T - ' . ; -1 * A I, i jProfetgional Card j"o""e?E Mapleville, N. C. Night Phane Na. 48-3 rings T}R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, SurfdtB 9?nti<t, Office In Ywr4 Mm mm4 Nuh atreet. LouUbur*. N. C. Hours: I to 4M. PWm A. *" * JJR. H. A. NEWELL, -.PHTaiciA* Louisburc, N. f. . Fhsns Ns. 150 pRANKLlKTOW HOTEL K. C. R. A tlfiO, Proprietor. Good Hverv is ssnsscfion JJK. C. I. B1IU DERTAL ORGEON N. 0. Office in Hieka BoilffisR. Main Street. p H. COOKE ATTORREI-AT-LAWi Louisbnrf, N. Over Cooper A Pleasants 8torc. Prompt ! attention K'ven all le^al business entrusted to me |^R. J. E. MALONE PHYSICIAN" and SURUEON Louisburte, N. ^ -U- - - I Ktm-e 10 rear el ifuasiev-Alston.Drug Store. JJH 9. P. BURT .. PHYSICIAN and BURGEON ,-Louieburg, N.?C. Office over P. 9. A K. *K. Allen's Store ?JR. R. F. YARBOROUGH PHY8PUAN and 80 RGEONj Lonieburr, N. f. Office in Yacb?rww<h A Biekett building. Night calls nnawored from T. W. Pickett's residence, phone 74. TJ B. MA9BENBURG ATTORNEY AT LA A < Louisburg, N. C. Will practice iu all the court* ot the State Office in Egerton UuildiuK "^"M. HAYWOOD UCFFIN J ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. ? Will practice In all conrts oJ Frunkfin and 'adjoining coauties. also in the Supreme Court and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National U Bank. B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. gPRUILL A HOLDEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Will attend the courts o* I4 ranklin. Ynui-e:Qranville, Warren and Wjlli counties, also the Snpreme Coutt North Carolina. Prompt attention giveu to collections 'the in Spruill building. T. W. Bickett. ^ R. B. White Louisburg, N."t". Ff'anklintou. N. . JgICKETTWWHITE f / LAWYERS Louisburg, N. 0. The settlement o? estates for executors. Administrators and Guardians is made a specialty, an'1 " ehonds required hy law * en be secured in ne office. . ' Office io Ynrboro.ugh A liirkHI l>nfuliug MainTfltreef M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW . Louisburg. N . 0 Practice in all cnarte. Office a* Main Street "^y H. YARBOROIJGK, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louie burg. N. 0. All legal bueineee intrusted t* mi -r*ceiee prompt attention. office in Egerton Building. P. HOOGK CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ; Louisburg. N. C. Trading agent for all kinds of building supplies. artistic Mantles and Tiles. Architectural designs submitted. DR FORD DENTIST. Franklinton, N. 0., Meat - Market I l ave re-opened my fresh meat market in the rear of my restaurant where I will keep a full line of fresh meats and oysters at all times. When (n need of same call on me and I will jive yonr orders prompt attention. I will deliver all . orders In town. 0 0 W H HARRIS : i / - .**$*41 "" ' * \i ^ *v ."";'?' r . - * Farmers should eat more oatmeal. Although the firmer of today is able | to buy almost anything he wanfs to I wear or to eat he isn't paying enough ; attention to food raises when it comes to his own table. If he has been watching the extensive reeearchee sad experiments on the question of the best human food for muscle and hraia he will heed the advice from alt rides to "eat mora Quaker Oari." Quaker Oats is ate at ion ed because it is reeagaiaad in Ms coaatry and Europe as the beet of all oatmeals. Tceding farm hands on Quaker Oal means getting mere week oat of. them than if yoa teed them on anything else. It is packed in regular airs packages, and in hermetically sealed tins for hot climates. a ^ MILLIONS OF -LIVES. . An Awful Toll Collected by Consumption?Many Unnecessary Deaths. If people could only understand that systematic catarrh Is an internal disease that external applications cuunot cure, t^ey would not need to be warned often about this malady, which, when neglected, paves the way oftentimes for consumption, at the cos>t of millions of Urea every year. Yet catarrh may be cured, if the right treatment is employed. The only way to successfully' treat catarrh Is by employing a medicine which is absorbed and carried by the blood to-all parts of the system, so that the mucous membrane 'or* in tor mil lining iof the body is toned up trad made capable of resisting the Infection of consumption amfotber dis/nses. Wo have 11 renredy prepared' from the prescription of a physician who for thirty yenrs studied and t6ade catarrh n anwliilfv ' >i iIa twkni/n was a patient restored to health In every case where hit treatment was followed as prescribe I. Tnat remedy is Rexall Mucu-Tone. We/are so positive that it will com >letmy overcome catarrh in nil its various forms, whether acute or c ironic, that we promise to return eve^y/penny paid us for the medicine in elpery case where it fails or for any reason does not satisfy the user. We want you to try Rexall MucuTone on our recommendation and guarantee. Wft_are right here where yon live, and you do not contract any obligation or risk when you try Rexall Mucu-Tone on our ftifiifantee. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone In two sizes. 