FRANKLIN TIME* A. F. JOHNMW. Editor and m-K FRIDAY, Jamuaby 2), 1911, index to saw advaanaaiffairrb TAR DROPS. ?Cotton sold (or 14 3-4 oen yesttrday. ?Quite a good crowd of peop were in town Tuesday. ?A number of horse traders wei on the hill the past week. , ?Several medieine venders wei evidence the past week. ?J. H. Southall hsB moved h family to the Ford residenoe o Cedar street. ?Tobacco market is holding i own and right much of the. wee has been sold tbe"past week. ?Our good friend Will X. Colt was in Louisburg the past week rej resenting the old reliable News Observer. ?Capt. Ernest ttoodwyn, of Ra eigh, is filling the place of Cap. , H. Finlator while he is off on h vacation. ?James, the little four year e' son of Mr. .T. J. Lancaster, wf about two-weeks ago wrenched h ankle, is improving. ?The Farmers Waiehouso w be sold for division on Thursday tl 16th day of February, owing tn< tl tlaath nf \fr W TT Wflrlrlfill. nrl had stock thsrein. ?The members of the U. D. C are to be congratulated for startir a movement to improve our cent tery, and we hope they will me with encouragement from evei source. ?The white sale that is beit conducted at Candler Crow< Co's., the past week has been a gre success. It will be continued tl remainder of the week and no dou it will pay you to visit them. Uei their advertisement. ?There is a movement on fo to improve condicions at the cent tery. Let everybody lend their et couragement and lets show mo respect for our dead. The ladii are especially invited to attend meeting of the U. D. C,, in the M Bonic Hall on next Wednesday a ternoon for the purpose of makir plans for this movement. Of couri every lady in town who can will j out. ?Quite a number of our subseri ers took advantage of the occasion make the editor smile by handii him a dollar the past week. Ai from the many nice things said him about the paper he begins believe he is serving the people re sonably well. However, we wa you to continue to feel that tl Times, being a local county pap< is your paper and you are invited - make use of your right to send anything that is good for publicatii rnn wish. "We want evervbodv - ? r Franklin county to join with us ai we will^show you the largest at hn?t nnnntV paper uo-sible for f per year. ? Sold to Griffln & Beasley Mr. W. B. Cooke, assignee of M. Joyner, informs us that he h sold the stock of goods of said fit to Griffin & Iieasley, who ha moved the same to their store < Main street. Through Road hems. * The hoys gave old Tom anoth trot Saturday, hot it seems that Came elenr. It is stated that Tr was seen to snow hall some of t dogs during the chase. Turn Hight is spending a fr dat s with T. T.. Hunt. G. W. Birrnelte and wife visiti his father last Sunday. -Sam Foster passed through I: Sunday night on his way to Moult Right- many of our people :ir?* : ? tending court this week. _ 1 Rest wishes to the TryKs* and i readers: {" ' . : ' Jay liii^>. A Card -7V To the Good lVeple of Jaoiiishm We most sincerely thank o many trieads and neighbors for t ^ kind serTiets rendered us duri our recent sickness and misforluni T. P. Alford and Family. Bp- " \ v~-' te.. .-.' A...' . L- .6 ? . , J Mrs. Annie Wlleox Allen = This estimable woman waa'-th daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Tho Wilcox, ot Brink!ervilla, N. C., th "" sterling qualities of heqd and heat possessed by the father and th ? brilliant intellect and manv accom plishments of her mother were r< _ produced in their daughter. Th ^ home of her ohildhood was idea Situated in the midst of a ootnmun: I ty where wealth, culture and a lib en 1 hospitality abandoned, it be came the centre where a large circl of friends delighted to gather, an where the serious conversation c ? -congenial friends was intersperse with flashes of wit, bits of brilliar is reparte, and tender words of lovini in fellowships. In this delightful horn herself the centre of the comraun tg ty's admiration, the youthful Anni IC( was reared. Nature lavishly endowed her wit many rare qualities of head and heai She was not only an ardent studei ? of hooks, but was also a close obseri er of men and ot current event j Her mind was well stored with usi j ful knowledge, and her brilliat .g conversation indicated her familiarl with a large range of pottle liter; ture. Her strong, common sent was manifested in her conduct, am 10 although her language was ofte "" poetic in the highest degree, at coald and did live a real life an ill conversed in the most matter of fa< ie way about the common affairs of ei to ery day