FRflHKLINTON ,*> K. M. EDWAKI Items of Interest Gathered I Town Each Week. 0 CLOSES ON ?How does 16 cant cotton ioun< farmer*. ,' ? ' rQuit* a large number went over t< Leaisburg to attend Court tbis week ?Capt. I. H. Kearnav receiver . the appointment on the Board ol Agriculture last Tueadar te fill th< vaoancj caused by the reeignatiot of Mr. Ashley Home ef Claytou. ?Mr. Calvin W. Brown, who hai ~1&eeg-"Bmplovod at the S. A. L ?-? freight depot here for sometime hai accepted a position at Macon, wilt the S. A. I,, and left the past week to enter upon his duties. ?Mr. Sidney Strickland died at Wake Forest Sunday n?ght, he wai hurried at Flat Rock churoh Monday. He was raised and lived it f Fjanklin county until recently, ff? was 77 years old, w*s a coutederatr veteran and was step-father of Mrs Mary Cooper of this place. ?The many friends here of Dr. S C. Ford and wife extend their sympathy to them in the loss of then little twe months old boy Who died Sunday night at 9 o'clock. It wi< tenderly laid to rest in Fair View Cemetery Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. IV. \V. Rose official ing. ?At the residence ot Squire E. W Morris i&st Sunday morning Mr Harry Harris and Miss Georgia Cast were united in marriage. Thost witnessing the ceremony being Messrs. H. E. IVarce, H. A. Hunt, A. L. Allen and ethers Miss Cast is a daughter of Mr. A. M. Cash, deceased. ? Mr. Lucius C. Winston, a former Frankiihton boy. was killed m Fetersbuig, Va., Saturday while coupling cars on a freight on which he was acting as flagman. The re mains were brobght threugb hers enroute to Raleigh, bis home, where * be was buried Sunday. lie was A7 years old, and was a son of Mr. Moses Winston. ?Tlie annual inspection of Co. F will be held on March 7th. by both State and U- S. Inspector. Last year this Company was the only one in the State having 100 per cent of members present on inspection and the property loss was less than any Company except Company 11. First Regiment whose property loss was 4 cts. less only. In tbe shoot for the Dnpont trophy last May Company F. was only beaten by a few points coming 3rd. down tbe hue. Tbe officers of the Company are very anxious to make tbe best showing this year have ever made and make a record the County ano State will be proud of. We can do it if each member will do his duty. Personals Gjo. Crews, of Middlesex, it on i visit hare. 11. S. Lowry was on oar streets Monday. Capt. I. H. Kearney aid- daughter Mary spent Monday in Raleigh. C A. Conway, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with his father, C. W. Conway, here. Dr. J. H. Harris has gone to Birmingham, Ala., to be with his brothers wife. Col. W. L. McGhee attended the reception of the Governor to the legialataie last Wednesday. Miss Mattie Conway and Mist Lois Diokson, of Wake Forest, visited at O. W. Conways Sunday. Miss Mary Louise Footer is visiting her sister, Miss Kittie Foster al Kb ' , Dr. J. H. Harris. Miss Lirzie Tomlinson, who hai been eivtitig at Mr. J. S. Roberson returned to her home in Wake For | est Friday. " K. W. Morris left for Eaaterc Carolina thh week to take up hi duties as inspector for the Agrioul tore Department. Mrs. B' J. Raged ale, of Foquaj Springs, Mrs. J. B. "Fdhnaon, o i . ' ' f: : U - NEWS ITEMS. )S, Correspondent. rrom in and Near Our Sitter 0 0 0 0 [ WEDNESDAY I Cardans*, and Mr*. W, H. Westar, ot Handaraon, rutted at C. t>. Wil, liana laat weak. Miaa Iint'i I toy* tar, who ha* been I with Mr*. M- C, Hanley (or qnita a f while haa raaignad her ooattion and i left Monday for her heme in Buii lock. Sam Conysrs, of Baltimore, ia I visiting his father, Mr. J. H Coo. yera near to town. Mr. Conyera is i on his way ta Dublin, Qa., where he i will ntske his future home. t MAKE THIS TEST. ' How to Tell if Your Hair ! Diseased. Even'if yi-ii have h luxuriant head l of hair you may want to know whether it Is in a healthy condition or not. ' 98 per cent of the people ueed a hair ? tonic. Pull a hair out of your head: if the bulb at the cud of the root la white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if Its loss would be avoided. If the btllh' is pink und full, the hair i9 healthy. J .f \ We wan! every Ac whose hair-re I quires treatment tfo try Recall *TT llair Tonk, XVe prouii^e that It sbull uot cost northing If it does not give [ satisfactory rontiits. It Is designed to overcome dandruff. reileve- sculp ;rrftation. to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already In the beud. grow hair and cure baldness. It Is because of what itexall "03" Hair Tonic has done and our j 1 sincere faith Iti Its goodness that i we wunt you, to try It at our f risk. Two SOc. and $1.00. Sold I' I only at our store?The Rexall Store. The Seoggin Drug Co. ASTHMA AND CATARRH CURED Expert Medical Scientists An nounce Startling Results. Ob tained 1>3" Senpine. i New York?Thousands are taking adi vantage of the generous offer made by ^ I The Woodworth Co., Dept. U., 11G1 1 Broadwnv, N. Y. City; requesting an 1 j experin-.i ntal package of Senpine, the I great discovery for asthma, hay fever. Bronchitis and catptrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. I It is curing thousands of the moat stub | born cases. It makes no diffcre ee how . long you have been suffering or how J severe the climatic condition!'are where | you live. Senpine will cure you. If you have experimented with other I treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send for a | trial.of this wonderful truly meritous I remedy which is a scientific compound ; discovered by a Professor of Vienna LUniversity, and is being recommended 4~by thousand*. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Abrsm Frazier, deceased, late of Franklio county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the j estate of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned on or before II the 29th day. of Dec.. 1911. or thi? I notice vill be placed in bar ot their 1 recovery - All person. indebted tq_ _ said estate will please make immediate settlement. This Dec. 29tb,19l6 HAUROD FRAZIER, Adm. i W. il. Person, Atty MOTIUB By virtue of the power of sale given in a certain mortgage deed which is of record in FrankUa county, in Book 159 at page 286. I shall en Monday, Feb. 6.1 1911, offer to highest bidder at the! eoart house door in Loaisburg for cash the' equity of ml?prion in the store house on north sMe of Nth street, Loutsburg N. C., now oosnpiod by the Beasley-Alston Drug Co. This Jan. 2, ; ltll. Mas. Ima Hauls, If t'gae. [ GOWANS | I King of Externals! Is Ike one Standard prep-1 aration universally and I entknsiastieally endorsed bj DoctorjDro^isl, Laynan. GOWANS Care* Pnetlnionil, Gronp, Colds, Css^ls, jflearisy and all ailments nnoed from Inf lammatinh or Congestion. | Qoxwans Preparation has OOS of , tbs IsrgsHmod moat satisfactory sake of any preparation cairird In our stock. ft* consider It a Z^ffiiuuSSkr Dkoo a*. Wbotssais Druggist* I Columbia, 8. C, Jotf 11, jilO I0Y TO-BAY! IAVE IT II TIE HOME Alt a sills SI- Ms Ma BR ' '* \ ' ' t-. v ' ; I; ~ ' ". : - J / I ? TREASON TO YOUR TOWN. ectcd to draw the deduction that In case the goods are not right the Arm p( has-ft correspondent to deal with the |Q^ case who is quite as expert in his line N. as the high salaried man who writes at the ads. In the matter of ladles' suits it should not be a difficult matter to "J present n strong argument in faVor of making a personal selection from a large stock in a store known to be re- E liable in preference to sending to a dis- co tant city and buying, as it were,, a cat al< in a bag. The local houses unquestionably have the advantage of the best *"! arguments, and these if properly pre- j seuted are bound to prove effective." I st< t I du TREES THAT ADORN STREETS|19 Cara Should Bo Given These Valuable Assets to Town Improvement. All planting and care of trees that i adorn and greatly help to beautify and j improve the streets should be done by the town or by permaueut organIza-1 tions authorized to carry ou the work. The poorer the soil the larger should be the hole for the tree. . If convenient add rich soli. Spread the roots careful* ly?w Fill In with pulverized soil and press into contact with the roots. Pro- . HEAT F1BTB OF TBEE BUBOES*. i IFroro American City, New Tork.l tect the tree with n line of wire net- I ting supported on three pr four posts. It ndds to the expense, bat pays In the long ran. When a tree shows signs of decay In places get busy at once and secnre ?I the services of a competent tree doctor, bare the wound dng out. scraped and ' a neat cemenpHlltng pnt In. thus prolonging the life of the tree. Bat In the protection of the young trees don't forget to stir up civic pride. Provide for the small boy and enlist I him If you can. It pays better than to permit arrest or threaten with arrest. Don't permit telegraph linemen to mutilate trees or climb them with spikes. Secure the passage of ordinances forcing wires and cables underground wherever practicable. Telegraph and telephone poles are unsightly and interfere with ail schemes of street Improvement and tree planting. - \ I Women Paint Their Church. Women are today playing a prominent part In the Improvement and beautifying of towns. Id Burlington, N. J., a number of women members of the congregation of a prominent church of that place undertook the Job- of painting their edifice leet a campaign of church Improvement sbonld fell through by a lack of funds. Headed fay the paetofs wife, they bravely eat to work with paint pots aad brushes and than formed a pin money fond to employ a 'man to docorate the top ad the beltdtac. ,. h " - * w V NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I have rented tor the year the vmluale Hour and grist mill of Mr. ben. M. loore, and respectfully solicit a share f the public patronage. I guaranteed itisfaction. Wu. JoSBPH ALFOHD. an. 18th, 1911. Important ! ' Owing to a ohange of buaineea all arsons owing me matt tattle at nee. All accounts not settled imlediately will be given to a lawyer >r collection. H. A. Kiwill, M. D. For Sole. Two town lota in Louiaburg?one jntaina a store now occupied by llie Alaton and is located on soulb lain atraet. Tbe other in a nice t on Keniuore Avenue with a ood two atory residence thereon, pply at once to J. P. Timbkrlake. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of le estate of Jacob Evans, deceased, te of Franklin County, I hereby notia'l persons holding claims against te estate of said decedent to exhibit i* same to me on or before tlie 30th iv of December, 1911, or this notice ill be plead in bar of their recovery. II persons indebted to said estate will ease make immediate payment. Dec. th, 1919 _ J. R. COLLIE, nuiniDistraior 01 ja*e ttvads, dec. . H. Yerborough, Jr., Atty. 4 NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of the power and authority ven in a certain deed of trust execut by Jennie C Alston, and her husnd, A. W. Alston to B. T. Hold n, ustee, and recorded in Franklin counregistry, book 162 at page 465. I 11 sell to the highest bidder for cash public auction at the court house or in Louisburg. on the 18th day of sbruary. 1911, at 12 o'clock m the folding town property in Louisburg, C., viz: Beginning on Nash strtet the corner of the brick store occutd by the Beasley-Alston Drug Co , ence along the line of the said brick )re lot N. 32 E. 6 poles 10 links to the awkins corner in the old Shaw line, ence along the old Shaw line S 58 1 pole 5 1-2 links to G. W. Ford's rner in the old Shaw line, thence >ng Ford's line S 32 VV 6 poles 10 ks to Fords corner in Nash street, ?nc? along Nasli street N 58 W 1 pole 1-2 links to the beginning. It being 2 lot upon which is situate the brick >re house occupied by the Alston Co. ring 1910. This the 14th dav of Jan. 11. B. T. HOLDEN, Trustee. CO i i'O II o 2 rk M ? i osi |jP8, -n(^ ^ QQ si, . ? jQo s ? j| H . 3 till 0 w M-a H ^'-01 ?ccKi Q- i to I ""TV * -fc-s" ki. ... ? ?. T'.v< ? EASTERN CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOLI Greenville, N. C. I Spring and Summer Courses fpr Teachers, 1911. Spring term, March 14 to Mar I 20, tea weeks. Summer tein/, June tith to J air 29th, eight weeks. The aim of this course is better to equipWthe teacher for uis work. Text Books?Those H used in the public school of tile State. For further information address Robert H: Wright, President GREENVILLE, N. C. SAVX THE MIDDLE MARS PROFIT I If you will see me or let me see pou before you get your fall mattresses I cap I save you money. Men are generrlly in business for what there la in it. If that I is true I can save you money. Those whoare keeping house want to save all H the money possible, so set* me. I make mattresses of the best feather prrof tick- I ing with a plenty of nice clean cotton and husk. You can have any grade or I of felt or hair mattress you wish aDd you can see and know what y >u got. I G. E. MORRIS, JR. hi < ? r irst national I BANK OXFORD, N C I Capital .. tlOO.OOO.OO I Surplus and Profits 30,000.00 Deposits 500,000.00 We want to do some business with the good people of Franklin H | County. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Write or call on us for anv information. Notice our large capital and surplus. W. A. HUNT. Cashier I | SHOES I I have more Shoes than ro)m. It will pay you t ^k see my line before you buy. s I I have anything you X M 4 want for Men, Ladies 4 I ^ and Children ^ I Brantley . G. Hicks I Louisburg, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~ I Departmknt Of State t CertMcate of Dl olution VV|Sn|fl0 Y Oil To all Whom These Presents May , Come?Greetings: I Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly aathenticated record of the proceedings for tlie voluntary dieB'ilutie" thereof?by?the?uuaai- ?_? A ?.?-? -I mous consent of all the stockholders deposited in my office, that The I Farmers Mufual Tobacco Co., a cor- I poratiou of this State, whose princi- I pal office is situated in the town of XT I Louisburg, county of Franklin and JxLOSt XlEippy State of North Carolina, Jas. M- Allen being the agent therein aBd in charge tnereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21 AND I Revisal of 1906, entitled "Corpora- I tions," preliminary to the issuing of I thin Certificate of Dissolution. 1 Now, Thereof, I, J. Bryan Grimes ^ 1 Secretary of htate of the State of tj?. __ I North Carolina, do hereby certify .1 rOSpGrOUS Il6W that the-said corporation did, on the 25 day of December, 1910, file in my office a daly executed and attested , y.._ consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all I the stockholders thereof, which said I consent and the record of the pro- I ceedings aforesaid are now on file in 1 my office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have V hereto set my hand and affixed my ' ^ official seat, at Balei