I ? .11 mihiu TT apleyllle L?tt?rSome days age the remark to made that Maplevtlle moat be deed, as it had baaa ec long ainoe anything had appeared la the Tixaa from oor little city. Wa want it understood that we are not dead bat decidedly alive. If this opinion is abroad, we ean account for it only this tray, we are so well contented with Hapleville and its earroundings. mad there is so ranch good feeling, and so much enjoyment with us. that we forget we ere not the entire world. The sefaool at Mapleville Academy eleead Dee. 17th for the Xmas holidays. The pupils were given a "String Party," Friday afternoon. On Thursday the teachers w.th the aid of lady i friends decorated the large room above the chapel and arranged the String Hunt, Red bunting was stretched aetoes the entire width of the room just at the entrance, and on this was pinned Blips of paper, bearing the names of the pupils, with a long string attached and winding in various directions. At the end of each string was a package containing fruits and confectionaries. One at a time the children passed (beyond the hunting, and finding their names, had to follow the attached cord under, over and around various things. It was amusing indeed to see the interest and enthusiasm dtsplayed. After all the names had been taken down, the children opened the packages and enjoyed the treat. Miss Mabel Duke was < awarded the prize, a box of writing pa", per for finding her package with greatv\ est ease, while Mr. JoSeph Bunn. was n. presented with the "booby," a stick of ngndy, wrapped in a large quantity of papbt^and carefully placed in a box. , Games ~krejre played, and all present had a jolly goqd time. Dr. Joe Uxzfth\ of Baltimore spent Xmas at his heme hero. Mr. Arthur Arringtonbn^ Mrs. Fan me Pitman arej visiting Mapleville, guests of Mr. H. H. Hobgood. Miss Mary Webb, who is teaching itr s Weldon, visited our city during the holidays. Mr. Hugh Perry, who is a student at Chapel Hill spent Xmas vacation with his peopleMiss Kathleen Bernard, one of Raleigh's most charming daughters, spent the holidays with Miss Elizabeth Stailings at Mr. W, M. Boone, she won the heart of all who met her. Mr. John Harris visited his grand parents at Middleburg the past week. Mr. John Perry ever loyal to the "cause;" attended a "Teachers Meeting" in an adjoining county last week. Miss Mabel Stailings, a teacher in the - High School of Enfield, visited Mrs. W. M. Boone the past week. E. J. Newell, Principal of the ZebuIon school, spent Xmas with his people here. Mr. ,J. Mitchiner of Franklin ton, Harry Stubbs , of Williamston, Hugh Perry, Badger Hart, Cade Hayes, A. A. Clifton, and H. Candler of Louisburg , visited our city tSlTpast week. ' I The members of Maple Springs church gave Rev. and Mrs. 6. M. Duke the annual pounding Xmas. N obody d?- i serves more of the good things of this | ' life than this worthy servant of God. We regret losing two of our "boys', j this year, Festus Fuller goes to Louisburg, and Robert Cheek to Warren Co. We wish them success in their new I homes. The Minstrel given at the Academy, 1 last Friday night by the young men of ' Mapleville, was quite a success, sod reflected much credit on the actors. 1 The proceeds were for the^benefit of the Academy. Jn spite of fUHT iaele ?- -.?ten rcaii^eo more iD?n tneyl ' ^-expected. Though Monday was i rainy day, oar school had a splendid opening,^tho % teachers tell usfthe'y weie^ddnderfBUy pleased. Flans are^on footjito improve the Academy building, and we understand a Beading Circle is to be organized too. both Are much needed and we hope success will crown the efforts in behalf of each. With host wishes for the 1 Tinas" from Maplevtlle. * - ; i. x. Card of Thanks. We srish to extend our many thanks to the public for their many kindnesses daring the recent illness and death of oar wife and mother. Respectfully, ' J. J. Auix ^ T. k. All in Mas T. K. Alls* ts- l. l. alias. Low Christmas Holiday" Rates Aeconnt of Christmas holidays nta^ratee from ill points on its line. Bates will be on tafb of 80 psr cent double the one a .v fsres; tickets will SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson III.?FHt lyerter, Fer Jan. 15, 1?11. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. T?xt of the Loerorv II Ckrrv *>?, Ml Memory Vniw. 1, 1 QiKan Tssct, II Cbfan. nv, T CiwwwAafy Preporsd by Rev. D. M. HMrm. A It boa* h AM^K. mm of Rebeboem. reiprned only three years n4 walked la all the sine of Ms father (1 Kings rr. i-Si^et there la In II Chreo xtll a remarksblo record of a groat vietorv which the Lard fa to him orer the array of Jeroboam, which waa Just twice aa great as his because he relied upon the Lord God of his fathers. The Lord has often eeen^flt to do mighty things for rery uawortby people for His great name's sake. Jer. xIt. 7, is rery strong and effectual pleading Our lesson taday Introduces na ta good King Asa, who reigned fortv-one years and did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord bis God. He also defeated an array twice as large na his own because he relied on the Lord (xIt. S? 9; xvl. $;. His prayer In chapter xIt. 11. has often helped riie: "Lord. It is nothing with Thee 'to help, whether with many or with them that have no power. Help us. O Lord our God. for we rest on Thee, and In Thy name we go." Yet in the thirty-sixth year of his reign he was led into making a league with the king of Syria, and. being reproved for it by tha Lord through His servant Hananl. be became so angry that he put the prophet in prison. He seoma never to have got over this reproof of tbo Lord, frr when, three years later, be became diseased In his feet he did net seek tbo Lord In bio affliction. All the Lord's dealings with Hie peo pie arc intended to bring them nearer to Himself, bat to this day ma ay become so offended by what Ho does or does not do^tbat tbey turn away from Him and loos ah fellowship with Him. Some of my ftirais know something of the precious a aoo to my soul of tbeos words of the Lord through His servant T7?mh< 'OA* ? ?* t a ? - -?.wv ?/ on vi unr lAini ran to and fre threogbom the whole earth to show Blawtf itno{ In the behalf of theai heart* are perfect toward Him" (chapter ivt 9). We need aoch a weed aa thi# ao much, for the derll t* alwa/a coins to and fro In the earth gad walking op and down In It. Aa a roaring Han be walfcetb ft boot, seeking whom b* maJ deeonr (Job L 7: U. 2; I Pet. r. g). Early in the reicn of Aaa the Spirit of God spoke te him through Aaa rift b. the aon of Oded. la the words of verecs 2 to 7 of on r leasee. referring to the rears past when the people had bees ont of fellowship with Sod. bat whenever thejr In thetr trouble sought Him Ha was alware fesed of tham. Much of the nmaegi takes ua back to tha dare of the badges. Br the Lord** precious deaRag* with His people la the past, notwithatamdlnp all their etn. Re encouraged Aaa with tha words. "Be je atroap. therefore, and let not roar hand* be weak, for jaat work lhall be rewarded" (reree 7). Hie exhortatiea to ea atlll and alwar* I*. "Be troop In the Lard aad la the power of Hie might" (Bph. vl 10). See also lea. EL JS-P1; xlr. M; Josh. 1. ?, 18: Hag H. d. and eota kg aantraat ttaalih. who was inai ialaaotl halpud tin ha waa atreag. hat thaw Ua heart waa lifted np to hie own deatiuiBiw (chapter uTi, ia, mi. xun danger M oar own alienglli or ntt mMwn, for It to only when "we see wank that w# are really strong (XI Osr. nil. t. 10). lea *11. 