50 cents and $1.00. Very often the taking of one 50-oenr bottle Is sufficient to make a marked Impression upon the case. Of course in chronic cases n longer treatment Is necessary. The average in such iustancosJ | is three $f.G0 bottles. Remember | you can """YibYnln** Rexall Remedies | only at our store?The Rexnll Store The Scoggin Drue Co. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO TOWN TAX PAYERS ? The commissioners of the town of Louisburg have ordered me to make immediate collection of the taxes due the town regardless of means. See me in the next few days and lets settle same without further cost and trouble. D, C. HIGH, Town Tax Colleeter J. P. Winston Wishes Everybody a Happy and Prosperous New Year And hoping they will oome to see him at the old W. P. Neal stand on Main street. LOUISBURG COLEGE North Carolina A school for giris and young women owned by the North Carolina Conference. It offers healthful conditions. A happv home. Christian influences. A liberal culture, s -thorough education at moderate cost. Special care given to younger girls. Preparatory Department 7 Collegiate Department, With Thirteen Schools 1 Normal Department J For full information, addreeaJf Pres.;* D. ALLEN, TJ ^ LOCISBUR*?,^- a. CarpH^ J : fv . 5r" .y ! - jaw y *' . . ' a & y* ... . . ? > j . ' " SUNDAY SCHOOL." Lesson II.?First Quarter, For Jan. 8. 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Leeeon, I King* xii, 25, to xiii, 8?Memery Vertei, 28-90?-Qoldon T^xt, Ex. xx, 4?Commentary Pre? parW by Rev. D. M. 8teern?. Ail the predictions and foreshadowing* of Script ere and their fulfillments should bo of the greatest possible intcrest to every child of God. and before w# lee re the story of llehoboam ' we should notice that in the fifth year of his feign, or Just about thirty-four ? years after the temple was completed, It was plundered by Shishak. king of I Egypt. Compare I Kings vi, 38. and ' II Chron. xii, 2. 0. In John 11. 19-21, the Lord Jesus spoke of Himself as the temple and of His death and reeurrection. and He must have been about thlrty-fonr yeurs of age when He was crucified. , ?c In the lesson of today we are introduced to Jeroboam, son of Nebat the first king of the ten tribes, and afterward spoken of over twenty times as the man who made Israel to sin. j and this he did deliberately, although J be had been told that the kingdom had been divided and part of It given to him because of this very sin of ldola- = try on the part of Solomon (chapter xi, 81-38). He had also been told that if he would do right In the sight of the Lord the Lord would be with him and build him a sure bouse. ^ He seems, however, to have had no confidence in the assurance of the Lord, but was afraid that If the people went to Jerusalem to offer sacri- V flee in the house of the Lord the king- J dom would return to the house of Da- t1 vid. So he took counsel.and made two calves of gold, placing one in Bethel v and one In Dan, for the people to worship and said. "Behold thy gods, O Israel. which brought thee up out of the i\ land of Egypt" (verse 28). There is an evil one, the devil, who hates the liv- rr ing and true God and His word and His people and ever seeks to have h people worship him instead of God. Whatever is not the worship of God is w the worship of the devil "and of de- ^ mons, and all Idolatry is of the devil (Deut. xxxH,'10, 17; I Cor. x, 20; Ps. d cvl. 35-37). The great deceiver and enemy of God and man sought to have si even the Son of God worship him and to that end offered Him all the kingdome of the world and the glory of them (Matt. \,v, 8-10). He will ere this age closes, but after the church has "* ' been caught away, possess a man whom all the world will worship except those whose names are In the book of life (Rev. xiil. 4-8). This Jeroboam and all others from Cain onward to the antichrist of "the last days, who do not believe God and therefore do J believe the devil, are all one family and on their way to the place prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt xxv, 41). In verse 28 we read that the king took counsel, but it was certainly not of God, reminding us of lea. xxx, 1. 2; vili, 9, 10, for it is only the counsel of-the Lord that stands (Ps. xxxiii, 10. 11). The whole thing was a device of his own heart, like the false prophets of Jer. rrtll, 10, 28. whom the Lord did not send, and therefore the devil did. Throe of the places* mentioned in our lesson were places of the greatest possible interest to a child of God. and if ?j*?r<juuam oaa Doon sucn tie could not but have profited greatly by,the recollection of what had happened there. Two of them. Shechem and Bethel, would have reminded him of an altar unto the Lord and of the Lord's appearing to Abraham and to Jacob X (Gen. xll and xxvlll). At Pcnuel or * Penlel the Lord wrestled with Jacob, humbled him and gave him his new name of Israel, and Jacob said. "I -C have seen God face to face" (Gen. xxxll). At Shechem Joshua delivered his farewell address to IsraeJ. which ? might have done Jeroboam good If he could have read It, for he greatly needed such words. There also the body of Joseph was ^ burled, which the children of Israel brought out of Egypt (Josh. xxlv). And there the Lord Jesus sat on Ja- \ cob's well and saved the woman of Samaria (John lv) and afterward many others. Dan was the northern Q boundary of the land, and Bethel was in the south of the ten tribes, so that Jeroboam might be said to have fill- 4ed the land with Idolatry from north ^ to south. How fearful and -horrible! (Jer. ; 80. 