\ ? ? FRANK!INTON k. m. edwards, Items of Interest Gathered Frt Town Each Week. 0 clones on v . ? - j- - ? LOCALS. ; ?The Gypey camp which has been hear town for about thirty fdgys whh broken up Friday, they . leaving for Wadesboro to join their comrades. < 'Mf H ? Mr. A. H. Sandling reports the killing ot three porkers on lutL Wednesday aged 9 monthi and 3 ! days, weighing respectively 319-338 j and 354 pounds. ?N. H. Wilson, who recently moved here from Henderson and who has for about two months ha.beei: doing business in the store house adjoining Airs. M- C- Ilenlevs millinery store has returned ta Ilendetsbn ?Capt. 1). T. Ward h>s moved his stock of goods in the old store house formerly occupied by him be- 1 fore the new v one was built. The ? Captain expects to do a larger husi- ^ '' liess this year than last and wants to see all his friends in his new quarters. * 1 ?Mr. E. A. Harris, recently of , Macon, has taken a position as book j keeper for McGbee-.Ioyner Co. _ Mr. ^ Harris is a former resident of this town, having been employed by Col. j W. L. McGhee about four or five ^ years ago. He has a great many friends here who will gladly welcome him back their midst. ^ ?The remains of Mrs. Katie Moye wife of Mr. J. T. Moye were brought here Saturday from Rex g hospital, Raleigh where she died j Friday night at 3:30 o'clook of r pneumonia. She was a member of r Popes Chapel.and was buried there e Sunday afternoon at '2 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Patten, the pastor, conducting r the services. Mrs. Move was a.dangh- p tar of Mr. A. J. Morton, of this place,! e and was '28 years old and lsiives sur viving a husband and two children _ ages respectively 3 years and 17 ? months. Mrs. Moye was raised here c. and she and h'er husband are both former residents of the town, and j, have many friends heie who^extend their heartfelt sympathy, to the be- r reaved husband and familv. ! ? If Personals - !*: S. C. \ ann visited Raleigh Tuee- !J day. , ? I. H. Kearney visited I.ouisburg ^ ? Tuesday. '' W T n.ll..a r>_i..r~u 1 *. . w. x?uaa> u "CUl IV j Monday. a Mrs. S. S. Britt visited Youngs- j( ville Monday. j G. P. Norman is visiting his folks j here this week. . G. K. and L-. -R.?Wove worn to . Raleigh Friday, Sol. J. Allen, of Wake Forest, was on our streets Saturday. J. R. Cotike and Graham Blackley have gone to Richmond, Ya., to i b work. ) Mis. .T. S. Uoberson visited her ? aunt, Mrs. Ellington, in Raleigh last c week. jj G. L. Whitfield and A. O. Perry attended the Grand Lodge of Ma- c sons at Raleigh this week, Mrs. Opt Ballard, after a visit to ? friends and relatives here, returned 1 il home, to Greensboro, Tuesday. h 8 Billie Conyers returned to bis p home in Richmond, Va'.; Monday ? after a short visit to his parents. a Miss Uoberson,. who has been visit- _ ing her grandmother, 'Mrs. P. fj. Person, returned home Monday to YT"^ Emporia. Dr. A. R. Winstou left for New J Bern to viait bis wifes people Mon- _ day, his wife and little son, Robert I Henderson, already being there. ? ii . w. A's. Bat Oysters And Bleets Officers. On last Thursday night at the re- . gular meeting of the M. W. A. a moat delightful oyster sapper was Sewed to the members and their L Kl| ' - ' - n rt r-^* - ' i ' ' NEWS ITEMS. ^Correspondent. ' ? >ni in and Near Our Sinter 0 ^.0 0 0 WEDNESDAY .he office of Dr. S* C. Ford, their sfficient Banker, and was indeed a Teat that was It rest It enjoyed and reflected credit upon the Committee n whose charge the supper' was placed and open the order. After lupper the members repaired to the funior Order hall where they held heir annual election of officers. The lewlv elected officers were as folows: - I. H. Kearney, Councillor. C F. Best, Adviser. F. M- Drake, Banker. C. T. White. Clerk. 