their occupation followed in the steps of Abel. Jacob. Moses, David and others. I often think , of Zeph. lii. 12. "I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord." and also of Matt., v, 3. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs Is the kingdom of heaven." now precious are the "fear nots" of angels and of the Lord from Genesis to Revelation! But they are only precious as we appropriate them and in them hear His voice to us individ ually. Does the saying "good tidings of great Joy" still hold good? If so, | where are the joyful people who rejoice with joy unspeakable and live to mnL-Ptho tMinyg known to all people. Then hear the multitude of the neavenly host as they praise God and say, " "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (verse 14). Note that "glory to God" must be first always, whether it be I church or missionary work or indlvidj ual service. The Lord alone must be J | exalted. We must cry. as the ser apuiiu anil cueniuiin uo. "noey. noiy. i holy is the I^ord of Hosts!" "Holy. holy. holy. Lord God Almighty" (Tsa. T. vl, 3; Rev. iv. Si. That will sink our J society, denomination or church cocn. pietely out >f sight If only the earth may be filled with His glory. All ofl ferings. like those of the wise men. ; will then be unto Him rnther thnn D unto any particular work for the " work's sake. All our service and even . our eating and drinking should be to ; the end that God may In all things be t glorified through Jesus Christ (I Pet. J lr, 11; I Cor. x. 31). The angels went , away into heaven (verse 15). It . sounds easy, but who can do It? Men I are being honored by nations today If they can stay a few hours In the ait i and move from place to place. The . shepherds unquestionlngly believed the t angels' message, went and found as I they had said and then made it known ? abroad, glorifying and praising Clod for all the things they had heard and een. The people wondered as they heard, but Mary kept all in her heart and pondered them. It Is cnly as we keep In our hearts and ponder the things of God that we will be in any degree benefited. It Is only as we moss that the Ore will burn, and we will speak that we may b* refreshed (Ps. xxxlx, t; Job xxxtl, 30). f ? ? ; _ ggssgg , .-- ? ? w. .B^aeHM The Famous Does Not Strain the Eyes Don't use a small, concentrated.light \ Kj- L. over one shoulder. It puts an unequal a \ ) strain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, p \ mellow light that cannot flicker, that equal/ \ ires the work of the eyes, such as tbp Rayo f \ Lamp give*, and avoid eye strain. / \ The Rayo it designed to give the v .. 1beet light, and it does. ' It has a strong, durable shade-holder that is held firm and true. A new burner 2 gives added strength. Made of solid brass and finished in nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo is krw priced, bat no other lamp gives s besssr light at Otaoe si Rayo User, Always One. , ?l I Sill tWSw?.a?lSrS>W*>^^ Standard Ctfl Company yV ff ? HHBBpjKV LdA so jrowB ago are as good as new to-day and have never needed I rapeira. Think mt it! ^ J Wkat other rvoflng will last as long and look as weltf I > They're fireprsst. atormproof and very easily lai<k I ?? .,? yS~ They cam be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without ere- I / actng dirt or is convenience. ( . I For prices pad other detailed information apply to | M. r. MOUCK, Louiaburg^N-C ?T? - . . . The , Racket Store * T*u niflm a new Ma* at Dress Goods, Cloaks, Coat SoitM, Fteeatsss and Skirts. y' ? -a j Special Showing of Christmas Goods Under The / RACKET Broryhody cordially invited bo see then. Doors open every night at 7;30. Mm. Ball hot jest gotten back from the north with some special bargains and it will bo to year iotowet to eomc and get what you want befoTo they are ali ?one MRS. A JVL HALL \ * t> In Each Issue <?f The Franklin Times I Win Have Something of Interest Regarding The Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW - YORK I invite inquiries regarding the New Standard Annual Dividend Policies of The Mil til ft 1 Lifa with thft M#iir?neft that anw hncinooa ?- ?:M' 1 -- ? ??- ? ?oawwro CUUUBMU IV UIO Will, ildVC R.P.TAYLOR *SrL Louisburg, N. C. i|?^i KS*WS? .... > . f'' . . I SHOES 1 A hare mere ShoM than room. It will pay you t A ^ ae? my line before you buy. A I I have anything you I 4 want for Men, Ladies i t and Children t f 1 . Brantley G. Hicks 3 Louisburg. N. C. " '. I'M i \ - JiI .. ',, jLrr ? -?tK Si

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