l ' PROTECT. THE HEALTH OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY Pope's Herb is prepared ? p:- 4 a | dependable household rev *.1 1 . ?H upon the priucip! of p tr.- y f instirrojr freedom flr?.rai di*?.. ! js i a medicine for iiiaiadies stiei : \ b mati^m. Liver 0?mplaint*. i "or.yi ation. Fever and Ague. K-ir.ui \ 1's-c- -' dors, IniJivestii'h. Luiuba.. . 1\ Derangement*, Catarrh. ;o-^Nx of Pope's Herb Compound Tablets, t he very first dose of two tablets gave me relief. I used not auite a $1.00 b x and I am entirely cured of the pain in my back and have no more headache." ? Dr. J. V. Hennesey; a prominent Physician and Surgeon of Albany, N. Y. in part says: "As a Brood Purifier. Liver. Kidney and System regulator.I prescribe Pope Medicine Co's of Washington, P. C. Llerb Compound as I have done for the Cast *20 years, and I have found it to e a great remedy, which seldom if f eyer fai's. There nre thousands of let tPrs from users of Pope's Herbs, that have been benefitted and cured by its proper use. Pipe's Herb Compound Tablets are put up 200 in a box, "9ix month's treatment," and will be sent po.>t-paid on receipt <>f 91.00* Each box contains a printed guarantee binding us to refund the purchase price if the remedy fails to benefit, also full directions. Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., Inc., under the Pure hood and Drugs Act, June SO, 1906 No. 31956. FOR TERMSTO AGENTS IN UNnrr nDicn Tror? * ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE CO., INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C _ ' ' V Just Published Webster's HEW DfTERMATlONAI Dictsnary, (G.K Ikniaa Co.. Spnaffiald, Ham.) repasses the eld latcraaHeat! as mmck as that boek excseU Hs pnlirnni. Oa lbs eld f ?^ati? a ? psrstiBLtm? has hem Will. The recaastraciiea has beea earned aa thresh I aay years by a large fare* W traad werkars, pader lbs s^inrisisa mi Dr. V. T. Harris, former Umtad States C immi. mi i r mi Idacatiec, ami reeaf arced by assay (SOMt specialists. Tbe defiakieas bare beea resrraaf ed sad amplified. Tbe I ir ad terms dafmed bas beea mare tbaa deahled. Tbe etymslegy, sjDoaymx, prfaaaciztiaa, bare received mspariic scholarly laber. Tbe Imgasge ef Eagiish lit erst are far ever seres caatario, tbe ! terminology of tba arts aad niacet, sad tbe I erery-day speech ef street, skep, ami beasebold, are presented with fallaess aad desrasss. | la size of vecabalary, in rirbmsi ef g sacra] information, aad ia ceavcaicace ef caasalta1 tioc, tbe book sets a aew mark ia lexicography. 400,000 wonii >W phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2706 pages. c Writs to tbo paUafcors far 5>niaia Pacts. NOTICE Having: qualified as administrator of , the estate of Jacob Evans, deceased, late of Franklin County # I hereby notify a l persons holding fclaims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit the same to me oi\or before the 30th ... ?-g ' ? ph fs t,1 , ;..1 - - * 1 ? ? r FRflNKLINTON ] :. M. KtV*' Mil) " Items of Interest (!:ulnivx ?Dont forget the phonos. We hope to have them soon. ?Her friends will he glad ko loum that Mrs. U. A. Speed is improving. ?The Ladies Clubs are doing g?>od work toward "Civic Improvement." Geuerous collections have been made. ?The inside ot the olHceof theS. A. | L. freight depot here has been treated to a new coat of paint which helps the i looks of things in that part of the town. 1 ?Our little town would like to know j very mucli the number of her 90ns and daughters, but we must wait on a while longer Some time probably it wil be made known unto us and until, that time we must be patient. ?Capt. Kearney requests us to say to the members of Co. b\ that -Friday is j drill day and that each member is or-j dered to report at their armory ut 2 1 1 o'cloca p. ni'.. for drill without fail and also each member is ordered to bring in all government property. ?The regular Qjart-jriy conference was n*'iti at me Meinouisi cnurcn Mv?n- , day, Jan. 16?h. Iu the absence of the ' IMesid.n? Elder, Rev. W. L. Cunningham, who was suk and couhi not be present Rev, (f. B. Starling, of Kittrell, preached. The conference was well attended and lunch was served in the aduh via*s ro 'iu by the ladies. ?The special train conveying the Granville county murderer, (Moitague) from thr 3tate Prison 10 Oxford for trial passed through here Monday | woruiug at 9 30 o'clock. The train consisted of one box car and oae coach. Montague was accompanied by Co. B. of Raleigh. The trial passed off quietly and his special come through return- 1 ing at 6 o'clock p. m. He was sentenced to be electrocuted Feb. 15th, 1911. ?The I'hilathea Class ef the M. E. , Sunday School met with Miss Mattie Ballard Monday afternoon. Though only- ten of the members were