1.. C. l'irie. Escort.--? Officers InstalledAt a regular meeting of the Odd bellows Tuesday niaht the follow ng officers'were installed hv the re;alar installing officer I), G. \Y., U. Kearney, It. B. Heiulerson, \. G.: G. It. Move, J", fi,; J. S. Uobrson, Sec.: B. A. White, Treas.; t. M- Brown, B- S, to X. G.; L. R. Hove, B. K. to N: G-; It. I. Gupton, iVarilen; R. A. Pruitt. Cond.; S. X. ileafner, I. S G.; I. Gv Staunton, ). S. G.; J, C. Fogleraan, Chap; \. O. Perry, R. S. S.; B. J. Black'ler j. S. S.; S. C. Ford, R. S. to V. G.; Z. T. Nicholson L. S. to V. G. kn Act Regulating The Rate of Speed And Signals of Automobiles etc. It shall be unlawful for any peron to drive an automobile, autoluggy, inoto-cycie or any other cartage or vehicle by what bo ever lame called propelled by steam, genrated by eras, gasoline, coal oil or ny other substance at a greater ate of speed in the Town of Franltinton than 10 miles per. hour, and ach and every person driving such tachine or vehicle shall sound aj ong, bell or horn or give some arning signal at every street rossir.g and intersecting street m! aid town of Franlclinton sufficient loud to be heard 100 vardsin adance of approaching corner and | ing or blow continually until cor-! er or street crossing is passed. It! arther enacted that the rate of j peed shall he reduced to 10 miles er. Imisr crossing any street i r turning any street'i^ruer in the! o<rn of Franklintoo, afeo the signal I ighta shall he observed whicl} ra re- i uired by state. Any person vio-' iting this ordinance-or section or ny part tbereof-siiall be tined not) t?89 than $l.<?t)nor more than $20.00! * or each offense. Passed by Board iV-dfegalar session Monday night )ec. 2nd. 1911, ECZEMA CUR-ID. 'implt Disappear, Complexion Cleared Over Nirht. K?w York, Thousands are taking | dvantage of the generous eft'er made iy The Woodworth Co., 1161 Broadway, ; lew York City requesting an experi-i rental package, of Lemola the new kin discovery, which is mailed free of, harge to all wh? write for it. It aloae | > sufficient to clear the complexioa ovr night and rid the face ef pimples ia few hours. Ob the first applicatioa I f Lemola the itabiag will stop. It has ured thousands aflicted with eczema, "eeters. Rashes. Itehiags Irritations, i Lemes, Scaling* and Crnatiag of shins, 1 ealps, of infanta, ehildrea and adults, t is pood for the preaeryatiea and pur- > Ication of the skis, scalp, hair aad aads for the prevention ef the clog-1 ing of the pores the uatsal cause of| imples, blackheads, redeaaa aad rough ess -sod also the the treatmeat ot urns scald, wounds, sores, chappings s well aa the toilette and nursery. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO TOWN TAX PAYERS YThe commissioners of the town of -ouisburg have ordered me to make mmedlate collection of the taxes due he town regardless of means. See tie a the next few days and lets settle ame without farther cost and trouble. D,C. HIGH, Town Tax Collector FOE KENT New brick More boose desirably lotted. Apply to P. O. Box 266, Frankntoo. H. j?L _ 1 - -1 X. IT ^IROWS HAIR. Har* Ar? Fae*a W? Want Yaa ta Prav at Our R?ak. liarvelaua u it may aaaja. Eua "8?" Hair Yeaic luu prawn hair oi beads that wars uuca bald. Of oaurs< is aaaa af tfcaaa cases wars tha kai raats deed, mar tad the acaip taken a: a plaasd. ahlay appaaraaee. Haxail 'W Hair Teaie ease eeiaa tiAcaily. daaaaaf lap the paawM wfcia ara usually ratpiailhia far lildaiai It liHisi Iwaiaa la tke reeas sf tha kail Filnilartwc Mi aaerlahtap Lhaar I daitoalaly parftaij, am4 wUi ?et pax or paraaasaaHy alala the kak We waAt^su ta pec a kaUla a Uaxail *W Hair Teak; a ad see It directed. *f It duun uat r?di*v? aaal| irriiattea. aaaaavv ilandiwiT. vjrevee Ike hair fxaea talbny eat uul p?at oa iaoreeaod grewth af hair. aad ?1 every way plvs entire auaafaaHea simply couxe tuck aad rail as. aad with out quaadea ar feruuiiity we will kaa< ( back to yea a v err pen ay yau paid u for It. _ Twe alaae. 