31.) The prophet Ahljah was commissioned to tell Jeroboam by Xi the mouth of his wife that because of his sin the Lord would root up Israel out of the land and scatter them beyond the river (chapter xiv. 12-16). If an expression can be a key to a chapter, then chapter xlll Is the greatest "man of God" chapter In the Bible, for the title Is found there fifteen times, though the name of the man of God Is not given. It is a marvelous record and a most solemn warning not to believe even an I angtl nor a prophet, however vener-1 able. If his testimony is contrary to the word of God. It may be that the Apost'e Paul had it in mind when he, by the Spirit, wrote Gal. 1, a In chapter *111, 2, we hare Josiah. the king, mentioned by name about 300 years before he was born, and the fulfillment of this prediction concerning Mm la recorded In II Kings xxlii, 15-17. May this prediction anff fulfillment 1 strengthen us to believe firmly that 1 every prediction In Scripture shall be as literally fulfilled. Bead carefully this wonderful chapter. * i r?? |w??? " "* "..1^ v / ' ' A Orni'iit'.e I.HrTj i|< On* v-?i. > f .rui?r?4 , . Cir-r^i ?io* li*C KvnvTWiiur* ^ Or??i it/uijr Vu.j<*? I w?*. r?,* ? ?- * ; .1. ! .? , , !.. JV- !, ? * n?? r.l -f ' * ?H . . V I >??. m o ^ in ?-?0 ?okj*' <nM<-?i?vt ??- ? v n * ' iU * t* , ? 4k . * v . i i. . . n. V ' . t . ? . 1 . 1 /- ... , t? ' ? . ... 1 " "* "ti ' > " *' 1 * ,K CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND X5UBRAND LADIES f Uk rtw WimM for CHI-CHKA-TBR'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/A Sold metallic boxes, scaled with BluevO) Hibbon. Take no oihee. B?r?f j..r \t/ ?ruiM aid Mk ftr CII471IS.TCR R V DIAMOND BRAND PILI.8, for twentT-llwj rears regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK ri/rDYU/UPRP WORTH TRIE.' tlEHI nnCnu TESTED Last Ifotice 1909 - TAXES All persons owing taxes must sete same nt once. Conditions this ear are different and'it is necessary bat I should close my connection rith the office of Sheriff. I cannot and out personal notices, but give lis public notioe that unless settlelent is made by January 1st, I shall ave to force settlement. I do not ish to add any cost to anyohe's ixes but I trust everybody will unerstand and appreciate the neceaty of my acting. ^To further noce will be given. / H. C./KEARNEY. laving purchased aipied by J* W. H< >f furniture in sar Can have some i vill sell anything >rder to save the ( ime to secure soi aerry Christmas * H. -Ejg I Dry Your Clothes on a Wet Washday With m New Perfection Oil Heater * *When clothes can't be hung outside, and muet be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection CHI Heater quickly does the work, of sun and air. You can bang ap the wet clothes, ItgtK your Perfection Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the-heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to | await a sunny day in order to avoid I mftdew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a smqkeum Absolutely tmoktlim and odorlea _ k ?tre# \mt as muck beat as von desti*. If ?= =?' ? ?'? . ?- - ? a?iV) uuuilCSS aaa amoAeicM. It bM am ftntaaMiflc-locktng flame spreader, which poevcats the w4ok from being turned high enough to smoke, and ' Is tamy to remove aad drop back, so the wick can be quickly \ cleased. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, ibecause of a new devlee (a construction, and can always be easily unaorewod for rewlckiag. An ioOoaaor shows (be amount of oil In the foot. Filler-cap doea not need to be aorevad down, bat la put In like a cork In a bottle, and is attached 10 the font by chain. Finished In iapan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, bollt forserrioe and yet tight and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. Dm far* flumwhw. if mt at yours, vritt for descriptive circular to Ihf meamui eyency c/ the ^7 Standard Oil Company y UBccfporsled) X^lVffiTAL SHINm^l ^ Laid ao years ago are as good as new to-day and liave never needed I repairs. Think of it! I { What other roofing will last as long and look as well ? I i They're fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without cre-,-1 ating dirt or inconvenience. | For prices and other detailed information apply to M. F. HOUCK, Louisburg,5N.C L MOVE.:. (? - \ j i ? . m' ' , .] ' % the L. P. Hicks building now oc>llingsworth, I will move mv stock ne as early after January 1st, as 'epairs made. In the mean time I in my store at a reduced price in )ost of moving same. Now is your ne real bargains. Wishing you a and Happy New Year. ... v ^ ,.:jj Ihite Furniture Co.

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