present, the meeting proved a very enthusiastic one. The meetings of this class will h monthly and of a social nature. Evei member is invited and expected to attend every meeting. Besides the social feature there will be duties to perform. The Cla&s cordially invites new members and wi I be glad to have them join ; Sunday the 22nd. or any Sunday they can. Personals M. F. Allen, of Raleigh, spent Sunday in town. J. W. McGhee went to Hillsboro Tuesday. Miss Effie Vines went to Youngsville Tuesday. Manley Pritchard is visiting at W. M. McGhees. , C. J. Ward left on 41 Monday for Hamlet. Miss Mattie Ballard spent Sunday in { Louisburg. Otha Hicks, of Norlif a, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. A. W. Alston, of Louisburg, spent Friday in town. Miss Mattie Conwao, of Wake Forest, was in town Sunday. I Clayton Barton and family, of Wilson, '.t-j -t F IT V Arthur House, of Weldon, spent ] Saturday with F. M. Drake. Miss Annie Parker, of New York is visiting at Mr. B. W. Ballards. Walter -Mitchiner went to Boykin, Va., to visit his family Saturday. Mrs. W. P. Bird, of Lillington is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Roberson. ' Miss Mable Tomlinson, of Smithfield, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Roberson. Miss Lizsie Tomlinson, of Smithfield, is visiting her sister. Mrs Jno. S. Roberson. Miss Mary B. Macon and D. P. Smithwick, of Louisburg, spent Sunday with G. L. Whitfield. Dr. A. R. Winston returned Monday from New Bern where be has veen visiting his wife's people. Miss Sarah Wiggins, wbo has been visiting at Mr. B. J. Blackleya, returned to her home in Youngsville Monday. Messrs. J. R. Cooke and Graham Blaokley, who recentlywent to Richmond, Vs., to work, are at home on a visit to their people. Chaflnsr Dish Club Entertained by Misses Conway. In spite of the fact that it waa Friday the 18th, nothing happened to mar the pleasure of the evening. The moon didn't go into eclipse In fact it never shone brighter The chafing dish sapper, in which every boy fend girl had a part in preparing waa complete, nothing horned, everything waa delicious, ' . . 1 >=-aflw?aJi V e ff-1 ji~ 1 A 7 ' 'X-' V mm^ -yt-mmmwr ^ INEWS ITEMS. I . (,' *rre*popdent. ' ' X ' in in *Ttiul N*k:ir Our ' u 0 0 11 I VV>DNK ?pops|a. Th.\v ;t! i the. stomach to digest food and ;> quickly convert it I' Into rich rod Hoc.l aud materia' necessary for overc? ning natural hody waste. Carry aViieknty' of Ilcxall Dyspepsia Tal?lct\ In y '? v ?st pocket. or i keep them In your room. Take one i after each heavy me:* I and indigestion ! will not ImtlW'ymi. We know What Kexnll Dyspepsia | Tablets are and what they- will do. We guarantee them to relieve Indigestion and-dy:rpt?ps!n. If thcfv fail we will refund jour money. 'Three sizes: 25 cents. 50 cents and" $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at?The Rexall Store. The Se>ggin l">rhg Co. j it one^jtn^jable in tlio riming room, 1 ivhich htvi aTicautiful ceotevpiece of oses and carnations, Miss Ina Jacob, jousin of the bride, had charge of ;he serving. The bri ic, who has lived all her ife in Hlack Hawk county and most >f the time in Waterloo, is a griduite of the East Waterloo high school tn?! of the Waterloo Bushies* col eg", and for the past seven vtars iaa lield a responsible position with h< Litchfield Manufacturing com 1 >any. She has been an active mem- ! >er of the Methodist church, and ] or several years has been much in. erested in Chautauqua work, hav- < ng graduated from the course and t laving continued her studies for the last two years as a member of the >rion class. She is a voung woman tlio has won a host ot warm friends iMsauee of her womanly graces and he many traits of character which ommend her aaan ideal hoittemaker. She was married in a pretty gown if white and her traveling suit wis a ;ray tailor made with hat and gloves o match. The groom is a former esident of this county, his parents, llr. and Mrs. R. W. Christopher, lavmg lived here for many years intil they moved to Armstrong ten ears ago. l)r. Christopher is a yaduate of leading veterinary coleges of Chicago and Toronto, Can., nd now holds an important position rith the national bureau of huslandry, being U. S. veterinary ilpector w ith headquarters at Raleigh, C. C. lie is a young man worthy n every way the bride he has won. lauy beautiful wedding presents atest the good will of their many riends. Dr. and Mrs. Chrietooher left at 0 o'clock over the Illinois Central or an extended wedding trip through he east, after which they will go to . laleigh, N. C., to make their future tome. Among the out of town gueetB at he wedding were Mr. and Mrs. R. ' V. Christopher of Armstrong, ptrnts of the groom; Miss May Chriaopher of CheroTtee, the grooms sis ' er, and DeWitt Gibbs of Hyannis, ' <*eb., brother of the bride.?Water- , )u Illuming Ouuiiu, Iuhu Die J>1l < ?