YY' ; " " * ; . ~~ ?. > - ' ~\ ' ~i * " yWi***z+m > v*-" .,- '* .** '* * ' ? Professional Card T O. NEWELL M l). Mftpleville, N. C. ? Night Ph#ne.N?. 48-3 rings JQR. ARTHUR HTNE8 FLEMING, 8urge?a ltntlit, Office In Ferd BelMine. Ma m4 Kuh street, ^hsmtMVii rv??? .m. 0B. H. A. NEWELL, f '.PHTilCIA* " Louiubnr*. N. 9. Ph*ne It?. 15G J^RANKLIKTOH HOTEL Fraafcli?to?. Iff. C. R. 9pmff. Proprietor. Quod Liverv ie eaaaeclson m JJH. C. H. B1IU DEPTAL 10RQEON i UmMtrr, R. 0. Office m Hieka Moii\ Street. p H. COOKE ATTORREY-ATLAW, Louiabnrg, R. C?^ Over Cooppr A Pleaeatite Store. Prompt . Attention Riven all le?al business entrusted to m? _1_ ? . |^R. J. E. MALONK PHYSICIAN* and-SOftOBON Louitfbnnr, N. IJ. Offl *e in reftr of RuuslevAlston.Drug Store. ] JJR. S. 1\ BifRT 1 . PHYSlCIAN-oad SURGEON I ,-Louieburg. N.jC. . Office over P. 8. & K. *K. Allen's Store ' ?JR. It. F. YARBOROUOH PHY8PUAN and SURQEONj Loniebnrg, N. t. Office in Ynrberewgh ft Biefcott building. Night calls answered from T. W. Biokett's residence, phone 74. B. MASREN BDItQ ATTORNEY AT LA * Louisburg, N. C. Will practice in all the courts ol the State Office in Egerton Building "^"M. HAYWOOD RCFFIN # ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonisburg, N. C. Will practice In all courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also in the Snpreme Court and in the United States District aud Circuit Court. Office oyer First Nutional i W Dank. ^ , fjl B. WILDER ( ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. SPRUILL A BULDEN 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Will attend the courts o* franklin.. Vane*. > Granville. tVarrei asd WbR? counties, also I the Supreme Couit ?ortl? Carolina. j; Prompt attention given to collections ?rti?: . in Rprnill building. 1. ?? s T. \T. Bickett. R. B. Whito Louisbnrg, N.'C. Franklintnu. N. ' . , glCKETT WHITE LAWYERS ** " Louisburg. N. C. Tbi? settlement o* ?st*tes for iiefiiborn, Ad- ' roiiiirttratora and Guardians is made a specialty, ao'' '^ehonds required bf law ran be ecured in ne office. Office in" Yarboro.ugh & lliekeit building MaiuTatreef . yy M. PERSON ' " | TrprftitnBf AT?IT** ^ Louisburg. N (J Practtee in all court*. Office on Main Street "Yy H. YARBOROIJGH, 4r. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg. N. I J. All legal business intrusted t* ml "r?eeivo promDt attention. Office in Egarton * Building. If hodck j CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Louisburg. N. C. Trading agent for all kinds of building supplies. artistic Mantles and Tiles. Architectural designs submitted. DR FORD DENTIST. Franldinton, N. 0., Meat - Market c' I hare re-opened my fresh - " meat market in the rear of my restaurant where I will keep a fall line of fresh meats and oysters at all time*. When in need of same call on me and I will give your orders prompt attention. I will deliver all ordsrs ln town. 0 0 W H >1 ARRIS V .T * v Farmer? should eat ( * / more oatmeal. I Although the t?rm?r of today is able to buy almost anything he wants to i wear or to eat he isn't paying enough 1 attention te food values when It comes to his own table. If he has been watching the extensive researches and experiments on a the question of the best human food ' for muscle and brain he will heed the advice from ah dill to ''eat mora -' Quaker Oato." 1 Quaker Oats in mentioned because it Is iLtefwisad In this country and Europe as the beet of nil oatmeals. Feeding ferns hands on Quaker Oats means getting more work oat of them than U 70a feed them on anything else. It is pocked in regular sits packages, and in hermetically sealed tins for hot climates. ? j -. J MILLIONS OF -LIVES. \n Awful Toll Collected by Consumption?Many Unnecessary DeathsIf people could only understand that systematic catarrh is an internal dis?gkc that external applications cannot' Jure, tjey would not need to be'warned so often nbout this malady, which, tvbon neglected, paves the way often* Jmes for consumption, at the cost of ruillions of Uvea every year. Yet catarrh may be cured, if the right treatment is employed?1 The only way to successfully .treat mtarrh is by employing a medicine which is absorbed and carried by the l)lood to all parts of the system, so that the mucous membrane or Internal lining of the body Is toned up ofnd made capable of resisting the li/fec:ion of consumption and other dis/ases. We have u remedy prepare*/ from the prescription of a physician who Tor thirty years studied and iftnde catarrh a specialty, and wbo*e record was a patient restored to Aiealtb In