life. 10 Mrs. Aliens conversational pov ers were remarkable. She did n< X, desire to monopolize conversatio: ig but her friend* had a way of pre e voking her to talk, and eve Bt strangers soon became aware of hi y colloginal powers, and delighted i them: I do not think I ever kne ig t)6r superior in this respec >11 Some years ago, while the inmate < at a hospital in Baltimore, her convei le satioual powers made her the centr bt of the entire institution, id She was an accomplished mui cian. Her natural musical taler ot and her memory were so great tbi e- she played the most difficult piecei l- without the music, after hearin re them one time. Her memory wi ;a so perfect that she bad no difficult a in accurately reporting convera! a- tions, sermons, aod addresses, ni if- only immediately, but after a Ion ig interval. She possessed the gifts c se a poet and wiote verses that wei jo greatly admired by those who wei so fortunate as to hear them. Hi b- poetic language has been compare to to that of Milton for its sublimit ig and to Goldsmith for its strikin id simplicity. B to Mrs. Allen was not only a woma to of brilliant miud, but she had a rn a- ble, loving heart. She was of couri nt devoted to her many friends in hi ae owp iiio circle, dui sne was at n< sr, best in her tender sympathy an to practical happiness to the poor an in needy, the siolc and afHicted, the so an faring and sorrowing. She will l in missed by all, but these will miss h< id most. id For a long time /Mrs. Allei ?1 health had been failing. Ocoasioi ally sKe woiTH raity, Aflll HUf ! would spring up in the hearts of hi loved ones to he quickly blighted 1 J* the return ot the roleniless diatro; as!er. ,n ! During the whole of the past yei *e . her decline was so steady that hi >n j friends lost hope, acd while the 'continued to do all in their 'powi . for her relief, they knew that tl I end was near. The devotion of hi I ] hushami and sons was beautiful u i deed, :?lu! during the month < her life tiny only left her bedsit ' long enough to take necessary r i tresUioeiiiH.* They went with her i fW - , , . . . ^ t o as iIn v I'ouhi into the nivstcrioi l b. rder m id, and only yielded hi up nhii he passed through tl gate into til* beautiful city of..(io< sMuj met her hushami; .Mr. Josei I John Allen in 1801). lie soon leftii ,je?i \u i .. orih and sought 10 win In I . . ' i Iw4.ii t and hand. She and Mr. Alb were united in marriage on the !)i jry-i" December, 187-4,and for thirty s years they lived together in hoi happy wedlock. They were devo <?: ??il lovers to the end of her life. 1 r> ur realized in-her King Solomon's po ho trait of the perfect woman, the lile ng wife. Her loving liuubandj her d 3d. v?te<n?in8 end a doiighter-in-la and her devoted and Ueart hroki ,'i . A - v ' . I W - / . -J ? * '- V brother, Rev. A. G. Wiloox, have ^4 ,e the sincere sympathy ef their many 9 friends. X e She was a devoted Christian, a t consistent member of Louisburg e Baptist Church, a good neighbor, a ^ loyal friend, a devoted wife, mother and sister. She lived an active, ^ e blameless life, and dying said: "I X 1. have nothing to take with me, not i. even a grudge." She died on De- X 1. cember 24tfh 1910, and was burried X 1. at 4 p. m. on vjhristmae day, in Lou- X e isburg cemetery,-in the midst of a X a large concourBe ot those who had ,f known and loved her, A number X a of old family slaves showed their ^ ,t love for her by voluntarily ass:sting 2 in her burial. X ,e Good-bye, dear friend, until we ^ j. meet in a fairer world than this. ? ie T. J. Taylor. 7 Scotland Neck paper please copy. ? rt Castalla Items. it ?Mr. lfnward Collins and Miss A r- ltosa Freeman vtfere united in mars. riage at the home of Mr. W. H. A 9- Drake on Wednesday of last week, it Kev. G. W. May officiating. And ^ :y on Sunday at the home of the brides ^ t- father, Mr. H. R. Griffin, Mr. Sam A ie Leonard and Mies Maude Griffiu A j, noio tuaue man ana wue. tn? -n lives of these young couples always A le be full of jpy and conjugal felicity. A d W. R. Blackwell & Co., owing to ^ 3t poor collections, have made an as- ! ^ ' signment with Mr. G. N. Biseett, of ^ Nashville, as assignee, who is in ^ ' charge and settling the indebtedness " of the firm. a> The block and Shuttle factory is running on full time with Mr. Tom ? n Strickland as manager, with enough ? sr dogwood to enable them to operate ^k n six months. ^k Miss Eva Blass, wh f comes from ^k Greensboro highly endorsed, is till- ^k ing the place of Miss Anderson, as X r" music teacher, and is a'so