_ J : GOWANSl\ i King of Externals! J i Sells itself tvherever J v ^introduced/Imitators! \ i have tried to imitate, 2 t 'and ^substitution hasr v been attempted. But I \ once GOwKnS always I t Gowans for inflammation s and congestion. c It ((ires us pleasure to recnm- c mend Gowans Preparation for c Inflammation, especially of the t throat and chest. We have sold c Gowans Preparation for many years and never had a complaint. PURLING TON DRUG CO., t Burlington, A". C. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME ' AllDratilMa. *1. SO.. 3Se. g0wan magical co.. durham. n. c. units Ml mm, Hi-Ill kf jm tnmMI it on OS , A By virtue of tbs peite^ of/jkle given t a certain mortgage dead Jwlleh is of c eeord in Franklln/osgftty, En Book 169 f >t page 286, 1 shall ma MoimayxFeb. 6. < 911, offer to h|rbss(A bidger Vt the oort bouse dsorls Lowsbure for cash 1 he equity of rtdsoiptiap in the\tors c louse on north Sige or Nash itsrrt, youisborg N. Ctf asW ueenpied byXhs i Seasley-Alston Diss Ca. This Jan. 2, 11. Mas. Ima M Haimr Mt'gee. 1 v- wv* i j^ v *" ' - s ' * j, ' *' t - *. rrh' . 11 BRWWWMpr . EASTERN CAROLINA ~ I TEACHEBS^TRAIKING SCHOOL I /Greenville,''2?. 0. B spring- und Summer <*ouvs?s for T. aehors. ' : . ler.u Mi.ruU 14 to Muv L*0. -ten weeks. Summer term, June fefv* . .>'7' -tht v? i k>. The uim df this course ia hotter t ? hj'.i |?t the f* aci??f s w? - Kcoks- Those -R used In the puhlie sc!i?*?*i ? f the* State. l:\?i i ..t *m:million address Robert H. Wright. President GREKNVII.LK. N. C. SAVE THE MIDDLE MANS PROFIT# I If you will see me or )t;t me see pou before you net your fall mattresses I can save you money. Meu ^re geticrrlly iu business for what there is in it. If that is true I can save you money. Tho&e w he are keepinir l ouse want to save all the money possible, so see me. I make mattresses of the best feather prrof ticking with a plenty of nice cleau Cotton ami husk. Y.ei have any grade <>r of felt or hair mattress you wish anu you can see and know what y >u % *:. G. E._ MORRIS, JR. First National 1 BANK J OXFORD, N C M Capital $100,0110 00 Surplus nnd Profits ^ 30,000.00 ; jl Deposits ,... . ...... 600,000.00 We wsnt to do some business with the good people of Franklin I Dounty. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Write or call on l's for any information. Notice our large capital mid surplus. W. A. HUNT. Cashier - I i SHOES \ I have more Shoes-than ro 1111. It will pay Vou t A" see my line before you buy. I have anything you J . I want for Men, Ladies ^ # J and Children { \ I Brantley > G. Hicks Louisburg, N. C. T STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA |j Department Of State B , I / II Certificate of Dissolution tyf 1511111^ I OU I To all VV hom These Presents May! Come?Greetings: Whereas, It appears to my satis-1 'action,by duly authenticated record >f the proceedings for the voluntary tissolution thereof by the unani- A nous consent of all the stockholders j.. mil offing llmf Th- , fanners Mutual Tobacco Co., a corjoration of this State, whose princijal office is si1 uated in the town of "lor - tt L.ouisburg, county ot Franklin and AfiOSb. -Elcippy State of North Carolina, Jas. VI. Allen being the agent therein md in charge tnereof, upon wlrom irocess may be served, haB complied vith the requirements of Chapter 21 AND tevisal of. 1306, entitled "Corporaions," preliminary to the issuing of his Certificate of Dissolution. Now, Thereof, I, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of Kate of the State of T)? ? w "forth Carolina, do hereby certify ATAOSpGrOUS IN 6VV hat the said corporation did, on the !5 day of December, 1910, file in my iffiee a daly executed and attested Vpar onsont in writing to the dissolution if said corporation, executed by all he atockholderB thereof, which said on sent and the record of _ ?uo pi u* >eedings aforesaid are now on file in ny office aa provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have leretoset ray hand and affixed my iffioial seal, at- Raleigh, this 25th fly I lay of Nov, A. D. 1910. And hoping to share a continuance J. Bryan Guimks, of yonr patronage in the fu Secretary of State. ~ . , ' ; - ture aa In the NOTICjb < past ' Having qualified as/administrator of I * he estate of Rhofa wannady, deceased, if Franklin Counttr, Ahis i> to notify all >ersons, holding I dlaim i against said -T , ? istate to present Ijhem ,to the under- 1 am. Kespectfnlly,, ligned on or beMre December 10th. 911 or this noticawill be plead in bar rf their recovery! AU persons owing , \ aid estate will aeaae come forward mdnuk.im-wlfuj.ymwit^^ JJJQ W gQJQ V. U. Ferson, Atty. . 7 ' * *