50<- aadfl.Od tab j osiy at ear stare?The Kesell glare The Baaggin Drug Op. | STATE or NORTH CAROLINA Departliant Op Statb Certifltate of Diitolution I To all Whom These Presents May Come?Greetings: Whereat, It appears to raV sattai Vty duly ai.t \ ioatcd record I of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unani| moue consent of all the stockholders ! deposited in tuv office, that The j Farmers Maiual Tobacco Co., a corI poratiou of this State, whose princij pal office is situated in the town of Louisburg, couVty ot Franklin and ! State of North Carolina, Jan. M- Allen being: the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21 P.vio.l 1QAA 1K< aoai VI A wwv, cuimru wi pui ations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now, Thereof, I, J. Bryan Grimae Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 25 day of December, 1910, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which aaid consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Kaleigh, this 25th day of Nov, A. D. 1910. J. Buy an Grimes, . Secretary of State. LOUISBURG COLEGE North Carolina A school for girls aad young women owned by^the North Carolina Conference. It offers healthful conditions. A hapnv home. Christian influences. A liberal culture, a thorough education at moderate cost. Special care given to younger girls. Preparatory Department' Collegiate Department, With Thirteen Schools Normal Department For full information*kdtiress Pres. M. 0. ALI.EN, LOUISBURU, - >. Carolina ? * ? A Ntesr j WEBSTER'S NEW ! INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY | The Only New unabridged dictionary in many years. Contains the piih and essence I of an authoritative library, i Covers ovory Sold of knowledge. An Encyclopedia in a ' tingle book. , TTho Only dictionary rwith the ! Now Divided Page. : 100,000 Words. 270O Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost over half a million dollars.""^, I Font yourself on-this most remarkable single volume. .SSlf Write for maple p*^?, fuu \-mrvK tloalsn, ute. Nemo this ( ?2*s^Bk'p,p*r and nrlimieMn** ?i.ti ^wndftir PoOet - ? .' * ... v "^fer-J.'T lb}.. ; . ? - ? "* ' f " -** ~ i i. ? NOT1CS , Br yirtoae e< the turner ?f Bale ?tm "2 in t certain ?ttip J fed wMeh to ri ? s wirt >b ** i I \ okA, ia iMk Ito X pte? 186, 1 totll on/Mtator, Feb. 6. _ * Wll. effee- w higbee/ hid** >t *< ' uurt tmiw doer ia Uuiutvont far each II tile equil>vpf nilqnion in tfce store u hoone on niertB >xM of Nito stoeet. ( >, Louisberg NO, eeV oeeaeted by tk? . Beesley -AUtoa Ditog Ca. IVa Jea 2. u 1*11. Mm 1*a * H aaaia, Mt'gee. NOTICE. \ >- Having qualified as administrator of b the estate of Rhode Cannady, deceased, T L of franklin County, this is to notify all -E . persons, holding cljrimj against said " estate to present tbem to the undersigned on or{ before December 10th, s 1911 or this iicbicasvill bff plead is bar ' of their recowr/. All persons owing Baidestate will/please eome forward 1 and make imasXliate payment J. P. HII.L, AUMK. W. M, Person, Atky. I NOTICE i Having qualified as administrator of a the estate of Jacob Evans, deceased, _ late of Franklin County, I hereby noti' fy all persons hldding/ claims against . tlie estate of said yirahdent to exhibit the same to ma on \r/before the 30th 5 day of December. 1UA. or this notice 1 will be plead in bar Jf their recovery. 