giving ^k e voice culture ard elocution in the ? high school here. ^k By a unanimous expression the ^ voters in all parties in.Nash county, ^k lt at the November election said a safe ^k salary basis of all county officers ^k -tt was desired, and it is expected by 18 the present legislature that some -T action be taken to csrrj- out the ^k '' wishes of the Democracy of this Jt county. When this wise course is ^k " followed aud our public roads are ^ worked and improved as In your ^k 6 county Nash Will be placed second ^k " to none in the State in the march ot A >r progress and development. ^k ^ F. W. Wheless and A. A. Drake 2 -T have formed a copaitnership and ^k & opened a grocery business here. A We wish them abundant success in A " their new undertaking. ^k Our people, because of the aban- ^k ,e doned condition of our public roads, ... v aiiAauuu iv ?WW) n UUIIU ItlOJe Utl rA Jr lo exceed twenty thousand dollars " ^ to mature in forty years lo make and improve our roads in Castalia ^ ^ township. Pl ?? FOR SALE .?< 5r j I will sail to the highest bidder for cash at the residence of the late Mrs. E. J. Cannady, near Sim's Bridge in X is I Franklin county, on February 10th, ^P 11911, the following articles of personal " j property: One tine set of walnut furni- S )U' miu. walnut wardrobe, china alngnu a -B. j lot of other useful furniture, tables, " j chairs, mahogany dresser, carpets, rugs 3 ?v j feather beds, woolen blankets, a lot of ^P i useful things too numerous to mention j a lot of cows, a lot of sheep, one horse, T. L. Cannady, Adm'r Cfy *r I FARMERS WAREHOt'SE TO BE S *'| SOLD FOR DIVISION. ?y | in accordance with the power and the JjP r?r directions contained in a .certain deed ^P from S. S. Meadows, J. N. Harris, .1. ! ie j It. Collie and T. W. Bickett, executor ! sr . to W. II. Wftddelt. to K B; White, re- | V# ; corded in book 179 page 70. Registry ??f 1_ I Franklin county, I will on Thursday, f r,f the 16th day of Februaiv, 11)11. at the ; ^P j court house door in l.oui<ht;rg. sell at! 1? public auction for cash, ti;e following J C:. described parcel of land: Beginning at; VP a stak<- on ; he south side of Nash street. 118 northeast corner of the brick building, j lrt[ known as the Farmers Warehouse: utP i thene.e along Nash street ih a westerly ! t,r direction to Hughes' oovner on said! & je , street; thence along Hugsivs iine i!i ajVP J southerly direction and ui right angles to Nash street, to Hughes corner on the *- ^ ,h j south ^kle of tho alleyway, h *.u: og 'MB | from Main street l?? Church street, [1" ' tl ent*e-al??rig the homdary of the said &l.! alley wav ir. an csi-terly direction and : I parallel to Nash Street to the point. 'n where the said alley w ay is intersected ;h by the alloy way leading from. Nash j^P [street; thence al?? the western bot.n- \ flp| Mary of said last mentioned alley way j ^ v, in a northerly ?lirection to the begin- VP " ning; being the I?C of land where thejPP -Farmers Warehouseis-situate I lw This land will he sold subject to a | y deed of trust therein, securing a debt! B Y~ of six thousand dollars ($6,000) with inal tercdt on said debt from May 1st, 1910, the said debt being evidenced by three notes of $12,000 each, due on the lbt daj w of May 1911, 1912 andjL913 respectively, ^P This January ltith, 1911. ? ^ R. B. White, Trustee. V \ r~~^ : -?? P - S + ' ...gilJII^||Wpijitl |<y. ty.,.. This is 1 # of new plana for growth, for who accomplish most, the m the men who look ahead and !' In your plana keep the J,'bai money, for Increasing your <Sr At this bank you can start way?the more you cultivate FIR^T ISJATH - - -w m -m a?% i * LOUISBU UNDER SUPERVISION < ... CHftTTf Steel Beam I 72 and 72 Best Plo , Oliver Chill Points, Leutl Plows, Shovels, Picks, G Axes, Steel double and,,sii L. P. ION THE CORNER PHON | OUR -i OUR. .STOR? WILL BE CLo.SE ARY 1.ST-.. FOR THE PURPO AFTER. WHICH DATE WE W TIME BUSINEJ-S. J t 'j I I < . LOUISBURG, "--?======^s~= . - " x _ \ rhe Month I accomplishment. The men ? len vrho "make good" are plan for the future. j uk account idea" for saving j edit, well to the front. an account in a very email | it the faster it will grow. \ A ONAL BANK | RG, N. C * >F U. S. GOVERNMENT J iHOCGfl... 1 I 'lows.No. 63 X 1-2. The | w Made. tier Back Bands, Traces, rub Hoes, Iron \V edges, ^ rigle trees. * , IICKS, | E 42 LOUISBURG, N. C. T D ON WEDNE.5PAY, EE3RU JE or TAKING INVENTORY, 2 'ILL OPEN OUR 300KJ TOR 5 III! 111 . jjr / OTHERS CO. Ijli NorttJ CaroSina - #

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