every case where his tr+mtmont m00 followed as prescribe i. T^at remedy Is Rexall Mucu-Tone. We/are so positive that it will com )letmy overcome catarrh In nil its various forms, whether acute -or c ironic, that we promise to return evefry/penny paid us for the medicine in ewery case where it falls or for any reason does not satisfy the user. We want you to try Rexall MucuTone on our recommendation and guarantee. We are right here where you live, and you do not contract any obligation or risk when you try Rexall Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in ^wo sizes. "?0 cents and $1.00. Very olTtFlf the taking of one SO-ceut bottle is sufficient to make a marked Impression upon the case. Of course in chronic cases a longer treatment is necessary. The average in such instances Is three $f.G0 bottles. Remember rou can ""obtain" Re'xalt Remedies inly f his reign, or Just about thirty-four ears after the temple was completed, t was plundered by Shlshak. king of Sgypt. Compare I Kings vi. 38. and I Chron. xii, 2. 0. In John ii. 19-2f the Lord Jesus spoke of Himself as the empie and of His death and redfcreciou. and He must have been about hirty-fonr years of uge when He was iruclfled. . 7"' In th? lesson of today we are inroduced -to Jeroboam, son of Nebat he first king of the ten tribes, and ifterward spoken of over twenty times is the man who made Israel to sin. ind this he did deliberately, although le had been told that the kingdom had >een divided and part of It given to dm because of this very sin of idolary on the part of Solomon (chapter d, 81*38). He hnd also been told that f he would do right in the sight of the L,ord the Lord would be with him and mild him a sure bbuse. He seems, however, to have had no onfidence in the assurance of the !/ord, but was afraid that if the peo>le went to Jerusalem to offer sacriice In the house of the Lord the klnglom would return to the house of Da.1,1 1. - 1^.1. , . ?_ . iu. ou ue IWK euuust'i uun muue TWO alves of gold, placing one In Bethel ind one In Don, for the people to worhip and said. "Behold thy gods, O Isael. which brought thee up out of the and of Egypt" (verse 28). There la an rvil one, the devil, who hates the livng and true God and His word and 3is people and ever seeks to have >eople worship him instead of God. iVhatever 19 uot the worship of God is he worship of the devil and of denons, and all idolatry is of the devil Deut. xxxil. 10. 17: I Cor. x, 20: Ps. vi. 35-37). The great deceiver and >nemy of God and man sought to have wen the Son of God worship him and o that end offered Him all the klngloms of the world and the glory of hem (Matt. fcv, 8-10). He will ere this ige closes, but after the church has )een caught away, possess a man vhom all the world will worship ex ept those whose names are in the >ook of life (Rev. xiil. 4-8). This Jero)oam and all others from Cain onward o the antichrist of the last days, who lo not believe God and therefore do >elieve the devil, are all one family rnd on their way to the place prepared 'or the devil and his angels (Matt, cxv, 41). In verse 28 we read that the king ook counsel, but it was certainly not >f God, reminding us of 16a. xxx. 1. 2; rill/'9, 10. for it is only the counsel >f the Lord that stands (Ps. xxxiil. 10. l1). The whole thing was a device of ds own heart, like the false prophets >f Jer. Trill, 16, 26, whom the Lord did lot send, and therefore the devil did. Three of the places" mentioned In onr esson were places of the greatest poslible Interest to a child of God. and if Teroboam had boon such he could not lilt hnvft IlPflfitoH prftnflr hv ection of what bad happened there. Pwo of them. Shechem and Bethel, vould have reminded him of an altar into the Lord and of the Lord's ap>oarlng to Abraham and to Jacob Gen. xli and xxvili). At Pennel or 5eniel the Lord wrestled with Jacob, tumbled him and gave him his new tame of Israel, and Jacob said; "I ' tare seen God face to faee^ (Gen, ucxll). At Khechem JtehilA daiMffefl lis farewell address to Israel, which night have done Jeroboam good if he ould have read it, for he greatly needed such words. There also the body of Joseph was juried, which the children of Israel jrought out of Egypt (Josh. xxlv). And there the Lord Jesus Bat on Jacob's well and saved the woman of lamaria (John Iv) and afterward nany others. Dan was the northern joundary of the land, and Bptbel was n the south of the ten tribes, so that Teroboam might be said to bave flll(d the land with Idolatry from north :o south. How fearful and horrible! Jer. , 80. 