1*. to grand wort for weak hands. . a I ?a ? roll .t MWUt U I (tor. XT. H! Rev. xxll. 13; Lake rlv.14. are two of the best on renaida. Tl The king, being greatly encouraged by this ram age from the Lord, began to gorge the land of Idolatry, eren destroying the Idol of hla grandmother (I Kings zt, 13, 13), and to restore the worship of the troe Qod. The people fell to him In aboadance oat of Israel whoa they saw that tha Lord hla Ood was with him (verse 9). They sacrlfleed onto the Lord and sought Him with their whale desire and anter^k Into a covenant to seek the Lord Ood of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul (verses 11-111) The first nss of the title Qod "Almighty," which means "the mighty Ood who to all eutocieotj^ is in Oen. iv 11. l. Where Abram to encouraged to walk before Qod and be sincere or upright or whole hearted. From the book of Job. In which thle title to need more often than In >11 the rest of the Bible, we learn that te know the Almighty there must be an abhorrence and renunciation of self (Job xHl). This taming to Ood in the daya of Aaa waa each a reality that they decreed that whosoever would not seek the ?<art Ood of Israel should be put to death, whether email or great, whether man qr woman (veree It). It might be a question whether this compulsory' turning to Ood weald, after all. prove to be a real turning of tha heart. With na It to either Ufa or death. Ha who doaa not truly receive the Lord Jesos le dead la traspaapm and stsn. a tost seal, but tha good newi la that Jesaa Cams to seek and sava the tost (John 111. U; 1 John T.-tt; Kpb It t J; n Our. Iv. S). U thgjtova of Utm who gave up no Hla gloky gad bore or tons oa Golgotha doas not t A hoiae >t* o^|i four j?i full m^oitnatS^fj^ite Lo^k Box tl FOR SALE A good 64 Mr* tract of land si of YoeogevBle knewn m the < "Nathan. May" home plaoe. T above tract ia the original dower Mr*. Ma/ and is being sold for < risioo. The sale will take place the ooort hoaee door in Loaiabarw Monday, Feb. 6tb, 1011. This Ja 2nd, 1011. N. M MAT, Agl NOTICE Bt virtue of the power of aale giv in a certain mortgage deed which is record in Franklin county, in Book 1 at page 286, I shall on Monday, Fel 1911, offer to highest bidder at tl court bouse door in Louis burg for cai the equity of redemption in the sto house on north aide of Naah s?i-? Louisburg N. C? now oocnpied by tl Beasley-Alston Drug Co. "ntis Jsn. 1911. Mas. Ina M Uaaais, Mt ge STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN A 1)K1'ARTM*NT Or Statk Certificate of Diaaolntion To all Whom These Presents Mi Come ?Greetings: Whereas, It appears to my sati faction,by duly authenticated reooi of the proceedings for the voluntas dissolution thereof by the uaan nous consent of all the stoetholds deposited in my office, that Tl Farmers Mutual Tobacco Co , a oo iteration of this State, whoso princ pal office is situated in the town i Louisburg, county ot Franklin an State of North Carolina, Ja M- Allen being the agent therei ana in cnarge thereof, upon whoi process ma; be served, has compile with'the requirements of Chapter 5 Re visa| of 1906, -entitled "Corpori lions," preliminary to the iaaaing i thie Certificate of Diaeolotion. Now, Thereof, I, J. Bryan Gnmi Secretary of State of the State < North Carolina, do hereby certif that the aaid corporation did, on tt 26 day of December, 1910 file in tr office a duly execated ana atteete consent in writing to the diasolutio of said corporation, execated by a the stockholders thereof, which sai consent and the record of the pri ceedinga aforesaid are now on file i my office as provided by law. In Testimony -Whereof, I hat hereto set my hand and affixed m official aea1, at Raleigh, this 26t day of Nov, A'. t>;1910. J. Bbyau Gbihf.s, Secretary of State. School Apportionments At a meeting of the Board of Ec ncation held Monday, January 2m the following apportionment of th public school fond was made for 191 DUNNS White Colore 1 Pearoe 410 00 84 (1 2 Social Plaice 120 00 84 0 3 Pine Ridge 310 00 84 0 4 Pilot 410 00 6 Bonn 300 00 " HARRIS 1 Math Rock 140 00 84 0 2 Clifton 140 00 84 0 3 New Hope 280 00 84 C 4 Kock Springs 140 00 5 Rileya _ J40 00 6 Prospect 136 00 YOUNGSVILLE 1 Garner 132 00 