1 All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Dec. 28th, 1910 ~ J. R. COLLIE, , Administrator of Jake Evads, dec. W. II. Turborough, Jr., Atty. PUBLIC RENTING of WARD'S LA NDS. sp On Tuesday, the second day of Jan uary Term. 1911. of Franklin Superior jn Court, it being the 24th day of January. ea, 1911, at the noon recaw of Court, at su the Court House door' ai saitl Countv, re, the uiidersignsdvwlll feht to the .high- th est bidder at public! auction for the Co year 1911. nip lands oj[ n\i*s of Norf. m, | Harris situate in SarrQt. Township, a\\ ' Franklin CounV, known asNhe Norf. pe , Harris tract, adioiuingthe lantM of J. ca B. King, A. J |P.Harris and ethers, m conUiniug TTasres, more or lessAThia bu 23rd. day ofuecember, 1910. \ J-J. Barrow, C. S. C. & Receive^. VaLl'ABLE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed from J. R. Collie aDd Wife to X. A Clifton, recorded in Book 159 at page48, Franklin County Registiy, I will on Monday, the 13rd day ot January, 1911, it being 1st day of court, at the Cou t-House door in Louisburg. N. C., at about the hour of noon, offer fot sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands cenveyed in said mortgage deed, situate in the Town of Louisburg. N.C., described as follows, Vix: Beginning at C. B. Cheatham's corner in middle Street, running thence along Middle Street in an easterly direction about 02 1-2 feet to an alley leading from said street, thence southeasterly along said alley about 214 feet - to Pleasant's line, thenee westerly along PleasantB line about 62 1-2 faet to J C. B. Cheatham's line, thence along C. B. Cheatham's line about 214 feet northerly to the point of beginning. This Dec. 15th 1910. ? Ben T. Holden, Assignee of MP ^A. A. Clifton, Mortgagee. ~ jjuiiii jWE ARE RAPIDLY REDUcil imove daily, all our. pri ter we move. many ra good?s will be coming in I . % * \ i .some .stunning thin#.s . ju.st arrived. our cc good.s. you will think the price. hunt \J S up XW. HC The Indispensi , ' . . .. ' -x ; ^ Z_?li??p^. rhe Big Little Store first to Make a Showing of New Spring Ginghams. About Twenty Pieces ^Now and Twice Nip Many ^ to Follow Soon Dont fail to see the real bargains in white goods, laccs and embroideries, ny am oir.uwiy on exhibition. do you know of a better line to commence ring and summer sewing. Let me get you busy- 1 am making a specialty of * ick goods and have in stock or on the way all of the best lat moderate prices] this seosons Voil?, Mobair, Chiffon nauama, silk worp, J Henrietta fine serg. 36 inchss. all silk taffeta, etc. If you desire to practice economy you will be re to give the Big Little Store a look before making your purchases. I have ' luested Messrs Ziegler Bros, to send me a line of sample shoes and slippers " ey will arrive today, and I have the privilege of keeping them two weeks, ime to see them, select, pour style, heel, width, etc, in fact I will take your rasure, insuring you a iit and guaranteeing to didiver uist. tho Vw>af >le to obtain at any price, and remember Ziegler are better in quality and 25 I r cent cheaper in price than any advertised shoe- Some of the people you n never fool, (some don't care- When its advertised or "when you think it ight be cheaper elsewhere you may kno\r its cheaper here for when a ndlj.* leaves my store it is paid for R. Z- EdERTONrl *&* ;<KfKf^>;< ;?>;<^>;<nyI ^WORTH'S ...1 ~ *w ~ I -y I <G OUR .STOCK BEFORE MOVING. WE EXPECT TO I E.5ENT LOW PRICED WILL BE CALLED OFF AF- I RE BARGAINS LEFT AT CO.ST AND LEJ?S. NEW I SOON IN GREAT VARIETIES AND WE WILL HAVE I M.? | ?J?H I to offer. Several new .starr piano.sB| >mped1tor<5 3ay thev are awful cheaph) 30 to when you -see the quality and leflmt at clifton corner. .j' ULINGSWORT blc Louisburg, N, C. I I

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