81.) The prophet Ahljah tvae commissioned to tell Jeroboam by :he mouth of his wife that because >f his sin the Lord would root up Israel out of the land and scatter them >eyocd the river (chapter xlv. 12"-16). If an expression can be a key to a hapter, then chapter xlil Is the greatest "man of God" chapter In the Bible, for the title Is found there fifteen times, though the name of the man of 3od Is not given. It Is a marvelous Tecord and a most lolemn warning not to believe even an angel nor a prophet, however venerible, if his testimony Is contrary to the word of God. It may be that the Apostle Paul had It in mind when he, by the Spirit, wrote Gal. I, 8. In chapter xili, 2, we bave Josiab. the king, mentioned by name about 300 years before he was born, and the fulfillment of this prediction concerning him tS^cofded ttr tt kfrgs tt\U, 1S-17. May this prediction and fulfillment strengthen ns to believe firmly that avery prediction in Scripture shall be ss literally fulfilled. Read carefully this wonderful chapter. * i... i.i i * .... . .... ... $. . -* - '. '** # ' r-r .? AI , t. . THE IMoiJm".. A 0<*f? ;jt*!e ~T. i?.-rm ry Oo* OP9:>1n*ra So*na '-.f .rui?ri * ? KvitVTtUlMV Or??? <^.jr YL.i'.# i-niu>..iji,ift^w..^,i ?.??:% , " ** '"?? . rati .?V?. ' P. ? ? v?? ?? ? > f,U|i i.uii ao 1 i , ?. .... a n| Mi ? ...,r1 ' * * iMlortiia". * !, -,1'yy r * . i .* rt'-'-iMu .?? . . IUJ CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND f1?? > for CHl-CHKA-TER'S A DIAMOND LRAND PILLS la RTO"andAl\ Gold metallRSsboxM, sealed with BluevOJ Ribbon. TAU>QOTBtt. BnraTTtir V/ Drn?*I.? a.d Mk V CBI.CIKB.TKK R V DIAMOND BRAND RI LI.A, for twcntr-flfO jeara regarded as Beat,Safest, Always Reliable. Sold by all cwiggists tt^h. everywhere Last Notice 1909 - TAXES All persons owing taxes must settle same at once. Conditions this year are different and it is necessary tbat I should close ray connection ' c with the office of Sheriff. I cannot send out personal notices, but give this public notice that unless settle, raent is made by January 1st, I shall have to foroe settlement. I do not wish to add any cost to anyone'i taxes but I trust everybody will un. derstand and appreciate the neces sfty of my acting. o further no tice will be given. H. C. KEARNEY. i ' -L>p Having purchase* cupied by J* W. I of furniture in ss I Can have some will sell anythin; order to save the time to secure s< merry Christmas Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday1 With m New Perfection Oil Heater SWhen clothes can't be bung ; -?;- ' " ? outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, tbe New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does tbe wotk of sun and air. You can bang ap tbe wet clothes, light your Perfection Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries tbe clothes. Do not put off washing to * awak a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a aVV* p|^KFJ&CTION ^ ^WOKELEM ^ ^ ^Al Abtolnttb tmokehm and odorlett k ghres fuat >8 much heat as you desire. It Is safe, odorless a ad smokeless. Ifhee " wi*om?Oc-?ocktafl flame spreader, which poeeeats the w4ok from being turned high enough to smoke, and ! Is ptmj to roaioto and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, *?*- - ? cause of a new devioe to construction, and can always be easily unsorewed for rewicklng. An lnctoelor shove the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not need to be aarev?d due it. bet to pet in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached ro the font by a chain. Finished In Japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built ~tor Berries and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. DaoJcrv flmiwhw. tf mat at yours, write for descriptive circular j <, to lfc# meanest eyeucy ef the * * Standard Oil Company ' yhtcmgpormkmd) * y ^ #Hl Iw ll i 1 METAL SHINGLES V L' I Laid ao years ago are as good as new to-day and have never n^ed repairs. Think of it 1 f , What other roofing will last as long and look as well ? o . They're fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without cre-y \ ating dirt or inconvenience. Ig r%n prices ana otner detailed information apply to J "N. M. f. HOUCK, Louisburg.JN.C "x L MOVE.:. -' ? " 3 ."f . i' I 1 the L. P. Hicks building now oclollingsworth, I will move my stock ime as early after January lstT as repairs made. In the mean time I g in my store at a reduced price in cost of moving same. Now is your I >me real bargains. Wishing you a i. and Happy New Year.. - ^ ' /' / AThite Furniture C|||