84 ( 3 Oak Level * 124 00 84 ( 4 Tbarrington 136 00 84 ( -S Flat Hock HOW 20 i; FRANKLlNTOfc 2 Popes- 136 00 84 C 3 Mt. Olivet 132 00 84 C 4 84 0 5 Mitchiner 136 00 320 0 6 Kateeville ' 124 00 ' 84 C HAYESVILLE 1 Balance Rock 75 00 90 C 2 Wion 132 00 140 C 3 Epsom 260 00 * 84 0 4 Whi taker 128 00 60 C SANDY CREEK 1 Laurel 132 00 84 C 2 Moulton 140 00 84 C 3 Ingleeide 400 00 84 ( 4 Kearneys 136 00 84 ( 6 Mountain 260*00 84 ( 6 Alston 130 00 84 ( GOLD MINE 1 Centreville 260 00 88 ( I Woods 260 00 80 C 3 Sandy Creek 280 00 4 Pesrce 124 00 CEDAR ROCK 1 Bab Rock 132 00 84 < 2 Justice 132 00 84 ( 8 Cedar Reck 410 00 84 0 4 R?a Bod 182 00 5 White Plains 410 00 CYPRESS CREEK 1 Gateevillo 186 <W 84 ( 2 Seven Pit ha '280 00 80 ( LOUI8BUBG 2 MsplertUe 310 00 460 < 3 Hickory Rock WOO 160 < 3 J'esroe ? 100 00 |4 < By order of the Board -4^0^ UtiaAaa, Chaw. R. B. White, Snpt. fM * i m . v fcg* '?> ^ r ' ; ' ' ; LOST !JJ B??**n Loetehnrp ?ed Oedar Roek M, oo? "nail jiib Udtee mid watch, dcxhle oaaa with monogtwm "E. K, ? Y " on haok. Liberal reward will be paid for the return of (hie watek Mt to J. K- Collie or theTniBa office. ? For Shia. of A nioe cottage I on Seath Main li-1 atreet in LoraWg Term*- eaay at Apply at onee tdl oe OIF BtcitlDaoi ? E. A. ROGERS ? Tlnwwtert U-isb-ri. N. C. Will make aatieoetaa en any job I, Work Qu area Wed. Call er write t, when in need of anything ia aj lie lime Sl^^ls ^rea^ 1 ^WaYTj telwl mad tdul i > ? For Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lame Back, Stif u J ointa and Muscles, Sore Throat, Colds, Straino, ?Y Sprains. Cuts. Bruises. Colic, Cramps, Toothache and all Nerre, Bone and Muscle Aches _ 1- and Paina. The genuine has Noah's Ark on every package. 25c., 50c. and $1.00 by all deel. crs in medicine everywhere. Sample by mail free \e Noak tsawdy Ca.. tlehaaaJ, Va. sod Bsstsa, Maaa. r> ' IMPORTANT NOTICE ' TO TOWN TAX PAYERS QThe commissioners of the town of xl Louisburg hare ordered me to make !1 immediate collection of the tare# due . the town regardless of means. See me . in the next few days and lets settle came without further eo?? and trouble. D, C. HIGH, ?e Town Tax Collector >f 'y r '* NO CURE I NO PAYII J Be prepared for an emergency by having . d a bottle of NOAH'S COLIC REalOY t on hand. More animals die from colic then B all other non-contagions diseases combined. II Nine out of every ten esses would have been cured If noah'S colic remedy had id been given in time. lt?r" *,!*. *' 'I Isn't a drench or dope, I >" but is a remedy given * I A on the tongue, so slm]4e that a woman or lx^aaS^JHaEjl child can give it. Iflt , nil fails to cure. Voor e money refunded. It ?Tv>P'1 ^*<1 J your dealer cannot supply send 50c In 1 |AW m Nfl h stamps and we will klfl*'V NflfcJ AN ACKNi ie 1 a 10 10 ~ ; - Ti 10 10 >0 10 la to . l . In Sincere appreci to eral i patronage gi to months, we, the Ca >0 * heartily. We are n we will still retain 10 f r "4 ' ' _ >o ginia Foster and C )0 . g serve yoti in the < )0 Clara Aycocke wi 0 partmCnt. Alwaj * ' *! "- ' "Jl f1 n' ?. " )0 to 10 2 '* i * 1 YO >0 :?i _ . . 0 , jjj The Big Little Store I *. * Thanks the public for its liberal pat- ' Hi ronage. It wishes for all a prosperous New Year (and a dry Juue) 11^ ? . . Godman, Ziegler and Leon* H ard Shaw & Dean Shoes H f. Don't fool yourself or let others fool M 30 years experience in buying No expense in selling and when a bun- .1 die leaves my store its paid for. |H R. Z. EGERTON I OWLEDGEMENT OF :: 1 HANKS- f ation to the public for the very lib- 9 v-' * Est Lven us during the past several .ndler-Crowell Co., thank you most H glad to announce that for this year H I Mr. Norwood Fuller, Misses Vir- p )llie Floyd, who, will" be glad to dry goods department, while Miss I II Vtatrn ? "11 ' u uMvcv/uaigt) ui uur mminery do- II rs glad to serve you. We are r; b, - ~ , II

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